
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 302

        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Wellness is usually used to focus on the activities of young or middle aged generation. But, in the extremely aged society like Japan and other developed countries, we must pay much more attention to the wellness of aged person. This study discusses the issue with partnership marketing.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        W.B.예이츠는 자신의 시대의 시인들이나 동료시인들과는 다른 시간을 구상하고 있다. 대부분은 시간을 진행하는 것이거나 은유적인 것으로 사용한다. 예이츠는, 블레이크처럼, 시간과 맞붙어서 영원성과의 관계를 다룬다. 즉, 모든 시간이 순간적으로 인식된다. 이런 견해의 차이는, 음유적, 민속적, 물리적이고 형이상학적 견해의 혼합에서 생긴 것으로, 근본적으로 그의 견해와 작품에 영향을 미친다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        도시림 개선을 위한 노력은 꾸준하게 진행되어 왔으나 사회적인 욕구를 제대로 반영하였는지에 대한 평가가 없어 향후 지속적인 개선 및 관리의 방향을 제안하기는 어려운 상태이다. 사회환경과 생물환경이 어우러진 도시림을 효율적으로 개선하기 위해서는 양적 증대 뿐만아니라 생물의 분포 및 서식, 인간의 이용성을 평가할 수 있는 연결성, 건전성, 접근성 등 질적인 측면을 동시에 고려할 수 있는 생태적 건전성에 대한 평가지표의 필요성에 따라 연구를 진행하였다. 연구는 생태적 건전성 평가시 중요한 항목에 대한 상대적 중요도 평가, 문헌고찰을 통한 세부 지표 선정, 타당성 검토의 체계를 갖는다. 결과적으로 도시림은 자연림과는 다른 기능이 존재한다는 전제로, 도시림 평가는 고유의 기능인 생태성 뿐만아니라 인간의 간섭을 고려할 수 있는 사회성, 관리성이 충분하게 고려되어야 하나 중요도에 대한 설문조사 결과 생태성이 다른 가치에 우선하는 것으로 나타났다. 이에 생태적 건전성을 평가할 수 있는 세부지표를 선정하였는데, 식생관련 지표로는 희귀성, 훼손잠재성, 자연성, 면적, 다양성, 발생기간, 야생조류관련 지표로는 숲 발달정도, 면적을 추출하여 분산분석을 실시한 결과 안정성, 자연성, 다양성, 잠재성, 서식가능성이 평가지표로 선정되었다.
        2014.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 사례중심대학의 보육교사 양성과정별(유아교육과, 사회복지과, 언어재활과)로 진입동기와 전문성 등 교직관의 차이를 알아보는 연구이다. 이를 위해 보육교사양성과정별로 보육교사직을 지원하는 동기와 재학생들이 생각하는 보육교사직을 질문내용으로 하여 의견을 수집하였다. 또한 이를 위한 분석방법으로 빈도분석, 백분율, 독립2표본, t-검증, One-way ANOVA, Turkey 사후분석 등으로 조사하였다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Partnerships have become an important research topic. However, the amount of empirical attention devoted to determining how firms intensively co-produce with alliance partners to improve their innovation performance is lacking. In response to the growing importance of co-production in the partnerships, this study addresses how firms integrate their alliance partners as co-creators into the innovation process. Specifically, this study not only integrates the three dimensions of social capital and examines their separate effects on co-production but also incorporates the roles of absorptive capacity and self-efficacy and investigates their influences on innovation. That is, co-production may operate through absorptive capacity and self-efficacy to increase innovation because knowledge is exchanged and utilized and firms are willing to select challenging goals and remain firmly committed to fulfill them within the network. The proposed model is tested with a structural equation model(SEM). Findings indicate positive relationships between social capital and co-production. Moreover, co-production has positive effects on innovation, absorptive capacity, and self-efficacy. Absorptive capacity and self-efficacy enhance innovation. As such, we suggest that co-production should be considered explicitly in the management of a partnership and should be developed through mentioned above platform, encouraging and enabling both parties to work together for the implementation of innovation.