
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the quality characteristics of dry-fermented sausage using goat meat and evaluated its applicability. For this, the samples were prepared by dry-fermenting a control (100% pork) and two treatments (50% goat meat replacement or 100% goat meat replacement) for 21days. The moisture content, ㏗ and water activity were decreased in all treatments whereas lactic acid bacteria (LAB), texture profile analysis (TPA) and volatile compounds were increased during dry fermentation periods. In comparison of treatments, the dry-fermented sausage showed no significant difference in proximate compositions, yield, ㏗, water activity, LAB and TPA compared to the control (P>0.05). However, sausages with goat meat also had significantly higher values of C14:1, C18:1t and C18:3 than the control (P<0.05). Analysis of volatile compounds showed increased level of hexanal, octanal and 1-hexanol as replacing pork by goat meat in dry-fermented sausages (P<0.05). Goat meat replacement increased flavor intensity of dry-fermented sausages, but no difference was observed in overall acceptability score of the control and treated samples (P>0.05). Therefore, goat meat could be useful on raw material in dry-fermented sausage as well as pork.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seolleongtang, a traditional broth in Korea, is expected to become a hot global item for its unique flavor and healthiness. In this study, the correlations between sensory attributes and physicochemical characteristics were studied for the popular seolleongtang stock products through descriptive analysis, sensory evaluation and analysis of salt, soluble solid, protein, viscosity and color for the quality control. Our results indicate that color, concentration, viscosity, and freshness are important attributes in evaluating the quality of seolleongtang stock. There were significant differences between preference and sensory attributes among the stock products. Significant correlations were found between flavor and texture and overall acceptability, as well as beany odor and aroma. Preference and physicochemical aspects also correlated, and indicate that a range of salt, solubility, and viscosity are applicable as quality control factors in seollengtang stock.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the effect of market weight on the sensory attributes of Korean native black pork. The M. longissimus from Korean native black pigs (KNP) with market weight of 56 kg and 70 kg were utilized as experimental materials. The intramuscular fat content, a* (redness) and b* yellowness) values were higher in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). In TPA, hardness, adhesiveness, guminess and chewiness were lower in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). The marbling score, meat color and overall liking among sensory evaluation of raw pork and taste, texture and overall liking among sensory evaluation of cooked pork were higher in KNP with market weight of 70 kg than in KNP with market weight of 56 kg (p<0.05). Therefore, higher market weight of KNP increased the sensory attributes of pork.
        2002.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mulberry Leaf (Morus-alba) is effective on reducing blood sugar increase and cholesterol in the blood. The objective of this study is to elucidate the sensory and physicochemical attributes of Mulberry Leaf Boogag with different amounts of glutinous rice paste and ginger juice. Mulberry Leaf Boogag, steamed for 90 seconds, was made by puffing the glutinous rice paste and ginger juice. The ratio of glutinous rice paste is made of a double, quintuple, and octuple proportion of water to the weight of the glutinous rice paste. The ratio of ginger juice is at a rate of one, three and five percent. According to the sensory evaluation, hardness and crispiness increased as the glutinous rice paste did, and ginger flavor, bitterness and sourness increased as the ginger juice did. Optimal conditions(p<0.05) were set when the value of hardness was more than five, and the value of bitterness and bitingness, lower than five. The optimal condition of Mulberry Leaf Boogag was established when the ratio of water to glutinous rice paste was 5.5, and in addition, 3.75 percent of ginger juice must be in proportion.
