꽃노랑총채벌레(Frankliniella occidentalis)는 고추를 가해하는 주요 병해충 가운데 하나이다. 유충과 성충이 긁어빠는 구기로 잎과 열매에 가해하는 직접피해는 물론이고 일명 칼라병이라 일컬어지는 토마토반점위조바 이러스를 전파하는 간접피해를 주고 있다. 다양한 바이러스 내병성 품종이 농가에서 재배되고 있으나, 칼라병의 발병은 해를 거듭하며 증가하고 있다. 놀라운 사실은 일부 내병성 품종에 대해서 총채벌레의 유인력이 감수성 품종에 비해 높다는 사실이다. 본 연구는 꽃노랑총채벌레에 대한 고추의 항객성 기작을 분석하였다. 총채벌레에 이미 피해를 받은 고추는 다른 총채벌레의 접근을 억제하는 것은 물론이고 천적인 미끌애꽃노린재를 유인하였 다. 이 고추 내부에는 자스모닉산 생합성 관여 유전자의 발현이 증가하였다. 고추가 생산하는 향기성분을 SPME 방식으로 모아 분석한 결과 Green leaf volatile과 terpene류의 증가를 보였다. 시판되는 10개의 고추 품종을 대상으 로 항객성 생물 검정과 향기성분 분석을 실시한 결과 이상의 항객성 기작을 뒷받침하였다. 또한 근권세균 가운데 일부는 고추로 하여금 이러한 항객성을 유도하였다.
Chromosomal level genome draft was assembled using a Korean Diadegma fenestrale (Jeju strain, KJ09). This assembly was achieved through a combined approach utilizing Nanopore long-read sequencing (approximately 134X coverage) and Illumina NovaSeq short-read sequencing (approximately 83X coverage). The assembled genome spans 243 Mb, comprises 160 scaffolds, with most of the genome contained within 11 chromosomal level scaffolds. The completeness of the assembly is reflected in BUSCO assessment, with values reaching 99.6%. Gene annotation is not completed. A symbiotic virus, Diadegma fenestrale Ichnovirus (DfIV) genome revealed 62 non-overlapping circular DNA segments the aggregate genome size was approximately 240 kb. Although the frequency of DfIV genome integration into the host’s 11 chromosomes varies from 0 to 32%, it was confirmed that all 62 DfIV genome fragments were inserted into the host genome. A total of 123 ORFs were predicted from the DfIV genome and most of those were expressed in the host’s ovary. This result may be contradictory to existing theories, but we propose a new hypothesis that some genes possessed by viruses may play different roles depending on the type and state of the host. Additionally, this phenomenon can be considered in relation to coevolution with the hosts.
장수풍뎅이(Trypoxylus dichotomus)는 오래 전부터 애완·학습용으로 활용되는 정서곤충으로 곤충산업의 씨 앗이 되는 중요한 곤충이다. 2012년 청원군에서 처음 장수풍뎅이 유충이 일제히 사망한 사례가 있고 2014년부터 비슷한 증상의 사례가 전국적으로 발생했다. 2015년에는 이러한 원인이 장수풍뎅이 누디바이러스(Oryctes rhinoceros nudivirus, OrNV)로 인한 것임이 밝혀졌고 2017년에 raw sequencing data가 NCBI에 공개되었지만 추가 분석은 이루어지지 않았다. 따라서, 우리는 국내 장수풍뎅이에서 분리한 누디바이러스(Trypoxylus dichotomus nudivirus, TdNV-KR)로 명명하고, NCBI로부터 수집한 Malaysia, Solomon Islands, Indonesia, Philippines, Palau strain의 OrNV sequence와 비교 분석하였다. 그 결과, TdNV-KR의 genome size는 126,408bp임을 확인하였고 다른 OrNV strain이 비해 가장 적은 open reading frames(ORF)를 가지고 있었으며, 3개의 ORF가 TdNV genome에서만 부재함을 확인했다. 또한, Nudivirus core genes의 아미노산 염기서열 비교에서는 Single-nucleotide polymorphism 과 indels(insertion/deletion)로 인해 highly conserved 한 OrNV strain의 sequence들에 비해 TdNV의 시퀀스는 많은 변이/차이를 보였다. 우리의 연구는 누디바이러스의 종간 전파에 대한 이해도를 높이고, 바이러스 간의 유연관계 를 확인함으로써 유입 경로를 추정하여 산업곤충의 질병을 효과적으로 예방하는 데 기여할 것이다.