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The events industry continues to grow and is estimated to be worth around 30 billion dollars yearly involving more than 50 million trips worldwide. MICE (meetings, incentives, conferencing, exhibitions) offer opportunities for business networking, business development and customer loyalty, and are used for internal company purposes as well as for external commercial gain. However, capturing the value of any given MICE appears difficult and relatively little is known about how customers engage in co-creation and there are few models or frameworks. Moreover, dyadic encounter and value from a provider perspective ignore the measurement of customer value in multi-actor service encounters. The research questions posed by this study were therefore: How do multi-actor service encounters differ from dyadic ones? Do current value frameworks capture all the value created in these encounters? And how can multi-actor service providers increase customer value? To address these questions, we embarked on a qualitative study with 35 actors (attendees, organizers, speakers) from networking events, using a service-dominant logic approach to conceptualizing customer perceived value from networking events. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first empirical studies to address the joint creation of value in service encounters characterised by multiple providers (provider network approach) and multiple customers (customer group approach) at the same time and studied from the perspectives of both sides. In answering our first research question of how do multi-actor service encounters different from dyadic ones, we first identify several characteristics that define multi-actor services and compare them to traditional one-to-one services. Our second research question asked whether current value taxonomies capture all the value created in these encounters and we conceptualised the dimensions of event value (social, professional, learning, emotional and hedonic), and show how these relate to existing value taxonomies, as well as highlighting professional value which is new and novel to event encounters. Thirdly, in answering how multi-actor service providers can increase customer value, we supplement previous research on customer value from the providers’ view by adding how the design and execution of service impacts customer value. From this managerial perspective, our study brings new perspectives for event management in understanding when and where value is created and therefore when and how it should be measured. In terms of assessing interaction and engagement, we have found that few practices are in place. We suggest that observation within an event setting could be complemented by video recording.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 老莊의 生死觀을 고찰하여 민요에 수용되어 있는 한국인의 生死觀을 고찰하는 것이 목적이다. 한국 민요의 주제 중 ‘生死’는 사 실상 가장 큰 비중을 차지하고 있다. 老莊의 生死观역시 많은 곳에 서 주요 테마로 곧장 활용되는데, 그 빈도와 역할에서 儒家의 生死观 을 훨씬 넘어선다. 왜냐하면 삶과 죽음에 대한 비애와 공포를 문학적 으로 극복하는 데 결정적인 역할을 하고 있는 것이, 대자연 속에 귀 의하여 生死를 초월하고자 하는 老莊의 정통적인 生死觀이기 때문이 다. 이에 본고에서는 한국의 민요를 ‘不死志向形’과 ‘生死脫俗形’이란 두 개의 패러다임을 기준으로 다양한 실례를 들어 고찰하였다. 老莊의 生死观은 老子의 ‘死而不亡’과 莊子의 ‘死生一體’로 집약할 수 있다. 이것은 ‘死而不朽’를 추구하는 儒家의 입장과는 차이를 나타 낸다. 그러나 전자와 후자는 육체의 죽음을 인정하면서도 정신적인 영원성을 추구한다는 점에서는 동일하다. 만약 죽은 뒤 다시 태어남 을 강조하는 佛敎와 기독교의 生死观을 ‘死後新生’이라 한다면, 儒家 와 老莊의 生死观은 모두 ‘死而不亡’ 또는 ‘死而不朽’형으로 분류될 수 있을 것이다. 老子가 말하는 ‘摄生을 잘하는 자’와 莊子가 추구했던 ‘至人’의 ‘生 死를 초월하는 형상’은 정신적 측면을 설명하기 위한 신화적 비유였 지만, 道敎에서는 이를 육체적인 측면으로 생각하여 여러 가지로 죽 지 않는 법들을 탐구했다. 결과 老子의 生死观은 ‘不死志向形’으로 변 형되는데 반하여, 老莊의 生死观을 준수하는 ‘生死脫俗形’ 유형은 산 수자연을 道의 구현체로 보고 그곳으로 귀의하여 노니는 것으로 전 개된다. 後者를 老莊의 정통적인 生死观으로 부른다면, 前者를 老莊 의 生死观의 변형이라고 할 수 있다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신앙과 이성의 문제는 오랜 시간 동안의 논란과 해결의 시도에도 불구하고 난제로 남은 후기 하이네의 종교관을 심층적으로 이해하는 데 중요한 역할을한다. 신앙과 이성의 조화 속에서 하이네는 맹신과 광신에 빠진 기존의 종교제도를 비판할 수 있었으며, 현실에 대한 부정과 체념을 넘어 역사의 올바른 전개를 위한 미래의 비전을 견지할 수 있었다. 우리는 하이네의 이러한 이성을 신앙적 이성이라 규정하였다. 하이네에게 있어서 신앙과 이성은 서로 배타적이지 않았고, 보완적인 관계 속에 양립할 수 있었다. 그는 신앙과 이성이 빚어내는 긴장과 갈등의 관계 속에서 신을 인식하고 증명하는 것뿐만 아니라, 역사현실의 부정성을 인식하고, 정의를 실현시키기 위한 방안을 모색할 수 있었던 것이다.
