
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2024.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        선교적 교회 운동은 이전의 선교 활동과 구별되며, 하나님의 선교 에 주안점을 둔다. 이 운동은 문화적 참여의 중요성을 강조하며, 기독교 의 신앙과 공공의 이슈가 연결된다고 주장한다. 사회적 행동과 선교가 분리될 수 없기에 복음의 메시지는 세상과 그 속에서 고통받는 사람들과 밀접하게 관련되어 있어야 한다고 강조한다. 덕 윤리는 규칙과 원칙보 다는 덕과 성품 형성을 강조하기 때문에 덕 윤리적 접근은 현대 기독교인 이 일관성 있게 신앙을 실천하는 데 도움을 준다. 더불어, 21세기 기독교는 기독교인이 공공의 광장에서 어떻게 신앙을 실천해야 하는지 에 대한 많은 관심을 보이고 있다. 덕 윤리는 21세기 후기 기독교적 사회의 특징이 두드러진 사회 환경 속에서 교회가 선교적 교회의 성육신 적 사역을 지원하는 데도 중요한 역할을 할 수 있다. 하나님의 긍휼에 근거한 조나단 에드워즈의 신정론적, 기독론적 덕 윤리가 선교적 교회 의 성육신적 사역을 효과적으로 지원할 수 있다는 것을 보여 주고 있다. 또한 그의 덕윤리가 오늘날 한국교회가 직면한 도덕적 위기에도 적용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The effectiveness of a crystalline natural barrier in providing sealing capabilities is based on the behavior of numerous fractures and their intersections within the rock mass. It is important to evaluate the evolving characteristics of fractured rock, as the hydro-mechanical coupled processes occurring through these fractures play a dominant role. KAERI is actively developing a true tri-axial compression test system and concurrently conducting hydro-mechanical experiments using replicated fractured rock samples. This research is focused on a comprehensive examination of coupled processes within fractures, with a particular emphasis on the development of true tri-axial testing equipment. The designed test system has the capability to account for three-dimensional stress conditions, including vertical and both maximum and minimum horizontal principal stresses, realizing the disposal conditions at specific underground depths. Notably, the KAERI-designed test system employs the mixed true tri-axial concept, also known as the Mogi-type, which allows for fluid flow into fractures under tri-axial compression conditions. This system utilizes a hydraulic chamber to maintain constant stress in one direction through the application of oil pressure, while the other two directional stresses are applied using rigid platens with varying magnitudes. Once these mechanical stress conditions are established, control over fluid flow is achieved through the rigid platens in contact with the specimen section. This pioneering approach effectively replicates in-situ mechanical conditions while concurrently observing the internal fluid flow patterns within fractures, thereby enhancing our capacity to study these coupled phenomena. As future research, numerical modeling efforts will be proceeding with experimental data-driven approaches to simulate the coupled behavior within the fractures. In these numerical studies, two distinct fracture geometry domains will be generated, one employing simplified rough-walled fractures and the other utilizing mismatched rough-walled fractures. These investigations mark the preliminary steps in the process of selecting and validating an appropriate numerical model for understanding the hydro-mechanical evolution within fractures.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        윌리엄 블레이크는 18세기 말 영국의 자연종교와 이신론이 절정을 이루던 시기에 출현한 급진적인 낭만주의 시인이다. 그는 당대의 베이컨, 뉴턴, 로크를 “사탄의 삼위일체”(Satanic Trinity)라고 언급할 정도로 이신론과 자연종교 사상의 근거가 되는 이성중심주의와 과학적 사고를 비판하였다. 블레이크의 최초의 글인 󰡔모든 종교는 하나󰡕부터 최후 대예언시 󰡔예루살렘󰡕에 이르기까지 이신론과 자연종교에 대한 그의 비판적 언급들은 무수히 많다. 그의 예술과 시의 중요한 토대가 되는 “참 인간”(The True Man)은 당대의 이성중심의 계몽철학과 자연종교 및 이신론의 문제점을 알고 인간의 개념을 재정립했을 때만이 이해 가능한 개념이다. 본 연구는 영국 17, 8세기 베이컨, 로크, 뉴턴을 중심으로 이신론과 자연종교에 대한 블레이크의 비판적 견해를 그의 글과 시를 통해 면밀하게 살펴보았다. 아울러, 상대 개념인 “시적 천재성”, “상상력”, “참인간” 등의 의미를 통해 블레이크가 성취하고자 한 예루살렘과 회복된 참 인간의 모습에 대해 규명하였다. 중요한 것은 그가 이성과 과학적 사고 자체를 단순히 악마적으로 거부하고 비판만 한 것이 아니고, 회복된 인간이 참여할 에덴 즉 예루살렘에서는 궁극적으로 예술과 과학이 하나 되어야 한다고 피력하였다는 점이다.