제주도 서귀포시 도순동에 위치한 도순다원에서 2002년부터 2009년까지 차나 무 주요 해충으로 알려진 차응애, 오누키애매미충, 볼록총채벌레, 차잎말이나방, 동백가는나방의 발생 상황을 조사하였다. 이 다원 1982년 조성되어 2007년까지 관행재배 되었고, 2008년부터 유기재배를 실시하고 있다. 조사는 5개 블록에서 실시하여 각 블록당 5개소를 조사 하여, 5개소 합을 기록하 였으며, 조사 주기는 주 1회 실시 하였다. 차응애는 차나무 잎 뒷면의 기생 유무에 관찰하여 기생엽율 조사를 실시하였고, 오누키애매미충과 볼록총채벌레는 타락 법, 차잎말이나방과 동백가는나방은 페로몬을 이용하여 조사를 실시하였다. 차응애는 3월 초부터 관찰되기 시작하여 4월 중순 ~ 5월말까지 밀도가 가장 높 게 나타났다. 7, 8월 장마기에 낮은 밀도를 보이다 9월부터 밀도가 증가하는 경향 을 나타내었다. 오누키애매미충과 볼록총채벌레는 4월 말부터 관찰이 되어 7월에 발생 피크를 나타내었으며, 11월까지 오누키애매미충과 볼록총채벌레가 관찰 되 었다. 차잎말이나방은 4월, 7월, 8월, 10월로 연 4회, 동백가는나방은 4월, 6월, 7 월, 8월, 9월로 연 5회의 발생 피크를 보였다. 최근 오누키애매미충과 차잎말이나 방의 발생이 다소 빨리지는 경향을 나타내었다.
We investigated nesting and foraging behavior of Korean mason bees, Osmia cornifrons Radoszkowski, during apple orchard pollination. When O. cornifrons was nesting, the oviposit and store pollens were taken an average 118.54±15.88 second and constructing cell partition was an average 109.33±62.09 second. At foraging, collecting pollens was timed at an average 699.89±81.87 second, and carrying mud was measured an average 464.88±151.17 second. Nesting and foraging behavior of O. cornifrons were influenced by weather conditions, especially, temperature, luminance and wind. When the luminance was more than 20,000lux and temperature was more than 20℃, O. cornifrons was more actively nesting and foraging. But, nesting and foraging of O. cornifrons were rapidly dropped when the wind blew at the speed more than 5m/s. The correlation analysis showed that foraging behavior is weak positive correlation with luminance, temperature and nesting. On the other hand, there is negative correlation between wind and the behavior of O. cornifrons. The most effective factor was luminance among the factors affecting the weather condition by regression analysis. Therefore, if weather conditions is low luminance, low temperature and strong wind, it will be better not to use O. cornifrons during apple pollination.
토마토반점위조바이러스(TSWV)는 총채벌레가 매개하는 식물성 바이러스로서 고추, 토마토, 국화 등에 원형반점, 황화위축 등 심각한 피해를 주는 중요한 바이러 스이다. 우리나라에서는 1993년 충남 예산에서 처음 발견된 후 2009년까지 전남, 경남 등 23개시군으로 발생이 확대되었다. TSWV를 매개하는 총채벌레(이하 매 개충)는 세계적으로 6종이고 우리나라에 분포하는 종류는 꽃노랑총채벌레, 대만 총채벌레 등 4종이다. 주요 발병지역에서 토마토반점위조병은 한 지역에서 매년 발생하고 주변으로 확산되는 특성을 보인다. TSWV 발생과 확산특성을 이해하기 위해 고추 생육기 매개충의 종류를 2009년도 9월에 충남, 전남북의 14개 지점에 서, 작물 정식전후 매개충의 발생동태를 2010년 4월부터 6월까지 전남 순천의 1개 지점에서 조사하였다(바이러스는 RT-PCR 검정). 고추에서 매개충의 종류는 시설 및 노지 모두 꽃노랑총채벌레와 대만총채벌레 2종이었고, 전자의 점유율이 시설 과 노지 모두 훨씬 높았다.(각각 66.1%, 93.7%). 두 종 모두 바이러스 보독개체가 확인되었으며, 특히 꽃노랑총채벌레는 7개지점의 시설과 노지에서 높은 검출율을 보였다(각각 38.5%, 36.8%). 순천의 노지고추 정식(5월 3일) 이전 꽃노랑총채벌 레는 시설과 주변에서 우점하였고(각각 100%, 57.9%) 또한 높은 바이러스 검출율 을 보였다(각각 66.7%, 28.6%). 정식후 인접한 고추포장과 주변 야생식물에서 TSWV 검출율 역시 꽃노랑총채벌레에서 높게 나타났다. 이상의 결과로부터 우리 나라 노지고추의 바이러스 감염은 시설에서 분산, 이동한 꽃노랑총채벌레에 의한 것으로 판단된다.
