천연기념물로 지정된 안면도 승언리의 모감주나무군락과 최근 발견된 태안군 근흥면 정죽리 모감주나무군락의 구조와 식생조성 및 토양특성을 분석하였다. 안면도의 모감주나무군락은 아교목층과 초본층 만으로 구성된 단조로운 2층 구조인데 반하여 근흥면 정죽리의 모감주나무군락은 아교목층, 관목층, 초본층의 3층 구조를 나타내고 있다. 또한 아교목층의 종조성에 있어서도 안면도 모감주나무군락 자생지는 거의 모감주나무 단순림을 구성하고 있는데 반하여, 근흥면 정죽리의 모감
This study was executed for 300 mothers bringing up a child below 3 years in the area of Kangnung to assess the current weaning practice of infants. 24.6% of mother surveyed were breast-fed, 57.8% were formula-fed and 17.5% were mixed-fed. The rate of breast feeding was lower and the rate of bottle feeding was higher in infants whose mothers had more income or higher educational period or full-time job. Most of the respondents knew the significance of supplementary food. 41.4% of the subjects started weaning of their infants at 3-4 months, and 84.1% of them set on weaning in less than 7 months after babies were born. And 39.4% of the subjects finished weaning of their infants in less than one year. The infants of this study preferred the fruits and fishes to meats, vegetables and beans that served to them as supplementary food. Mothers showed deep interest in recipe of weaning food(48.5%), adequate quantity of weaning food(36.3%), information on commercial food for infants(32.2%), and sequence in which semi-solid food are introduced(31.9%). From these results, it is suggested that education program in primary health center for improvement of weaning practice of infants should be implemented reflecting needs of mothers.
용존 유기물의 농도를 BOD로 신속히 측정하여 폐수 처리 공정에 feed back할 수 있는 Candida BOD sensor를 이용하여 BOD를 측정하였다. Glucose, acetic acid, aspartic acid 및 glutamic acid에 대한 sensitivity는 lactose, sucrose및 lactic acid의 sensitivity보다 더 높게 나타나서 오염물질의 종류에 따라 BOD sensor의 출력 신호가 다르게 제시되었다.
Effect of quinolinedione derivative (OQ-21) on phenylephrine induced vasoconstriction was investigated using aortic rings in organ bath isolated from rats. Treatment with OQ-21 resulted in moderate increase in vasoconstriction in a dose-dependent manner. In addition we studied acute intraperitoneal toxicity of OQ-21 in male and female ICR mice. The changes of body weight and clinical signs were observed for 7 days after single dose of OQ-21 from 50 mg/kg to 500 mg/kg. There were no significant changes in body weight and clinical signs. Any mouse didn't die even at maximal dose. Autopsy of OQ-21 treated mice revealed no abnormal difference from contol mice, These results suggest that OQ-21 be moderately safe and could be developed as effective drug.
The bacteriocin produced by Lactobacillus sp. GM7311 was purified by sequential steps including n-propanol/acetone treatment, CM-cellulose chromatography, and gel filtration on Sephacryl HR-100. The relative activity of bacteriocin increased 493-fold after final purification step with a recovery of 8.3%. Two protein bands of ca. 8,200 and 2,500 were detected by SDS-PAGE of bacteriocin purified through CM-cellulose and sephacryl HR-100 chromatography and both of them had bacteriocin activity.
Under the WTO system, global standardization of professionalism in architecture practice calls for transformation of curriculum in architectural education in Korea. This paper compares the curriculum standards of international accrediting authorities such as NAAB and RIBA based on UIA accord which defines fundamental knowledge and abilities of an architect. As a result this paper extracts 51 achievement oriented criteria of architectural education in Korea. It can be categorized as communication, design, cultural context(history and theory, human behavior and social aspects), technical systems(structural systems, environmental control systems, construction material and assemblies) and practice(project process, project economics and business management, laws and regulations). Based on this recommended Korean curriculum standards, current curriculum is analyzed focusing on the 5 architectural programs in Seoul. Through this analysis, it became clear that some area - social and economic aspects in architecture, sustainability in architecture, understanding and selection of construction material, assemblies and environmental control system, recycling of existing building, professional liability, professional rules of conduct, project economics and project management - need to be covered and emphasized to meet the international standards in professional education in architecture. The result in this paper will be used as a basic data in the process of finding the direction of restructuring curriculum for professional architectural education in Korea.