The striped fruit fly (SFF), Zeugodacus scutellata, is an agricultural pest species with a strong and rapid reproductive ability that can cause significant harm. To control the population of these kind of pests, the sterile insect technique (SIT) is being used as one of the effective methods. SIT involves the introduction of sexually transmitted factors that reduce the reproductive capacity of males. This study shows that knocking down the testis-specific serine/threonine protein kinase 1 (Zs-Tssk1) gene alters male fertility and male-initiated types of communication. Since Zs-Tssk1 influences the physiology of the testes, spermatogenesis is also affected, which in turn alters the lifespan of Zs-Tssk1 knock down group in comparison with the control. Based on these results, Zs-Tssk1 may be crucial in reproductive function, and its down-regulation may be helpful in controlling SFF through SIT.
The yellow mealworm, Tenebrio molitor L. (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), is an important industrial insect commercially produced around the world as food and feed. Temperature and nutrition are the two most influential environmental factors determining the rearing conditions in insects, but little is known about how these two factors interact to affect the performance of T. molitor larvae. In this study, we investigated the combined effects of temperature and dietary protein:carbohydrate (P:C) ratio on key performance traits in T. moltior larvae. Throughout their larval stage, the insects were reared on one of 36 treatment combinations of six temperatures (19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34 °C) and six protein:carbohydrate ratios (P:C = 1:5, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 5:1, 1:0) and their survivorship, development, growth rate, and pupal mass were monitored. Survivorship was high at low temperatures (< 25°C) and high P:C ratios (>1:1), but decreased with increasing temperature and decreasing P:C ratio. Increase in rearing temperature accelerated larval development but resulted in a reduced pupal mass. Thermal optimum for pupal mass (19.3°C) was thus lower than that for development time (28.1°C). The growth rate was maximized at 27.9°C and P:C 1.65:1 and decreased as both the temperature and the P:C ratio deviated from their optimum. All four key performance traits (survivorship, development time, pupal mass, growth rate) were optimized at temperatures between 25.7 and 27.4°C and P:C ratios between 1.17:1 and 2.94:1. Our data provide insights into how the production and nutritional value of T. molitor larvae can be improved through adjusting their rearing conditions.
Stilbene-based fluorescent brighteners (FB) have been shown to enhance insecticidal activities of entomopathogenic viruses but little is known its effect on entomopathogenic bacteria. We investigated the effect of two FBs (FB 28 and FB 71) on the insecticidal activity of B. thuringiensis var. kurstaki (Btk) as well as the Lymantria dispar multiple nuclear polyhedrosis virus (LdMNPV) in Lymantria dispar asiatica. FB 28 increased the mortality at the combination with low concentration (1.6×102 IU/ml) of Btk, but FB 71 slightly reduced the mortality with middle and high concentrations (1.6×103 and 1.6×104 IU/ml) of Btk in comparison to Btk alone. Both FB 28 and FB 71 increased mortality in combination with LdMNPV at all concentrations (3×102, 3×104, and 3×106 POBs/ml) compared to LdMNPV alone. Our findings suggest that FBs enhanced pathogenic activities but depend on chemical nature of FBs.
From an evolutionary perspective, it is speculated that termites have evolved to construct tunnels in a manner that optimizes search and transport efficiency. While numerous studies have focused on search efficiency, there has been limited research on transport efficiency due to the challenges associated with direct field observations. To address this challenge, we developed an individual-based model to simulate the transport process. Using the model, we examine the effects of several key variables on transport efficiency, Based on our results, we discuss potential strategies that termites might employ to optimize transport efficiency. In addition, we briefly discuss ways to improve the realism of the model.