토마토반점위조바이러스(TSWV)는 총채벌레가 매개하는 Bunyaviridae과 Tospovirus 속의 대표 바이러스로서 고추, 토마토, 국화 등에 원형반점, 황화위축, 기형, 고사 등 심각한 피해를 주는 세계적으로 중요한 바이러스이다. 우리나라에서는 1993년 충남 예산의 파프리카에서 처음 발견된 후 점차 분포가 확산되어 2009년 충남, 전 남, 경남 등 23개시군에서 발생이 확인된 바 있다. TSWV를 매개하는 총채벌레는 세계적으로 꽃노랑총채벌레 등 6종이 알려져 있다. 온대지방에서 총채벌레에 의 한 바이러스의 확산원인을 규명하기 위해서는 겨울철 바이러스 매개충의 종류, 월 동여부 및 바이러스 보독정도를 해명하는 것이 필요하다. 2008/2009년과 2009/2010 년 12월부터 3월까지 충남 예산에서 전년도 고추에 TSWV가 발병했던 휴경상태 의 무가온 비닐온실에서 월동하는 바이러스 매개충은 꽃노랑총채벌레와 파총채벌 레였으며 꽃노랑총채벌레가 압도적으로 많았다(98.7∼100%). 꽃노랑총채벌레의 월동태는 성충(암컷)이 대부분이었다(94.3∼100%). 꽃노랑총채벌레 월동 성충의 RT-PCR법에 의한 TSWV 보독정도는 12월부터 이듬해 3월까지 점차 높아지는 경향이었고 바이러스 검출율은 42.3∼63.6%로 매우 높았다. 바이러스 보독충이 서식하는 야생식물은 쇠별꽃, 지칭개, 소리쟁이, 망초, 별꽃 등 10종으로서 조사한 모든 초종에서 확인되었다. 이상의 결과로부터 한 지역에서 매년 계속되는 TSWV 의 발생과 주변으로의 확산은 전년도 발병포장에서 월동한 꽃노랑총채벌레 보독 충이 중요한 원인일 것으로 생각된다.
우리나라, 일본, 중국, 대만에 발생하는 유해 해충인 호박꽃과실파리 Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) scutellata Hendel은 우리나라의 박과류에 피해를 주고 있다. 호박 꽃과실파리의 실내 사육에 있어 광 조건에 따른 짝짓기 행동을 관찰하였다. 실험 용 성충은 우화 후 약 10일이 지난 호박꽃과실파리 성충 암, 수이며, 광은 최대 2000lux를 주었고 20lux - 0lux 사이에서 관찰을 실시하였다. 호박꽃과실파리의 짝짓기 전 행동은 Wing vibration, Mounting과 Copulation 단 계로 이루어졌다. 인공광 아래 성충 수컷의 wing vibration의 광 조건은 20lux - 8lux였고, 20lux - 14lux가 가장 적합하였다. wing vibration 후 성충 암, 수의 mounting은 20lux - 8lux 사이에서 관찰되었으며, mounting의 경우 18lux - 14lux 가 가장 적합하였다. copulation의 경우 18lux - 10lux에서 관찰되었다. wing vibration을 한 수컷은 암컷과 copulation 성공률이 약 60%로 wing vibration 행동 을 통해 이끌려 날아온 암컷이 수컷의 앞쪽에 있을 때 대부분 copulation이 이루어 졌다. wing vibration을 하지 않은 수컷은 주변에 암컷이 있어도 copulation을 하지 않았다.
