Background: The successful production of superior or transgenic offspring from in vitro produced embryos in cattle relies heavily on the quality of blastocyst stage embryos. In order to enhance the developmental competency of these embryos, a novel culture method was devised. Methods: This study utilized stem cell culture medium (SCM) from hESCs as a supplement within the culture medium for bovine in vitro produced embryos. To gauge the efficacy of this approach, in vitro fertilized embryos were subjected to culture in CR1aa medium enriched with one of three supplements: 0.3% BSA, 10% FBS, or 10% SCM. Results: The blastocyst development and hatching rates of one-cell zygotes cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with SCM (23.9% and 10.2%) surpassed those cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with BSA (9.3% and 0.0%) or FBS (3.1% and 0.0%) (p < 0.05). Furthermore, post-zygotic gene activation, cleaved embryos cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with SCM (57.8% and 34.5%) exhibited notably higher rates (p < 0.05) compared to those cultured with BSA (12.9% and 0.0%) or FBS (45.7% and 22.5%) supplementation. Furthermore, the microinjection of SCM into the cytoplasm or pronucleus of fertilized zygotes resulted in elevated blastocyst development and hatching rates, particularly when the microinjected embryos were subsequently cultured in CR1aa medium supplemented with SCM from the 8-cell embryo stage onwards (p < 0.05), in contrast to those cultured with FBS supplementation. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study conclusively demonstrated that the incorporation of SCM into the culture medium significantly enhances the developmental progress of preimplantation embryos.
This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of ImmunoSEB as an immune-booster additive on the performance of broiler chicks. A total of 1150 broiler chickens were randomly allotted to three treatments on the basis of body weight (10 pens per treatment with 40 broilers in each pen): the control (CON), CON + ImmunoSEB 0.025% in feed (SEB25), and CON + ImmunoSEB 0.050% in feed (SEB50). The experiment was conducted for d 42 in three phases (phase 1, d 0–14; phase 2, d 15–28; and phase 3, d 29–42). There were significant differences in the average daily gain (ADG) and feed intake. The ADG at d 14 in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. The overall ADG in the SEB50 treatment was greater than that in the CON treatment. During d 0–14, the feed intake of chickens in the SEB50 treatment increased compared to that in the CON treatment. The crude protein and lysine digestibility improved in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments compared to those in the CON treatment at d 28. Superoxide dismutase concentration significantly increased in the SEB50 treatment compared to that in the CON treatment. The interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α concentrations were higher in the cecum of chickens in the CON treatment than in the SEB25 and SEB50 treatments. A lower population of E. coli was detected in the ileum and cecum of broilers fed the SEB50 diet compared to those of broilers fed the CON diet. The overall result showed the beneficial effects of using ImmunoSEB at a dose of 0.050% in broiler chickens.
The medicines for treating osteoporosis currently in use have minor to severe side effects, and can be financially burdensome. Thus, there is a need for prevention and alternative supplement that is relatively inexpensive, and can be easily consumed daily as an alternative dietary therapy. In this study, bone marrow density of the spine and femur of osteoporosis patients were checked before and after consuming complex composed of calcium and magnesium, considered to be the core of bone mineral content. November 2017-November 2021, patients with T-score of less than -2.5 or -1.0 < T-score < -2.5 with history of fractures or recent fractures were enrolled. The data of 60 patients who orally administered Ionized Cal/MagTM Complex were reviewed retrospectively, and it was significantly confirmed that the average value of T-score was up-regulated by 0.5. Additionally, the cumulative dose was observed to have a positive effect, on the improvement of BMD in the 2nd Lumbar and Femur neck. It is expected that better results will be achieved if use of the supplement is continued.
