
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 21

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The unearthed literature databases such as inscriptions on ancient bronze objects of Shang, Zhou Dynasties, Chu Slips of Warring States Period, bamboo slips and stone inscriptions of Qin and Han Dynasties, which have the property of one-time writing, can reveal some problems in the use of “annotation” words when compared with related handed down texts. The issue of stratification involving the attributes of the times and the annotations of Chinese historical materials are often neglected habitually. This kind of investigation and analysis is an important basic subject for mining language and character knowledge as well as forming a knowledge base for development history of characters. Even for chronological questions discussing the writing of relevant texts, some analysis thoughts may be offered.
        2023.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper probes the elements of theoretical necessity, starting with the word ruo (若) in Duan Yucai’s Shuo Wen Jie Zi Zhu (段玉裁《說文解字註》). From the prospective of theoretical methods of “Ruo (若) ,” the theoretical necessity of “Ruo (若) ,” the exegesis functions of “Ruo (若) ” and different intonations with different modal particles, the author conducted multi-level and multi-dimensional analysis on “Ruo (若) ” in Duan Yucai’s Shuo Wen Jie Zi Zhu (段玉裁《說文解 字註》) so as to explore the concepts of theoretical necessity from Duan Yucai.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the development of computer vision with deep learning has made object detection using images applicable to diverse fields, such as medical care, manufacturing, and transportation. The manufacturing industry is saving time and money by applying computer vision technology to detect defects or issues that may occur during the manufacturing and inspection process. Annotations of collected images and their location information are required for computer vision technology. However, manually labeling large amounts of images is time-consuming, expensive, and can vary among workers, which may affect annotation quality and cause inaccurate performance. This paper proposes a process that can automatically collect annotations and location information for images using eXplainable AI, without manual annotation. If applied to the manufacturing industry, this process is thought to save the time and cost required for image annotation collection and collect relatively high-quality annotation information.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Original Characters of Hakka Dialect is a work of Qing Dynasty scholar Yang Gonghuan who researched the original characters of the Hakka dialect and explained the words and expressions of the Jiaying Hakka dialect. At present, no scholar has conducted research on Hakka Benzi from the perspective of pronunciation annotation and textual research. The article uses Hakka monosyllabic words in Hakka Benzi as the research object to explore the general rules of phonetic annotation, and the phonetic interpretation of individual terms exists. Analyze and summarize these problems, and verify them from three perspectives: overview of phonetic and meaning annotations, phonetic annotations, and phonetic annotations supplements and corrections.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jaemulbo (Caiwupu) is a dictionary rich in words, and has the nature of an encyclopedia. Giving a brief description of the collection and interpretation of the terms of plants and animals and observing the acceptance of the Chinese characters and words in the Korean Peninsula, this article singles out four myeongmul (meibutsu) words for textual research in order to observe the characteristics of vocabulary spread to ancient Korea. It has four main objectives. The first is to support the authoritative theory. The second is to ignore character and word relationships that lead to errors although scholars know that glyphs can be used universally. The third is to be cautious not to follow them blindly. The last is to influence the culture of the nation’s famous objects. It is expected that this research can make a significant contribution to the future studies on the spread of Chinese characters.