Bombus terrestris was released for pollination of apple flowers at apple orchards in Uileumgol, Milyang-sity, mid spring, 2008. Numbers of out-going bees and in-coming bees were 38heads at 10 a.m. and 23heads at 4 p.m., respectively. 75% bees per total in-coming bees collected the pollens about 10 a.m. and 63% bees per total in-coming bees collected the pollens around 4 p.m.. The SEM photography(A) showed that 82.7% of a pollen load were collected on apple flowers and 17.3% of a pollen load were collected from another plants and trees flowers. The another SEM photography(B) showed that 89.1% of a pollen load were collected on apple flowers and 10.9% of a pollen load were collected from another plants and trees flowers. Therefore these results show that B. terrestris mainly pollinates on the apple flowers but the bee seems to visit flowers of other plant species from time to time.
2010년에 사과 주산지인 장수지역에서 19개 사과원을 포함한 인접 25개 지점과 거창지역에서 9개 사과원을 포함한 인접 19개 지점에 발생예찰용 성페로몬 트랩 을 설치하고 복숭아순나방은 4~10월, 복숭아심식나방은 5월하순~9월에 유살되 는 수컷 성충의 수를 조사하였다. 복숭아순나방 발생시기는 장수지역에서 해발 300m지대는 4월중순, 500-700m지대는 4월하순에, 거창지역에서 4월중순에 최초 발생하였고, 제1세대는 5월상중순, 제2세대는 6월하순-7월상순, 제3세대는 8월상 중순, 제4세대는 9월중하순이 발생피크기였으며, 9월하순-10월상순에 최종발생 하였다. 복숭아심식나방 발생시기는 장수지역에서 해발 300m지대는 6월중순, 700m지대는 6월하순에, 거창지역에서 6월상중순에 최초발생하였고, 제1세대는 7 월상순경, 제2세대는 8월중하순이 발생피크기였으며, 9월하순에 최종발생하였다. 복숭아순나방 연간발생량은 사과원별로 차이가 많아서 장수는 24~1,085마리, 거 창은 163~1,134마리였고, 복숭아심식나방도 장수는 8~383마리, 거창은 3~ 529마리였다. 발생량 차이는 장수지역의 경우 사과원 관리 및 주변환경 영향이 커 서 무농약 인증 사과원 > 자두․복숭아 과원 및 인근 사과원 > 집단재배 사과원 > 독 립 사과원 순이었고, 거창지역은 읍면별로 차이가 많았는데 거창읍 > 남상면․남하 면 > 고제면 순이었다.
Although the greater part of Coccinellidae are all pure entomophagous insects (Weber and Lundgren, 2009), many species of phytophagous, mycophagous and polyphagous ladybirds have been reported in worldwide. This study was conducted to investigate the morphological characteristics of mouthparts of mycophagous ladybird, I. koebelei, comparison with aphidophagous species, Propylea japonica (Coccinellidae: Coccidellini), and developmental charicteristics of I. koebelei at different temperature under incubation conditions. Four species of powdery mildews that I. koebelei fed were observed, and their host plants were pear tree, persimmon tree, red pepper and cucumber. The most conspicuous elements of I. koebelei mouthparts is the mandible. The distal incisor region of the mandible of both species is formed by two teeth, giving them a bifid apex. and the terminal teeth spilt near top and the ventral tooth is smaller than the dorsal one. but the ventral tooth of I. koebelei divided into a row of additional teeth was different with P. japonica. Furthermore, while the inner mandibular cutting edge of P. japonica is smooth, that of I. koebelei is covered in minute teeth, forming a comb. These structures are presumed to help I. koebelei rake fungal spores growing on leaf surface. The developmental period and reproduction ability of were significantly different according to temperature conditions when I. koebelei was fed the powdery mildew from cucumber leaves. The optimum temperature for I. koebelei rearing was from 23 to 25℃ that is the similar condition of cucumber powdery mildew occurrence.