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        노랑비취알락하늘소(가칭)의 제주 유입과 정착을 보고하는 논문에서 오리엔탈과실파리에 대하여 “제주지역에 유입되어 현재 발견되고 있 다”라고 잘못된 인용을 하고 있는 것이 발견되었다. 다행히도 해당 문장이 빨리 발견되어 “제주지역에 유입될 가능성이 있는”으로 수정되었다. 이 를 계기로 검역적으로 민감한 해충의 국내분포여부에 대하여 기술하는 경우 매우 신중하게 검증해야할 필요가 있음을 연구자들에게 강조하고자 한 다. 클라이멕스 모델의 저온 스트레스 지수로 추정한 결과 오리엔탈과실파리는 2022~2023년 겨울 제주에서 생존이 불가능한 것으로 예측되었다. 그러나 노랑비취알락하늘소는 2023년 겨울 영하의 기온을 겪고 월동후 여름철 발생이 확인되었으며 정착에 성공한 것으로 판단된다.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to determine the changes in the vitamin B5 content of raw and cooked vegetables. The nineteen vegetables were subjected to different cooking methods, viz. blanching, boiling, pan-broiling, and steaming. Vitamin B5 was quantified by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using photodiode-array (PDA) detection (200 nm). The standard reference materials (SRM) were used to validate the accuracy of vitamin B5 measurement method used in this study. The cooking yields ranged from 82.63 to 107.62% and decreased in most of the vegetables except bitter melon, curled mallow, and eggplant. The raw kabocha squash, Danhobak, had the highest vitamin B5 content (0.671 mg/ 100 g) among the samples. All cooked vegetables showed lower vitamin B5 content compared to the raw samples. The true retention ranged from 0% (crown daisy, blanching) to 84.49% (kabocha squash, steaming). These results indicate that vitamin B5 is degraded after cooking. Pan-broiling and steaming are better cooking methods than the others for retaining vitamin B5. The true retention of vitamin B5 in the samples markedly depends on the cooking method and food matrix. These results can be used as important basic data for nutritional evaluation of meals.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1970년대 북한 조선화 형식론의 주요 특징으로는 기법과 수법의 상위개념으로서 ‘화법’ 개념의 정립, 색채의 주관적 인식(일반성)과 객관적 지각(개별성)을 포괄하는 개념으로서 ‘제 색(본색)’ 개념의 부상, 예술적 형상화의 높이에 올라선 ‘예술적 필치’ 개념에 대한 강조 등 으로 요약할 수 있다. 1970년대 북한 조선화 형식론은 대립하는 것들의 중재, 또는 갈등의 봉합을 추구했다. 그들은 ‘화법’, ‘제색(본색)’, ‘예술적 필치’ 등을 내세워 선과 색, 본색과 반사색, 몰골법과 구륵법 등 대립으로 이끌어지기 쉬운 것들을 담론 체계 안에 효율적으로 통합하고자 했다. 그들은 이것이 조선화의 개조발전과 현대화의 길이라고 믿었다. 그러나 이 렇듯 조율과 중재, 봉합과 화해를 지향하는 개념들은 차이들, 곧 서로 다른 입장들이 경쟁하 면서 새로운 대안을 모색하는 담론장의 역동성을 약화시키는 결과를 초래했다. 1970년대에 구축된 조선화 형식체계는 이후 큰 변화 없이 유지되면서 조선화 창작과 수용에 절대적인 영 향력을 행사했다. ‘화법’, ‘제색’, ‘필치’ 등의 개념들은 모두 조선화를 제작하는 예술가들의 능동적 관여를 강조했지만 그 관여는 언제나 지배체제의 이념이 정해준 길을 따라야 했다. 그런 의미에서 1970년대 조선화 형식론은 궁극적으로 형식 문제를 이념 문제에 종속시키는 방향으로 진행됐다고 말할 수 있다.
        2022.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the effects of different cooking methods (stir-frying, steaming, superheated-steaming) on the contents and the true retention of moisture, water-soluble vitamins, and bioactive compounds of ten selected vegetables: broccoli, brussels sprout, cabbage, eggplant, green bean, onion, red cabbage, red onion, squash, and tomato. The total color difference (ΔE) values were decreased after stir-frying the samples, except for eggplant, green bean, and tomato. The true retention of water-soluble vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and C) was increased in most vegetables after superheated-steaming, as compared to steaming and stir-frying. Moreover, compared to the uncooked vegetables, a higher true retention of total polyphenol and flavonoid was obtained for most vegetables subsequent to superheated-steaming. Total anthocyanin content was detected only in eggplant, red cabbage, and red onion, and a smaller loss of anthocyanin was determined after subjecting red cabbage to superheated-steaming. Also, the free radical scavenging activities were higher in superheatedsteaming vegetables, except in eggplant and squash. These results indicate that superheated-steaming induces a positive effect for retaining water-soluble vitamins and functional components of vegetables.
