
한국작물학회 학술발표회 KCI 등재

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2008 한국작물학회 추계학술발표회 (2008년 10월) 214

2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
최근 국제 곡물가격의 상승과 바이오에너지 사용증가로 수입되는 옥수수 및 수입 조사료의 가격 상승으로 양질의 조사료 확보를 위해서는 유휴지와 휴경지 뿐만아니라 논을 이용한 양질의 조사료를 연중생산 하기위한 사료작물의 재배와 이용에 대한 연구가 필요한 바 본 연구에는 여러 초종의 목초류를 파종하여 논 재배에 알맞은 품종을 선발하고자 실시하였다. 따라서 본 연구는 리드카나리그라스 등7품종 단파와 톨페스큐 혼파를 전라남도 농업기술원 논 포장에 2007년 10월1일 파종하였다. 시험구 배치는 난괴법 3반복으로 시험구당 6m2 로하고 파종방법은 산파하였고, 시비량은 화본과 목초는N-P2O5-K2O = 210 : 150 : 180 (kg/ha), 두과목초는 N-P2O5-K2O = 50 : 120 : 120 (kg/ha) 로 하였고 기타 비배관리는 표준재배법에 따랐다. 생육조사는 작물학적 특성인 간장, 착수고, 출사기, 병해, 충해 등을 조사하였고 수량은 구 전체를 예취하여 측정하였고 건물수량은 이들중에서 임의 샘플을 취하여 건조기에 70℃에서 2주일간 완전히 건조한 후 건물을 측정하여 계산하였다. 남부지역 논재배에서 목초류 초종 선발은 이탈리안 라이그라스가 생초 수량이 87.1ton/ha 으로 가장 많았고 다음으로 톨페스큐가 70.7ton/ha이고 건물수량은 각각 23.9ton/ha , 16.2ton/ha 이고 두과류에서는 헤어리베치가 생초수량이 32.4ton/ha로 가장 많지만 건물수량은 9.3ton/ha에 불과하였고 특히 크림손클로버는 수량이 저조하지만 꽃이 붉은색이어서 경관을 조성할 목적으로 어메니티 측면의 접근이 가능할 것으로 보이며 톨페스큐 혼파초지에서는 건물수량이 13.5ton/ha이었고 예취 차수가 증가함에 따라 클로버가 점차로 우점하는 것으로 나타났다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The giant embryo(ge) mutation was genetically mapped to chromosome 7 by Koh et al. The ge mutations were analyzed at the morphologic and genetic level by Hong et al. And this publication linked the GE gene as being required for proper endosperm development. Researchers in Dupont cloned the GE gene, sequenced and characterized the ge alleles of the mutants. the three giant embryo mutant lines we obtained by treating MNU to Hwacheongbyeo, a japonica type Korean rice cultivar, differed in their embryo and endosperm size and their embryo/endosperm ratios. We named these alleles affecting the embryo size in rice GE, ge-m, ge, ge-s (GE: the wild type, ge-m: embryo slightly larger than in the wild type, ge: large embryo, ge-s: embryo even larger than in ge). The ORFs and introns of the four different alleles in the GE locus were sequenced and compared with the corresponding sequences in the patent that dupont presented. Each mutant alleles sequence showed a few SNPs in the ORF region. Two SNPs were shared among the three mutant lines and each mutant line hab one or two additional SNPs. Further studies are in progress regarding the GE RNA expression level in each mutant line and the F1 seed phenotypes and allelism relationship among the mutant lines.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Sucrose synthase 3 which is a third active gene present in rice, is localized predominantly in rice endosperm. This sucrose synthase 3 may play an important role in the starch filling in the milky stage rice seed, probably involving in the starch physicochemical properties. As the genetic diversity at this locus is little informed, forty three rice consisting of japonica, indica and Oryza rufipogon were targeted to amplify full sequence of sucrose synthase 3 to examine the frequency and distribution of nucleotide polymorphism. Total of 755 all sequence variants detected, 491 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 264 indels were successfully identified in 7618 bp of sequence containing the sucrose synthase 3 transcript, promoter and 3' non-transcribed region. The frequency of nucleotide changes and indels were high, on average one polymorphism per 15.5 bp and one indel per 28.9 bp with 11 sequence-based haplotypes distinguishable among the varieties and lines. Both the frequency of nucleotide changes and indels were frequent in non-coding region, but rare in coding region. Sequencing a polymorphism region in the promoter showed one base change on one of cis-element from T (CATGCATA to A (CATGCACA) that might implicate in seed specificity. The presence of a high number of haplotype shared by a few varieties indicated a little information on linkage disequilibrium.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
