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        검색결과 50

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적 : 본 연구는 입체시 검사법들의 재현성과 교환가능성에 대해 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 안과적 질환과 관련된 진단을 받은 적이 없으며 교정시력이 20/20 이상인 30명을 대상으로 하였다. 굴 절이상을 확인한 후 입체시 검사(티트무스, 랑 Ⅱ, 티엔오, 프리즈비 검사)를 각각 하루 이상의 간격을 두고 두 번 검사하였다. 검사 간의 신뢰도 분석은 급내상관계수를 이용하여 분석하였다. 결과 : 반복 검사를 통한 입체시 검사의 신뢰도 확인에서 프리즈비 검사(p=0.103, ICC=0.99) 에서만 높은 재 현성을 보였다. 입체시 검사 간의 비교에서는 프리즈비와 티엔오 검사(p=0.358, ICC=0.89)에서 좋은 호환성을 확 인할 수 있었다. 20초미만의 작은 차이를 나타내는 경우 또한 42%로 모든 검사법들의 비교 중 가장 큰 비중을 차 지하는 것으로 나타났다. 결론 : 입체시 검사의 진행은 방문 간에 일정하게 유지되는 것이 좋으나 검사 방법들의 특성에 따라 신뢰도와 호환성이 좋은 입체시 검사와 함께 평가되는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구의 결과 프리즈비 검사가 신뢰도와 호환성에서 좋은 것으로 나타나 다른 검사와 함께 평가하는 것이 유용할 것으로 사료된다.
        2024.01 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, the trend in the performance of carbon fiber (CF) and its composite during self-polymerization of polydopamine (PDA) at carbon fiber surface was investigated by varying the self-polymerization time of dopamine in an aqueous solution. Research has shown that the PDA coating elevated the surface roughness and polarity of the inert fiber. The tensile strength of single carbon fiber was significantly improved, especially after 9 h of polydopamine self-polymerization, increasing by 18.64% compared with that of desized carbon fiber. Moreover, the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of CF-PDA9-based composites was 35.06% higher than that of desized CF-based composites. This research will provide a deep insight into the thickness and activated ingredients of dopamine oxidation and self-polymerization on interfacial compatibility of carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        What is purchase motivation for luxury brands? and what kind of process through makes higher cult intention(i.e.,loyalty). How does consumption value affect loyalty? Theoretically, it was studied whether it could be explained. The luxury products and services were divided into categories and surveys were conducted at the national level. This research analyzed the influence of positive affect on cult intention by mediating luxury consumption value with S-O-R frame. The logic was developed with excitation transfer theory. Positive affect, compatibility mediating effect were investigated. Unlike the previous studies that have been recognized as important in terms of symbolic value in luxury brands, it was confirmed that experiential consumption value had the greatest impact. In addition, the influence of functional value and symbolic value had a significant effect. The effect of consumption value on cult intention was mediated by positive affect and compatibility. Therefore, emotional response can be seen as having an effect on cult intention through excitement transfer. These findings suggest that luxury brand marketers need to develop consumer values that can lead to arousal and positive emotional responses to suit consumer lifestyle. The research results are expected to contribute to the experience marketing and the hospitality service of luxury brands.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It is a general phenomenon for manufacturers to provide vertically differentiated product line for more profit through improved market coverage. For such manufacturers, the compatibility between vertically differentiated products is an important decision issue. Some manufacturers provide full compatibility between high and low version products, whereas some provide only downward compatibility for the purpose of recommending high version product. In this study, the two representative compatibility strategies, full or downward, between vertically differentiated products produced by a single manufacturer are analyzed, especially under network externality and in the viewpoint of profit maximization. To do this we used a market model which captures the basic essence of vertical differentiation and network externality. Based on the proposed market model, the profit maximizing solutions are derived and numerically analyzed. The results can be summarized as follows : (1) Regardless of compatibility strategy, under network externality, vertical