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        검색결과 39

        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The equivalent static load for non-structural elements has a limitation in that the sloshing effect and the interaction between the fluid and the water tank cannot be considered. In this study, the equations to evaluate the impulse and convective components in the design codes and previous research were compared with the shaking table test results of a rectangular water tank with flexible wall panels. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: (1) It was observed that the natural periods of the impulsive component according to ACI 350.3 were longer than system identification results. Thus, ACI 350.3 may underestimate the earthquake load in the case of water tanks with flexible walls. (2) In the case of water tanks with flexible walls, the side walls deform due to bending of the front and back walls. When such three-dimensional fluid-structure interaction was included, the natural period of the impulsive component became similar to the experimental results. (3) When a detailed finite element (FE) model of the water tank was unavailable, the assumption   could be used, resulting in a reasonably conservative design earthquake load.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The tail flip of the decapod shrimp is a main feature in escaping behavior from the mesh of the codend in the trawl. The characteristics of tail flip in target prawn was observed and analyzed in a water tunnel in respect of flow condition and mesh penetration by a high speed video camera (500 fps). The tail bending angle or bending time in static water was significantly different than in flow water (0.7 m/s) and resultantly the angular velocity in static water was significantly higher than in flow water when carapace was fixed condition. When escaping through vertical traverse net panel in water flow the relative moving angle and relative passing angle to flow direction during tail flip, it significantly decreases the number of shrimps escaping than the case of blocking shrimp. The bending angles of tail flip between net blocking and passing through mesh were not significantly different while the bending time of shrimp passing through mesh was significantly longer than when shrimp blocking on the net. Accordingly the angular velocity of passing through mesh was significantly slower than blocking on the net although the angular velocity of the tail flip was not significantly related with carapace length. The main feature of tail flip for mesh penetration was considered as smaller diagonal direction as moving and passing angle in relation to net panel as right angle to flow direction rather than the angular velocity of tail flip.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to develop the automatic water wank for rural living water with a built-in filter device. For this purpose, the author carrying out the design and production of devices such as a stacked plate filter, automatic water tank and water purification equipment, main control system and solenoid valve, solar cell, battery, water gauge, flowmeter and pump, etc. As a result, the author obtained very good results which satisfy all the research and development objectives planned. In addition, the water quality test results received, it is determined that the water is suitable for rural living water standards of the developed prototype.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The finite element analysis of large sized rectangular water tank structures made of stainless steel materials is carried out for various combined load cases. The combined load cases for a large size of 5,000ton are further determined using the specification(KS B 6283) established from the Korean Standards Association. For the better numerical efficiency, the rectangular panels are modelled using the ANSYS program. The numerical results obtained for different load cases show as follows. In order to resist the snow load, it takes the influence of the gap than the size of the column. Also, in order to resist the water pressure, it shall increase the thickness of the wall. But, increasing the thickness of the wall is considerably less economical. Therefore, the angle with big thickness should be placed right next to the wall.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The finite element stress analysis of large sized rectangular water tank structures made of stainless steel materials is carried out for various combined load cases. The combined load cases for a large size of 5,000ton are further determined using the specification(KS B 6283) established from the Korean Standards Association. The changed water capacity due to the size of reservoirs could be heavily dependent for evaluating seismic effects, especially for large reservoirs. For the better numerical efficiency, the rectangular panels are modelled using the ANSYS ADPL module. The numerical results obtained for different load cases mainly show the effect of the interactions between the different load combination and other various parameters, for example, the water capacity, and different stainless steel materials. The structural performance for various load combinations is also evaluated.
        2014.02 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Since 2003, policies and practices related to the reduction of CO2 gas emission from ships has been discussing by the International Maritime Organization. The representative emission index and indicator are the EEDI (Energy Efficiency Design Index) for the new ships and EEOI (Energy Efficiency Operational Indicator) during the voyage. In this paper a water tank test and procedure development are introduced for the purpose of improving EEDI. The results showed good agreement explaining the characteristics properly.
        2013.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, an externally reinforced structural system for SMC(Sheet Molding Compound) panel water tank, designed according to the Japanese design code, is experimented to evaluate its seismic performance. The test tank is 3m long, 2m wide and 3m high, considering the capacity and size of the shaking table. The measured hydrodynamic pressures are found to be approximately 70% of the Japanese design code values. It may be partially due to the convex shape effect of the unit panels. The analytical results of externally reinforced system based on the measured dynamic water pressures are found in good agreement with the test results. If the design hydrodynamic pressures are estimated properly, the proposed analytical model for the externally reinforced water tank becomes a useful design tool and the Japanese design code is found to provide a safe design for the external frames of SMC panel water tank.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A new absorption material, cellulose sponge soaked in cement, was made for anechoic water tank and its acoustical properties were investigated by pulse methods. The sound absorption coefficient a (dB/cm) of the material was obtained in the frequency range of 40~120kHz from the echo reduction ER (dB) and insertion loss IL (dB) data. The result was averagely 1.8dB/cm higher than the sound absorption coefficient a (dB/cm) of cork-filled rubber which is one of the most effective absorption materials. The wedge (1.2~5.0cm long) type absorption tiles were made with this new material. The echo reduction ER (dB) of the absorption tile with 5.0cm wedge measured in water tank was higher than 20dB in the experimental frequency range.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This dissertation showcase study of production planning software development for Small and Medium sized Business (SMB). Currently, most of the domestic SMB’s production planning is being established by experienced manager’s intuition. Therefore, the production planning is usually managed by hand written data or established by impromptu process based on years of experience. Under such circumstances, production planning tends to be change frequently and, as a result, it is hard to meet On Time Delivery or to make Capable to Promise that customer asked for when they make order. This dissertation depicts the effectiveness of establishing specific production planning by applying software based on the project which had been implemented for an water tank manufacturing company, Z. The production planning by applying software which is presented in this research, enhanced work efficiency by making possible to share production information between marketing and production managing teams or within team members based on reliable planning. In addition to this, it made possible to have more orders from customers by presenting Capable to Promise schedule.
