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        검색결과 18

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Flexible self-supported laser-induced graphene (LIG) electrode devices were facilely fabricated through laser ablation technique by employing commercial polyimide film as the precursor material. Compared with the widely used traditional glassy carbon electrodes, the resulted LIG electrodes displayed abundant porous structure and surface defects. Notably, the onestep yielded LIG electrode devices were endowed with large electrochemically active surface area and accelerated electron transfer ability. Benefiting from its superior electrochemical property, these unmodified LIG electrodes exhibited remarkable enhanced electrochemical oxidation reactivity toward the food additive molecule Allura Red. Based on the augmented oxidation signal of Allura Red molecules on the LIG electrodes, a novel electrochemical sensor with high sensitivity for the detection of Allura Red was successfully developed. The sensor demonstrated a linear detection range spanning from 5 nM to 1 μM and exhibited a detection limit as low as 2.5 nM. Besides, the sensitivity was calculated to be 240.62 μA μM−1 cm− 2. More importantly, the sensor manifested outstanding stability, reproducibility, and practicality, further emphasizing its potential for real-world application.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to analyze the indoor air quality of multi-use facilities using an IoT-based monitoring and control system. Thise study aims to identify effective management strategies and propose policy improvements. This research focused on 50 multi-use facilities, including daycare centers, medical centers, and libraries. Data on PM10, PM2.5, CO2, temperature, and humidity were collected 24 hours a day from June 2019 to April 2020. The analysis included variations in indoor air quality by season, hour, and day of the week (including both weekdays and weekends). Additionally, ways to utilize IoT monitoring systems using big data were propsed. The reliability analysis of the IoT monitoring network showed an accuracy of 81.0% for PM10 and 76.1% for PM2.5. Indoor air quality varied significantly by season, with higher particulate matter levels in winter and spring, and slightly higher levels on weekends compared to weekdays. There was a positive correlation found between outdoor and indoor pollutant levels. Indoor air quality management in multi-use facilities requires season-specific strategies, particularly during the winter and spring. Furhtermore, enhanced management is necessary during weekends due to higher pollutant levels.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The blackish cicada, Cryptotympana atrata Fabricius, 1775 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) was originally distributed mainly in the southernmost remote island, Jeju and rarely throughout low lands in South Korea, but has been explosively increased at the urban areas, where annual temperature is higher. In this study, we sequenced a partial mitochondrial COI from a total of 171 individuals collected throughout 12 localities in South Korea. The haplotype found with the highest frequency in Jeju island shares only with two inland localities in southern region with a low frequency, whereas the haplotype found with the highest frequency throughout inland localities was not found in Jeju island. These results showed that Jeju population, southern region, and other inland populations form somewhat different genetic groups.