        2021.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Criticism has erupted around the world over the paper “Contracting for sex in the Pacific War” written by Mark Ramseyer, a Mitsubishi professor at Harvard University Law School. Ramseyer insists tha “comfort women” by Japanese imperial military made “credible contracts” with recruiters regardless of the Japanese government or the Japanese military. Ramseyer further insists that the “comfort women” were certified prostitutes. However, the Japanese government selected recruiters secretly and provided them with convenience in mobilizing women. Recruiters have deceived women, mainly by job fraud, into kidnapping them to military brothels. The recruiters signed with Japanese women as barmaids (shakuhu), meaning women who served drinks. However, the Japanese military brothels were prohibited from drinking. Almost Korean women were illiterate in 1940’s, so recruiters did not make contract papers with them. It was very easy to deceive Korean women to make sexual slaves of Japanese military. The surviving Japanese military’s surgeon or soldiers testified that Korean “comfort women” had been sexual slaves.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『아Q정전』은 노신의 대표적 작품이다. 본고에서는 그 중 35종의 번역본을 연구대상으로 『 아Q정전』 번역본의 시대별 특징을 개관해 보았다. 전체적으로 볼 때 1970년대에는 한국어 표현과 독자들의 이해도를 높이기 위해 번안 풍이 남아 있던 시대였고, 1980년대는 명사와 문인들이 번역에 많이 참여하였으며 일본어 번역본을 중역하던 경향이 있는 시대였다. 1990년 대는 대부분 상업적 목적으로 번역에 종사하던 사람들에 의해 번역이 이루어졌으므로 번역자 보다는 출판사가 주도권을 행사하던 시기였다. 2000년대는 노신문학회를 포함하여 전문적으로 현대문학을 연구하는 학자, 교수들이 번역에 직접 임한 시대라는 것이 특징적이다. 2010년 대의 주된 특징은 현대문학 혹은 노신연구전문가들이 번역에 적극 임하였는데 특히 루쉰전집 번역위원회에서 『루쉰전집』(전권20권)을 번역 출판했다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘The True Record of the Joseon Dynasty’ (1392-1863) is a historical document of the Joseon Dynasty which lasted 519 years with rulings of 27 kings in Korean history. This article examines this document to show how kings and bureaucrats of the Joseon Dynasty perceived works of Su Shi, a famous writer from the Song Dynasty. As a writer of the Song Dynasty, Su Shi had a negative view on the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) although his works were regarded as the best writings by the Goryeo and Joseon scholars. All the Joseon bureaucrats read and learnt Su Shi’s works. Naturally, the Joseon bureaucrats of the royal palace often cited Su Shi’s writings. Many of the Joseon bureaucrats memorized Su Shi’s “A suggestion recommendation to Shenzong Emperor.” This contained some details of bureaucrats’ suggestions to their emperor regarding state administration. For instance, one of the most cited phrase was that it was important duty of bureaucrats to raise their formal counsel to the emperor. Also, Su Shi was often cited when emphasizing the importance of various national events’ proceedings. Beside these, Su Shi’s view point and ideas had a great influence on Joseon bureaucrats. However, Since the Joseon Dynasty was the center of Neo-Confucianism, however, the idea of Su Shi was somewhat rejected. For this reason, some bureaucrats expressed their explicit objection against Su Shi’s works. On the contrary thinkers such as Wang Anshi and Zhu Xi, who were loyal to the kingship, were respected. It was found in this article that quotations of Wang Anshi and Zhi Xi were used much more frequent than Su Shi’s quotations in conversations between kings and their servants. In this regard, it can be said that the Joseon Dynasty bureaucrats knew about Su Shi’s works, but they had an antipathy toward his ideas.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper discusses how Western thought would be developed far more with the help of Buddhist philosophy, which pursues the ultimate Truth (窮極 的 眞理) in a direct way. The Chinese characters employed in this paper would make meanings of the words clear. Western metaphysics has been a study of the presence of existence that goes with reason and logic in the dualistic mode of thought (二分法的 思考) with binary opposition, and even the contemporary thought to be called “postmodern ethics” is not fully free from that mode of thought. On the other hand, Buddhism (佛敎) in general has been the religion of “Emptiness”(空) for almost 2,600 years, and especially the philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism (大乘佛敎 哲學) has been “true Emptiness with wondrous movements”(眞空妙有) for about 1,500 years. The true Emptiness has been misunderstood by many Western thinkers with the concept of nihilism. But Emptiness as the ultimate reality transcends (超越) both states of presence and absence and produces both. In this paper, the philosophies of Deleuze and Levinas and affect theory are taken as the supreme examples of contemporary Western thoughts that tries to reach the genuine transcendence that lies beyond/behind/beneath, and also within, phenomena more directly than ever. Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Stevendon’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are discussed as the representative literary works that show Western literature has pursued Emptiness and led readers to it through the moments of the sublime. The sublime seems to be a weak state of Samadhi , the Buddhist way of reaching the perfect Emptiness. Then this paper demonstrates that the Avatamsaka Sutra presents to us the ocean Samadhi penetrates the whole universe or universes where everything happens in terms of cause and effect, sources and consequences. I am convinced that we as Asian scholars should great efforts to present more ideas on the reality of true Emptiness with wondrous move ments(眞空妙有) to Western scholars and people in general.