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        검색결과 236

        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper aims to review the odor removal performance and operating parameters of pilot and full-scale chemical scrubbers, bioscrubbers, biofilters, and biotrickling filters for odor control in wastewater treatment plants. Based on the performance of full-scale facilities installed in wastewater treatment plants, empty-bed residence times were the shortest for bioscrubbers (7.5±2.5s), followed by chemical scrubbers (20±8.1s), biotrickling filters (22.2±26.2s), and biofilters (48±30s). The removal efficiencies of complex odors by biofilters, biotrickling filters, bioscrubbers, and chemical scrubbers were 97.7±1.9%, 87.7±15.6%, 89.0±9.0%, and 70.0%, respectively. The investment cost was the lowest for biofilters, followed by biotrickling filters, bioscrubbers, and chemical scrubbers. In addition, the operating costs of these deodorization technologies were in the following order: biofilters < bioscrubbers and biotrickling filters < chemical scrubbers. However, most studies on odor control for wastewater treatment processes have been conducted on a laboratory scale with model odors (single odorous compound or mixtures of 2-3 odorous compounds). Therefore, field research to develop deodorization technologies for wastewater treatment plants should be more actively conducted to accumulate data for the design and operation of full-scale deodorizing systems.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This review paper aimed to comprehensively assess the ventilation methods and ventilation rates of livestock sheds, various livestock odor mitigation technologies, and the design flow rate of odor mitigation devices. The most efficient ventilation method for livestock odor control was found to be mechanical ventilation. When livestock odor is at its most severe during summer, ventilation systems are operated at the maximum ventilation rate, which is 5-25 times higher than the ventilation rate in winter. Therefore, the mitigation facilities of livestock odor must be designed while considering the maximum ventilation rate. There is a significant amount of research data on various livestock odor control technologies using various physical, chemical, biological, and complex technologies applied to livestock farms. Biofiltration and photocatalytic oxidation are considered the most promising methods due to their cost-effectiveness and simplicity. Biofiltration is effective for removing hydrophilic odors, but requires improvement for the efficient removal of hydrophobic odors and the control of accumulated excess biomass. The advantages of the photocatalytic oxidation method include its excellent hydrogen sulfide and ammonia removal rates and relatively low ozone emissions. However, it requires technology to reduce nitrous oxide emissions. Investment in installing and operating these odor mitigation technologies is only realistic for large-sized farms. Therefore, it is imperative for small and medium-sized livestock farms to develop odor mitigation technology that is inexpensive and has low installation, operation, and maintenance costs.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on my attendance at the CIPA International Symposium(CIPA2023) organized by the International Scientific Committee on Heritage Documentation(ICOMOS), this paper explored research cases applying digital technologies, including BIM, to architectural heritage. The researches presented at this symposium were categorized into specific areas: data acquisition, data management, data sharing&experience. Through this classification, an analysis of research cases in architectural heritage utilizing digital technology was conducted. By categorizing the 43 academic papers from the CIPA2023 based on research themes, trends in the digital architecture field were analyzed, providing insights into future research directions for the digital acquisition, management, sharing, and experiential aspects of Korean architectural heritage. In conclusion, it is deemed necessary to reference and supplement the methodologies, including algorithms, workflows, and approaches developed in each study, to effectively apply methodologies suitable for the characteristics of Korean architectural heritage and its data.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The radiation field generated in the primary cooling system of a nuclear power plant tends to increase in intensity as radionuclides bind to the oxide film on the internal surface of the primary system, which is operated at high temperature and pressure, and as the number of years of operation increases. Therefore, decontamination of the primary cooling system to reduce worker exposure and prevent the spread of contamination during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear power plants uses the principle of simultaneous elution of radionuclides when the corrosion oxide film dissolves. In general, a multi-stage chemical decontamination process is applied, taking into account the spinel structure of the corrosion oxide film formed on the surface of the primary cooling system, i.e. an oxidative decontamination step is applied first, followed by a reductive decontamination step, which is repeated several times to reach the desired decontamination goal. Currently, permanganic acid is commonly used in oxidative decontamination processes to remove Cr from corrosion oxide films. In the reductive decontamination step to remove iron and nickel, organic acids such as oxalic acid are commonly used. However, organic acids are not suitable for the final radioactive waste form. A number of multi-stage chemical decontamination technologies for primary cooling systems have been developed and commercialized, including NP-CITROX, AP/NP-CANDECON, CANDERM, AP/NP-LOMI and HP/CORD-UV. Among these, HP/CORDUV is currently the most actively applied primary cooling system chemical desalination process in the world. In this study, KAERI has developed a new chemical decontamination technology that does not contain organic chemical decontamination agents, with a focus on securing an original technology for reducing the amount of decontamination waste while having equivalent or better decontamination performance than overseas commercial technologies, and compared it with the inorganic chemical agent-based HyBRID (Hydrazine Based Reductive Metal Ion Decontamination) chemical decontamination technology.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Safe management of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) is a key issue to determine sustainability of current light water reactor (LWR) fleet. However, none of the countries are actually conducting permanent disposal of SNFs yet. Instead, most countries are pursuing interim storage of spent nuclear fuels in dry cask storage system (DCSS). These dry casks are usually made of stainlesssteels for resistibility against cracking and corrosion, which can be occurred over a long-term storage period. Nevertheless, some corrosion called Chloride-Induced Stress Corrosion Cracking (CISCC) can arise in certain conditions, exacerbating the lifetime of dry casks. CISCC can occur if the three conditions are satisfied simultaneously: (i) residual tensile stress, (ii) material sensitization, and (iii) chloride-rich environment. A residual tensile stress is developed by the two processes. One is the bending process of stainless-steel plates into a cylindrical shape, and the other is the welding process, which can incur solidification-induced stress. These stresses provide a driving force of pit-to-crack transition. Around the fusion weld areas, chromium is precipitated at