Along with the increase in demand for rescue services, the types of rescue services are also diversifying. Accordingly, rescue workers are exposed to various unpredictable dangerous situations, and the possibility of safety accidents is increasing, so the need for systematic management of safety accidents by rescue teams is emerging. It is necessary to present a roadmap for improving the quality of rescue services. An integrated technology roadmap tool that can be used immediately to improve structural quality was applied. The driving elements of the roadmap are composed of three elements that constitute the improvement of structural quality. It can be divided into safety management, professional competence and other (policy support) fields. This study intends to present a long-term and short-term roadmap by dividing it into safety management, professional competency, and other (policy support) fields.
Assessment of noise exposed population is to check the environment noise level and social influence in order to reduce the risks such as annoyance and disturbance that are generated by environmental noise. Also, this method suggests the preferential noise abatement policy and action plan by accurately finding the area that the noise causes harmful effect to human health. Recently, a noise map, which can predict noise in comprehensive area, is used for the assessment of noise exposed population, breaking from the methods using existing measures. In particular, countermeasure for noise can be considered more effectively by using assessment methods of noise exposed population for specific noise level, area and building types which are the main input factors in noise maps. In this study, we propose noise prediction at traffic noise due to noise map.
The Korea Energy Master Plan was first developed in 2008 to achieve sustainable economic development and energy security while considering environmental impact. The plan is to be updated every five years to consider environmental changes and changes in energy market supply and demand. In response to climate change, the 2008 master plan identified the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as the primary global issue for energy policy. The plan calls for maximum use of nuclear power and renewable energy and dramatic curb of energy demand. Its energy policies primarily focus on ways Korea can provide an affordable and stable supply of power while supporting economic growth and industrialization (Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy [MOTIE], 2014). The policy has brought significant growth to the renewable and nuclear power generation industries. However, cheap electricity has increased electricity consumption and destabilized the supply-demand power balance. The construction of more power plants to meet growing electricity demands has also had negative impacts such as increased greenhouse gas emissions, an overloaded electricity transmission network, and opposition from local residents near power lines and power plants. In accordance, the second energy policy in 2014 focuses on (MOTIE, 2014): 1. Transitioning to demand management 2. Building a distributed generation system 3. Balancing between environmental and safety concerns 4. Enhancing energy security and energy supply stability 5. Establishing a stable supply system for each energy source 6. Shaping energy policy to reflect public opinion Regarding market trends and consumer/industry demands, the Korean economy is relatively high in energy use per GDP unit. Korea’s many energy-intensive industries and cheap electricity have caused the industrial sector to sharply increase its demand for cooling and heating. The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident in Japan heightened public fears about nuclear power generation. From 2010 to 2035, as developing countries grow in economics and population, global energy demand is expected to increase by 48.3% and greenhouse gas emissions by 40.2%. As the cost of oil rises and unconventional energy sources such as shale gas and tight oil are developed, negotiations on a new post-2020 global climate framework will change the energy market landscape. Regarding energy demand management, the plan focuses on revising electricity rates to ease overconsumption and to reflect environmental and social costs such as refurbishment of nuclear facilities and the transmission network, different pricing for different types of voltage use, progressive rate relief, and expansion of critical-peak pricing. It applies information and communications technology (ICT) demand management by deploying smart grid incentives for energy storage system installation, revising standards for building design, and invigorating the demand management market. To balance electricity consumption ratios, the plan advocates increasing renewable gas, coal, and oil consumption. To establish a stable supply system for each energy source, the plan suggests diversifying oil import routes to respond aggressively to global market changes such as the emergence of shale gas. It recommends supplying more than 15% of power from distributed sources such as integrated energy systems, renewable energy, and in-house generators, and constructing power plants in areas that have sufficient electricity transmission capacity. It also suggests accelerating the use of eco-friendly and renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, fuel cells, and energy storage systems to reduce CO2 emissions. In environmental protection and improved safety for power plant operation, the plan advises using greenhouse gas reduction technologies such as ultra-supercritical and carbon capture and storage for thermal power plants as soon as they are available. It prioritizes nuclear plant safety by expanding investment, improving management of aged plants, and fostering planned and preventive inspections. It also recommends responding proactively to energy-related conflicts by improving transparency in electricity transmission network and spent nuclear fuel management policies. The plan gives several insights into the future of energy marketing. First, as electric charges increase, customers will have more interest in energy issues such as electricity consumption and CO2 emissions when they purchase product. They will want manufacturers to divulge the energy efficiency of products. As technology develops, products will add additional functions that will increase future product costs. Eventually products that consume less energy will be more competitive as customers consider total ownership costs. The new market trends will create and expand the need for energy management systems utilizing ICT, renewable energy, and safety in nuclear power plants.