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The collation and research of homographs are very helpful for summarizing the variation rules of writing Chinese characters, collating ancient classics, improving the compilation of large dictionaries, and researching modern Chinese characters. The homographs are very abundant in Buddhist literature, especially in the sound and meaning books of Buddhist scriptures,and many of them are not included in the current large-scale dictionaries. Compiling and analyzing them not only helps to collate the Buddhist scriptures, but also to improve the current large-scale dictionaries.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The development of Nom characters is promoted on the basis of and in attachment with Chinese characters, and in this regard the Phonetic Annotation of the Thousand Character Classic 《千字文解音》 compiled in the late Nguyen Dynasty in Vietnam was a very practical textbook for learning Chinese characters and Nom characters. Based on categorizing Nom characters, the paper intends to clarify several notions on Nom characters of the Phonetic Annotation of the Thousand Character Classic. In the beginning, Nom characters can be divided into two major types: the directly borrowed Chinese characters and the independently invented ones. The former includes borrowing sounds, meanings, and both. The latter, according to the components of Chinese character formations, can be divided into the pictophonetic of Chinese characters and that of Nom characters. In the last part of the article, we summarize the relationship between Chinese characters and Nom characters. It is necessary not merely to consider the relationship but to understand the comparisons between them. With the aid of studying Nom characters, we can find that irrespective of whether they are directly-borrowed from Chinese or independently invented, the sound of Chinese characters is the most important feature for them. But we cannot ignore the ideographic parts of Nom characters because they, on the one hand, make up the phonetic deficiency of Chinese characters while promoting the development of Nom characters on the other. In our modern society, Chinese characters and Nom characters came to drift apart, and the latter especially was withdrawn from the historical stage, but the traditional culture of Vietnam is still recorded in literature both in Chinese characters and Nom characters. Moreover, the Nom character is one of the most important representatives of Vietnam’s traditional culture. For this reason solely, this research shall be a great help to further understanding of significant cross-cultural aspects between China and Vietnam, and more specifically of histories related to the spreading, application, and development of Chinese characters in Vietnam.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Y chromosome is a type of sex chromosome existing primarily in male mammalian species. The Y chromosome passes through the male gamete and determines male sex in humans, non-human primates, and other mammals. The mammalian Y chromosome varies from the X chromosome and the rest of the chromosomes primarily by size and its male sex-determining/spermatogenesis function. In the Y chromosome, male sex-determining function is exclusively located on the short arm, while the spermatogenesis function is distributed widely on the short and long arm. Deletions or mutations particularly in the male-specific region of Y chromosome (MSY) may cause male infertility. During the last few decades, researchers put forth an enormous effort to discover Y chromosome specific genes, and their encoded RNAs and proteins in humans, primates, and rodents. As a result, most of the genes and encoded proteins responsible for male-sex determination, testis development, and spermatogenesis have been discovered in humans, however not well established in non-human primates and rodents. Also, there might be a percent of proteins missing in human Y chromosome. The aim of this study is to annotate