        2014.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문은 金安國의 문집에 실려 있는 ‘勸小學詩’를 통해서 그의 교육관의 특징을 살펴보고 ‘권소학시’ 著作의 背景 및 ‘권소학시’가 지니는 시대적 의의를 파악하였다.『小學』은 유교적 도덕성을 통하여 조선사회를 교화시키는데 활용한 중요한 修身書이다. 조선조 전기에 김안국은 유학교육의 입문서격인『소학』에 담긴 내용을 실천하기를 권하는 ‘권소학시’를 지어서 鄕校 학생들에게 유교사회의 도덕규범을 장려하고 鄕村 사람들을 敎化하는 데에 주력하였다. 김안국의 ‘권소학시’의 창작 배경은 燕山朝의 弊政을 극복하고 강력한 왕권강화의 일환으로 中宗의 적극적인『소학』교육 장려책에서 비롯된 것이다. 1517년 金安國은 慶尙道 觀察使로 파견되자 각 鄕校의 유생들에게 적극적으로『소학』을 권하였는데, 경상도 관내의 방문하는 각 향교마다 현판에 ‘권소학시’ 한 편씩을 써 붙여서 강당에 걸게 하여 학도들을 勉勵하고 『소학』을 공부하고 몸소 실천할 것을 강조하였다. 그의 이러한 적극적인 노력을 통해 이때부터『소학』교육 운동이 활발하게 실현되기에 이르렀다. 또한『農書諺解』·『蠶書諺解』·『二倫行實圖諺解』·『呂氏鄕約諺解』·『正俗諺解』 등의 언해서와『辟溫方』·『瘡疹方』 등의 의학 서적을 간행하여 널리 보급하였으며, 鄕約을 시행하도록 하는 등 열정적으로 교화사업에 전념하였다. 이러한 배경에서 비롯된 ‘권소학시’에는 다음과 같이 세 가지 특징을 지닌 교육관이 드러났다. 첫째는 道德性을 강조한 교육관이다. 조선은 성리학을 건국이념이자 통치철학으로 삼아 백성들을 다스리고 교화하여 강력한 왕조를 건설하고자 하였다. 그러나 건국이후에 훈구를 비롯한 기득권층이 鮮初의 강력한 의지를 상실하고 현실에 안주하여 안일한 태도로 일관하여 부패와 도덕적 타락이 만연하게되자 김안국은 도학정치로 도덕성을 회복시키고 유교적 도덕 윤리를 강조하여 위정자와 백성을 교육시킬 것을 강조하였다. 둘째는 實踐性을 강조한 교육관이다. 훈구파는 詞章만을 숭상하여 一身의 榮達과 利祿을 취하는 방편으로 삼았으며 문학적인 誇示를 일삼았다. 이에 중종을 비롯한 뜻있는 신진사림파는 정국의 안녕과 국가의 질서를 회복해야함을 통감하기에 이르렀고 유학의 진작을 도모하였다. 이에 김안국은 이러한 당시의 세태를 비판하고 性理學에 입각한 道德性의 회복과 日常 彛倫을 실천해야 함을 강조 하였다. 셋째는 日常에서 風俗의 敎化를 강조한 교육관이다. 上下官吏의 貪慾을 抑制하고 純風․美俗을 宣揚하는 方法으로 김안국은 ‘권소학시’를 통하여 성리학의 기본 윤리가 일상생활 속에 자연스럽게 배어지게 하여 성리학적 풍속의 습관화를 통하여 도덕적인 유교적 인간형이 형성될 수 있음을 강조하였다. 이에 16세기 조선사회가 훈구세력의 부정부패와 권력남용으로 윤리기강이 무너진 조선 사회를 개혁하고 문풍을 진작시키기 위해, 교육적인 내용이 담긴 ‘권소학시’를 창작하였음을 밝혔으며, 이를 통해서 김안국의 교육관의 제 특징을 파악하였다.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2013.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Biodiesel is one of the most important renewable energy, since it is one of the most important alternative and eco-friendly energy source compared to fossil energy, especially for diesel engineequipped vehicles. It is now coming up for preparation of biodiesel as the alternative that applies the hetrogeneous catalyst, super critical state and various methods used in order to reduce the stages of the processes be converted and separation stages started from oil and fat which are originated from animals and wastes, and those new methods bring eco-friendly as well, though some of those are stand on research step so far. It is necessary that nation provides the tax exemption program for the supplier and strengthen the research system for the farming crops relate to fat and oil. It can improve the development of biodiesel which sustains stability against oxidation and keeps good mobility over the low temperatures in the winter season by new additives and develops new processes to show good harmony with diesel engine.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to examine the Western perspective on the food and food culture of Modern Times in Korea (from the late of Joseon Dynasty until Japanese colonial era). Literature and written records were analyzed. This analysis revealed that the heart of the mill in this period involved rice, and that a common beverage was sungnyung made from boiled scorched rice (in contrast to tea as the common beverage in Japan or China). The most important subsidiary food in Joseon was vegetables, especially Kimchi. Westerners viewed Kimchi as a smell symbolizing Joseon and their meal times. Even though both Kimchi and cheese are fermented food, just like Westerners could not stand the smell of Kimchi, Koreans viewed the smell of cheese unpleasant. Westerners viewed German sauerkraut as Western food counterpart to Kimchi, as sauerkraut is also fermented food made of cabbage. Regarding the eating of dog meat in Joseon, most Westerners viewed it as brutal; however some interpreted it as a difference in food culture. In addition, the eating of raw fish and its intestines felt crude to Westerners. The biggest difference between Joseon's food and Western food was that Joseon had no dairy products and no sugar. The most highly preferred fruit for Westerners was the persimmon, and ginseng was already widely recognized and recorded as a medicinal plant. Joseon's desserts were also favorably evaluated. In contrast, the excessive gluttony, heavy drinking, and unsanitary conditions in Joseon were problems pointed out in many records.