하수오(Polygonum multiflorum Thunb)는 다년생 덩굴성 식물로, 지하부인 뿌리(tuber)는 한의학에서 약재로 다양한 질병의 치료에 사용되고 있다. 하수오를 한약재로 사용하기 위하여 약용물질의 증진 또는 식물의 독성을 줄이기 위해 1차 가공 및 포제를 한다. 본 연구에서는 하수오 포제에 있어 다양한 보료처리를 통해 주요물질의 유효성분 함량을 확인 해 보고, 하수오 포제에 적합한 보료를 검증하는 실험을 진행하였다. 또한, 실험에 두 가지 타입의 하수오를 활용하여 기존 유통품 하수오와 조직배양 연구를 통해 개발된 KIOM 특허 기반 하수오를 비교하는 실험을 진행하였다. 하수오의 주요 지표물질인 emodin의 함량이 참깨추출물을 보료로 사용한 처리구를 제외한 나머지 보료 처리구(흑두즙, 쌀뜨물, 감두즙, 로즈마리추출물)에서 KIOM품이 유통품보다 높게 측정되는 것을 확인하였다. 특히 KIOM품은 기존에 알려진 하수오 보료인 흑두즙보다 감두즙을 보료로 사용해 포제 하였을 때 0.29 ug/mg 더 높은 emodin의 함량이 확인 되었다. 본 연구결과를 통해 하수오의 약용자원으로 사용함에 있어 앞으로 KIOM하수오의 생산과 포제에 관련된 연구가 더 이루어 져야 할 것이며, 연구 결과는 하수오의 포제에 있어 표준화와 현대화를 위한 기초 지식 및 결과로 사용 될 것이라고 사료된다.
Zophobas morio는 주로 애완동물의 먹이로 사용되고 있으며 대형어, 파충류, 양서류, 조류의 주식 및 간식으로 활용하기도 한다. Zophobas morio 는 27℃ 이상에서 사육하면 부화 후 80일째에 0.6 g 이상의 유충 무게를 얻었다. 보조사료를 선발하기 위해 콩가루, 어분, 보리, 메밀가루를 이용하였을 때 단백질 함량이 높은 콩가루와 어분에서 부화 후 80일째에 0.7 g이상의 유충무게를 확보하였다. Zophobas morio를 대량 사육하기 위해 성충의 산란율 증가와 균일한 유충을 확보하는 기술이 필요하다. 성충의 산란 격리틀을 이동시켜 줌으로써 유충 단계가 혼재되어 선발하는데, 노동력을 줄이며 높은 수확량과 균일한 유충을 확보하기 위해 5일, 10일, 15일 간격으로 성충을 산란틀로 옮겼을 때 5일 간격으로 성충을 옮기는 처리에서 총 부화유충수 7,256마리로 10일 5,439마리, 15일 2,060마리보다 더 많은 유충수를 확보할 수 있다. 따라서 Zophobas morio 성충을 5일 간격으로 산란틀을 옮기면서 산란을 9회 시키면 7,000마리 이상의 유충을 확보할 수 있으며 이때 한 마리당 무게는 0.68 g 확보가 가능하다.
The objective of this study was to reduce the waste rate of onion peel, which has excellent functionalities, and to promote its industrial utilization. The methodology involved preparing beef jerkies using liquid seasonings with 0% (OPE0), 50% (OPE50) and 100% (OPE100) onion peel extract (OPE) of domestically produced onion, respectively; and assessing their antioxidant activities and quality characteristics. As the amount of added OPE increased, the contents of crude protein and crude ash increased, while those of crude fat decreased. As for color values, increase in the amount of added OPE led to increase in L value and b value, but decrease in a value. The measurement of mechanical texture showed that hardness and cohesiveness decreased as the amount of added OPE increased. TBARS (thiobarbituric acid reactive substance) content decreased as the amount of added OPE increased. And the amount of added OPE increased, all the antioxidant activity of beef jerky increased. Acceptability test showed the highest preference for OPE50 with regard to flavor, taste texture and overall acceptability. Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) showed that increase in the amount of added OPE led to increase in meat color, salty taste, sweet taste, meat flavor and chewiness and decrease in off-flavor. According to principal component analysis (PCA), OPE50 and OPE100 had high levels of the sensory attributes that increase preference-such as meat color, salty taste, sweet taste, meat flavor and chewiness. Based on such results, it was established that 50% is the optimal mixing ratio of OPE for preparing a beef jerky of high preference that also has excellent quality characteristics and antioxidant activity.
