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        검색결과 118

        2019.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본고는 중국학을 위해서 언어학이 지향할 역할과 연구 대상에 대해 시론하는 데 목적이 있다. 학문 분야로서의 중국학은 중국에 관한 학문 정도로 여겨져 왔다. 그러나 유래와 지역 및 연구 대상의 상이함에 따라 중국학은 Sinology와 Chinese Studies란 명칭으로 각기 다르게 불려왔다. 그리고 오늘날 한국의 중국학은 Chinese Studies로 범칭되는데, 학문 체계상 상위 학문 범주로 분류될 수 있는 중국학은 여러 하위 학문 분과의 단순 병합이 아닌 공동의 연구 주제를 갖는 하위 학문 분과 간 유기적인 총체이어야 한다. 그 속에서 언어학은 향후, 중국의 제(諸)현상을 좀 더 종합적으로 분석하고 이해하는데 기여할 수 있도록, 정치학, 경제학, 사회학, 인류학 등 기타 연구 분과들과 통섭을 도모하며 주제와 사고를 확장해 나가야할 것이다. 예견되는 글로벌언어로서의 중국어가 현 글로벌언어로서의 영어와 위세 상 어떤 지위 관계를 가질 수 있을지에 대해서는 중국학을, 중국에 국한한 중국학이 아닌, 일본, 한국, 인도, 필리핀 등 기타 국가학과의 관계를 고려한 아시아학의 하나로 위치시킬 때 이해 가능 할 것이다.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine the sociolinguistics of the abusive language used by NAVER news commentators. The results are as follows. First, it can be seen that there are many comments on political articles, and criticizing the government's policies or accusing the former and present presidents. Those who wrote those comments were usually in their forties, and the commentators who add profane comments were in their fifties. Moreover, the percentage of males who comment using profanity is quite high. In the case of commentaries on political articles, the ratio of male authorship was overwhelmingly high, however, in the case of social/cultural articles, the proportion of women who wrote commentaries was higher. The most frequent type of profanity was of the “mental deficiency type”, followed by the “sexual phenotype.” People commenting on news articles used abusive words, but they change their forms in various ways, this tactic is derived from the response to blocking profanity. Second, according to the analysis of the survey results, the respondents stated that they occasionally wrote comments on internet news but did not use profanity in the internet space. The most common reason for using profanity on the internet was “habitual”, followed by “trying to relieve stress”. The reaction to such profanity was intensive and ambivalent at the same time. The reason for using profanity was mainly attributed to positive and insensitive reactions. However, the result of a regarding how to cope with the abusive use language in internet comments showed that the respondents should mostly refrain from using it or should not use it. Also, the respondents thought that it was necessary for the manager to adopt measures to change the forced conversation on the internet site. Due to the high rate of responses to “striking out”, “strong regulation”, and “abusive deletion programs” in an effort to prevent the abusive language use in the internet space, the respondents generally did not seem to have any objection to these regulations.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this paper is to investigate the usage of address terms between professors in a Korean university upon the methodology of sociolinguistic variation studies. This study was conducted based on on-line questionnaire survey targeting 100 professors in an university situated in the metropolitan area. Address terms observed in this study are Gyosu(=professor)(+honorific ‘-nim), Seonsaeng(=teacher)(+’-nim’), Baksa(=doctor)(+‘-nim’), Saem/Ssaem(intimate abbreviation of Seonsaeng), etc. which are ordered by frequency. Factor groups considered in this study are addressor, addressee, and situation. The main results of this study are as in the following. (1) Addresser’s academic field, degree of intimacy relation with addressee, and addressee’s administrative position are main factors having influence on the usage of address terms between professors. (2) Addresser’s sex and age factors and addressee’s sex and academic field factors have little or no influence on the usage of address terms.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Noh, Hyung-nam. 2017. “Entertainment Science Based on Deep Learning: focused on Areal Sociolinguistics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(1). 27~52. The aim of this paper is to suggest a new scientific discipline in sociolinguistic research, dealing with entertainment science based on deep learning focused on areal sociolinguistics as a current methodology de facto made by ultra-fusion of area studies and sociolinguistics. From a fact-oriented and data-oriented analysis perspective this paper examines real phenomena of areal sociolinguistics provoked by two famous sing-a-song writers: America’s Robert Allen Zimmerman, so-called 2016 Nobel prize winner Bob Dylan, and Brazil’s Paulo Coelho de Souza. The results of the qualitative analyses between two eminent areas, where particular attributes of alternative societies are filled with swarm intelligence on the basis of resistance consciousness, suggest the areal sociolinguistics mentioned-above. From the diachronic and synchronic viewpoints of cross-over geographical cultures this paper makes a mid-range generalization, on making a definition about alternative societies in America and Brazil in spite of the geographical methodology of area studies between the two countries, being offered by stubborn resistance against ready-made ideas to calm down keen psychological conflicts among established moral principles to overcome philosophical catastrophe in social chaos, and full of competitive instinct against existing generations.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kim, Deok-ho. 2017. “A Study on the Analysis of the Changing Process of Dialect Distribution with a focus on Methodology of Geolinguistics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 25(1). 