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        검색결과 1,579

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자생 부추속 식물 중 강부추(Allium thunbergii for. rheophytum ined.)와 갯부추(A. pseudojaponicum Makino)는 관상용, 식 용 및 약용자원으로 가치가 있으나 육묘를 위한 생육환경조건 구명이 미비하여 연구할 필요성이 있다. 본 연구는 강부추와 갯부추의 육묘에 미치는 플러그 셀 크기, 차광률, 시비처리에 따른 영향을 구명하기 위하여 실험을 수행하였다. 강부추와 갯부추를 육묘한 결과, 플러그 셀 크기에서는 50, 72, 105, 128, 162, 200셀 처리 중 용적이 가장 큰 50셀에서 초장, 엽 수, 근수, 그리고 근장의 생육이 우수하였다. 그러나 생산비용 과 플러그 육묘의 효율성을 고려하여 105셀 이상의 플러그 트레이 중에서 선택하여 육묘하는 것이 효과적이라 판단된다. 차광률에 따른 유묘는 0, 30, 60, 90% 처리 중 30~60% 차 광처리에서 초장, 근수, 그리고 근장이 유의적으로 높게 측정 되어 생육이 양호하였다. 시비처리에서 생중량과 건중량을 제 외한 생육지표를 검토했을 때, 강부추의 적정 시비처리는 속 효성 고형비료(DO-PRO) 0.1g, 갯부추는 속효성 액체비료 (Peters) 주 1회 8mL 엽면시비처리였고 두 종 모두 속효성 시비처리가 효과적이었다. 강부추와 갯부추의 초기 생육에는 30~60% 차광처리가 된 재배플롯에서 원예상토가 충진된 128셀 플러그 트레이에 종자를 파종한후, DO-PRO 0.1g 또 는 Peters 8mL를 주 1회 엽면시비하면서 재배하는 것이 효 과적이라 판단된다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는Stable Diffusion 프레임워크를 활용하여 게임 스타일의 스케치, 특히 도시 장면을 생성하는 방법 을 소개한다. 확산 기반의 모델인Stable Diffusion은 쉬운 접근성과 뛰어난 성능으로 많은 연구자와 일반인들에 게 선호되며, 텍스트-스케치, 이미지-스케치의 생성이 가능하다. Stable Diffusion의 몇 가지 문제는 이미지의 국 소성 보존 문제 및 미세 조정인데, 이를ControlNet과DreamBooth를 사용하여 해결한다. 결과적으로, 본 연구를 통 해 게임 제작에 사용될 수 있는 텍스트-스케치, 이미지-스케치 생성이 가능하며, 더 나아가 아티스트를 돕는 툴 로도 활용될 수 있다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        현대 사회에서 첨단 기술의 발전은 예술의 양상을 빠르게 변화시키고 있다. 생성형 인공지능 기술의 발전은 인류의 전유물이라 여겨왔던 창작 행위에 기존에는 보지 못했던 색다른 표현을 제공했다. 또한, 전통적 기법 을 고수하던 예술인들에게 새로운 예술 창작의 발현 방식을 제시하였다. 하지만 나날이 발전하는 인공지능 기술에 비해, 이를 활용한 구체적인 미디어아트 제작 과정 연구는 아직 국내에서는 미비하다. 본 논문은 인 공지능 기술을 활용한 미디어아트 해외 사례를 탐구한다. 그리고 Text-to-Image 인공지능 생성 모델과 게임 엔진 Unreal Engine 5를 이용하여, 국내에 자리 잡지 않은 생성형 인공지능을 활용한 작품 제작 방법론과 창 작자들에게 인공지능 이미지 생성 모델의 확장성을 제시한다.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Molten Salt Reactor, which employs molten salt mixture as fuel, has many advantages in reactor size and operation compared to conventional nuclear reactor. In developing Molten Salt Reactor, the behavior of fission product in operation should be preliminary evaluated for the correct design of reactor and its associated system including off-gas treatment. In this study, for 100 Mw 46 KCl- 54 UCl3 based Molten Salt Reactor with operating life time of 20 year, the fission product behavior was estimated by thermodynamic modeling employing FactSage 8.2. Total inventory of all fission product were firstly calculated using OpenMC code allowing depletion during neutronic calculation. Then, among all inventory, 46 element species from Uranium to Holmium were chosen and given to the input for equilibrium module of Factsage with its mass. In phase equilibrium calculation, for the correct description of solution phase, KCl-UCl3 solution database based on modified quasichemical model in the quadruplet approximation (ANL/CFCT-21/04) was employed and the coexisting solid phase was assumed to pure state. With the assumption of no oxygen and moisture ingress into reactor system, equilibrium calculation showed that 1% of solid phase and of gas phase were newly formed and, in gas phase, major species were identified : ZrCl4 (47%), Xe (33%), UCl4 (14%), Kr (5%), Ar (1%) and others. This result reveals that off-gas treatment of system should account for the appropriate treatment of ZrCl4 and UCl4 besides treatment of noble gas such as Xe and Kr.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        When the parent radionuclide decays, the progeny radionuclide is produced. Accordingly, the dose contribution of the progeny radionuclide should be considered when assessing dose. For this purpose, European Commission (EC) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provide weighting factors for dose coefficient. However, these weighting factors have a limitation that does not reflect the latest nuclide data. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the EC and IAEA methodology for derivation of weighting factor and used the latest nuclide data from ICRP 107 to derive weighting factors for dose coefficient. Weighting factor calculation is carried out through 1) selection of nuclide, 2) setting of evaluation period, and 3) derivation based on ICRP 107 radionuclide data. Firstly, in order to derive the weighting factor, we need to select the radionuclides whose dose contribution should be considered. If the half-life of progeny radionuclides sufficiently short compared to the parent radionuclide to achieve radioactive equilibrium, or if the dose coefficient is greater of similar to that of the parent radionuclide and cannot be ignored, the dose contribution of the progeny radionuclide should be considered. In order not to underestimate the dose contribution of progeny radionuclides, the weighting factors for the progeny nuclides are taken as the maximum activity ratio that the respective progeny radionuclides will reach during a time span of 100 years. Finally, the weighting factor can be derived by considering the radioactivity ratio and branch fraction. In order to calculate the weighting factor, decay data such as the half-life of the radionuclide, decay chain, and branch fraction are required. In this study, radionuclide data from ICRP 107 was used. As a result of the evaluation, for most radionuclides, the weighting factors were derived similarly to the existing EC and IAEA weighting factors. However, for some nuclides, the weighting factors were significantly different from EC and IAEA. This is judged to be a difference in the half-life and branch fraction of the radionuclide. For example, in the case of 95Zr, the weighting factor for 95mNb showed a 35.8% difference between this study and previous study. For ICRP 38, when 95Zr decays, the branch fraction for 95mNb is 6.98×10-3. In contrast, for ICRP 107, the branch fraction is 1.08×10-2, a difference of 54.7%. Therefore, the weighting factor for the dose coefficient based on ICRP 107 data may differ from existing studies depending on the half-life and decay information of the nuclide. This suggests the need for a weighting factor based on the latest nuclide data. The results of this study can be used as a basis for the consideration of dose contributions for progeny radionuclides in various dose assessments.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        If radioactive plumes are released outside due to loss of containment building integrity during a nuclear power plant accident, these materials might travel with the wind, affecting both the surrounding environment and neighboring countries. In China, most nuclear power plants are located on the eastern coast. Consequently, a radioactive plume generated during an accident could negatively impact even the western part of the Korean Peninsula due to westerly winds. To detect such problems early, respond quickly, and protect residents, a system that can monitor aerial radiation under normal conditions is needed. Additionally, a detection system that can operate in real-time in an emergencies conditions is required. The current method for aerial radiation measurement takes environmental radiation data from a monitoring post 1.5 m above the ground and converts it to altitude. To measure actual aerial radiation, an expansive area is surveyed by aircraft. However, this approach is both time-consuming and expensive. Thus, to monitor radioactive plumes influenced by environmental factors like wind, we need a radiation detector that can gauge both radioactivity and directionality. In this study, we developed a radiation detector capable of assessing both the radioactivity and directionality of a radioactive plume and conducted its performance evaluation. We miniaturized the radiation detector using a CZT (Cadmium Zinc Telluride) sensor, enabling its mounting on unmanned aerial vehicles like drones. It is configured with multi-channels to measure directionality of a radioactive plumes. For performance evaluation, we positioned two-channel CZT sensors at 90 degrees and measured the energy spectrum for angle and distance using a disk-type radioactive isotope. Using this method, we compared and analyzed the directionality performance of the multi-channel radiation detector. We also confirmed its capability to discern specific radioactivity information and nuclide types in actual radioactive plumes. Our future research direction involves mounting the multi-channel radiation detector on a drone. We aim to gather actual aerial radiation data from sensors positioned in various directions.