This experiment was conducted to analyse the effects of flavone supplementation on the preimplantation development of in-vitro produced porcine embryos. During in-vitro development, immature oocytes and early embryos were exposed to different concentrations of flavone (0, 1μM, 25μM, 50 μM, and 100 μM respectively). Results showed that 100 μM of flavone significantly reduced the intracellular ROS levels of oocytes accompanied with a significant rise in GSH level. In parthenogenesis, no significant change was observed in the cleavage rates whether flavone was supplemented in IVM or IVC media. In IVM supplemented group, the blastocyst development rate was significantly enhanced by 1 μM concentration than other groups (51.5% vs. 41.3%, 44.0%, 36.3%, 31.7%; P<0.05) respectively. However, in IVC group 1 μM concentration significantly improved the blastocysts production than 50 μM and control groups (50.0% vs. 40.5%, 38.0%; P<0.05) respectively. Following nuclear transfer, the cleavage rate of IVM group was significantly more in 1 μM than 50 μM and 100 μM groups (92.9% vs. 89.7%, 87.8%; P<0.05), followed by similar pattern of cloned blastocysts production being significantly higher in 1 μM group than 50 μM, 100 μM and control groups (16.8% vs. 9.0%, 7.1%, 12.8%; P<0.05) respectively. In IVC group, 1 μM concentration resulted in significantly higher cleavage rate than 25 μM and 50 μM groups (91.7% vs. 87.8%, 88.8%; P<0.05) respectively. However, the blastocysts production was significantly higher in 100 μM group than others (26.2% vs. 13.6%, 14.0%, 18.2%; P<0.05) respectively. The optimal concentrations of flavone significantly enhanced the percentages of ICM:TE than control group (43.8% vs. 37.6%; P<0.05) accompanied with significantly higher expression levels of reprogramming related genes. In conclusion, the optimal concentrations of 1 μM during IVM and 100 μM during IVC can significantly improve the production of porcine in-vitro embryos.
Supplementation with glutamine(Gln) has beneficial effects on intestinal and immune functions. Cage-reared chicks suffer from various stressors during early growth, but the effect of Gln supplementation on growth performance and stress hormones is uncertain. We investigated the effect of Gln on growth performance and blood corticosterone levels in Hyline chicks. Groups of 3-day-old chicks were fed one of three diets: normal feed(CTL group), normal feed supplemented with a low level of Gln, or normal feed supplemented with a high level of Gln. Growth and various physiological and biochemical parameters related to stress were assessed. On day 30, after a 24-h fast, blood was analyzed for corticosterone and other parameters, including glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, total bilirubin, lactate dehydrogenase, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood urea nitrogen, blood total protein, and inorganic phosphate. Growth performance was maintained in Gln supplemented groups. The corticosterone level was decreased in the two groups receiving Gln supplementation compared to the CTL, and all other humoral factors did not differ between the groups. We suggest that Gln supplementation is a safe and useful strategy for reducing the effects of stress in cage-reared chicks.
The present study was aimed to determine the effects of green tea extract (GTE) and beta-mercaptoethanol (β-ME) supplementation in boar sperm freezing extender on in vitro fertilization (IVF) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) and glutathione (GSH) levels of presumptive zygotes (PZs). Experimental groups were allocated into lactose egg yolk (LEY) without antioxidant (control), GTE (1,000 mg/l in LEY) and β-ME (50 μM in LEY). In freezing, spermatozoa extended with LEY were cooled to 5°C for 3 h and then kept at 5°C for 30 min following dilution with LEY containing 9% glycerol and 1.5% Equex STM. The final sperm concentration was 1 × 108/ml. Spermatozoa were loaded into straws and frozen in nitrogen vapor for 20 min. For IVF, oocytes were matured in NCSU-23 medium and co-cultured with spermatozoa following thawing at 37°C for 25 sec. At 12 h following IVF, IVF parameters (sperm penetration and monospermy) were evaluated. In addition, GSH and ROS levels of PZs were determined by Cell Tracker Blue CMF2HC and DCHFDA, respectively. IVF parameters did not show any significant difference among the experimental groups. GSH and ROS levels of PZs were not significantly different between groups. In conclusion, antioxidant supplementation in boar sperm freezing could not influence IVF parameters, ROS and GSH levels of PZs.
Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an important signaling molecule. Here, the effect and mechanism of LPA on the preimplantation development of porcine embryos during in vitro culture (IVC) was examined. Porcine embryos were cultured in porcine zygote medium (PZM-3) supplemented with 30 μM LPA during different days. There was a significantly higher cleavage rate in Day 1-7 and significantly higher total cell number of blastocysts in Day 1-3 and Day 4-7. It was also found that messenger RNA (mRNA) expression level of PCNA, BCL2 and BAX in blastocysts obtained from D1-7 group were significantly higher and BCL2/BAX mRNA ratio in D1-3 group was significantly lower than control group but Day 4-7 and Day 1-7 groups were comparable with control group. Treatment with 20 μM PLC inhibitor significantly decreased the embryo cleavage rate and blastocyst formation rate. Moreover, LPA as an activator of PLCs, enhanced the 30 μM LPA + 20 μM U73122 group embryo cleavage rate which similar with control group. In conclusion, the results suggest that treatment with LPA during IVC improves the porcine early embryo cleavage by activation of PLC signaling pathway and regulate the mRNA expression that contribute to total cell number of blastocysts during blastocyst formation.
This study, analyzed the general and minerals composition of kamut and investigated its effect on blood components in mice fed a high fat diet. The content of each general component of kamut was as follows: 11.02±0.75% water, 13.16 ±1.28% crude protein, 1.85±0.19% crude fat, and 1.97±0.13% ash. The leptin level was the highest in the HF group(30.00± 0.00 ng/mL) when compared to the control group. There was a significant decrease of 23.65±5.54 ng/mL in the HFK group when compared to the HF group (p<0.05). The blood LDL-cholesterol concentration was the lowest in the control group at 10.00±2.00 mg/dL. The level was highest in the HF group at 28.00±0.00 mg/dL when compared with the other groups (p<0.05). The aspartate transaminase (AST) level was significantly higher in the HFK group (179.33±173.88 U/L) than in the control (61.00±12.73 U/L) and HF groups (132.00±0.00 U/L). According to the results of this study, the consumption of kamut lowers the blood LDL-cholesterol level more than the consumption of wheat flour. Additionally, kamut contains antioxidant substances such as selenium and zinc, which are thought to contribute to vascular health and thus aid in maintaining good health. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a variety of health foods using kamut; it should be used as a functional food for the maintenance of good health.
최근 총톤수 16만 톤급 이상의 대형 크루즈선이 국내 항에 정기입항하고 있다. 크루즈를 이용한 국내 관광객이 증가함에 따라 정부에서는 크루즈산업 활성화를 위해 항만기반시설 확충에 많은 노력을 하고 있다. 현재 국내 주요 항구에서 크루즈전용부두 공 사가 진행되고 있다. 그러나 국내 항만 및 어항설계기준에는 크루즈선 및 접안시설에 대한 표준제원이 제시되어있지 않다. 대상선박의 표준제원이 제시되어있지 않아 전용시설물 설계 및 인허가에 많은 어려움이 예상된다. 그래서 본 연구에서는 크루즈선에 대한 표준제 원을 제시하기 위하여 현재 운항중인 크루즈선의 톤수별 대표선형의 제원을 분석하고 PIANC 사례 및 국내 항설기준을 비교분석 하였 다. 분석결과 크루즈선은 연안여객선과 선박제원 및 선박조종성능에 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 크루즈 전용시설물 설계를 위해서는 반드시 대상선박의 제원이 국내항설기준에 반드시 포함되어야 한다. 그리고 선박의 범위를 산정하기 위하여 크루즈선 평균 제원 값에 커버율(75%)을 적용하여 크루즈선 표준제원과 수역시설물에 대한 기준을 제시하였다.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of alpha-lipoic acid (aLA) as an antioxidant that decrease the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in bovine embryonic development. Slaughterhouse derived bovine immature oocytes were collected and 4 different concentrations (0, 5, 10 and 20 mM) of aLA was supplemented in bovine in Vitro maturation (IVM) medium. After 20 hrs of IVM, maturation rates, levels of ROS and glutathione (GSH), and further embryonic development after parthenogenetic activation (PA) and in Vitro fertilization (IVF) was investigated according to aLA concentrations. Maturation rate was significantly higher in 10 mM group than other groups (80.5% vs. 62.9, 73.9, 64.2%; P<0.05). In the levels of ROS and GSH in matured oocytes as an indicator of oocyte quality, significantly better results were shown in 5 and 10 mM groups compared with other 2 groups. After IVM, significantly higher rates of blastocyst formation were shown in 10 mM groups in both of PA (27.9% vs. 18.8, 22.3, 14.2%; P<0.05) and IVF (32.6% vs. 23.9, 27.3, 16.2%; P<0.05) embryos. In addition, significantly more cell total cell number and higher inner cell mass ratio in 10 mM PA and IVP blastocysts showed developmental competence in 10 uM groups. Therefore, based on the entire data from this study, using 10 μM of aLA confirmed to be the optimal concentration for bovine oocyte maturation and embryonic development.