기후변화 위기에 대응하기 위하여 대한민국은 2030년까지 신재생연료 혼합비율(Renewable Fuel Standard, RFS)을 3.5%에서 8%까지 상향하기로 결정하였다. 국내에서 제조되는 신재생연료의 원료가 되는 바이오매스의 60%이상이 해외에서 수입하는 실정이며, 2030 탄소중립 및 RE100과 같은 바이오연료 사용증가 정책의 확대로 인하여 국내에서 제조되어 활용가능한 바이오매스의 확보가 절실하게 필요하다. 곤충은 높은 비율의 단백질과 지질을 체내에 저장하는 특징을 가지고 있으며, 곤충의 대량사육을 통하여 지질의 대량생산이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 본 연구에서는 곤충의 대량사육환경에서 제조되는 지질을 원료로 하여 기후변화에 대응할 수 있는 바이오연료로의 전환 제조가능성을 확인하고자 하였으며, 이를 위하여 촉매공정을 통하여 디젤과 혼합하여 사용할 수 있는 수첨바이오디젤을 제조하여 그 특성을 분석하였다. 그 결과 곤충지질을 활용하여 수첨바이오디 젤로 전환가능함을 확인하였다.
Glyphosate, a worldwide most used herbicides, can have complex implications for terrestrial ecosystems, extending beyond its intended target, weed control. This study investigated the cascading effects of glyphosate application on both plant and collembolan communities. Our findings reveal that glyphosate application can reduce the richness of plant communities, and these effects can be pronounced in areas with low initial plant diversity. Furthermore, our results confirm that the fluctuations in plant community composition induced by glyphosate application can also impact the richness of collembolan communities. This research highlights the importance of considering both plant and invertebrate communities when assessing the impacts of herbicide use in agroecosystems.
The genus Hilara is one of the largest group in the family Empididae. It is usually found on the water surface, banks of rivers, streams, lakes or ponds and damp forests. The genus Hilara was established by Meigen in 1822, based on the type species Hilara maura (Fabricius, 1776). In this study, the genus Hilara is reported for the first time in Korea. A total of 6 species was recognozed in korea. Amog them, 3 new species of the genus Hilara Meigen: Hilara sp. nov. 1, Hilara sp. nov. 2 and Hilara sp. nov. 3 Hilara sp. nov. 4 and Hilara sp. nov. 5 are described as new to science. Also, one species, Hilara echinata Frey, is reported for the first time from korea. Adults and genitalia were examined and illustrated with a key to the genus Hilara in Korea and DNA barcodes, when available.
The foraging behavior of honey bees can be attributed to the nutritional incentives they gain from their activities. Nevertheless, a persistent question has revolved around how the nutritional composition undergoes alterations during the process of converting pollen into bee bread. We embarked on a comprehensive investigation of nutritional shifts, spanning from fresh pollen to bee-pollen, pollen patties, and bee bread. Our research findings unveiled that pollen exhibited notably higher levels of individual amino acids, resulting in significantly elevated overall amino acid content compared to bee-collected pollen. While we provided pollen patty to the honey bee colony, initially, during the first 3 to 7 days, there were no substantial discrepancies in the total amino acid content between bee bread and the pollen patty. Intriguingly, unlike most amino acids, we detected a distinct pattern of higher proline content in bee bread compared to bee-pollen or the pollen patty. This shift in amino acid composition likely stems from the incorporation of nectar and other secretions during the bee bread-making process. Moreover, over a span of approximately 14 days within hive conditions, the amino acid content in bee bread increased. Conversely, in terms of fatty acid contents, they were found to be lower in bee bread than those in the pollen patty, with no significant temporal differences observed. Regarding mineral content, bee bread, in general, contained fewer minerals than bee pollen and pollen patties. In conclusion, the transformation of pollen into bee bread involves dynamic alterations in nutrient contents, influenced by both intrinsic bee-related factors and external factors within the hive environment.
Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) catalyze the oxidative cleavage of glycosidic bonds in crystalline polysaccharides including chitin and cellulose. The recent discovery of LPMO family proteins in many insect species suggests that they presumably play a role in chitin degradation in the cuticle/exoskeleton, tracheae and peritrophic matrix during insect development. Insect LPMOs belong to auxiliary activity family 15 (AA15/LPMO15) and have been classified into at least four groups based on phylogenetic analysis. In this study, we identified, characterized and investigated the physiological functions of group I LPMO15 (MaLPMO15-1 and PhLPMO15-1) in two longhorn beetle species, Monochamus alternatus and Psacothea hilaris. In both species, depletion of LPMO15-1 transcripts in last instar larvae by RNAi had no effect on subsequent larval-pupal molting and the resulting pupae developed normally. However, adverse effects on their development were observed during the pupal-adult molting period. The pharate adults were unable to shed their old pupal cuticle and died entrapped in their exuviae probably due to a failure of degradation of the chitin in their old cuticle, which is critical for completion of the insect molting and continuous growth.
Due to the growing concern on the adverse effects on human and environment, more attention in the non-chemical pest control methods is gaining. One of the so-called ‘sustainable’ control practice is to physically freeze the insect and arthropod pests. Aerosol formulation uses propellant gas which is liquefied by pressure, and it lowers the temperature when sprayed by the volume expansion. Using this phenomenon, several ‘freeze spray’ products in South Korea and Japan are commercialized. Nonetheless, unlike other traditional aerosol insecticides, the lack of insecticidal substances in these freeze products allowed them to circumvent legal inspection and registration, no efficacy test result is required in commercialization. In the present study, we examined the insecticidal activity of the freeze spray products against German cockroaches and the housefly in the laboratory condition as well as semi-field tests. The temperature of discharged center mass was –40-45℃, but it had relatively small active range (about 3 cm) which required pinpoint application of the product. Moreover, at least 30 sec and 12 sec of direct contact at 30 cm was required to exhibit >90% of mortality in the cockroaches and houseflies in the lab-based tests, respectively. Semi-field tests indicated an average of 15.8 g and 22.0 g were required to spray to knock down the freely-moving cockroaches and houseflies, respectively. Further utility of the freezing products is discussed.
The utilization of methyl bromide (MB) for quarantine purposes has been hampered by its designation as an ozone-depleting substance under the Montreal Protocol. The International Plant Protection Convention's (IPPC) call for alternatives to MB and a reduction in its usage. There is an urgent need to explore and implement substitutes. Despite some substitute agents like EDN being developed for wood, EDN has been limited due to various factors such as occupational risks. This study focuses on evaluating the efficacy of Sulfuryl Fluoride (SF) as a viable alternative fumigant against Reticulitermes speratus, one of major wood destroying pests. Experimental trials conducted at ambient temperature (23°C) revealed promising results, with SF demonstrating LCT50 and LCT99 values of 30.87 mg·h/L and 42.53 mg·h/L, respectively. Under low-temperature conditions (5°C), SF remained effective but with slightly higher LCT50 and LCT99 values of 151.62 mg·h/L and 401.90 mg·h/L, respectively. The penetration test, conducted using R. speratus-infested pine wood cubes, further highlighted SF's efficacy, with LCT50 and LCT99 values of 31.59 mg·h/L and 53.34mg·h/L at 23°C, indicating powerful penetration capabilities. When tested at a loading ratio of 90% (v/v) at 5.0mg/L for 24 hours in a 500L chamber as a middle-scale trial, SF achieved a 100% mortality, showing its potential as a suitable replacement for MB. These findings suggest that SF could open new markets as an MB substitute and enhance safety at quarantine sites when applied to imported and exported timber.