There are about 16 species included in Fagopyrum (Polygonaceae) genus and some of them have been found recently and named. Fagopyrum genus is generally divided into two major groups: cymosum and urophyllum group. This study is to analyze the genetic diversity of Fagopyrum genus, to compare with the phylogeny result of Fagopyrim using previous analysis results, and to provide the information of each species specific marker by executing the cross-amplification on 3 species and 2 sub-species among cymosum group and 5 species among urophyllum using 136 SSR markers newly developed from common buckwheat. Cluster analysis using UPGMA showed two main clusters, each of the cymosum and urophyllum group. This result agree well with the previous findings on species relationships in Fagopyrum using different method approachs. In cross species amplification, our results revealed significant transferability of F. esculentum microsatellites to the 4 cymosum species (96.3% in F. esculentum ssp. Ancestral, 61.0% in F. tataricum ssp. tataricum, 36.0% in F. tataricum ssp. potanini, 97.1% in F. homotropicum). However, the percentage of 136 SSR markers were amplified in the urophyllum species (50.7% in F. urophyllum, 50% in F. lineare, 60.3% in F. leptopodum, 66.9% in F. capillatum, 66.2% in F. gracilipes) was lower than cymosum species, except F. tataricum. In addition, we identified 61 species specific markers among each species. These results demonstrate wide potential applicabilityof these markers for the study of inter-specific genetic diversity as well as evolutionary relationships among cultivated and wild buckwheat.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
신간척지에 조기에 벼를 재배하기 위해서는 내염성 품종개발을 필요로 한다. 내염성 벼 개발을 위해 애기장대로부터 클로닝한 NHX1(Na+/H+ antiporter) 유전자를 아그로박테리움을 이용하여 벼에 형질전환하였다. BNHX1 형질전환체 T3 23계통, NHX1 형질전환체 T6 64계통을 선발하고 내염성 유묘검정을 수행하였다. 이 검정을 토대로 염에 대한 저항성을 5개 그룹으로 나누어 염에 대한 생육변화와 무기이온 함유량을 비교분석하였다. 내염성 벼인 인디카 계열의 Pokkali와 형질전환 계통일수록 초기 생육이 좋았고, 특히 염스트레스 초기에 뿌리생장이 염에 약한 계통보다 3~4배 큰 생장변화를 나타냈다. 또한 줄기부위의 양이온(Ca2+, K+, Mg2+ ) 함유량의 변화폭이 크며, Pokkali와 염에 강한 계통의 경우 염처리 시기동안 줄기부위의 Na+ 함유량이 염에 약한 계통보다 2~3배 적은 것을 확인하였다. 이렇게 선발된 내염성 계통은 간척지 적응성 내염성 벼 개발을 위한 중간모본으로 이용하고자 한다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The present study reports isolation and characterization of ten polymorphic SSR markers developed from common buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench). These SSR markers produced a total of 59 alleles across 41 common buckwheat accessions with an average of 5.9 alleles per locus. Values for observed (HO) and expected (HE) heterozygosities ranged from 0.071 to 0.924 (mean=0.53) and from 0.073 to 0.902 (mean=0.412), respectively. At significance threshold (P<0.05), seven loci deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE), whereas significant linkage disequilibrium (LD) values were observed between 5 pairs of loci. These markers are currently being used for programming of the genetic conservation and classification of common buckwheat germplasm collection.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
