Attempts have been made to use Supercritical fluids for industrial purpose in a variety of fields and some of them, are already in practice. However, basic chemical properties of supercritical fluids have not been understood well.
The present paper presents the results of physicochemical studies on Supercritical fluids as well as the application of supercritical fluids to industry. The detail is as follows PCB and organic compounds.
The antibacterial effect amino acid-copper(Ⅱ) surfactant on fish pathogens was studied. Fish pathogens of Edwardsiella tarda, Vibrio anguillarum, Aeromonas hydrophila and Streptococcus sp. were selected, cultured in nutrient agar and adjusted at 2 × 10 5∼106 CFU/㎖ in phosphate buffer saline before the addtion of amino acid-copper(Ⅱ) surfactant with different concentrations. All tested pathogens died within 1 hour with 1 ppm of amino acid-copper(Ⅱ) surfactant. In comparison with formalin and ET, amino acid-copper(Ⅱ) surfactnat was more effective in antibacterial capacity.
중랑천 하류부에서 종확산계수를 추정하기 위하여 중량천 월릉교 부근의 구간을 1/20로 축소한 정상 수리모형을 이용하였다. 중랑천의 갈수시의 유량을 고려하여 실험을 실시하였으며, 염료는 Rhodamine B를 사용하였다. 염료의 농도-전도도 곡선을 구하였고, 수리모형에서의 전도도를 측정하여 이를 농도로 확산하였다. 종확산계수를 계산하기 위하여 최대농도와 최대농도의 도달시간 관계를 이용하였다. 수리모형 실험으로 측정된 종확산계수를 기존의 경험식들과 비교하였
유역사면 토양 내에서 지하수의 거동을 모의할 수 있는 TOPMODEL을 이용하여 월별 유출량을 추정하였다. 한국수자원공사에서 운영중인 사연댐 유역(124.5 )을 분석대상유역으로 선정하였으며, 국립지리원에서 작성한 1/5,000 수치지도와 지리정보시스템 도구인 Arc/Info를 이용하여 지형인자 등을 분석하였다. TOPMODEL을 이용한 월별 유출량에 대한 모의결과를 관측치와 비교할 때 재현성이 우수한 것으로 판단되었다. 격자 크기에 따른 영향을 검토하
The lacquer is one of the most important resources for endogenous development and cultural reproduction in Wonju. However traditional and social network, which had been formed by lacquer farmers, group of lacquer-pickers, refineries, and lacquer-ware craftsmen, is being collapsed. It is due to the recent imports of raw lacquer from China and refined lacquer from Japan. Public sectors including Wonju city have continuously improved the potential of lacquer production by planting lacquers. However, the potential of lacquer production isn't under enough condition to realize its value. In this study, it is suggested that the efforts of public sectors to raise lacquer industry, focused on the improvements of lacquer production potential until now, should be concentrated on realization of the production potential by reconstructing social productive system which is composed of diverse groups involved in lacquer ware production.
The relationship between the distribution of sea surface temperature(SST) and dinoflagellate(Cochlodinium polykrikoides) bloom areas were studied.
The SST data were derived from the infrared channels of AVHRR(Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer) sensor on NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) 12 and 14 satellites during 1995-1998.
The initial water temperature at C. polykrikoides bloom was about 21℃ at the coastal areas of the South Sea and along the shore of the East Sea of Korea during the summer season of 1995. The northern limit of red tides was coincident with that of 21℃ isothermal line in the East Sea.
The red tides that initially bloomed at the coast of Pohang on September 21, 1995 moved to the coast of Uljin on September 26, 1995. The skipped appearance of the red tides in the areas between Pohang and Uljin was due to the East Korean Warm Current, which was moving offshore from Pohang to approach to Uljin.
The cold water which was formed by tidal front in the western coast of the South Sea and by upwelling water from deep layer in the southeastern coast of the Korean peninsula played a role in blocking the spreading of red tides during summer season in 1997 and 1998.
In conclusion, the distribution of red tides appeared to be dependent on the initial water temperature at red tides bloom.
The SST at the red tides varied from 21℃ to 25℃ ; 21℃, 23℃, 24℃ and 24-25℃ in 1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998, respectively.