        2001.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 우리나라의 여러 가지 산채류 중에서 식이섬유와 flavonoid 함량이 높은 참취를 편리하게 섭취할 수 있도록 건조 분말 형태로 찹쌀떡에 이용하였다. 참취와 소금의 첨가수준에 따른 이화학적, 관능적 특성을 알아보고 노인에게 적합한 건강식을 개발하고자 하였다. 참취와 소금의 첨가량에 따른 찹쌀떡의 관능적 특성을 조사한 결과 관능적 특성 중 쓴맛과 참취향은 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 유의적으로 증가하였고, 소금첨가량에는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 짠맛은 소금 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였고 참취 첨가량에는 유의적 차이가 없었다. 경도는 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 촉촉한 정도는 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 덜 촉촉하였으며 쫄깃한 정도는 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였는데 유의적 차이는 없었다. 수분함량은 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였고 소금 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 색도 측정 결과 백색도는 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였고 소금 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 녹색의 정도(a)는 참취 첨가량과 소금 첨가량이 많아질수록 증가되었다. 황색도(b)는 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였고 소금의 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가했다. flavonoid 함량은 참취 첨가량이 증가할수록 증가하였고 소금 첨가량이 증가할수록 감소하였다. 참취 찹쌀떡을 제조하기 위한 요인들의 최적수준은 참취향이 최대이면서 쓴맛은 최소인 수준에서 경도가 가장 낮은 처리 조합으로 결정하였다. 그 결과 최적 수준은 3.1%, 소금 0.6% 첨가로 결정되었다.
        1989.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        탁주의 맛을 표현하는 용어를 설문조사 방식으로 수집하여 맛, 냄새, 색깔, 입속의 감촉 등 관능적 특성에 따라 분류하고 이를 바탕으로 하여 가열살균에 의한 탁주의 관능적 품질변화를 통계적 방법으로 평가하였다. 탁주의 주요 품질요소로는 색깔에서 백색, 회색, 황색 냄새로는 시큼한 냄새, 쉰냄새, 맛으로는 신맛, 떫은맛, 쓴맛, 단맛, 입속의 감촉으로는 텁텁하다, 걸죽하다, 청량감 등으로 밝혀졌다. 82, 93℃ 및 135℃에서 각 9초간 실시된 열처리에 의하여 회색, 쉰냄새, 화독냄새, 떪은맛, 쓴맛, 걸쭉함이 증가하였으며 신맛, 단맛, 황색, 텁텁함 및 청량감이 감소하였다. 이러한 변화는 기호도의 전반적인 저하로 나타났다. 열처리 온도에 따라 이들 변화는 다소 차이를 나타내었다.
        2009.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 포도의 객관적 품질 계량화 기술 개발을 위하여 포도에 대한 소비자 인식도 및 선호도를 조사하였다. 설문 내용은 조사대상자의 일반사항, 구입 빈도, 구입장소, 구입 단위, 선호도, 포도 씨 유 무에 대한 선호도 및 내 외적 품질인자 등이었다. 총 519명의 응답자에 대하여 통계 분석을 실시하였으며, SPSS Win program(Version 14.0)을 이용하여 카이제곱검정(Chi-square test)을 실시하여 유의성을 검증하였
        2008.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 사과의 '고품질'이라는 개념 설정과 품질을 계량화 할 수 있는 기본 기술 개발을 위하여 20대부터 50대까지의 성인남녀를 대상으로 내 외적 품질인자에 대한 소비자 기호도 및 인지도 조사를 실시하였다. 설문 분석 결과 사과는 대형할인마트나 재래시장에서 소포장이나 낱개 단위로 구입되고 있었으며, 젊은 층 보다는 높은 연령층에서 많이 소비되고 있었다. 이에 따라 다양한 형태의 소포장규격 정립과 젊은 층을 대상으로 한 사과소비 촉진 마케팅
        2006.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cheese analogs using lipoxygenase-defected soymilk and α -chymotrypsin modified soy protein isolate (SPI) were prepared. Color, textural properties, sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were evaluated and compared with mozzarella cheese, and relationships between textural properties, sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were analyzed. Off-flavors were not mostly discriminated. Cheese analogs containing 10% SPI untreated and containing 6% and 8% SPI treated by α -chymotrypsin in δE value of color were the most similar to mozzarella cheese. Quality characteristics and melting spreadability of cheese analogs were highly affected and improved by α -chymotrypsin modification. Sensory attributes and melting spreadability of cheese analogs containing 6% SPI treated by α -chymotrypsin were the most similar to mozzarella cheese, while in textural properties, cheese analogs containing 10% SPI were the most similar with mozzarella cheese. Hardness in sensory attributes was highly positively correlated with hardness (r>0.65), adhesiveness (r>0.56), chewiness (r>0.77) and gumminess (r>0.76) in textural properties, while it was highly negatively correlated with melting spreadability (r>-0.68).