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        While conspicuous consumption received much attention from marketing scholars, the focus has largely been on what motivates consumers to engage in these types of behaviors rather than on what prevents conspicuous consumption. Yet, psychological research shows that the individuals who purchase conspicuous products may suffer low subjective well-being overall because there are never-ending discrepancies between the actual and ideal self. Simply put, excessive conspicuous consumption can be detrimental for the consumers’ well-being. Accordingly, from the perspective of cause-related marketing, it is equally important (if not more) to understand how such behaviors can be discouraged. Informed by the literature on the self-concept, selfcongruence, and psychological distance, our study addresses this issue by establishing a novel psychological mechanism that discourages consumers to engage in conspicuous behaviors. Specifically, we establish that: Because self-transformation motivation induces individuals to pursue their ideal-self, this will lead them to seek conspicuous products that reflect an ideal-self. On the contrary, because selfexpression motivation induces individuals to pursue their actual-self, this will lead them to seek non-conspicuous products that more closely represent their actual-self. This research provides important insights for cause related marketing campaigns that want to help people to control the purchase of conspicuous products.
        2017.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to show how ancient Chinese understood the concept of truth through characters listed in Shuowen Jiezi, the first analytical dictionary of Chinese characters (A.D.100). In my previous research, I examined the interconnectedness of „zhen‟ (貞) and „zhen‟ (眞) as cognate words, to show how ancient Chinese developed a concept of „truth‟ early on. In this paper, I would like to clarify how ancient Chinese thought about truth/falsehood, right/wrong, and assent/dissent through interpreting the meaning of characters with shi 是 („true‟) or fei 非 („false‟) as a components in Shuowen. I analyze shi 是 („true‟), 25 characters having 是 as a component (2 characters having 是 as a semantic part, 23 characters having 是 as a sound part), fei 非 (false), and 35 characters having 非 as a component (5 characters having 非 as a semantic part, 30 characters having 非 as a sound part). I further analyze fú 弗, signifying „not‟, and 17 characters having 弗 as a component (17 characters having 弗 as a sound part and 0 character having 弗 as a semantic part), because 非 and 弗 are similar in meaning and usages. Taking into consideration all the different meanings represented by these characters, I divide them into three categories: (1) characters for depiction of the object in question with distinctive features, (2) characters for regulation, and (3) characters representing value. The first category include 14 characters having 是 as a component (56%), 3 characters having 非 as a component (16%), 1 character having 非 as a component (6%). As the second, 4 characters having 是 as a component (16%), 23 characters having 非 as a component (66%), 4 character having 非 as a component (24%) are included. 5 characters having 是 as a component (20%), 3 characters having 非 as a component (9%), 12 character having 非 as a component (71%) are classified as the third. I hope this paper is to stimulate related research by providing the origins, historical development and detailed interpretation of truth-related characters, and so be able to advance toward more insightful writings on truth.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Celebrity endorsement in advertising constitutes a continuing trend for brands of all value levels. Regarding products originating from the luxury cosmos, resorting to celebrities at first sight seems likewise especially convenient. After all, the glamorous lifestyle of celebrities seems to fit perfectly with luxury goods. However, an old wise saying claims that what is too beautiful to be true cannot be true. Indeed, it seems justified to scrutinize why a luxury brand that bears stardom in itself needs the light of a further star to shine down on it. This controversy forms the starting point of the study at hand. In a first instance, the attitudes of opponents and supporters of celebrity endorsement in luxury marketing are balanced and merged into a model. This contains all aspects a luxury brand should consider concerning its celebrity endorsement policy. Secondly, one-hundred and eighteen luxury brands are analyzed concerning the question whether they employ celebrity endorsement. For all brands for which this applies, the celebrity endorsement policy is assessed based on the aspects included in the model in order to carve out what already works well and where there is still potential for improvement.
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