        2013.08 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper investigates the several characteristics of education view through <A Poem recommending Sohak(勸小學詩)>,which is included in the collection of Kim An Kuk and illuminates its the meaning of the times. Sohak is an important book on self‐culture that is used to enlighten Chosun society through confucian morality. In the early age of Chosun Dynasty, Kim An Kuk wrote <A Poem recommending Sohak(勸小學詩)> to advise to practice the theory of Sohak, which was like an introduction of confucian education, encouraged Hyanggyo students to follow the moral standard of confucian society, and made efforts to educate country people. This enlightenment and being custom(化民成俗) are originated from the active incentive of Sohak education by Jungjong. Kim An Kuk was appointed to the governor of Kyungsang‐do and emphasized Sohak intensively. For this, there were vigorous Sohak education campaigns. In <A Poem recommending Sohak(勸小學詩)>, which was written in this situation, there were three remarkable perspectives of education. One of them is the perspective that accentuate morality. At that time, as the graft and moral corruption of the Hungu pervaded, Kim An Kuk emphasized to recover morality with ethical policy, highlight confucian moral ethics and educate people. Secondly, it is the educational view of underlining practicability. The Hungu highlighted poem and lines and made a display of literature. He criticized it and stressed having moral manner and practicing moral ethics. At last, it is the educational view that emphasizes enlightenment of custom in daily life. <A Poem recommending Sohak(勸小學詩)> by Kim An Kuk accentuates that it is possible that confucian customs are penetrated to daily life naturally and moral confucian human type is formed in the living. Following this, it enunciated that <A Poem recommending Sohak(勸小學詩)> was created to reform the Chosun society in 16th centuries that ethical discipline was collapsed by the corruption and power abuse of the Hungu and through this, it also stated the characteristics of Kim An Kuk’s educational view.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This is a study on the ecological view of Robert Smithson’s reclamation projects. Smithson was a pioneer of Earth art in the late 1960’s. Robert Smithson believed that he could transform industrial wastelands, such as an abandoned oil rig and a no longer used quarry, into “Earth Art." In the early seventies, he conceived of land reclamation as a new art form and called this art “Reclamation Projects.” His attention regarding industrial ruin started from the American political and social situations in the 1960’s. In the late 1960’s, American society was in chaos from the right of movement of African Americans, the women’s rights movement and from the strike for renunciation of the Vietnam War. The intellectual class seemed to believe that it was the destiny of a closed system’s society to run in the direction of entropy. Smithson, who was skeptical about the system of American society, also thought that entropy was the proper diagnosis to describe America’s