벼의 황숙기 이후의 잦은 강우와 낮은 휴면성으로 인해 발생하는 수발아는 수량감소는 물론 미질을 떨어뜨려 품질에 악영향을 초래한다. 최근의 지구온난화와 같은 이상기후에 의한 등숙기 고온과 강우는 수발아 발생의 위험성을 증가시키고 있다. 이에 국내178개 육성 품종을 대상으로 수발아 검정을 실시하였다. 수발아율이 60%이상인 품종은 21품종, 11~60%는 84품종, 10%이하의 품종은 69품종이었다. 10%이하의 수발아율을 보인 품종을 살펴보면 검정에 공시된 18개의 통일형 품종 모두 이 군에 속하였고, 나머지 51품종은 자포니카형 품종이었다. 숙기별로는18개 통일형은 중생종이었고, 자포니카형 품종 중 오대벼 포함 24개 품종이 조생종, 동진1호 포함11품종이 중생종, 남평벼와 황금누리를 포함한 중만생종이 16품종이었다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
국내 육성 중인 차나무계통의 기능성 및 항산화 특성조사를 제주도 소재 아모레퍼시픽그룹 (주)장원 설록차 연구소 시험포장에서 품종육성을 위해 선발된 2계통(JW07190, JW07192)과 우량 도입품종 3품종(Meiryoku, Ryohu, Yamanoibuki)을 대상으로 실시하였다. 첫물차 기간 중 1심 5엽기 출개도 70%인 시기를 기준으로 신초상위 제 1엽-3엽 까지 100 g을 채취하여 증열기(TERADA, JAPAN)에서 40초간 통과시켜 찌고, 80℃ 건조기에 건조시킨 후 분말로 가공하여 성분분석 및 항산화 효과검정에 사용하였다. 총 폴리페놀은25μg과 50μg을 반응시켰을 때 JW07192계통이 각각 431.57±28.45, 380.57±11.70 mg/g으로 가장 높았으며, EGCG의 함량도 JW07-192계통이 81.1mg/g으로 가장 낮은 함량을 나타낸 Yamanoibuki(43.3 mg/g)에 비해 약 2배가량 함량이 높았다. ESR을 이용하여 DPPH, alkyl, 및 hydroxyl radical 소거능을 측정하였으며, DPPH 소거능은 12.5μg/mL와 25μg/mL으로 반응시켰을 때, JW07192계통이 각각 49.27±1.25, 84.03±1.28%로 측정되었고, hydorxyl radical 소거능도 25μg/mL와 50μg/mL에서 각각 31.99±6.47, 52.45±2.34%로 다른 추출물과 비교히였을 때 높은 수치를 보였지만 alkyl radical은 별 다른 차이를 보이지 않았다. 또한 ABTS radical 소거능 측정에서도 JW07192계통이 25μg/mL로 반응시켰을 때는 66.96±3.08%, 50μg/mL 일때는 95.65±0.99%로 100%에 가까운 활성을 보였다. 위의 결과 JW07192계통이 도입품종에 비해 다량의 폴리페놀을 함유하고 있고, 높은 라디칼 소거능으로 항산화능이 우수하여 고기능성 차나무 품종 및 중간모본으로서의 활용이 기대된다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Cold tolerance at every growing stage of rice(Oryza sativa L.) is one of the main determinations for the stable growth in temperature and high elevate area. In the current study, a 181 lines of BC population derived from a cross of Gayabyeo, a Tongil type sensitive to cold and Chhamrong a tolerant to cold were evaluated for cold tolerance with cold water irrigation(17℃) at seeding stage as well as low temperature germinate at 13℃, respectively. The resulting linkage map consists of 157 marker loci, covering all of 12 rice chromosomes and spanning 910cM(Haldane function) with an average interval of 76cM between markers. Three main-effect QTLs were identified. The comparison of the OTLs identified in this cold treatments resulted in an intriquing finding that each treatments were controlled by a major QTL. The QTL qCWI-4 on chromosome 4 was found to increase its additive effect to -0.84 as the cold water irrigate stress was given. In the meanwhile, the QTL qLTG-8 was detected with a LOD score of5.54, explaining up to 13% of the phenotypic variation controlled by Gayabyeo allele. In addition, the QTL qLTGV-3, controlled by Gayabyeo allele with a LOD score of 5.19 explaining about 12.5% of the variation was also identified. These results would favor our better understanding of the genetic control of cold tolerance in rice and be important for the development of rice cultivars with a broaden climatic adaptation.