In this experiment, the high early strength cement containing massive C3S quantity was used to enhance the early strength of cement mortar using admixtures which can accelerate C3S hydration reaction in the condition of room temperature. The measuring items are zero flow, setting times, compressive strength and analysis of MIP & SEM
This experimental study was performed to investigate the effect of the aspect ratios and volume contents of hooked steel fiber for flexural tensile strength of SFRC with compressive strength of 60MPa. The notched steel fiber reinforced concrete beams with different aspect ratios and fiber volume content were tested under 3-point bending. and the flexural tensile strength, and CMOD were obtained from the experimental data. The result showed that the strength and ductility of SFRC were generally increse as the content of steel fiber was incresed.
The results of the durability analysis of chloride attack and analysis of hydration heat, it was found that it was convenient to obtain the service life and minimum crack index of TBC from a wide range of water-binder ratio. However, it was analyzed that the crack index was difficult to obtain.
This study examines the strength development of non cement binder using blast furnace slag, which is generated as a by-product in the manufacturing the irons. In the experiment, we used KOH, Ca(OH)2 as the blast furnace slag stimulus. As the results of this experiments, it was shown that the compressive strength increased when mixing ratio of KOH and Ca(OH)2 was increased.
Ground granulated blast furnace slag is known to be much less quality variation compared to the fly ash can be substituted. Have high salt damage resistance, and chemical resistance of concrete with ground granulated blast furnace slag substitution. The case of NPP concrete using fly ash in concrete, and is defined as less than 20% fly ash utilization. In this paper, consider a resistance to freezing-thawing of currently used to concrete in NPP structures and substitutes for ground granulated blast furnace slag
This paper presents the effect of tensile strength of PP fiber on the fiber bridging behavior and density, compression, and tension test results of high strength PP fiber based fiber reinforced composite that has high strength as well as high ductility.
In this study, presents methods on the reuse of leftover sulphur and examines the mechanical properties of pavement material containing sulfur polymer emulsion (SPE) for use in semi-rigid pavements. As the result of study, the optimum replacement level of acrylate with SPE was found to be 25% in consideration of various properties
This study is to compare and analyze the characteristics of blast furnace slag for use in a NPP concrete, strength, drying shrinkage of concrete using fly ash and OPC. Experimental results, the OPC concrete drying shrinkage is the largest and most FA and GS the similar level.
Many researches are conducted to reduce latex content because latex is expensive. In these study, the durability of concrete containing extra admixture was compared with latex mixing ratio. From the results, when latex content was increased, bending strength and bonding strength were increased. However, the compressive strength, relative dynamic young’s modulus and the amount of passing charge did not show a noticeable difference with latex ratio. And, the peak of micro-pores was changed from 100nm to 50nm
In this study, to estimate the corrosion initiation time of reinforced concrete structures subjected to
chlorine environments, a 2-parameter model for the age factor of concrete diffusion coefficients is proposed and its applicability is discussed.
Thermal damage in concrete reduce the stress resistance to external loading and then increase the risk of structural failure. This presentation is aimed to apply a nonlinear ultrasonic NDT on concrete thermally damaged. In addition, SEM images was investigated to identify the thermal damage and the feasibility of the nonlinear ultrasonic NDT.
Cementitious material is widely used as a consturction material but they have a quasi-brittle behavior and low tensile strength. We tried to use CNT as a filler for improving such a problem. For achieving good dispersion of CNT, superplasticizer was used as a dispersion agent and sonication process was appiled.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the mechanical property of concretes using surface treated lightweight aggregate. Slump of concretes using surface treated lightweight aggregate measured 120~140mm, which are lower than slump of NWAC. Compared to compressive strength of NWAC, compressive strength of concretes using surface treated lightweight aggregate showed a level of 82.8~95.9%.
Investigated were relationships between deteriorated coating surface conditions of laboratory test panels determined by image processing software and coating impedance data collected with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). This study demonstrates that estimation of log(Rpo)at a certain deterioration stage is feasible via field image processing alone without running in-situ EIS measurements and going through time consuming EIS fitting analysis.
This research was intended to confirm the reducing effects water leakage of the acicular thaumasite as admixture for mixing concrete structure, in case of the water leakage on underground structure
This paper present results from effect of fiber volume fraction on direct shear property of steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC). Steel fiber with crimped end was used this work. Principal variable is fiber volume fraction; 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2%, and aggregate size; 8, 13, 20mm. Specimen cross-sectional is 100 x 100 x 400mm. In order to induce the shear failure 2mm notch was sawed all around the specimen. Test result, there are little different between the aggregate size, and the improvements in shear strength of SFRC were more significant for 1% steel fiber volume fraction.
This is a development of testing method of pressurized absorption for prediction and evaluation on the pumpability about lightweight aggregate concrete. For this testing method, we device pressure vessel, plug, and process of experiment. As the results of experiment with hollow sphere, we found a equation on the load-displacement.
Gas permeability is a substantial parameter for understanding the durability performance of concrete and its micro‐structural densification. Nevertheless, it is very rate to deal with the effect of carbonation on the parameter. In this paper, it is introduced to define transport coefficient of carbonated concrete such as gas permeability coefficient Kg. These are expressed as time function considering hydration evolution of hardened cement paste. The definition of the material parameters is a prerequisite to simulate the deterioration of concrete as time elapsed
In this study, one of nondestructive evaluation (NDE) techniques for the effective maintenance of
underwater concrete structures are investigated: Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Method and Rebound hardness Test. Currently, lots of ROV(Romotely Operated Vehicle) Systems to inspection Underwater Concrete Structures are being considered.