국화에서는 파밤나방은 7~10월에 주로 발생하여 잎과 줄기, 꽃잎에 피해를 주는 해충이다. 시설에서 재배되는 국화에 대하여 파밤나방에 대한 경제적피해수준 및 요방제 수준을 추정하였다. 파밤나방의 접종시기와 접종량에 따른 수량과 관계를 조사하였다. 국화 백선을 정식후 14일과 정식후 83일(꽃눈형성기)에 파밤나방을 100주와 20주에 각각 0, 5, 10, 20, 40마리를 접종하였다. 100주에서 20마리 접종 과 40마리 접종에서 9월13일 피해엽율은 각각 58.3%, 57.6%를 나타내었다. 파밤 나방 무방제구에 대한 수량은 47,142.9본/10a이었으며 수량감소율은 72.5%로 12964.2본/10a 였다. 꽃눈형성기에 국화 파밤나방의 유충밀도와 수량감소율과의 상관관계식은 Y = 18.5X-13.5 (R2=0.9661)의 회귀식을 얻을 수 있었고 파밤나방 접종밀도에 따른 피해엽율과 수량감소율의 관계는 정의 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 경제적허용수준은 20주당 유충 1마리이며 방제가 필요한 수준은 20주 당 유충 0.8마리였다.
The green peach aphid, Myzuspersicae Sulzer, is one of the most important insect pest in the world. To assess the efficiency of sound wave to control aphids, we treated a different combination of intensity (66dB, 78dB, 90dB) and frequency (100Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz) of acoustic stimulus to the aphids. Then we analyzed aphid’s behaviors occurred in each different combination group of acoustic stimulus and control group, and compared them to confirm the most effective sound. We used honey-dew-production (HDP) for behavioral bioassay, which occurs regularly in each nymphal stage and adult period. The rate of HDP decreased in the whole experimental group when compared with control group (F1,358=79.415,P<0.0001). The most effective acoustic frequency was100Hz in which aphids reduced the rate of HDP to approximately 1/3 times lower than that of control group. The treatments of 1000Hz and 500Hz were effective in the order of appearance. The effect of acoustic stimulus seems irregular in the different intensities, and the highest intensity did not show the strongest effect in each frequency. Consequently, the rate of HDP seemed to be affected by the acoustic frequency more than the intensity.
The Green Peach aphid, Myzus persicae Sulzer, is one of the most widespread insect pests worldwide. We established the ethogram of this species during the pre-reproductive period to understand the behavioral repertoire, organization of behaviors, and the context in which they occur. The behaviors that we observed include honeydew production (HDP), walking, wagging, pre-molting and molting. We noted the frequency and the amount of time for each behavior at different nymphal stages. As the nymphal stage increased, the rate of HDP decreased. The HDP seemed to occurred at regular duration and interval in each nymphal stage, while the wagging and walking seemed to be irregular behaviors. When wagging occurred before HDP, the successive HDP was significantly delayed, suggesting that aphids might not feed during wagging. Due to regularity through all nymphal-stages, HPD can be used for a good behavioral indicator in the related bioassay.
In recent, the ISO has suggested a new guideline by using an avoidance behavior of soil invertebrates for the use of screening tools in the evaluation of soil contamination. In this study, we used a collembolan, Paronychiurus kimi which is native to Korea, as a test species because of its ecological relevance to Korean soil. The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether the exposure time (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h) and cadmium concentration (50, 100, 200 and 400 mg/kg of dry soil) affect the avoidance behavior of P. kimi. Twenty collembolans were introduced to the center of the soil which divided into two sections; cadmium untreated soil was placed in one of the section, and the cadmium treated soil was placed in the opposite section. To minimize soil structural effect on the avoidance behavior, the both soils were compacted by applying unidirectional force to the soil surface. The avoidance behaviors of P. kimi were not significantly affected by cadmium concentrations after 24 and 48 h of exposure, but were significant after 72-120 h. There results showed that avoidance behavior appears to be a good endpoint for the use in evaluation of soil contamination with 72 h of exposure duration.