1~26. The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of changing the distribution of dialects through a geolinguistic approaches. Traditional studies in dialectology were generally aimed at describing the geographically distributed variation of language. However, with traditional approach, it would be difficult to analyze the complex reason for the changes in dialectal distributions. Since the geographical factor is not the only reason for language change, it is necessary to consider more factors in examining language maintenance and change. To investigate the distribution of dialects and explore its changes, the primary work involves thorough field surveys, and the next step is to draw a language map with well-organized dialect data. The present study employs a field survey method and draws a language map based on the field survey results. The purpose of this paper is to propose geolinguistic methodologies for analyzing the change in the distribution of dialects that can be confirmed on a language map constructed on such a basis. Geolinguistics analysis methods are as follows: 1) analysis by non-verbal conditions, 2) real time analysis, 3) measurement of innovation wave spreading speed, 4) surrounding-zones dialect theory, 5) principles of adjacent distribution and around distribution, and 6) S-curve theoretical analysis.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kang, Hyeon-Seok. 2016. “Current Research Trends in Overseas Sociolinguistics: An Analysis Based on Recent Sociolinguistic Journal Articles and Conferences”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 1~35. This paper is an attempt to analyze the current trends in sociolinguistic research overseas, focusing on sociolinguistic studies in the US and Britain. Three main analyses are performed in this research, i.e., analyses of the Journal of Sociolinguistics articles published in 2010~2015 years, of the sociolinguistic conferences held in 2015, and of the sociolinguistic session titles of the LSA meetings held in 2010~2015 years. The results of the analyses suggest that anthropological linguistics, language variation, discourse analysis, and language contact still remain as the most influential subfields of sociolinguistics, while research fields of sociophonetics, social media studies, language landscape, and documentary linguistics have been establishing themselves as new research areas since 1990s.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hong Min-pyo. 2016. “Research Trends of Japanese Sociolinguistics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(1). 311~336. This paper provides an overview of the background of emergence and current research trends of Japanese Sociolinguistics, based on the contents of ’Language Life’ that has been published since 1956 in “Japanese Linguistic”, the official journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan (currently the Society for Japanese Linguistics). It introduces the concept of Language Life, the role and research achievements of National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics in study of Japanese language life, the survey on the use of common language in Tsuruoka region, the formation process of common language in Japan, the problem in researches of Japanese language life, the emergence process of Japanese Sociolinguistics, and the special theme discussed in ”The Japanese Journal of Language in Society”, which is the official journal of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences. Furthermore, it introduces the current trends and outcomes of the researches of Contrastive Sociolinguistics, Econolinguistics, Welfare Linguistics and Language Landscape. In particular, research trends and outcomes of Welfare Linguistics offer an interesting implication that outcomes of language studies should contribute to the happiness and welfare promotion of social members, as well as pursue new truth.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 16세기 대표적 어휘 분류집인 『訓蒙字會』를 21세기 대표적 國家公認資格證인 한글어문회의 1급 한자 3500자를 비교하여 공통으로 사용되고 있는 한자를 살펴보고, 이를 통해 16세기와 21세기 상용한자가 어떻게 달라졌으며, 그 글자들의 의미범주는 어떻게 바뀌 었는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 조사 결과 총 1,743개의 한자가 현재까지 공용자로 여전히 사용 되고 있었다. 그러나 그 의미범주별 사용 한자는 조금씩 달랐는데, 예를 들면 곤충을 나타내 는 글자나, 채소, 질병을 나타내는 글자들은 16세기와는 현저히 차이를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이와는 반대로 유학이나 서식 등에 관한 글자는 여전히 현재까지도 자주 사용되있음을 알 수 있었다. 또한 『훈몽자회』의 어휘 분류는 당시 시대상을 많이 반영하고 있는데, 예를 들면 ‘천륜’에 노비들이 속한다든지, ‘인류’에 현대에는 없는 직업군이나 동서남북을 나 타내는 글자를 그 지역의 종족을 나타낸 의미를 해석한다든지 하는 것들은 당시 시대상을 알 수 있는 좋은 자료를 제공해주고 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study mainly explores the research themes and topics of corpus-based studies published in English Teaching in an attempt to provide future directions and pedagogical implications in this research domain. For the purposes of the study, a total of 42 corpus-based research articles published in English Teaching were reviewed and analyzed in terms of research topics, methodology, and characteristics of the corpora employed in the studies. The thematic and topical analysis of the corpus-based studies showed that much research, i.e., 64%, has focused on the analysis ofvocabulary items. Further, the analysis of the research methods revealed that corpus-based studies published in English Teaching mainly employed quantitative methods to describe frequency and distribution information of the target linguistic items. It also provided the description of the characteristics of the corpora adopted in the corpus-based research. Interestingly, many corpus-based studies published in English Teaching focused on the analysis of the learner corpus data. The paper discusses the future research directions and pedagogical implications for corpus-based studies on TEFL.