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Cold sensitivity has been shown to vary and the cold tolerance from vegetative to reproductive stage appears to be independent during the life cycle. In the current study, cold tolerance under high elevation rice growing area were evaluated using F4 generation of 181 lines derived from Gayabyeo*2/Chhamrong. Five main-effect QTLs related to days to heading, panicle exertion and spikelet fertility were identified. The QTL qDH-3 on chromosome 3 showed the peak LOD score of 6.3, explaining up to 16.5% of phenotypic variation with additive effect of -2.6. Moreover, the QTL qPE-3 and qSF-3 on chromosome 3 were coincided with the QTL qDH-3 showing an opposite allele effects. Thus, the region harboring marker RM523-RM14281 could be helpful for the selection of cold tolerance genotypes in marker assisted selection(MAS) of rice breeding program.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Lipoxygenase is responsible for the beany flavor and soybean kunitz trypsin inhibitor protein is responsible for the inferior nutritional quality of unheated or incompletely heated soybean meal. Anthocyanins from black soybean seed coat are known to have many pharmaceutical effect. The object of this study is to select black soybean genotype with absence of lipoxygenase-2,3 (Lx1Lx1lx2lx2lx3lx3) and small seed size. Two cultivars (“Seomoktae” and "Gaechuck#1") were used. "Seomoktae" cultivar has the traits of small seed size, black seed coat, green cotyledon and lipoxygenase protein. "Gaechuck#1" has the traits of big seed size, black seed coat, green cotyledon and lipoxygenase free protein. In the F2 population, the several plants with small seed size and lipoxygenase free protein were selected. In F3 and F4 generation, seed size and lipoxygenase protein was comfirmed from the bulked seed harvested at field. The F5 seeds with small seed size and Lx1Lx1lx2llx2lx3lx3 genotype were planted in the field. Several agronomic traits were evaluated. The lines with appropriate agronomic traits were selected.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
EMS was commonly used to induce mutations for various organisms, causing nucleotides to mispair with their complementary bases. So, chemical mutagenesis has become the best method for inducing mutations in genetic studies. Simple PCR-based detection and high-throughput technologies helped to screen and identify mutations. Degenerate oligonucleotide primed PCR (DOP-PCR) became getting attention for mutation survey because the requirement of sequence information and high cost for designing primers could be diminished. Also, high-throughput sequencing instruments, such as GS-FLX, allowed characterization of nucleic acids and massive mutant analysis. A total of 6,696 aligned pairs for Sinpaldalkong 2 vs. SS2-2 and 6,935 for Sinpaldalkong 2 vs. 25-1-1 were formed for mutation detection. A mutation every 437 bp in SS2-2 and every 402 bp in 25-1-1 was observed. About 2/3 of a total of mutations were single base variation in both comparisons. Mutated and non-mutated fragments from SS2-2 and 25-1-1 were distributed on all LGs. The 25-1-1 had more mutations than SS2-2 compared with their wild type, Sinpaldalkong 2. Local compositional bias was also observed around the mutated G. Our modified DOP-PCR primers were successfully amplified and their amplicons were located on randomly but somewhat targeted regions of soybean genome.