differentiation is always advantageous in terms of profit. (2) The full compatibility strategy is shown to be the most advantageous in terms of profit. In addition, it is necessary to make quality difference between differentiated products as wide as possible to maximize profit. (3) To gradually drive low version product out of the market and shift the weight pendulum of market to high version product, it is shown that the downward compatibility strategy is essential. Unlike intuition, however, it is also shown that in order to drive low version product out of market, it is necessary to raise the quality of the low version product rather than to lower it.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Maritime transportation plays a significant role in global economies. Seaports as primal nodes in maritime supply chain are also indispensable in ensuring efficient and effective global trading. On the other hand, seaport inefficiencies have profound influences on the overall performance which can cause congestion, operational disruption, high cost expenses, unnecessary wastes and environmental pollution, which eventually resulting significant financial losses. As a result, business and environmental sustainability will not be achieved. In order to overcome these hindrances, a novel performance model of Lean, Agile, Resilience and Green (LARG) is proposed as management tools for enhancing the business and environmental sustainability in seaport supply chain operations. The compatibility of LARG paradigms in seaport supply chain need to be identified and analysed to achieve the research aim. This paper employed a compatibility analysis for the new LARG paradigm for enhancing seaport supply chain practices. In this analysis, all potential paradigms are thoroughly reviewed and further validated by the domain experts consisting of academic and industry experts. The result of this paper shows that 17 selected LARG paradigms are compatible with 23 seaport supply chain practices respectively. For future research, the identified paradigms can be further investigated for many purposes such as measuring their influence on seaport supply chain practices and even assessing their applicability. It is worth mentioning that this research outcomes can assist Malaysian seaport practitioners to develop an enhanced management paradigm to boost their performance based on LARG model. Moreover, this model also can be applied globally as it is able to be adapted, revised and adjusted to suit the seaport preferences. As a result, this model able to enhance business capabilities, operational efficiencies and competitive advantages of seaport supply chain operations globally.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        현대사회 맞벌이부부 여성이 일․가정양립 으로 저 출산에 미치는 요인을 사회가 변화하고 있음에도 불구하고 가사와 양육에 대한 책임이 여성의 몫으로 노동을 병행하도록 하고 있다. 이러한 사회에서 맞벌이 부부가 맘 놓고 아이를 낳을 수 있도록 하고, 출산 가능한 부부는 사회에 이바지 함으로써 출산의지를 갖고 스스로 출산율을 높이는데 공헌하여야 하겠다. 저 출산 해결을 위한 연구는 주로 맞벌이 여성과 여성의 연령을 중심으로 하고 있으나 출산 계획 시 둘째자녀에 대해서는 여러 가지 여건을 고려하여 검토하고 부부간의 합리적인 출산을 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 맞벌이 가정에서도 삶의 질을 높이기 위한 방법으로 출산 계획 시 저 출산에 대한 자료가 없어 어려움이 있었으나, 이 연구를 통해 체계적인 제도와 정부의 지원으로 다양한 혜택을 누릴 수 있기를 바란다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        빅 데이터, 인공지능 등 발전된 정보통신기술 시대를 대비하기 위하여 개인정보의 활용이 절실한 지금, 엄격한 사전 동의 방식을 채택하고 있는 우리의 「개인정보 보호법」이 처리자의 활용 재량을 확대하는 방향으로 개정되어야 한다는 논의가 활발하다. 이런 맥락에서 등장한 것이 「개인정보 보호법」을 개정하여 유럽과 같이 개인정보 처리에 있어서 양립 가능성 개념을 도입하자는 논의이다. 최근의 「개인정보 보호법」의 개정안 중에는 개인정보의 수집·이용(제15조), 제3자 제공(제17조) 및 목적 외 이용·제공(제18조)에 양립가능성 개념을 도입하고 정보주체의 동의 없이도 처리가 가능하도록 예외를 인정하는 법안들이 등장하였다. 그 취지는 개인정보의 보호와 활용의 균형점을 찾는다는 의미에서 의의가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 양립 가능성을 도입하고 있는 「개인정보 보호법」 개정안들도 법 기술방식과 인정 범위에는 차이가 있다. 또한 ‘정당한 이익’의 개념과 혼재되어 사용되고 있기도 하다. 이는 「개인정보 보호법」과 GDPR에서의 개인정보 ‘처리’(processing)를 규정하는 방식이 서로 다르고, 양립 가능성을 우리의 언어로 법문화 하는 과정에서 기인한 차이라고 보인다. 이러한 차이점을 최대한 수렴하여 아래와 같이 개정 방안을 제안하고자 한다. ‘양립 가능성’은 개인정보의 최초 수집이 있고, 그 수집 목적과 다른 새로운 목적이 생겼을 때 양립 가능한지를 판단하는 제도이다. 따라서 「개인정보 보호법」에서의 처리 단계 중에서 ‘목적 외 이용·제공’을 규정하는 제18조에 개념을 도입하고, 양립 가능성 여부를 판단하는 기준도 같은 조문에서 규정하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 보인다. ‘양립 가능한’의 개념은 개정안에 ‘수집 목적과 관련성이 있다고 합리적으로 인정되는’으로 법문화 되었는데 이는 정당한 이익의 개념과 혼동을 줄 수 있으므로, ‘양립 가능한’으로 기술하되 개념의 유동성은 그 판단 기준을 제공함으로써 완화할 수 있을 것이다. 