We investigated ground beetles in riverbank of the Yamato River in Nara and Osaka Prefectures,to elucidate changes in the species diversity and assemblage structure.Ground beetles were collected with unbaited pitfall traps once a week from April to December 2006 at five sites; sandy and grassy riverbanks in Ikaruga (Site 1) and Sangoh Towns, Nara Prefecture (Site 2),a gravelly riverbed in a valley in Kashiwara City (Site 3),and sandy and grassy riverbanks with willow trees in Fujiidera (Site 4) and Matsubara Cities,Osaka Prefecture (Site 5). A total of 4,319 individuals belonging to 53 species from two families were captured at the 5 sites. Species richness was the highest at Site 4 (40 spp.), higher at Sites 2, 5 and 1 (31, 30 and 29 spp. respectively), and the lowest at Site 3 (19 spp.). Compared with results in 1988 (Ishii etal., 1996), species richness of both small-and middle-sized specie sand both temperate and northern species increased, and 2 southern species and 2 species endemic to Japan were newly recorded. It should be noted that large numbers of Bembidion lissonotum and Nobria lewisi, "gravel riverspecialists", were caught at Site3. Our results demonstrate that ground-beetle fauna was well maintained in riverbank of the Yamato River in last 18 years.
This study was conducted to investigate the change of moth communities by the effect of forest fire in Samcheok, Korea. Moths were collected 4 times a year from 2006 to 2009 with UV light traps at 3sites: Unburned area (Site 1), Surface fire area (Site 2), and Crown fire area (Site 3). A total of 3,804 individuals belonging to 727 species from 30 families were captured at the 3 sites. A total of 3,804 individuals belonging to 727 species from 30 families were captured at the 3 sites: 1,727 individuals of 505 species (27 families) at Site 1, 1,193 individuals of 353 species (24 families) at Site 2, 885 individuals of 340 species (25 families). The index of similarity (Index α) was higher between Site 2 and 3 in 2006, while higher between Site 1 and 2 in 2009. Moths were grouped into 16 categories by hosts of the larva stage. Based on our results, we discussed the change of moth communities by the effect of forest fire.
In a previous study, aggregation pheromone trap added with refrigerated eggs of Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) in a netted pouch was found to enhance parasitism by its egg parasitoid Ooencyrtus nezarae Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) in soybean fields. However, the eggs released in the netted pouch would not be well exploited by the egg parasitoid due to reduced encounter of the eggs and elevated inter- or intraspecific competition among the parasitoids in clumped condition of released eggs inside the pouch. To solve this problem, new trap was developed with twelve separate cells for egg placement. Efficiency of this new trap was evaluated in a soybean field in Songcheon, Andong. Newly developed trap and formerly designed trap each with 180 refrigerated eggs were placed at a distance of 15-20m in the field. The released eggs were collected every week, and the experiment was replicated for three weeks. In addition, comparison was carried out by placing eggs in different density in the cell (120 in total per trap) for three weeks. Parasitism in newly developed trap (32-35%) was higher than that in the former trap (16-20%). Parasitism in the trap where eggs were released in six cells was the highest, followed by three cells, one cell, and eggs released in the pouch. From these findings, newly developed traps is better than previous design in enhancing the parasitism in soybean fields.
Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) recently become an important fruit-spotting bug of apple and sweet persimmon trees in Korea. Although fruits of cultivated species are generally known to be unsuitable food for the fruit-spotting bugs, dietary importance of fruits of apple and sweet persimmon for R. pedestris is unknown. We evaluated fruits of apple and sweet persimmon with or without soybean seeds as a food source for R. pedestris by investigating nymphal development time, nymphal mortality, preovipositional period, fecundity, and adult size in the laboratory. None of 1st instar R. pedestris fed only on a fruit of apple or sweet persimmon became second instar nymph. When provided with soybean seeds together, both the fruits did support the nymphal development and the reproduction of R. pedestris. However, diets including soybean and one of the fruits were not better than control diets consisting of soybean seeds with or without vitamin C. Therefore, apple and sweet persimmon are not essential food sources for the development and the reproduction of R. pedestris. These results suggest that R. pedestris may not reproduce on the fruit trees, thus explain absence of either their eggs or their nymphs on the fruit trees in the fields.