        2009.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        According to the recent statistics of marine casualties in Korea, fishing boats are more likely to be ended in the casualties, and small fishing boats especially cause much more accidents in sinking and capsizing than any other big vessels. These casualties were mainly produced from the ignorance on the lack of own ship stability. From this view, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of stability on the crab trap fishing boat receiving transverse wave by means of carrying out the water tank test. The rolling angle of the model ship was affected largely with the displacement and the wave period of it, and the trends were shown that the magnitude of the angle was proportional to the displacement, but inversely to the wave period. And the wave height had effect on the rolling angle just in the specific range of the wave period. The force of steady wind didn't have influence on the rolling variation significantly.
        2003.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        서해 연근해에서 사용하고 있는 기타 통발의 주 어획대상이 되고 있는 꽃게 및 피뿔고둥과 혼획율이 비교적 높은 쥐노래미를 대상으로 수조실험을 통하여 통발의 사용 경과기간에 따른 입롱행동을 조사하기 위하여 실제 어업 현장에서 사용하고 있는 통발 중에서 사용 경과기간이 서로 다른 세 종류의 통발(새 통발, 6개월 사용한 통발 및 12개월 사용한 통발)을 선별하여 각각의 통발에 대한 입롱율을 조사하고, 통발의 망목선택성을 추정하기 위한 기초자료를 얻기 위하여 꽃게나 피뿔고둥에 비해 활동성이 높은 쥐노래미에 대하여 세 종류의 망목(망목 35mm, 50mm 및 65mm)의 통발에 대한 입롱행동을 각각 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 꽃게에 대한 통발의 사용 경과기간별 입롱율은 사용 경과기간이 6개월인 통발이 평균 4.4마리(44.0%)로서 가장 높았으며, 새 통발 2.8마리(평균 28.0%), 12개월 사용한 통발 평균 2.0마리(20.0%)의 순으로 나타났다. 2. 피뿔고둥에 대한 통발의 사용 경과기간별 입롱율은 새 통발이 평균 7.3마리(36.7%)로서 가장 높았으나, 6개월 사용한 통발이 평균 7.2마리(35.8%)로서 큰 차이가 없었으며, 12개월 사용한 통발이 평균 5.7마리(28.3%)로서 가장 낮았다. 3. 쥐노래미에 대한 통발의 사용 경과기간별 입롱율은 사용 경과기간이 6개월인 통발이 평균 3.4마리(34.0%)로서 가장 높았으며, 새 통발 평균 3.0마리(30.0%), 12개월 사용한 통발 평균 2.8마리(28.0%)의 순으로 나타났다. 4. 통발의 망목별 쥐노래미의 잔류율은 망목 35mm인 통발이 평균 2.4마리(24.0%)로서 가장 높았으며, 망목 50mm인 통발이 평균 2.2마리(22.0%), 망목 65mm인 통발이 평균 2.0마리(20.0%)의 순으로 나타났다.lly, I carried out calculation of sensitivity of control constants of autopilot with various conditions of ocean environments. 사별자의 개별성과 요구에 적합한 접근방법이 모색되어야 한다. 앞으로 한국실정에 맞는 토착화된 사별관리를 위한 다각적인 연구가 시도되어야 하며 이를 실무에 적용시켜야 한다.ssumption, additional study is needed to examine the relationship between the levels of microbes and excessive concentrations of EA, and borate at a high pH level.부정적인 반응을 보였다. '한국음식을 더 많이 해서 전통음식과 친밀한 장소로 발전시키자', '계절식품을 이용하고 비슷한 종류의 음식은 빼서 가격을 낮추자', '연령에 따라서, 또, 성인에서는 성별에 따라 가격 차이를 두자'는 의견 등이 있었다.이용한 배반포의 체외생산에 있어서 배양액내 항산화제의 첨가는 체외성숙단계에서만 효과적이었다. 이것은 아마도 항산화제가 체외성숙 시 난포란 내에서 일어나는 여러 가지 생화학 반응의 처리시간과 관련하여 활성화시킴으로써 난포란의 생존력을 높인 것이라고 사료되기 때문에 앞으로는 돼지 난포란의 효율적인 체외성숙에 대해서 배양액내 첨가물질은 물론 나아가서 방법론적인 측면에서 더욱 연구되어져야 할 것이다.ed from Nusselt's film condensation theory on tilted plate. Using those two expressions, a correlation was formulated as a function of heat flux and tilt angle,
        2001.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The individual rotten water purification tank recently discharges wastewater and sewage through the outlet without purification ability. The outlet water and affiliated water purification tank with microorganism cultivator tank cultivates microorganism and then drops the value BOD, COD of sewage and discharges the quality of water into the outlet. The blower and water pump operating continuously prompts the waste of energy and deterioration of equipment. Each room of deposition tank, foaming tank, microorganism cultivator tank is equipment with the sludge detection senses so it can detect the density of each room. The power-drive plant of the blower and water pump which are the system cultivating the microorganism must be made as fuzzy controlization (If the sludge amount of each room become higher, the rate of operation of blower and water pump must heighten, on the contrary, in case of row sludge amount, the total handling amount and microorganism handling amount of each room of control. Tank reducing the rate of operation must be DB. At present, the blower amount in proportion to the sludge and oxyzen demanding amount has to control. Each room mus be checked outlet level of the outlet, also each room must flow backward discharge materials, and must operate feed-back control until we want to be come as a below value of BOD/COD(10PPM ; KS).
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