현행 「개인정보 보호법」에서도 통계작성 등 목적으로 ‘특정 개인을 알아볼 수 없는 형태’로 제공하는 것은 동의없이 목적 외로 이용 또는 제공이 가능하다. 그러나 특정 개인을 알아볼 수 없는 형태에 대하여 규정하고 있는 별도의 조항이 없다. 따라서 ‘특정 개인을 알아볼 수 없는 형태’를 ‘가명처리’ 개념으로 대체하고, 통계작성 등 목적 외 처리가 인정되는 경우라 하더라도 가명처리 등 안전조치를 의무화하는 병행 개정이 이루어져야 할 것이다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The unique benefits offered by mobile shopping services have created new value propositions that motivate consumers choosing the mobile shopping channel over other channels. Consumers use the mobile shopping channel in different situational contexts regardless temporal and spatial constraints. The situational motivations using mobile shopping services are from consumer expectations of the benefits they can obtain in a specific situation, driving consumers to use the services again in the situation. Drawing upon assimilation-contrast theory (LaTour & Peat, 1979) and the notion of compatibility in Perceived Characteristics of Innovation (PCI) framework (Rogers, 1995), consumers tend to compare consumption experiences to their internalized standards (e.g., expectations, performance norms) for subsequent evaluations (LaTour & Peat, 1979). When consumer experience of using the product/service is consistent with their internalized standards, consumers will perceive the product or service is compatible, fulfilling their needs and values. Thus, once compatibility of the product or service is determined, consumer continued intention to use the product or service could be increased. By applying this conceptual framework to consumer mobile shopping behavior, this study examined the different sets of situational motivations (i.e., variety seeking, information in planned, time pressure, pleasure in bargain) of mobile shopping and how the different motivational factors may increase compatibility of mobile shopping services and further lead continued intention to use the services. A total 305 completed responses were collected via online. The sample consisted of slightly more female (52.1%) than males (47.9%); ages ranging from 19 to 63. The two steps of structural equation modeling were used to validate measurement model and to test hypotheses using Amos 22.0.The measurement model was evaluated using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, showing a good fit to the data (χ2 = 294.218 with 103 df at p-value .000, CFI of .926, and RMSEA of .078). The fit statistics of the structural model indicated a good fit to the data (χ2 = 317.925 with 107 df at p-value .000, CFI of .919, and RMSEA of .081). The study found that variety seeking (Г = .942, t = 5.254, p-value < .001) and time pressure (Г = .205, t = 1.970, p-value= .049) motivations were positively related with mobile shopping compatibility and the compatibility had positive effect on continued intention to use mobile shopping services (β = .836, t = 14.362, p-value < .001). This study results suggest that variety seeking and time sensitive consumers perceive that mobile shopping channel fulfills their needs. This study also found that these specific motivations could increase the degree of mobile shopping channel compatibility, resulting in continued intention to use the mobile shopping channel. The findings of this study enable academics and retailers to understand consumer situational motivations in using the mobile shopping channel and serve to help retailers develop mobile shopping services and apps meeting consumer needs in different situations.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, the structural characteristics of a lightweight soundproof tunnel to reduce the dead load imposed on the bridge are investigated. Subsequently, the design procedure of soundproof tunnel structures is reviewed and a design practice for the lightweight soundproof tunnel is carried out according to the reviewed procedure. Next, design compatibility for the lightweight soundproof tunnel is verified through a detailed finite element analysis. The result for evaluation of design compatibility shows that the lightweight soundproof tunnel has structural safety in structural members, welding zones and foundation parts. It is also confirmed that serviceability and buckling safety is excellent.