Plant penetration by aphids can be monitored electrically by the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. To confirm whether some behaviors are correlated to specific graph pattern in EPG, we analyzed the two synchronized data, EPG and video records. We recorded electrical penetration graph (EPG) and behaviors of aphids simultaneously. Then we compared the behaviors of aphids with the recorded EPG waveforms in order to match their visible behaviors and invisible behaviors with stylet. The visible behaviors were categorized for walking, wagging, honeydew production, and reproduction. When the aphids were generally motionless, the EPG denoted feeding-related waveforms (E1, E2, F and G). Whereas, probing waveforms (B and pd) frequently occurred when they were wagging. We aim to present the correlation between observed behaviors and EPG patterns.
This study was conducted to investigate the altitudinal distribution of the ground beetle community in a mountain area during 2007 to 2009, and to examine what habitat characters are most relevant to the distribution of mountain ground beetle species, and finally to identify potential biological indicators for monitoring in forest. The study area was Mt. Sobaeksan National Park (1439 m elevation), in Punggi-up, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Ground beetles were collected by pitfall traps, which were installed along the altitudinal gradient 437, 757, 1100 and 1420 m. In total, 3,259 individuals were identified as 32 species in 18 genera. The dominant species were Synuchus cycloderus (29.4%), Eucarabus sternbergi sobaeksanensis (15.4%) and Pterostichus orientalis (9.7%) in order. Overall, the ground beetle community structure was different along the altitude (similarity 65.2%) by NMDS ordination, but also were clustered into 2 groups, 437 and 757 m, and 1100 and 1420 m (similarity 57.9%). Therefore, the ground beetle assemblage could provide basic information for forest management. In this study, some ground beetle species were suggested to potential biological indicators along altitudinal gradient.
Ostrinia zaguliaevi (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) causes serious damage to pods and stems of the red bean, Vigna angularis, during the second half of the reproductive developmental stage. The temperature-dependent development studies of O. zaguliaevi were performed at several constant temperatures ranging from 7℃ to 36℃ in the laboratory, in the purpose of making temperature-dependent development models in the future. Eggs and larvae of O. zaguliaevi could not develop at lower temperatures of 7~13℃. As the temperature increased, the developmental period of the immature stage decreased. The number of larval instar was variable from 5 to 8, depending on temperature. The minimum number of larval instar was observed at only 25℃. Some larvae of colonies maintained at 16~22℃ showed highly longer developmental period. At relatively higher temperatures, 34℃ and 36℃, the larval developmental rates were not slowed down, and the larval survival rates was relatively high, above 60%. The egg mortality was relatively high at 36℃. Using these temperature-dependent development data of O. zaguliaevi, preliminary linear regression equations were estimated to look for a relationship between temperature and developmental rate in egg and larval stages.
Gamasid mites are top predators and occupy a central position of the soil food web in the forest ecosystem. This study investigated the soil dwelling gamasid mite community during 8-9 years after the massive mountain fire which occurred in April 2000. Total of 11 families, 44 species and 943 individuals were found. Abundance and species richness of soil gamasid mites was high in less fire-impacted sites (C2 and T3) including unburned control site (Con) than in severely impacted sites (T1 and T2). Genus Holaspina comprised 40-84% of the total abundance of gamasid mites indicating the group may play the key role in soil food web. Dominant species of gamasid mite was H. alstoni, H. communis, H. dentaus, H. ochraceus, H. trifucatus of the Genus Holaspina 5 species in all sites. Some detail biological information was pursued in this group. After 8-9 years from the massive fire, it was noted that the soil gamasid mite communities were recovered from the less severely burned sites but not from the severely burned sites.