순창지역에서 전통적인 방법으로 제조되는 고추장으로부터 순수분리된 66주의 균주들 중 가스생성과 고추장의 팽창력을 모두 보이는 1주의 균을 분리하고 Saccharomyces sp.로 동정하였다. 본 고추장 팽창균은 제조원료들 중 엿기름에서만 3.0 logCFU/g 이상으로 분리되어 고추장의 제조중 엿기름 원료를 통해 유입되는 것으로 추정되었다. 그러나 엿기름 당화액을 열처리하여 담근 고추장은 열처리하지 않고 담근 고추장에 비해 저장 초기의 고추장 팽창균 수가 낮았으나 이러한 차이는 6개월 이후에 소실되었다. 고추장 팽창균은 순창지역의 제조업체에서 제조후 1개월에서 3년이 경과한 제품들 사이에서 5.67∼7.75 Log_10CFU/g의 사이로 분포하였다.
1991년부터 1993년까지와 1995년부터 1997년까지 각각 3년 동안 광주시 근교지역 각 농가에서 광주시 보건환경연구원 가축위생연구부에 병성감정을 의뢰한 원유를 대상으로 젖소 유방염의 발생양상과 원인균의 항생제에 대한 감수성의 경시변화를 조사분석한 결과, 체세포수검사 양성율은 11.1%로부터 8.0%로 감소되었으며 원인균의 발생율은 Staph. sp.가 49.7%이었고 다음은 E. coli가 23.2%, Strep. sp.가 10.4%, Bac. sp.가 7.2%의 순이었는데, 이의 항생제에 대한 감수성은 전반적으로 크게 저하되었다.
The antimutagenic effects of juices and methanol extracts from cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, red cabbage, Korean cabbage, kale, cauliflower, broccoli, radish root, leafy radish, rape leaves and shepherd's purse) on the mutagenicity induced by aflatoxin B₁ (AFB₁) and N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine(MNNG) were studied using Salmonella assay system. In the case of juices from the cruciferous vegetables, the juices of cabbage, kale, cauliflower and radish root in the concentrations of 50, 200 and 500 ul/plate considerably decreased the mutagenicity induced by AFB₁, and the juices of cabbage and broccoli in the concentrations of 200 and 500 ul/plate significantly reduced the mutagenicity induced by MNNG. The antimutagenic activities of the juices against AFB₁ were stronger than those against MNNG. In the case of methanol extracts from the cruciferous vegetables, the methanol extracts of kale, broccoli and shepherd's purse appeared to inhibit the mutagenicity induced by AFB₁ and MNNG in Salmonella typhim,urium test strains. The effects of the juices against mutagens quite different from ones of the methanol extracts. The juice of cabbage showed antimutagenicity, but its methanol extract was less effective. However, both juices and methanol extracts from kale and broccoli exhibited strong antimutagenic activities against the mutagens.
변위응답은 교량구조의 진동특성을 결정하는데 중요한 인자 중의 하나이다. 계측된 가속도 데이타를 진동수 영역에서 적분하여 변위응답을 경제적이고 합리적으로 구할 수 있다. 이를 위해 계측된 가속도 데이타를 이산화하기 위해 적절한 표본추출 진동수가 제시되었다. 캔틸레버 보를 이용한 실내시험에서 직접 계측된 변위와 적분된 변위는 서로 잘 일치하였다. 평가된 변위응답으로부터 구한 모우드 형상도 해석치와 근접하므로 개발된 방법은 실제로 효율적으로 사용될 수 있음을 입증하였다.