국제해사기구(IMO)와 세계 해운계는 해양환경 보호 빚 해상안전 확보를 위해 각종 국제협약을 사행하고 있으나, 해양사고에 의한 인명, 재산, 환경의 피해는 지속적으로 증가하고 있다. 해양 사고의 주요 요인은 많은 개발도상국들이 해사안전기술을 갖추지 못해 IMO에서 요구하고 있는 국제협약을 이행하지 못한 것으로 분석된다. 우리나라는 과거 수원국가에서 최초로 대개도국 지원국가(DAC)에 참여하여, 대개 도국 지원정책을 강화하고 있다. 그러나 해안 대개도국 지원업무는 농어촌 개발 및 사회간접자본 확충 등에 치중하였으며, 해양안전부문은 극히 미흡하였다. 그러나 우리나라는 세계 10위권의 해운국가로 부상하고 IMO A그룹의 이사국으로 피선됨에 따라 개도국의 해양안전 및 환경보호를 위한 지원압력이 국제사회로부터 가중되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 해사안전기술의 대개도국 이전을 위한 로드맵의 작성방안과 이행전략으로서 개도국 수요조사, 자금확보, 조직, 인식제고 등을 제시하였다.
Road-map for the environmental friendly integrated pest management (IPM) of insect pests was drawn up on the strawberry vinyl-houses of farmer’s field. Major insect pests were occurred Tetranychus urticae and Aphis gossypii during the strawberry plant seeding in the vinyl house and open field. Also, same insect pests were occurred in the vinyl house during harvesting season of strawberry. For the control of T. urticae and A. gossypii, Phytoseiulus persimilis and Aphidius colemani as natural enemies were input to the vinyl house, respectively. However, because these natural enemies could not control insect pest populations, acaricide and insecticide were sprayed. Then natural enemies were input again in the vinyl house. Natural enemies could not endure the intense cold and differences of temperature and relative humidity between day and night during strawberry harvesting season. So, their behavior and control activity of pests were more decrease than pests. Firstly, natural enemies are input in the vinyl house during the early breeding season of strawberry, secondly, acaricides and insecticide are sprayed for the control of mites and aphids, respectively, during the middle breeding season in the hard winter. Finally, natural enemies are re-input in the vinyl house during the middle and late breeding season.
It is an hot issue to reduce vibration for improving quality, reliability and safety in railway vehicles including magnetic levitation, monorail way, surface car etc. This paper aims at literature survey in rolling stocks vibration standards. Firstly, we investigate literature concerned vibration test standards and compare these standards. Secondly, we give some suggestions for future study and developing new test standards.
This paper is concerned with a six sigma application to non-manufacturing process. Based on the comparison to manufacturing process, non-manufacturing process has some specific characteristics. The main focus of this study is to introduce an empirical c
Service and administration departments in several companies adopt a program called Six Sigma, in order to make fundamental changes in Korea and abroad. This paper is concerned with a six sigma DMAIC road map for service and white-color management process. This road map consists of 13 steps which considers the employee's majors and characteristics of the business process, For commercial quality, the proposed road map were actually applied and successfully fulfilled to H company.
Among many logistics technologies, primary area should be investigated in terms of long term periods. Therefore private company and public sector can visualize approaches to their corresponding industry. In this paper, we introduce vision and roadmap for
During the past decade the world solar physics community has made significant progress in understanding the Sun and its interaction with the heliosphere and Earth's magnetosphere. NASA in coordination and cooperation with many other countries has had impressive results with the SOHO, YOHKOH, POLAR, GEOTAIL, etc spacecraft. These successes have given us a sound foundation to proceed into the new century. The two current main efforts in the U.S. are the Solar Terrestrial Probes (STP) and Living With A Star (LWS) programs. The STP program is basically science driven with new missions being selected on the basis of basic science discovery. The LWS program is focused on understanding the basic physics of solar variability and its effects on Earth systems. The current plans for these two programs are discussed.
2007년 초 1만1천TEU 엠마머스크호의 첫 등장을 필두로 향후 5년 이내 1만5천TEU급의 극초대형선 등장이 예견됨에 따라 항만관련 기술들의 고생산성화, 첨단화, 자동화, 효율화는 필수적으로 동반되는 미래의 요구사항으로 대두되고 있다. 이러한 급격한 항만환경변화에 대응하기 위해 세계 선진항만운영사와 기업들은 항만산업시장 선점과 기술개발경쟁을 치열하게 벌이고 있다. 국내에서는 기존에 체계적, 분석적, 세부적인 항만기술개발 로드맵이 없어 국가적 항만기술개발 정책의 효율적 추진과 국내 항만관련 산업의 활성화를 이루지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 세계 항만환경변화 추세를 바탕으로 분야별 국내 항만기술의 개발과제 도출과 개발우선순위를 분석하였고, 분야별/기술별 개발시점에 따른 거시적 로드맵 및 분야별 개발기술에 대한 제품개발과의 연관 로드맵을 수립하였다.