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The permanent shut-down of Kori unit 1, the first nuclear power plant (NPP) in Korea, generates various radioactive waste. They are dry active waste (DAW), spent resin, concentrated waste, activated metals, etc. During normal operation of NPP, activated metals are rarely generated. The decommissioning of NPP, however, generates massive amount of metallic waste including activated metals and contaminated metals, while normal operation generates small amount of metallic waste. The reactor vessel and internals are relatively highly activated components in NPP. Since they are exposed to the high concentration of neutrons during the operation, their contains relatively high radioactive nuclides. They activation analysis is usually performed to understand the radiological inventory of the activated reactor vessel and internal. The results offer various important information including, radiological inventory, waste classification, etc. The impurities in the carbon steel and stainless steel have a great impact on the radiological inventory of the activated metals. The cobalt, nickel, niobium are primary elements that affects the activation analysis and waste classification. Especially, the cobalt, which transforms to 60Co, plays an important role. The 60Co, strong gamma emitter, affects the waste classification, safety analysis of decommissioning workers, and determination of segmentation and package plans. In this paper, effects of impurity concentration on activation analysis is studied. The expected impurity from various sources, including NUREG/CR-3474, commercial NPP data, etc, and effects will be demonstrated. Also, the comparison between results and international experiences will be followed.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        내혼계 배추에서 BrSOS1 (3,432개 뉴클레오티드), BrSOS2 (1,341개 뉴클레오티드), BrSOS3 (666개뉴클레오티드) 유전자들을 동정하였으며, 담배를 대상으로 BrSOS3 완전장이 전이되는 pSO3 계통과 RNA interference(RNAi) 기법으로 담배 SOS3(NtSOS3) 유전자의 발현을 억제하는 pSI3 계통을 생산하였다. 두 계통을 200mM NaCl에서 5일동안 염 스트레스 처리를 한 결과, pSO3 계통은 NtSOS3의 발현이 비형질전환체 대비 2.5배 이상 증가하였고, pSI3 계통에서는 4배까지 감소하였다. 표현형 분석에서도 pSO3 계통은 정상적인 생육을 보임으로써 염 스트레스에 저항성을 가지는 것으로 나타났지만, pSI3 계통은 그렇지 못하였다. 위 결과들을 근거로 BrSOS3 유전자의 발현은 작물의 염 저항성 향상에 매우 밀접하게 연관된 것으로 판단된다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        월경은 모든 여성에게 불가피한 현상으로 이 기간에 이르는 불편의 경감은 여성의 풍요로운 삶을 위한 중요한 과제이다. 본 연구에서는 일회용과 다회용 패드 생리대의 소비자 사용평가를 통하여 생리대 사용에 따른 실질적 인 문제점을 파악하고 소비자의 니즈에 맞게 개선하기 위한 기초 정보를 제공하는 데 목적을 두었다. 연구결과, 월경에 대한 응답자의 증상은 긍정보다는 부정적인 측면이 우세하여 생리기간이 고통스러운 경험으로 인식되고 있었으며 일회용 생리대와 다회용 생리대의 디자인, 성능, 맞음새, 사용감, 관리에 대한 긍정적, 부정적 평가 내 용에 차이가 있었다, 스왓분석을 통해 일회용 생리대는 사용 편리성이 강점인 반면, 착용감이 약점으로, 다회용 생리대는 착용감이 강점인 반면, 관리 불편이 약점으로 제기되었다. 이러한 결과를 반영한 감성 설계가 이루어진 다면 소비자는 보다 쾌적한 생리 기간을 영위할 수 있으며 궁극적으로 생산업체에 수익을 가져오는 상승효과를 불러올 수 있으리라 기대한다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중동지역은 PET 합섬직물이 이들의 평상복으로 많이 사용되고 있으며, 여성복은 차도르(Chador) 그리고 남성복은 토베(Thobe)라고 불려진다. 그리고 이들 PET 직물은 미세한 촉감특성에 따라서 수출가격의 큰 차이를 가져오며 원사의 특성과 제조공정 특성에 의해 미세한 감성촉감의 차이를 유발한다. 본 연구에서는 고가에 팔리고 있는 일본 데이진 제품과 비교하여 본 연구에서 개발된 중동 남성복 Thobe 제품의 감성특성을 분석하고 미세한 감성촉감의 원인을 규명하여 원사 및 최적 생산공정조건에 관한 연구를 수행하였다. 본 연구에서는 일본 데이진 직물 4가지를 목표품질시료로서 준비하였고, 개발을 위한 시생산제품으로 5가지 직물을 시생산하였다. 실의 굵기, 꼬임수 그리고 실의 세팅조건 및 직물의 밀도 등을 바꾸어 연축과 직축 그리고 가공축 등의 설계조건을 바꾸어 주었다. 본 연구수행의 결과 데이진 Thobe 제품의 감성특성을 원사 및 직물에서 분석하고 이들 감성특성 분석 자료를 바탕으로 사가공(絲加工)기술과 3차원 직물설계 시뮬레이션 기술을 바탕으로 감성 토베 직물의 설계기술을 확립하였다.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 고감성 의류로 사용되는 국내.외 남성용 소모직물 40종의 시료를 이용하여 이들 소모직물의 물성을 비교.분석하였다. 이들 시료는 1차시료 14개와 2차 시료 26개로 나누어지며 국내와 국외 시료로 구분하여 비교.분석하였다. 물성분석은 Blind field test를 이용하여 전문위원단에 의해 주관적인 물성 평가를 실시하여 국내.외 남성용 소모직물의 물성을 비교.분석하였다. Blind field test는 촉감(부드러움, 탄력감), 색상(선명도, 심색미), 외관(깨끗함, 자연광택), 비교 선호도 등으로 4개군으로 test는 총 7개의 평가항목으로 나누어 전문평가단에 의해 주관적으로 평가하였다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was performed to analyze the effects of a water circulation green area plan on non-point source pollution in Gimhae South Korea. A quantitative analysis of Arc-GIS data was conducted by applying a watershed model based on Fortran to investigate the changes to direct runoff and pollution load. Results showed that prior to the implementation of the water circulation green area plan in Gimhae, direct runoff was 444.05 m3/year, total biological oxygen demand (BOD) pollution load was 21,696 kg/year, and total phosphorus (TP) pollution load was 1,743 kg/year. Implementation of the development plan was found to reduce direct runoff by 2.27%, BOD pollution load by 1.16% and TP pollution load by 0.19% annually. The reduction in direct runoff and non-point source pollution were attributed to improvements in the design of impermeable layers within the city.