        2011.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Ti-6Al-4V ELI (Extra Low Interstitial) alloy has been widely used as an alternative to bone due to its excellent biocompatibility. However, it still has many problems, including a high elastic modulus and toxicity. Therefore, nontoxic biomaterials with a low elastic modulus should be developed. However, the fabrication of a uniform coating is challenging. Moreover, the coating layer on Ti and Ti alloy substrates can be peeled off after implantation. To overcome these problems, it is necessary to produce bulk Ti and Ti alloy with hydroxyapatite (HA) composites. In this study, Ti, Nb, and Zr powders, which are biocompatible elements, were milled in a mixing machine (24h) and by planetary mechanical ball milling (1h, 4h, and 6h), respectively. Ti-35%Nb-7%Zr and Ti-35%Nb-7%Zr-10%HA composites were fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at 1000˚C under 70MPa using mixed and milled powders. The effects of HA addition and milling time on the biocompatibility and physical and mechanical properties of the Ti-35%Nb-7%Zr-(10%HA) alloys have been investigated. Ti2O, CaO, CaTiO3, and TixPy phases were formed by chemical reaction during sintering. Vickers hardness of the sintered composites increases with increased milling time and by the addition of HA. The biocompatibilty of the HA added Ti-Nb-Zr alloys was improved, but the sintering ability was decreased.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Koch) is one of the serious pests in economically important crops such as strawberry and cucumber and so on. Acaricides have been used as the main control agents. This study was conducted to test the synergistic effects of the Beauveria bassiana GHA, which has been registered for whitefly and thrips, and five pesticides (abamectin, acrinathrin, bifenthrin imidacloprid, dinotefuran, and indoxacarb, which are commonly used pesticides in strawberry in Korea), on the two-spotted spider mite T. urticae. Five tested pesticides did not inhibit spore germination and mycelial growth of B. bassiana. Pesticides were applied to potted strawberry plants at four different treatments (recommended concentration, 1/5 recommended concentration, 1/5 recommended concentration + GHA(108 conidia/ml), and only GHA(108 conidia/ml). Mortality in larvae of two-spotted spider mite was 12% in GHA 5 day after treatment. Mortality in abamectin treated T. urticae was 98.5% and 100% at 1/5 recommended concentration and recommended concentration, respectively, 3 days after treatment. Acrinathrin, indoxacarbe, dinotefuran and difenthrin imidacloprid caused 60%, 14%, 16% and 91% mortality at recommended concentration 5 day after treatment. The tested five pesticides and B. bassiana GHA had no synergistic effect.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We prepared polycarbonate (PC)/poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanocomposites by co-rotating twin screw extruder at 533 K. Thermal analysis results indicate that the miscibility of PC and PMMA is enhanced by MWCNTs. Bead necklace-like morphology of PMMA-rich phase is observed in PC/PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites with increasing PMMA weight fraction due to the bead necklace-like morphology. The tensile strength of PC/PMMA (75/25)/MWCNT (1 wt.%) nanocomposite is 3% higher than those of PC/PMMA (75/25) alloy. Suppression of die swell by MWCNT filler is observed in the melt flow of PC/PMMA/MWCNT nanocomposites during extrusion.
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