상업적으로 유통되는 젤라틴 캡슐 제품은 소비자의 건강(예: 광우병) 및 종교적 신념에 대한 우려를 야기시킬 수 있다. 젤라틴은 대부분 소, 돼지 등에서 유래한 원료 물질을 가공한 것으로서, 가공 후 그 원료 물질을 분석하는 것은 대단히 어렵다. 따라서 정부 규제기관의 표시사 항 준수여부 모니터링 연구가 주기적으로 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 인터넷에 유통되는 건강기능식품(n = 181)을 대상으로 젤라틴 캡슐의 원료 물질을 종 특이 PCR 방법으 로 분석했다. 55개 제품의 경우 표시사항에 젤라틴 캡슐 원료 물질에 대한 정보를 명시하였으나(예: bovine-, fishand plant-derived gelatin), 126개 제품의 경우 사용 원료에 대한 정보 없이 “gelatin”으로 표시하였다. 이 126개 제품의 젤라틴 캡슐 분석 결과 51개 제품은 소 유래의 젤라 틴을, 31개 제품은 돼지 유래의 젤라틴을, 그리고 44개 제 품은 소와 돼지의 원료를 혼합하여 제작한 블렌딩 젤라틴을 사용한 것으로 밝혀졌다. 따라서 소비자의 알 권리, 종교적 신념 및 건강을 보호하기 위해 젤라틴 캡슐에 사용된 원료 물질을 표시사항에 제공하는 것은 매우 중요하다.
Introduction Porcine embryonic stem cells (pESCs) derived from cloned embryos might be a useful animal model in biomedical research, however, establishment of cloned pESCs is difficult by its incomplete nuclear reprogramming. Here, we report the improved development competence of porcine cloned embryos by vitamin C (VC) supplement to establish the pESCs. Materials and Methods Slaughterhouse-derived oocytes were in vitro matured for 44h and parthenogenetic and cloned embryos were produced using matured oocytes. Both of embryos were cultured for 6 days in PZM-5 media and development rates were examined. Four different concentration of VC (0, 25, 50, 100, and 200 μg/ml) was supplemented in IVM and IVC media and preimplantation developments in the 5 groups were compared in both of embryos Results and Discussion In the cleavage rates of IVM group, significantly higher rate was shown in 50 mg/ml group than other groups (84.5 ± 0.6% vs. 69.8 ± 5.5, 75.7 ± 1.8, 80.4 ± 0.2, 72.4 ± 0.1%; P<0.05), respectively. Significantly higher rates of blastocyst development also were shown in 50 mg/ml group than other groups (27.0 ± 2.0% vs. 20.4 ± 1.4, 22.1 ± 1.3, 23.7 ± 1.2, 19.6 ± 1.3%; P<0.05), respectively. In the cleavage rate of IVC group, non-significantly different with each group (84.0 ± 1.3, 86.7 ± 1.0, 88.4 ± 1.4, 76.7 ± 3.0, 64.6 ± 4.4; P<0.05). In the blastocyst rate of IVC group, significantly higher rate was shown in 25mg/ml and 50 mg/ml group than other groups (22.3 ± 1.7, 23.8 ± 1.7% vs. 19.1 ± 1.3, 15.9 ± 1.0, 5.8 ± 1.5%; P<0.05) In conclusion, supplement of 50μg/ml of VC in IVM and IVC media enhanced the development of porcine parthenogenetic embryos and these results will be a helpful information in the development of porcine cloned embryos and derivation of its embryonic stem cells.