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Most vacuolar proteins are synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as a proprotein precursor and then transported to vacuoles. In vacuoles, they are converted into the respective mature form. TaVPE1 and TaVPE2 were isolated from the cDNA library that was prepared from the wheat kernels at 16 and 18 days after fertilization (DAF). Additionally, putative TaVPEs (TaVPE3, TaVPE4) were isolated by inverse PCR (IPCR) using GrainGenes database. Each open reading frame (ORF) encodes 495, 497, 495, 456 amino acids, respectively. TaVPEs were closely related in respect to peptide comparisons and their sequence homologies were ranged from 84% to 93%. The TaVPE genes showed various expression patterns in response to exogenous treatment of phytohormones. The transcript of TaVPE1 was detected slightly and steadily after exposure to all phytohormones and the accumulation of TaVPE2 transcript was increased from 24 hours in NaCl treatment. The transcript of TaVPE3 was increased from 48 hours in response to H2O2 and decreased after exogenous application of ABA and salicylic acid. In case of TaVPE4, the transcript of TaVPE4 were weakly detected all time points of each phytohormone treatment.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Pectin, one of the main components of plant cell wall, is deesterified in muro by PME (Pectin methylesterase). PME activity is particularly regulated by inhibitor proteins known as the pectin methylesterase inhibitor (PMEI). The PMEI plays a key role in wounding, osmotic stress, senescence and seed development. However, the role of PMEI in plant species still remains to be demonstrated especially in wheat. To facilitate the studies on the expression of the TaPMEI gene, RT-PCR was performed using leaf, stem and root tissues in response to exogeneous application of phytohormones and abiotic stress treatments. Transcription of the TaPMEI gene was significantly induced in NaCl, H2O2 and SA treatments, and reduced when plants were treated with ABA. To elucidate the subcellular localization of the TaPMEI protein, TaPMEI:GFP fusion construct was transformed into onion epidermal cells by particle bombardment. The fluorescence signal was exclusively detected in cell wall of the cells. In order to obtain recombinant TaPMEI protein, the TaPMEI protein, expressed in E.coli as a MBP (~42.5 kDa) fusion protein recombinant. Purification and functinal analysis of TaPMEI as an inhibitor of PME activity are described.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Previously, the wheat non-specific lipid transfer proteins (TaLTP), members of a small multigene family, appear to show a complex pattern of expression regulation. For further assessment of expression diversity of the TaLTP genes, we have attempted to evaluate their expression profiles of responses to abiotic stresses via the semi-quantitative RT-PCR method. The expression profiles revealed that the TaLTP genes in group A evidenced highly similar (but not identical) responses against abiotic stresses, whereas much differential expression pattern among genes in each group. The four promoters of TaLTP1, TaLTP7, and TaLTP10 of group A and TaLTP3 of group B were fused to a GUS reporter gene and the recombinant genes were introduced into Arabidopsis. The promoters of TaLTP1, TaLTP7 and TaLTP10 of group A, drove strong but various GUS expression in cotyledons, hypocotyls, epidemic and sub-epidemic cells of young shoots and leaves, floral organs as well as siliques. By contrast, the promoter of TaLTP3 just directed trace expression in cotyledons, young emerged leaves and epidemic cells of flower ovaries. The promoter of TaLTP1 directed the expression in root system whereas the promoters of TaLTP1 and TaLTP10 showed some degree of expression during seed development. The expression diversity of TaLTP genes suggests their multiple physiological functions, evidencing subfunctionalization over evolutionary time.