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Understanding salt tolerance mechanisms is important for the increase of crop yields, and so, several screening approaches were developed to identify plant genes which are involved in salt tolerance of plants. Here, we transformed the Arabidopsis cDNA library into a salt-sensitive calcineurin (CaN)-deficient (cnbD) yeast mutant and isolated the colonies which can suppress salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbD mutant. Through this functional complementation screen, a total of 34 colonies functionally suppressed the salt-sensitive phenotype of cnbD yeast cells, and sequencing analysis revealed that these are 9 genes, including CaS, AtSUMO1 and AtHB-12. Among these genes, the ectopic expression of CaS gene increased salt tolerance in yeast, and CaS transcript was up-regulated under high salinity conditions. CaS-antisense transgenic plants showed reduced root elongation under 100 mM NaCl treatment compared to the wild type plant, which survived under 150 mM NaCl treatment, whereas CaS-antisense transgenic plant leaves turned yellow under 150 mM NaCl treatment. These results indicate that the expression of CaS gene is important for stress tolerance in yeast and plants.
        2011.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Low temperature stress is one of the major negative factors affecting vegetative and reproductive growth of rice. To better understand responses of rice plants to low temperature we analyzed transcriptome expression patterns in glumous flower of cold-tolerant japonica rice variety, Stejaree45, and cold-susceptible variety, HR19621-AC6 at booting stage under cold water irrigation. A total of 2,411 probes were differentially expressed by low temperature in glumous flowers of the two varieties. Some important genes involved in hormone biosynthesis showed variety-specific regulation. Expression of GA20ox3 and GA2ox, among the genes involved in GA biosynthesis, was regulated differentially in the two varieties. Among the genes involved in IAA biosynthesis, YUCCA1 and TAA1:1 showed variety-specific regulation. Among the genes involved in cytokinin biosynthsis and signaling, expression of LOG, HK1 and HK3 was significantly down-regulated only in the cold-susceptible variety. Among the genes involved in ABA biosynthesis, NSY and AAO3 were down-regulated only in the cold-tolerant variety. In general, genes involved in GA, IAA and cytokinin biosynthesis responded to cold temperature in such a way that capacity of those bioactive hormones is maintained at relatively higher levels under cold temperature in the cold-tolerant variety, which can help minimize cold stress imposed to developing reproductive organs in the cold-tolerant variety.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Photoperiod sensitive genetic male sterile (PGMS) rice is sterile mutant controlled by photoperiod. A PGMS mutant 920S was sterile grown under long-day (LD) photoperiod (14 h light/10 h dark) but fertile grown under short-day (SD) photoperiod (10 h light/14 h dark). Proteome analysis revealed that 12 protein spots were differentially expressed in the spikelets of 920S plants either treated with LD or SD photoperiod. Among these proteins, three proteins including chlorophyll a/b binding protein, vacuolar ATPase β-subunit,~;α-tubulin and an unknown protein were more than three-fold abundant in the spikelet of the SD-treated plants than those of the LD-treated plants. On the other hand, eight proteins including acetyl transferase, 2, 3- biphosphoglycerate, aminopeptidase N, pyruvate decarboxylase, 60S acidic ribosomal protein and three unknown protein spots were more abundant in the spikelets of the LD-treated plants than those of the SD-treated plants. The results suggest that the observed proteins may be involved in sterile or fertile pollen development under LD or SD photoperiod respectively in the PGMS mutant rice.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Photoperiod sensitive genetic male sterile (PGMS) rice 920S was characterized as sterile when it was grown under longday condition but fertile when grown under short day condition. PGMS rice 920S, Fl and F2 plants were examined for their fer-tilities unde