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        KHNP is conducting research to decommission Wolsong Unit 1 Calandria. Establishment of preparation and dismantlement processes, conceptual design of equipment and temporary radiation protection facilities, and waste management are being established. In particular, the ALARA plan is to be established by performing exposure dose evaluation for workers. This study aims to deal with the methodology of evaluating exposure dose based on the calandria dismantling process. The preparation process consists of bringing in and installing tooling and devices, and removing interference facilities to secure work space. The main source term for the preparation process is the calandria structure itself and crud of feeders. In the case of the dismantlement process, a structure with a shape that changes according to the process was modeled as a radiation source. It is intended to estimate the exposure dose by selecting the number of workers, time, and location required for each process in the radiation field evaluated according to the preparation and dismantlement process. In addition, it is also conducting an evaluation of the impact on dust generated by cutting operations and the human impact of C-14, H-3, which are specialized nuclides for heavy water reactors. KHNP is conducting an exposure dose evaluation based on a process based on the preparation and dismantlement process for decommissioning Calandria through computation code analysis. If additional worker protection measures are deemed necessary through dose evaluation according to this methodology, the process is improved to prepare for the dismantling of worker safety priorities.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Heavy water primary system decontamination technology is essential to reduce worker exposure and improve safety during maintenance and decommissioning of nuclear facilities. Advanced decontamination technology development aims to secure controlled decontamination technologies that can reduce the cost of radiation exposure and dramatically reduce the amount of secondary waste generated when decontaminating large equipment and large-area facilities. We conducted a study to identify candidate corrosion inhibitors through the literature and analyze the degree of corrosion of carbon steel samples. Countries with advanced nuclear technology have developed chemical decontamination technology for the entire nuclear power generation system and applied it to the dismantling and maintenance of nuclear power plants. In the decontamination process, the corrosion oxide film must be removed. If the base metal is corroded by the decontaminant in this process, additional secondary waste is generated and treatment costs increase. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a corrosion inhibitor that inhibits the corrosion of the carbon steel base metal in the decontamination process to generate a secondary waste liquid that is favorable for waste reduction and treatment. In this presentation, a study was conducted to analyze the extent of corrosion on a carbon steel base material and identify candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing. Samples were analyzed using optical microscopy and EPMA analysis to determine the thickness of the corroded oxide film. EPMA analysis also allowed us to map the elemental distribution of the carbon steel corrosion layer, which we plan to quantify in the future. The candidate materials for organic-based corrosion inhibitor were also selected based on their inhibition mechanism; having high electronegative elements for coordinate covalent bonding at metal surface and hydrophobic nonpolar group for preventing access of corrosive substances.The selection of candidate materials for corrosion inhibition testing was based on the mechanism of the corrosion inhibitor. Organic-based corrosion inhibitors are adsorbed by donor-acceptor interactions between metal surfaces and highly electronegative elements. Corrosion can also be inhibited by arranging hydrophobic nonpolar groups on metal surfaces in the solution direction to prevent access of corrosive substances.
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