the proteins that encoded on the Y chromosome of humans, chimpanzee, and mouse using extensive bioinformatics tools. The human (annotation release 107), chimpanzee (annotation release 103), and mouse (annotation release 105) proteins were first retrieved from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) eukaryotic genome annotation resource database. Then, the annotated human proteins (66 proteins) were compared with the core databases of human proteome project such as neXtProt, PeptideAtlas, and the Human Protein Atlas. The X-homologous of human Y chromosome-encoded proteins were searched using the NCBI Protein BLAST program. The cellular pathways and protein-protein interactions involving human Y chromosome-encoded proteins were searched using the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway mapping database, the Search Tool for the Retrieval of Interacting Genes/Proteins (STRING) database, and the Pathway Studio software. Finally, the human Y chromosome-encoded protein homologs/orthologs in chimpanzee and mouse were analyzed using the NCBI bl2seq program. This analysis resulted a significant number of homologous/orthologous proteins between human, chimpanzee and mouse. Our findings provide the scientific community with updated information on the Y chromosome-encoded proteins in humans, chimpanzee, and mouse.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the abstract, I concretelyexamined a book called 'shinsenjikyo' that introduces various ways to account for 'gujinzi'. Furthermore, from a viewpoint of graphology, I investigated if the explanations in the annotation of the book are about 'gujinzi' that obviously showthe relation of succession in the course of creating a character, atitle letter for searchingthe dictionary of Chinese characters, Chinese characters that arecurrently being widely used, or variants of Chinese characters. Consequently, it was difficult to find 'gujinzi' that obviously showthe relation of succession in the course of forming a character. However, as for Chinese characters that are currentlywidely used, commentaries on 'gujinzi' are quite correct. There are several approachesin identifying the gujinzi relation in characters.To account for the title character, he uses the 'guzi' of the title character or the 'jinzi' of the title character or the 'guzi' and 'jinzi' of the title character. All the three ways shows that the title character and the suggested 'guzi' or 'jinzi' have the same meaning or are substituted or divided characters or are 'gujnzi' that apparently show the relation of succession in the course of forming a character. Accordingly, all the characters are correlatedand were actively used in the past. In conclusion, because the words of 'gu' and 'jin' are used, there was confusion between 'gujinzi' that account for 'guzi' with characters being used currently and widely and 'guzinzi' that means the succession relation in the course of forming a character. However, 'Shochu' seems to be successful in conveying to readers a broad meaning of 'gujinzi' relation that exists in certain Chinese characters.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한글 創製이후 방대한 한문전적에 대한 諺解작업은 가속화되어, 四書三經으로 대변되는 經書의 諺解뿐 아니라, 『杜詩諺解』를 비롯하여 『武藝圖譜通志諺解』에 이르기까지 다방면에 걸쳐 지속적으로 진행되었다. 따라서 文勢와 語脈을 파악해서 句讀를 떼고, 文義를 고려하여 口訣을 사용하여 懸吐하는 과정을 거쳐야만 한문전 적을 제대로 읽고 감상할 수 있다. 그럼에도 句讀와 懸吐, 口訣에 대한 연구는 별다른 진척이 없었던 상황이다. 최근 새로 발굴된 李森煥의 『句讀指南』, 任圭直의 『句讀解法』, 朴文鎬의 『俚讀解』는 句讀와 懸吐, 口訣을 체계적으로 정리한 자료로서, 당시 이와 관련한 學派혹은 學脈을 대변한다. 우리의 句讀는 중국과는 다르며, 특히 懸吐와 밀접한 관련을 맺는다. 따라서 句讀를 구분하더라도 어떠한 吐(口訣)를 붙이느냐에 따라 그 내용과 의미는 전혀 달라진다. 새로 발굴된 자료를 바탕으로 句讀와 懸吐, 口訣의 내용과 특징을 정리 하면 다음과 같다. 1. 文義을 중시하며, 文勢와 語脈을 고려한다. 2. 행위의 주체, 서술의 주체, 時制, 態, 문장구조 등을 고려한다. 3. 虛字, 助辭등을 주목하고 우리의 언어표현(尊稱)을 고려한다. 4. 특정 學派혹은 學脈의 句讀와 懸吐, 口訣에 대한 인식을 대표한다. 李森煥의 『句讀指南』은 懸吐와 口訣을 개괄적으로 설명하고 助辭의 용법을 특기하여 간략하게 정리한다. 한편, 任圭直의 『句讀解法』은 그 내용과 체제가 상 세하고 체계적이며, 懸吐와 口訣은 그 사례가 다양하고 상세하다. 특히, 句讀와 懸吐, 口訣에서 文義를 중시하고 文勢와 語脈을 고려하였음을 보여준다. 끝으로 朴文鎬의 『俚讀解』는 문법이나 구조에 따른 기계적 설명과는 달리, 文勢와 語脈 을 십분 고려하여 축약한 형태이다. 이러한 자료들은 현대 국어의 문법과 그 연관 성을 조명할 수 있는 귀중한 자료로 판단된다. 더욱이 19세기 무렵 다방면에 걸쳐 문헌전적에 대한 수집· 정리 작업이 진행되었던 상황과도 일정정도 관련이 있다 고 하겠다.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        该稿是翻译郑玄的《诗谱序》并附上详细注释的文稿。郑玄《诗谱序》是在中国首次从历史的角度概述诗歌的诞生和发展的一篇500多字的短文。可是郑玄《诗谱序》中察看诗歌的根源后, 提出了诗有‘正’与‘变’之区分的观点。还认为因君臣之间的“情志不通”才作起诗来。他对诗的名称和诗的出现追溯到周国兴起的时代, 认为‘美诗’即‘大雅’与‘颂’先于‘刺诗’。他认定诗歌的出现与政治有密切的关系, 从而表现出过于狭隘的认识。郑玄对作为《诗经》的表现手法的‘赋’、‘比’、‘兴’首次正式阐明了全面的解释。《诗谱序》不仅对《诗大序》有重要补充, 而且为魏晋南北朝时期的系统的文学理论的出现起了导向的意義。刘勰《文心雕龙·時序》雲: “文变染乎世情,兴衰系乎时序。” 实与郑玄所说的“诗之大纲”之观点消息相通。