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Lee Ha-young. 2015. “A Linguistic Contrastive Study on Korean and Japanese Persuasion Behaviors: Around strategic characteristics”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(3). 267~293. This study aimed to contrast and compare the Korean native speaker’s and the Japanese native speaker’s use patterns of language strategies in the persuasion situation from the perspective of politeness. Through this study, under the situation of ‘recommendation’ where the other being persuaded felt relatively less burden, the Korean native speaker and the Japanese native speaker showed the pattern using the same strategies for persuasion in the order of the ‘objectivity-pursuing strategy’ > the ‘speaker’s position-expression strategy’ > the ‘listener’s mind-inducement strategy’. Next, for the case that the other being persuaded was belonged to the lower status than the speaker in their social relations, it was found that Korean native speaker showed the tendency trying to persuade the other by using the ‘speaker’s position-expression strategy’ regardless the listener’s response types, but Japanese native speaker showed the pattern highly using the ‘speaker’s position-expression strategy’ only in the equal social relations between the speaker and the listener (the other being persuaded) if the other directly refuse the speaker’s suggestion. So far, this study investigated the both Korean native speaker’s and the Japanese native speaker’s use patterns of persuasion strategies through various variables.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kang, Nayoung. 2015. “A sociolinguistic study on the structural properties and sociocultural meaning of pun and speech play in Korean young children’s peer talk”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 23(1). 1~30. This paper examines the use of pun in a Korean preschool classroom from the perspective of sociolinguistic study. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze how Korean young children learn and speak their peer talk and cultural theme in regard to forms and meaning of pun and speech play. For this study, I conducted ethnographic fieldwork for one year at a Korean preschool, focusing on intensive participant observation of teachers’ and children’s interactions, supplemented by in-depth interviews with teachers and children. Through the analysis of social interactions in classroom, I argue that 1) the structural properties of pun(sound patterns, lexicon, syntax, and pragmatics) and 2) sociocultural and interactional meaning(performance, pun in class, taboo as sexuality and curse) in various forms of everyday talk.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeon, Hyeyoung. 2014. A Sociolinguistic Study of Languages in the Medical Community. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 22(3). This study aimed at exploring languages of a medical community from the sociolinguistic perspective. Based on collecting the data of languages in the medical community, the data demonstrated their language use. This study examined ways of word formation and discovered characteristics of languages in the medical community. This study conducted an interview with a medical personnel(intern) working in a hospital affiliated with university. The meanings of categorized expressions were explained and then word formations of the expressions were analyzed. As a result, there were four kinds of abbreviations in the way of word formations that are initialism, acronyms, clipping, and blending. And there were four types of complex words. Abnormal expressions, which are different from daily expressions, were also found in ways of constructing phrases and differences in usage of meaning. Implications of the characteristics unfolding through the meanings that are confined to the medical society and diverse types of word forming were discussed. This study found that three characteristics are economics from effective work performance, professionalism from need of knowledge in medical expertise, and exclusiveness from sharing a sense of belonging to exclude other groups.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Heo Jae-young. 2013. The Trends on the Study of Language Power and the Sociolinguistical Approaches. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 21(3). In order to understand what language power means to sociolinguistics, we will search for the relation between language and power in various academic fields; for example in linguistics, philosophy, history and literature. I searched various theses and works related to language power. But no one has used this term in a technical sense. Many scholars have used ‘language and power’ instead of ‘language power’. This tendency is similar to sociolinguistics. I couldn't find this term in the dictionary of sociolinguistics. But I found ‘language change, language contact, language conflict, language rights and shifts’. We take a broad view that these terms are related to language and power indirectly. The results are as follows: First, language is used for communication, therefore language is related to race, culture and societies. This means language is related to social power elements. Discrimination of language by race, gender and class for example, indicated the problem of language power in the language community. Second, power is essentially related to inner order or intergroup-relationships. In this respect, many linguistic scholars were concerned about the function of language or class. Third, I found many literary researchers were concerned about language power in works. They were concerned about the expression relating to character's status. This theme related to discourse analysis. Fourth, I after researching the history of foreign language power, I reached the conclusion that the study of language power is one of sociolinguistical problems and this problem implied a historical background. (243 words)