Growth differentiation factor8 (GDF8) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β that has been identified as a strong physiological regulator. Overall of the current studies, the GDF8 is detected in oviduct fluid and uterus which led us to suggest that the GDF8 may effect on preimplantation embryonic development and act paracrine role to correlate with successful late-blastocyst implantation in in vivo. The purpose of this study is the effects of GDF8 on porcine parthenogenesis (PA) embryo development during in vitro culture (IVC). We were investigated the effect of GDF8 supplement during PA embryo IVC by cleavage and blastocyst formation rate and patterning analysis. Data were analyzed by on way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s range test. Respectively 0.2, 2 and 20 ng/mL of GDF8 were added during IVC followed experiment design as control, 0.2, 2, and 20 GDF8 supplement groups. After 48h of embryo culture time, no significant difference was observed on cleavage rate from the different concentration (0, 0.2, 2, and 20 ng/ml) of GDF8 supplement groups (65.7%, 66.0%, 66.3%, and 65.8%, respectively). After 120h of embryo culture time, the 0.2 and 2 group showed significantly (p<0.05) higher blastocyst formation rate than control (40.4% and 36.4% VS 40.4%, respectively). In embryo developmental pattern analysis, the 0.2 ng/ml GDF8 supplement groups showed significantly higher (p<0.05) 2-3 cell cleavage- and early blastocyst pattern compared with control (12.0% and 10.4% VS 6.6% and 6.2%, respectively). However there are no significantly different pattern was observed in other groups. In conclusion, the 0.2 ng/ml of GDF8 supplementation during porcine PA embryo IVC significantly changed embryonic developmental patterns. However there are further studies are required such as analysis of blastocyst total number, specific gene transcription pattern, and ICM/TE rate to make clarify and support the conclusion.
Growth differentiation factor 8 (GDF8) is a member of the transforming growth factor-β that has been identified as a strong physiological regulator. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of GDF8 on porcine oocytes during in vitro maturation (IVM). We investigated a specific gene transcription levels in oocytes and cumulus cells (CC) after IVM by realtime PCR arry, and specific protein expression and activation levels in matured CCs by western blotting. Each concentration (0, 1, 10, and 100 ng/ml) of GDF8 was added in maturation medium (TCM199) during process of IVM. Data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by Duncan using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). Data are presented as the mean and Differences were considered significant at P < 0.05. After 44 h of IVM, oocytes are mechanically denuded from CCs with 0.1% of hyaluronidase, and then the separated oocytes and CCs were sampled following each group. To assess the effect of GDF8 on specific gene transcription level changes as a dose response during IVM, the realtime PCR array was performed. In CCs the 1- and 10 ng/ml of GDF8 supplement group showed the transcription co-factors CBP and SP1, cell metabolic regulator MAPK1, and cumulus expansion related genes Has2, Cox-2, Ptx3 and Areg transcription levels were significantly distinguished with control when hierarchically clustered by Euclidean distance with average linkage method after IVM. In matured oocytes the 10- and 100 ng/ml of GDF8 supplement group showed the maternal factors JMJD3 and Zar1, transcriptional regulator FOXO1, Sirt1 and Sirt2, mitochondrial activity factor Sirt3, ACSL3 and ACADL, anti-apoptosis gene BCL-2, and oocyte secrete factor BMP15 mRNA transcription levels were significantly distinguished compared with control. To determine effect of GDF8 supplement during IVM, the GDF8 down steam canonical regulator SMAD2/3 protein phosphorylation levels analyzed in CCs by western blotting. The 10- and 100 ng/ml supplement groups showed significantly increase phosphorylated (P)-SMAD3 (1.56 and 1.34 times higher than control) protein levels (P < 0.05). In conclusion, supplement of GDF8 during IVM activates FOXO homolog transcription and induced cumulus cells expansion via activation of SMAD3 signaling in CCs. While process of IVM, the transcriptional landscape changes in CCs may consequently result maternal factors accumulation and mitochondrial activation in oocytes.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of vitamin or mineral supplements on the conception rates of dairy heifers when replacing the last injection of GnRH with hCG in ovsynch protocol (experiment 1) and also to investigate whether the estrus synchronization treatment in the heifer stage affects the conception rates after 1st parturition (experiment 2).