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        《左传》是一部涉及大约250多年的春秋时代历史的中国最初的完备的编年体历史书。具体记述了春秋时代各国的政治与军事、外交等重大历史事件。整体的思想倾向则接近于儒家, 故强调了阶级秩序与宗法伦理。从当今的文学理论观点察看《左传》, 则难寻以主要范畴议论的内容。《左传》的编书年代迟于《春秋》, 但登载的内容先于孔子时代, 故通过《左传》可以知道孔子和先秦诸子的文论思想产生的背景。尤其偏重《诗经》与政治的关系, 阐明‘赋诗言志’, 生动地反映了春秋时期政治交往当中对《诗经》的具体运用。本文选译了在《左传》接受《诗经》的‘赋’的意义变化和因对‘赋诗断章’的实用主义态度而唤起的文学作品的思想及作品的关系、叔孙穆子的“三不休”论、生动反映春秋时期政治交往中对《诗经》具体运用的一些例子、孔子论诗之前季札观赏音乐演奏而谈及的有关文学批评的理论、有关晏子的“和同之辨”之事。这对理解先秦时期文艺理论方面提供了珍贵的资料。
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The gap between the increasing amount of raw sequence data and qualified biological information is widening: it is not possible to provide qualified annotation for new genomes with the same speed at which sequences are generated -- especially with next generation sequencing technologies. Additionally, managing the huge number ofavailable bioinformatics algorithms represents a challenge of its own. Thus, a systemwhich provides maximum annotation quality with approved methods in a minimum of time is absolutely critical as the basis for the R&D pipeline in industrial biotechnology. Also using those various genome annotation, comprehensive knowledge of a fungal’s biosynthetic capacities is the indispensable basis of its usefulness in the biotechnology research. Comparative genomics is on the rise as a potent tool in molecular biology. The publicly available genomes from yeasts and several fungal species are used to comparative genomics method for discovery of functional information in our research. Also we had integrated information from different data sources to dynamically build semantic networks representing up-to-date knowledge, which can then be mined and analyzed. Through those methods, we could inspect the common features and uniques between yeasts and fungal species in the new aspect.
        2019.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, we present auto-annotation tool and synthetic dataset using 3D CAD model for deep learning based object detection. To be used as training data for deep learning methods, class, segmentation, bounding-box, contour, and pose annotations of the object are needed. We propose an automated annotation tool and synthetic image generation. Our resulting synthetic dataset reflects occlusion between objects and applicable for both underwater and in-air environments. To verify our synthetic dataset, we use MASK R-CNN as a state-of-the-art method among object detection model using deep learning. For experiment, we make the experimental environment reflecting the actual underwater environment. We show that object detection model trained via our dataset show significantly accurate results and robustness for the underwater environment. Lastly, we verify that our synthetic dataset is suitable for deep learning model for the underwater environments.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        우리와 일본의 지성계에서 나타나는 中華思想은 ‘夏夷의 세계관 앞 에 받은 상처의 치유와 극복이라는 지성사적 노력’의 한 모습이라고 나는 본다. 우리와 일본은 각자가 모두 자신의 나라가 중국보다 한층 높은 수준의 학문을 축적하고 있다고 믿었다. 그 믿음이 곧 스스로를 세계의 중심으로 인식하고, 자기 나라를 문명의 주인이라고 자임하게 만든 힘이다. 중화주의의 극복과 해체는 이렇게 중화주의의 내부로부 터 이루어졌다. 본고는 위와 같은 문제의식 아래 조선과 일본이 내세웠던 자부심의 실체로써 두 나라의 경학 성과의 실상을 비교해 보았다. 그 방법으로 먼저 朝日 經學界의 土壤과 雰圍氣를 살펴보고, 이어 대학의 ‘讀音’, ‘著者’, ‘明德과 新民’ 세 爭點에 대한 註釋 양상을 비교하였다. 조선은 朱子學이 經學界의 主流를 이루는 가운데 書院을 중심으로 師說을 繼承·深化하였고, 일본은 자유로운 藩校와 私塾의 분위기 속에 自家의 見解를 제출한 경우가 많았다. 朝鮮 經學家들은 朱子學 內的 論理의 精緻한 分析을 통해 獨自的인 철학 논쟁을 만들고, 그것을 통해 다른 나라에서 찾아볼 수 없는 논제를 만들어가며 獨自的인 학문 체계 를 구축하였다. 일본의 경학가들은 학자마다 이전의 성과를 모두 부정 하고 처음부터 각자의 학문의 체계를 새로이 쌓는 듯한 보습을 보였다. 知性의 浪費라는 측면이 문제될 수 있다는 뜻이다. 그러나 다양성과 비판의 자유 위에서 거둔 무수한 獨創的인 견해들이야 말로 일본 학계 를 풍성하게 한 힘이었다. 요컨대 朝日 양국의 특색 있는 경학적 성과는 ‘中華主意 克復과 解體’ 의 바탕이 되기에 충분한 수준이었다. 그 성과를 밑거름으로 한 양국의 ‘中華主意 克復과 解體’ 과정의 구체적인 진행 양상은 이후의 연구에서 조명하고자 한다.
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