The small-sized water strider genus Rhagadotarsus Breddin is known to be widely distributed in Southeast Asia. In a recent survey, we found Rhagadotarsus kraepelini Breddin from Gyeongsangbuk province. This species is known to non-native species in Japan. We provide descriptions and photographs of the external morphology of R. kraepelini. And a key to genera of Korean Gerridae is also provided to facilitate identification.
Ramulus mikado (Rehn, 1904) is an environmentally problematic species that has recently caused a severe outbreak on the mountainsides of the Seoul metropolitan area, resulting in significant damage to forests and causing inconvenience to people in the city centre vicinity. In this investigation, we analysed the genetic diversity through sampling in the outbreak region. The outcomes confirmed the efficiency of COI for species identification and the usefulness of haplotype analysis in examining regional variation.
Opostegidae is a microlepidopteran family (Lepidoptera: Nepticuloidea) that includes almost 190 species belonging to eight genera worldwide. Since Shin recorded Opostegoides Kozlov in Korea, only two species of the genus have been recorded in Korea among the family. We found the genus Pseudopostega Kozlov, 1988 from Gangwon-do Jeongseon. This study reports the genus Pseudopostega Kozlov, 1985, for the first time. Illustrations of adult and genitalisa are also provided.
The repeated use of biocidal products, including household insecticides and disinfectants, has led people to seek safer alternatives, such as light traps, ultrasound generators, or repellent lamps. By appearances, these physical/non-chemical alternatives seem appealing to many consumers and are gaining more attention. However, unlike biocidal products, these alternatives are not subject to mandatory approval and registration processes, and no standards for efficacy and safety are in place. Given the increasing numbers of insect traps on the market, there is an urgent need to investigate their efficacy. In the present study, we examined the attraction activity of ten commercially available insect trap products. They varied in size, structure, trapping methods (fan or sticky pad), and attractants. Their efficacies were assessed under both laboratory condition (1.8m x 1.8m x 1.8m) and semi-field room condition (4m x 6m x 2m). Ul*****APTM demonstrated the highest capture rate (%), leading us to further study the role of its attractant. Notably, the capture rate increased by 28.9% when the CO2 attractant was used, displaying statistical differences (P = 0.032). For practical application in the field, consumer acceptance and satisfaction were monitored using 20 participants. The potential of insect traps as viable alternatives to biocidal products is discussed.
The cherry tree borer, Synanthedon bicingulata (Staudinger, 1887), is considered as a tree boring pest boring into cambium layer and weakens the tree. Cherry trees, the host species of S. bicingulata, are the most abundant ornamental trees in South Korea. However, there has been insufficient study conducted on ornamental trees compared to orchards. The study aimed to investigate the injury patterns caused by their larvae based on height and direction they faced. Since life cycle of S. bicingulata in Gangwon province had not been surveyed, occurrence pattern was also investigated using sex attractant. Injury patterns of 253 cherry trees in Chuncheon, were surveyed in April 2023. As a result, the injury occuring under 1 m in height was 2.61 times more extensive than injury between 1m and 2m in height of trunk. Also, the injury on the south-faced trunks was 2.68 times larger than on the north-faced trunks.
To mitigate the intrusion of insect pests, behavioral modifications using repellents are commonly employed. Among their active ingredients, plant essential oils have gained prominence as safer alternatives to synthetic repellents. However, the absence of rigorous scientific efficacy testing have been undermined the reliability of these essential oil based repellent products. Previous studies have highlighted that the observed repellency in bioassays are strongly influenced by the testing environment. Our research introduces three distinct laboratory-scaled repellency test methods – spatial repellency, choice repellency in a closed and opened environment – to evaluate prevalent insect repellent products. Notably, we observed significant variations in repellency percentages among products. The most effective product from each method was identified, and its active ingredients were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively, by GC-MS analyses. To determine the applicability of these methods in selecting active ingredient concentrations, individual active ingredient components underwent dose-response testing. Our findings suggest that, when selected appropriately, these three methods can be applied for the development and evaluation of potent essential oil based repellent products.