In experiment 1, 50 heifers were randomly assigned into 3 groups: 20 heifers each in groups 1 and 2, and 10 in group 3. All three groups were treated with an intramuscular injection of GnRH on day 0 (day 0 = the day of program start), PGF2α on day 7 and hCG on day 9, and were inseminated on day 10, 12~16h after hCG injection. In group 1 (vitamin group), the heifers were treated with an intramuscular injection of 5 ml of vitamin-ADE 500Ⓡ, and group 2 (mineral group) was treated twice with an intramuscular injection of 30 ml of mineral supplement-LAPTOVETⓇ on a one-week interval beginning on the day of hormone treatment (day 0 and day 7 respectively). Group 3 (control) was treated only with hormones. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by ultrasonography through a rectal probe. First service conception rates (FSCR) and average services per conception (ASPC) were recorded for all subjects. Of the total 50 heifers, 6 (2 in group 1, 3 in group 2, and 1 in group 3) heifers were eliminated due to accidents during experiment 1. FSCRs were 58.8% (10/17), 66.7% (12/18) and 44.4% (4/9) in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. ASPCs were 1.53±0.72, 1.27±0.59 and 1.63±0.74 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Although there were no significant difference between the groups, relatively good results (higher FSCR and lower ASPC) were obtained in both group 1 and 2.
In experiment 2, 11 primiparous cows from group 2 of experiment 1 in heifer stage which had been treated both with the hormones for estrus synchronizing and mineral supplements (ES group), and 12 primiparous cows treated only with minerals (non-ES group) were compared to examine the effects of estrus synchronization program on conception rates after 1st parturition. Following the examination, postpartum ASPCs were 1.55±0.82 and 2.17±1.47 in ES group and non-ES group, respectively. The postpartum average days open (ADO) were 116±56 and 197±93 in ES group and non-ES group, respectively. Although there were no significant difference between the two groups, desirable results (lower ASPC and shorter ADO) were found in ES group after 1st parturiton.
In conclusion, experiment 1 indicates that vitamin or mineral supplement with ovsynch protocol may have some positive effect on FSCR and ASPC of dairy heifers, and in experiment 2, ES program in heifer stage had a positive effect on ASPC and ADO following 1st parturition.
This study is performed to evaluate the effect of insulin in the porcine parthenogenetic embryo development. In porcine embryo culture, insulin is helpful factor in the process of embryo development. To identify this, insulin is used in pig embryos development. Therefore, this study was performed to investigate the effect of insulin on early embryonic development in pigs. For that, insulin positive or negative (0, 10 ug/mL) was supplemented in the porcine IVM media and then compared two groups divided by the cytoplasm of the black groups and white ring groups based on the distribution of lipid material of the cell cytoplasm in microscope. In maturation rates of porcine oocytes, significant higher black group rates were shown in the insulin positive groups compared with other groups (56.0±2.1 vs 46.2±0.3). In the embryo culture, black groups were showed the significant higher cleavage rates (82.1±0.8, 78.3±0.1 vs 63.2±0.3, 63.4±0.0), and blastocyst formation rates (15.5±3.6, 16.6±0.4 vs 11.7±1.3, 7.4±0.2) regardless of whether the addition of insulin. Also, black groups were showed higher cell number of blastocyst (33.2±2.5, 35.5±2.6 vs 31.2±2.1, 31.3±2.2). In conclusion, supplement of insulin producing black group in vitro maturation, it was effective in vitro maturation and embryonic development of pig embryos.