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        검색결과 2,948

        2002.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Odor sources of a chemical plant in Ulsan were surveyed and temperatures, humidities and flow rates of each exhaust gas were measured. The air samples collected from each source were transferred to the laboratory for sensory test and their odor concentrations were investigated. The odor emission rate of each source was estimated from the recorded results and assigned the sources expected to be needed for the odor prevention policy using the simple prediction equation of the affection by malodor to the nearest residential area. From the total odor emission rate of the examined plant and the relation table for expectable affection area, it was concluded that total odor emission of this plant might be decreased for the prevention of residential complaint.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Using measured data at Daegu by tethersonde for the period of 1984~1987, we have investigated the lower atmospheric boundary layer structure including relationships between inversion layer and meteorological factors(wind and temperature), and the inversion strength and inversion height. The inversion layer was defined from the vertical temperature profile and its strength was analyzed with the wind shear as well as the vertical temperature gradient. From October to January, measured inversion layer isn't destroyed, however, in June, after sun rise, it is destroyed by surface heating and mixed layer is developed from surface. According to Pasquill stability classes, the moderately stable cases dominated. It's the larger vertical temperature gradient, the lower SBL height. We have introduced B(bulk turbulence scale) which indicated SBL height. It's larger B, the higher SBL height and vice versa. It was noted that the bulk turbulence scale (B) is appropriate to determine the stable boundary layer height.
        2002.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed at proposing policy improving directions of the rural empty homes grant scheme in Korea. The implementation procedures and results of the relevant schemes/projects on optimum use of rural empty homes at home and abroad were reviewed by literature and internet searches. From the reviewing results, a tentative set of policy directions for project improvement were proposed: extention of project scope to all the redundant resources, dual focussing of project objectives on housing innovation and economic regeneration of communities, and systematization of project plan and implementation especially in the statutory aspects.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The Rondonia Boundary Layer Experiment (RBLE-Ⅱ) was conceived to collect data the atmospheric boundary layer over two representative surfaces in the Amazon region of Brazil; tropical forest and a deforested, pasture area. The present study deals with the observations of atmospheric boundary layer growth and decay. Although the atmospheric boundary layer measurements made in RBLE-Ⅱ were not made simultaneously over the two different surface types, some insights can be gained from analysing and comparing with their structure. The greater depth of the nocturnal boundary layer at the forest site may be due to the influence of mechanical turbulence. The pasture site is aerodynamically smoother and so the downward turbulent diffusion will be much less, resulting in a lower surface temperature. The strength of thermal inversion is, consequently, higher over the pasture than over the forest. The development of the convective boundary layer is stronger over the pasture than over the forest. The influence of the sensible heat flux is important but may be not enough to explain the difference completely. It seems that energy advection may occur from the wet and colder (forest) to the dry and warmer area (pasture), rapidly breaking up the nocturnal inversion. Such advection can explain the abrupt growth of the convective boundary layer at the pasture site during the early morning.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With increasing global concern that intensively synthetic chemical based farming systems accelerated the decline in environmental quality, the sustainability of modern agriculture became the subject of great concern. It is well known that the movement of Community Supported Agriculture(CSA) has been contributed significantly to the development of organic agriculture in USA and Japan. It was supposed that CSA could be one of the best way to promote the movement of organic agriculture since there is little reliability on the organically grown food by consumer. In this paper it was focussed to study the movement of CSA in USA and Europe in order to provide an idea for establishment and movement of CSA in Korea to support the organic agriculture. In a CSA system, the farmer grows food for a group of shareholders who pledge to buy a portion of the farm"s crop that season. This arrangement gives growers up front cash to finance their operation and higher prices for produce, since the middleman has been eliminated. For most shareholder for CSA saving money is a secondary consideration, but fresh safe products and environmentally sound farming system. People become shareholder of CSA since they expect an organic farming which can;① protect the environment, minimize pollution, promote health, ② replenish and maintain long term soil fertility by providing optimal conditions for soil biological activity, ③ maintain diversity within the farming system and its surroundings and protect plant and wildlife habit, ④ recycle materials and resources to the greatest extent possible within the farm and its surrounding community, ⑤ maintain the integrity of organic food and processed products through each step of the process from planting to consumption, ⑥ develop and adopt new technologies with consideration for their long range social and ecological impact. In all CSAs, the farmer develops a crop plan and a budget, which details costs for a growing season, including fair wages for the farmers. Experienced Information on increasing shareholder retention, the future of CSA, and getting started such as ideas for ongoing marketing, printed materials that set realistic expectations, working members, production, pick up and delivery, setting prices, and receiving feedback were also briefly introduced.