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Park Eun-ha. 2013. Socio-linguistic study on women's cosmetics' brand names in television advertisements. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 21(3). This study aims to investigate the linguistic perspective and social aspect of women's cosmetics' names. This research focuses on the names of women's cosmetics in TV advertisements from January 2008 to May 2012. From a linguistic perspective, this study analyzes the compounding structure of women's cosmetics' names on the basis of four determinants company name, brand name, product name, and the type of cosmetics. It also classifies brand names of women's cosmetics as Korean, Sino-Korean, English, and foreign language. Results show that brand names and compound words with brand name & product name were used more frequently in 2008-2009, while multi-syllable names such as brand name/company name+product name+types of cosmetics were used more frequently in 2010-2012. Moreover, there is a strong preference for English and foreign language (French) names in women's cosmetics. Four aspects can be found in the social aspect of women's cosmetics' names. In order of frequency of occurrence, “use of medicinal herbs or food”, ranks the highest, followed by “combination of science and medicine” and “emphasis on a nature-friendly environment” as the second and third most frequent in social aspect. Finally, “identification of object of envy” reflects that Korean women wish to be promoted to a higher status and to be seen as beautiful and assertive. In this study, attempts are made to generalize the characteristics of women's cosmetics' names in television advertisements over the past five years from linguistic and social perspectives. The results may contribute to guiding principles related to women's cosmetics' names and provide an insight into future research. (255 words)
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Heo Jae-young. 2012. Remarks on the Areal Linguistics from the Sociolinguistic Viewpoint. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(2). pp. 465-479. This report aims to survey and describe remarks on areal linguistics from the sociolinguistic viewpoint. It has an important bearing on the relations of language to society. Many dialectologists paid attention to these traditional areal languages. But sociolinguilism was only established in the 1960's. This science was introduced to Korea in the 1980's and the Sociolinguistic Society of Korea(SSK) was established in 1993. So I focused on the graduate theses, dissertations and books after 1990's. The results are as follow: First, the trend of sociolinguistic areal language studies was interested in special area communities( for example administrative districts) rather than divisions of dialect in Korea. In particular, some scholars were concerned with YEONBYEON(China's Far East) community after established diplomatic relations in 1992. Second, these studies focused on the factors of language change and attitudes to language. Third, some books and reports treated the phenomena of language use, and dialect in literature works and in national daily-life language.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kim Ha-soo, Ju Hyang-a, Son Hyun-jung, Kong Nah-yung. 2012. Geographic Information System(GIS) and sociolinguistic factors- study on the information of Korean language education. The sociolinguistic Journal of Korean 20(2). pp. 185-211. In sociolinguistic research, it has been found that linguistic phenomena are influenced more by extralinguistic factors than intralinguistic ones. In particular, issues such as language policy, language contact, langage extinction and language variation are strongly affected by geographical characteristics of the region where a language is being used and taught. In order to analyze linguistic phenomena and geographical characteristics synthetically, we introduce linguistic typological methods using Geographic Information System (GIS), an automated system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis and display of spacial data. Using GIS, we present some maps of the geographical distribution of foreigners living in Korea and the educational institutions of Korean language for foreigners in order to discuss the regional conditions for Korean language education in these areas. We also examine married immigrant women's accessibility to multi-cultural support centers with GIS.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kang Hui-suk. 2012. A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Fetus Naming and Its Diffusion. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(2). pp. 33-61 . This study attempted a socilinguistic analysis on the fetus naming and its diffusion as a new custom. The subjects of the study were 248 first-graders of elementary schools, 175 young children from nurseries and 423 parents who are living in Gwangju and Damyang in Jeonnam. The results are summarized as follows: First of all, the types of fetus naming and naming principles were analysed and it was discovered that most of fetus names were Korean, not Chinese, such as bokdeongi, teunteuni or ttolttori while real names were usually Chinese. Real names were made by parents or name experts in consideration of Saju or meanings of names after babies were born. However, fetus names were given by their parents in the early or middle periods of pregnancy. As a result of examining how many children had fetus names in each class, it was discovered that 43.5% of the first graders had fetus names and 76.9% of young children in nurseries had them. It shows that the custom of fetus naming is expanding very fast and such expansion was found both in urban and rural areas. When motives to give fetus names were analysed, it was discovered that parents intended to talk to their babies calling their names every day, thinking the fetus are lives with personality. They believed that when names are called frequently, the meanings of the names can be achieved. 