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins seem to be a family of protein-protein interactions. Little is information regarding the role of the C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins in rice plant. We have attempted to assess their genome localization, phylogenetic relationship and expression patterns of members via in silico analysis as well as semi-quantitative RT-PCR. A total of 132 genes encoding C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins appear to be distributed over 12 rice chromosomes, reflecting evolutionary dynamics of the rice genome, e.g. whole genome duplication and tandem duplications. A genome-wide dataset including 155 gene expression omnibus sample (GSM) plates evidenced a high degree of functional specialization of the rice C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins, especially during developmental stages and against abiotic stresses. We have retrieved co-expression genes with each of the rice C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins, probably providing some clues on specialized functions of individual genes. Expression patterns of 13 co-expression genes with one gene encoding C3HC4 zinc RING finger protein (Os04g51400) against salt and dehydration stresses were evaluated in crown tissues and leaf tissues, evidencing highly similar patterns among members. These findings might provide clues to shed further light on comprehensive functions of C3HC4 zinc RING finger proteins.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study was conducted to make breeding program for improving milling traits, which has difference among the rice varieties. Milling traits such as residual embryo ratio, broken kernel ratio and whiteness were investigated at the different milling level and with several varieties. Residual embryo ratio and broken kernel ratio were high at the varieties group having more 1000-grain weight. In the whiteness of milled rice, there was also variance among the varieties at the same degree of milling. Correlation analysis among milling traits showed that there is positive correlation between 1000-grain weight and recovery of brown rice, but negative correlation between protein content of brown rice and hardness of kernel. Therefore, these different milling traits of each varieties could be considered in the rice breeding program for the good quality.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
A gene flow has been tested from transgenic herbicide-resistant Chinese cabbage to major crops in Cruciferae. Hybridizations were made between transgenic Basta-resistant Chinese cabbage and non-transgenic Chinese cabbage, B. napus, B. juncea and Brassicoraphanus(B. campestris × Raphanus sativus, 2n=4x=38) with honey-bee mediated fertilization. Progeny populations were selected by Basta herbicide. The F1 hybrids with pat gene were again self-pollinated or cross-pollinated with nontransgenic Chinese cabbage and rape naturally or artificially. Pod setting ratio were compared as a tentative parameter for potential gene flow. Key agronomic characters were compared among the F1 hybrid populations