the grain boundary as a carbide form while it depletes chromium around it, leading to material susceptible to pitting corrosion. It is called sensitization. Finally, coastal regions, where nuclear power plants usually operate, tend to have a higher relative humidity and more chloride concentration compared to inland areas. This high humidity and chloride ion concentration initiate pitting corrosion on the surface of stainless-steels. To prevent initiation of CISCC, at least one of the three conditions should be removed. For this, several surface engineering techniques are under investigation. One of the most promising approaches is surface peening method, which is the process that impacts the surface of materials with media (e.g., small pins, balls, laser pulse). By this impact, plastic deformation on the surface occurs with compressive stress that counteracts with pre-existing residual tensile stress, so this approach can prevent pit-to-crack transition of stainless-steels. Also, cold spray deposition can prevent CISCC. Cold spray deposition is a method of spraying fine metal powder to a substrate by accelerating them to supersonic velocity with propellant gas. As a result, a thin coating composed of the feedstock powders can protect the substrate from outer corrosive environments. In addition, the impact of the feedstock powder on the substrate during the process provides compressive stress, similar to the peening method.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Any type of nuclear arms control or disarmament agreement requires some form of verification measure. Existing nuclear arms control treaties drew upon previous agreements such as the INF treaty, START, and IAEA nuclear safeguards inspections. However, previous treaties focused on limiting specific types of nuclear weapons and their delivery vehicles or reducing the total number of nuclear weapons rather than eliminating the nuclear enterprise as a whole. A potential nuclear disarmament verification treaty or agreement will depend on the geopolitical environment of the time as well as the national policies and priorities of each signatory state. Although research on the gradual reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear weapons is still ongoing, several states have cooperated to conduct experiments, exercises, and simulations on the procedures and technologies required for nuclear disarmament verification. Three of these efforts are the LETTERPRESS simulation conducted by the Quadrilateral Nuclear Verification Partnership (QUAD), NuDiVe Exercise conducted by the International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV), and the Menzingen experiment organized by the UNIDIR in partnership with the Swiss Armed Forces, Spiez Laboratory, Princeton University’s Program on Science and Global Security, and the Open Nuclear Network. These contain aspects for the development of a potential nuclear disarmament verification. The LETTERPRESS exercise conducted in 2017 tested potential activities and equipment inspectors might utilize in a nuclear weapon facility. The IPNDV NuDiVe exercises conducted in 2021 and 2022 tested the activities and equipment required for the verified dismantlement of a warhead within a dismantlement facility. Finally, the Menzingen experiment conducted in 2023 tested the practical procedures for the verification of a nuclear weapon’s absence at a storage site. This paper will analyze the three cases to offer considerations on the procedures and technologies future nuclear disarmament verification might include.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Emerging technologies are innovative technologies currently under development or in the early stages of introduction. These technologies have the potential to impact a wide range of industries and sectors significantly and may, therefore, be subject to export controls. The list of emerging technologies subject to export controls varies from country to country and constantly changes as new technologies are developed. For example, the U.S., EU, and South Korea have responded to these changes by adding software and technologies related to artificial intelligence and machine learning to their export control lists. Nevertheless, export control of emerging technologies still presents challenges and limitations. The rapid pace of technological advancement makes it difficult for export control regulations to keep up. For export control purposes, international cooperation on information sharing and control methods is necessary for most countries to control similar items. Several new technologies in the nuclear field may be subject to export controls. These technologies include advanced reactors, nuclear fuel cycle technologies, and nuclear waste management technologies. Small modular reactors (SMRs) and fourth-generation reactors are being developed as advanced technologies, and new technologies are being developed to improve the nuclear fuel cycle. There is also active development of technologies for space applications utilizing nuclear reactors, such as the Nuclear Thermal Propulsion System and the Nuclear Electric Propulsion System. As these technologies may include new systems and items not in existing export control, they may pose a proliferation risk or may include software design know-how for advanced materials, it is necessary to consider whether and how they should be subject to export control to prevent nuclear proliferation. Overall, export controls are an essential issue in the emerging technology and nuclear energy sectors. Countries are moving toward strengthening regulations and international cooperation to overcome these challenges and ensure safe technology transfer, and South Korea should actively participate and lead this trend.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : The evaluation of the low-temperature performance of an asphalt mixture is crucial for mitigating transverse thermal cracking and preventing traffic accidents on expressways. Engineers in pavement agencies must identify and verify the pavement sections that require urgent management. In early 2000, the research division of the Korea Expressway Corporation developed a three-dimensional (3D) pavement condition monitoring profiler vehicle (3DPM) and an advanced infographic (AIG) highway pavement management system computer program. Owing to these efforts, the management of the entire expressway network has become more precise, effective, and efficient. However, current 3DPM and AIG technologies focus only on the pavement surface and not on the entire pavement layer. Over the years, along with monitoring, further strengthening and verification of the feasibility of current 3DPM and AIG technologies by performing extensive mechanical tests and data analyses have been recommended. METHODS : First, the pavement section that required urgent care was selected using the 3DPM and AIG approaches. Second, asphalt mixture cores were acquired from the specified section, and a low-temperature fracture test, semi- circular bending (SCB) test, was performed. The mechanical parameters, energy-release rate, and fracture toughness were computed and compared. RESULTS : As expected, the asphalt mixture cores acquired from the specified pavement section ( poor condition – bad section) exhibited negative fracture performances compared to the control section (good section). CONCLUSIONS : The current 3DPM and AIG approaches in KEC can successfully evaluate and analyze selected pavement conditions. However, more extensive experimental studies and mathematical analyses are required to further strengthen and upgrade current pavement analysis approaches.
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