situation in the 1960’s. The 1960’s civic movements like the civil rights movement and antiwar movements expanded into the environmental movements based on ecological views of the 1970’s. The government had also started to worry about environmental pollution. Thus, the reclamation act was also established in 1972. Smithson believed that the relation between art and social background are closely related and affect each other. He was concerned with how art can join society, and the result was reclamation projects. Such reclamation projects lie on man-made wastelands, like abandoned oil rigs and no longer used quarries, which was an allegory of entropy. He also thought that Frederick Law Olmsted was a pioneer of earth art. The aesthetic category of Olmsted’s view of landscape is to be based on the picturesque of Uvedale Price and William Gilpin. So Smithson, who considered Olmsted as his touchstone, also accepted the picturesque. Such reclamation projects aim to change with nature by adapting the creative power of artists to the ruin which has the highest level of entropy in industrial society. Smithson wanted this to become the bridge between man and nature. His reclamation project’s aim, which shows the system interacting between man and nature as a network, is not different from the ecological view of the 1970’s environmental movement.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Fatty acid-amino acid conjugates (FACs), first identified from beet armyworm Spodoptera exigua larvae (Alborn et al., 1997), have been found in noctuid as well as sphingid caterpillar oral secretions and especially volicitin [N-(17-hydroxylinolenoyl)- L-glutamine, 17OH-volicitn] and its biochemical precursor, N-linolenoyl- L-glutamine, are known elicitors of induced volatile emissions in corn plants. We conducted FAC screening of 29 lepidopteran species and found FACs in 19 of these species (Yoshinaga & Mori et al., 2010). Thus, FACs are quite commonly synthesized through a broad range of lepidopteran caterpillars. From an evolutionary perspective, it is presumed that volicitin and the other FACs, although consequently unfavorable to the insect in the plant-herbivore interactions, are produced because they are essential part of the primary metabolism of the insects. In this context, we suggested that FACs in Spodoptera litura play an active role in nitrogen assimilation by regulating the amount of glutamine in the larval midgut (Yoshinaga & Mori et al., 2008). The benefits of the physiological function of FACs for the herbivores need to outweigh the costs caused by induction of plant defense
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the online and mobile game markets are enjoying a boom due to the wide use of the smartmedia, while the traditional video games have lost their popularities. While the use of the smartmedia based game increased, the game development companies participated directly in the circulation through the app market or the social platform. And, the competition of the related companies is expanded to the IT industry and SNS provider. As the success of the casual game led the development of online game industry, the social network game leads the development of mobile game industry along with the appearance of the smartmedia. In this paper, we analyze the key to success of the casual game represented by the Maple Story and Kart Rider and the social network game represented by the Anipang and Dragon Flight. From that, we drew the key to success that must have the succeeded game from the immersion view and we can provide some valuable strategies to the game company to succeed with the social network game.