obtained. In the days to flowering after cold treatment, the F1 hybrids of Brassicoraphanus x B. campestris and B. napus x B. campestris(GM) were the shortest (75 days), and the GM Chinese cabbage and the F1 hybrid of B. juncea x B. campestris(GM) were 87 and 93 days, respectively. In the stem length, the F1 hybrid of Brassicoraphanus x B. campestris was the longest(175 cm), and followed by the F1 hybrid of B. napus x B. campestris(GM), the F1 hybrid of B. juncea x B. campestris(GM) in order. The naturally occurring pod setting ratios were fluctuated seriously among individual and segregation lines. Natural pod setting of the transgenic Chinese cabbage was 10 to 19 %. The F1 hybrid of B. napus x B. campestris(GM) showed the ratio of 4-11%. However, the F1 hybrids of B. juncea x B. campestris and Brassicoraphanus x B. campestris(GM) did not produced seeds. The F1 hybrids with pat gene were hybridized with nontransgenic Chinese cabbage and rape by artificial bud pollination to test potential gene flow. All cross combinations except Brassicoraphanus produced seeds and the pod setting ratios ranged from 35 to 100 percentages. Thus, the potentials of the gene flow from Chinese cabbage with pat gene to the order specise in the same gene interspecies or intergeneric species and from the F1 hybrids with pat gene to nontransgenic Chinese cabbage and rape were detected. Herbicide resistant test to the acquired seeds by natural and artificial pollinations including honey-bee mediated fertilization using the same materials is going on.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 IRRI에서 육성한 1개의 벼 흰잎마름병 저항성 유전자를 갖는 근동질 계통과 국내의 벼 흰잎마름병균과의 상호반응을 비교하여 판별품종의 선발을 위하여 실시하였다. 벼 흰잎마름병 균주의 판별품종인 밀양 23호, 청청벼, 풍산벼, 한강찰벼, 밀양42호는 저항성 유전자의 종류가 명확하지 않아 균주의 분류나 분류된 균주로 유전자를 분석하는데 적합하지 않으므로 새로운 분류체계의 확립이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구는 한개의 저항성 유전자를 갖고 있는 준동질 계통에 국내에서 수집한 103개의 벼 흰잎마름병 균주를 접종하여 판별품종의 가능성을 검토하였다. 동진벼에만 발병하는 균주는 레이스0, IRBB101(Xa1)에만 감수성인 균주는 레이스 1, IRBB103(Xa3)에만 감수성인 균주는 레이스 3, IRBB105(xa5)에만 감수성인 균주는 레이스5, IRBB7(Xa7)에만 감수성인 균주는 레이스 7로 분류하였다. IRBB101과 IRBB103등 두 종류이상의 유전자를 침입하여 감수성이면 침해되는 유전자의 종류에 따라 레이스 1, 3, 레이스 1, 3, 5, 레이스 1, 3, 5, 7 등으로 세분화하였다. Noh 등(2003)이 보고한 K3a는 본 판별체계에서는 레이스 3으로 명명되므로 기존의 K1, K2, K3 등과 구별하여 사용할 수 있으므로 새로운 판별체계와 혼동되지 않을 것이다. 유전자의 명칭을 레이스명으로 사용하면 레이스로 감수성인 유전자를 알 수 있고, 레이스의 명칭도 단순할 것이다. 그러나 여러 종류의 저항성 유전자를 동시에 침입하면 레이스의 명칭이 길어 질 것으로 예상되나 현재까지 여러 유전자를 동시에 침해하는 레이스가 보고되지 않아 이러한 문제점은 크게 예상되지 않을 것으로 생각된다.
2008.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
국내 육성 조생종 품종(7개) 및 우량계통(47개)을 대상으로 중국 운남성에 위치한 쿤밍, 아징 지역에서 출수일수, 간장, 수장, 임실율 등 내냉성 관련형질을 조사하였다. 기상 특성에 있어서 벼 재배 기간동안 고위도 저지대인 쿤밍기온은 우리나라와 달리 월별로 큰 변화 없이 일정하였다. 최저기온의 경우 벼의 이앙․분얼기인 5월과6월에는 쿤밍지역이 운봉보다 더 높으나, 출수․등숙기인7, 8월에는 쿤밍, 아징 지역의 최저기온이 더 낮았다. 벼의 냉해를 유발할 수 있는 한계온도 범위인17~19℃를 기록한 날은 아징, 쿤밍, 운봉의 순으로 많았다. 내냉성 관련 형질 중 출수일수의 경우 쿤밍에서 평균130일로 조사되었다. 이는 운봉의 무처리구 보다 26일 정도 지연된 것이며, 온도가 낮았던 아징은 쿤밍보다 평균 10일 정도 출수가 지연되었다. 조사대상 재료들의 간장은 쿤밍에서 63±5.9cm, 아징이 54±5.5cm로 약 10cm의 간장단축율을 나타내었다. 한편 운봉의 무처리구는 76.7±5.0cm, 냉수처리구는 69.7±6.4cm로 조사되었다. 수장의 경우에는 쿤밍이 19.0±1.0cm, 아징은 16.4±0.9cm로 약 3cm 정도 수장이 단축되었다. 임실률은 쿤밍에서 42±22.2%로 조사되었다. 품종별로는 오대벼(74.8%), 황금보라(66.7%), 운광벼(61.2%), 소백벼(42.3%), 삼백벼(26%) 순으로 임실율이 높았다. 아징의 경우 임실률이 5%이하로 불임이 상당히 높았고, 또한 이삭추출도 역시 불량하였다. 이와 같이 냉해 유발 기상조건을 가진 지역에서 출수지연, 간장단축, 이삭추출불량, 임실율 감소 등의 변화가 나타났으며, 이들 내냉성 관련 형질 중 임실감소율은 시험재료에 따라 변이가 커 유용한 내냉성 선발지표가 될 수 있었다.