66.5% responded that fetus names are necessary. Also, parents felt babies exist through fetus names. The names weremeans of conversation and worked to enhance friendliness and rapport between parents and their babies. The names gave helps to prenatal care as well as delivered what parents expect to the babies, enhanced rapport between parents and babies, removed anxiety of pregnancy and added happiness to their life.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Kang Hyeon-seok. 2012. A Comparative Sociolinguistic Study of Protestant and Buddhist Prayer Texts with a Focus on Sentence Type, Speech Act, and Hearer Honorifics. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(2). pp. 1-31. This paper analyzes 180 prayer texts of Protestantism and Buddhism (90 per each), and investigates differences in sentence types, speech acts, and hearer honorifics. More various sentence types were observed in Buddhist prayers than in Protestant prayers. In addition. more declaratives were used in the former, while more imperatives were found in the latter. In Buddhist prayers, speech acts of stating and promising were performed more often, whereas in Protestant prayers petitioning and thanking speech acts were found in a higher proportion. An attempt was made to explain these differences on the basis of different doctrinal and philosophical background of the two religions. Two kinds of analysis of hearer honorifics were conducted in this study: The first was based on the speech levels of different sentence ending styles; the second, a comprehensive analysis, was performed incorporating all the relevant factors in hearer honorification: sentence ending styles, politeness markers ‘-op-’ & ‘-si-’, and the auxiliary verb ‘juda’. The latter analysis proved to be more accurate and could reveal inter-religion differences that the former was not able to disclose. Different patterns of hearer honorifics used in the two religions’ prayer texts were attributed to two distinctly transmitted linguistic subcultures. Two additional phenomena of synchronic and diachronic variation observed in the prayers are also introduced and examined: 1) speech accommodation phenomena (Giles & Ogay 2007) found in the prayers of teachers teaching children in churches and Buddhist temples, 2) ongoing language change in prayer language.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Jeon, Eun-jin. 2012. A linguistic analysis of Slang, which is registered in ‘Youth Slang Dictionary’ in Smart-Phone Application. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(1). pp. 267-293. This study analyzed slangs, which are registered in 'Youth Slang Dictionary' in smart-phone application, thereby having aimed to grasp the actual condition of slangs, which are now being used actively. This application is translating through registering slangs, which are used by adolescents, as if Korean dictionary, and is routinely updating, thereby being effective for grasping the actual condition of slangs, which are being lively used in the present age. As a result of analyzing Youth Slang Dictionary, the structural characteristic was indicated most noticeably, which expresses it with the first syllable by clipping a form in a word or word-phrase, given seeing in light of the expression. And sound transcription, Romanizaton, deletion, contraction, alternation, and addition were being indicated. Also, even the phenomenon, which newly expresses by producing new meaning, not the standard meaning of a word, was shown. Examining semantic characteristics, the slangs, which indicate figure, behavior, state, and psychology, were being used much. Each of slangs was strongly indicated the tendency of being used negatively, rather than being used positively.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Meaning of Sociolinguistics about the Composition's Order Rules of Complex Word-Focus on the Textbooks in Modern Enlightenment Periods. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 19(2). This study aims to describe the change of word order in the modern enlightenment times in Korean language. The composition's order was dominated by several elements, for example preception and recognition. Chang (2008) concluded the word placement of coordinate word order is determined by the elements of lexical hierarchy, basic vocabulary, word frequency and sociocultural meaning. These elements are the fundamental factors. But, the word order is changed by the language family and sociolinguistic environment. The word order has rapidly changed in the modern enlightenment times. I divided the change into two types: lexicalization and sociocultural change. The former means the increase in quantity of lexical items through the competition of two types: in the right order and reverse order. The latter means the social concerns have changed. But the results of change are not uniform. Some reverse words gain special meaning or nuance. The Korean word 'SEONGJANG(成長)' means 'growth' or 'development', but 'JANGSEONG(長成)' means 'come of age' or 'grown up' for example.
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