
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 317

        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the fire there are fusion signs and damage by fire, and insulation aging and carbonization of the electric wiring in the ignition spot because of special characteristic of the appliance in the electricity fire. Because of the physical factor applied in the damage of fire, the decision of ignition spot by eye investigation is insufficient. In this paper, the cause of electricity fire is researched. The focus is on the operation state of operated MCCB(Molded Case Circuit Breaker) at the time of electricity fire. Through grasping the operation principle of MCCB and the experiment, the state of MCCB after fire suppression is discriminated. The distinction possibility on the exist of electricity fire is proposed.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Considering heat insulation and beautiful sight of construction, making use of exterior panels is increasing. Recently the exterior panels now are weak very much, and so in consequence of the weakness fire spreads rapidly. Compared with internal fire, external vertical fire spread rate goes rapidly and it is extensive in spread range, therefore it is dangerous very much. Accordingly, under present condition of poor standard of exterior panels, it is required to take measure to meet the appropriate situation. In this study, by making use of FDS(Fire Dynamic Simulation) program about external vertical fire of high rise building, fire behavior is searched by computer. It is important that realizing by computer fire modeling about external vertical fire must be included certainly in procedure of fire performance design in the future. In modeling program, FDS version 5 is available, and aluminium composite panel is applied in external panels. In this study, for realizing of actual fire condition, FDS is applied by details of fire scenarios considering influence of wind.
        2009.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In January, 2005, the "Railroad Safety Act" was presented, preparing the systematic equipment that allows several railroad operators to consider the railroad safety issue, and each of the railroad operative institutions accepted such situation that the construction of the emergent system of coping, resulting in the construction of the emergent system of coping with the railroad fire accident through the relevant study to improve the railroad security efficiency against fire. This study tried to present the on developing the emergent educational program for coping with the KTX fire accident, which is distributed to the spot, to the railroad emergency staff for improving the railroad security efficiency against fire through the education of systematic and efficient emergent countermeasure procedures against fire accidents the fire accident in KTX.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        세계의 모든 나라가 화석연료를 대체하는 태양광, 풍력 등의 그린에너지 기술개발에 주력하고 있으며, 한편으로는 에너지의 효율제고 및 재생을 위하여 폐기물로부터의 자원순환을 이룩하는 폐기에너지 회수에도 많은 노력을 기울이고 있다. 그 하나의 방편이 버려지는 쓰레기에서 에너지를 회수하는 고형재생연료인 RDF(생활폐기물 고형연료 제품, Refuse Derived Fuel) 생산이다. 우리나라에서는 유일하게 강원도 원주시에서 하루 80톤을 생산하고 있으며 아직은 기술도입 초기단계에 있는 가연성폐기물의 연료화 기술이다. RDF의 특성은 불연성 성분이 제거된 일반 가연물을 분쇄하여 압출성형 가공한 펠릿형상의 고체연료로서의 열적 특성이 우수하나 화재안전 측면에서는 제조 및 취급공정에서의 일반적인 가연물 화재위험성을 가지고 있고, 저장과정에서는 축열발열에 의한 자연발화 위험성이 상존하며, 저장형태, 특히 사이로의 경우 구조특성으로 인하여 화재진압도 쉽지않다. 본 논문에서는 일본의 RDF 화재사례를 중심으로 그 화재 위험 특성과 안전대책을 고찰하고자 한다.
        2009.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        국보 1호인 숭례문 화재는 화재조사자뿐만 아니라 국민들에게 크나큰 아픔을 안겨 주었다. 이 연구의 목적은 현장조사를 통하여 목조 문화재 화재 시 생성되는 연소패턴과 목재 마루바닥에 인화성물질을 살포 후 착화하였을 때 나타나는 촉진제에 의한 연소 흔적 등을 확인하는데 있다. 또한 이 연구결과는 유사한 화재 발생 시 화재조사요원에게 정확한 화재 원인을 감식할 수 있는 자료가 될 것이다.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to distinguish the causes of broken glass on doors or windows when it is originally kept among the remains on the floor in fire site - whether it was broken due to heating or outer power-through test and characteristics of the broken plane including the pattern on the plane. Addition to it, the study tries to find characteristics to judge the point and direction of breakdown through the analysis of glass broken by outer power. With two assumed causes - a) breakdown due to heating and b) breakdown due to outer power-3 pieces of glass plates (30cm×30cm×5mm) were tested for each case, getting the results as following: First, for the glass broken due to the change of temperature, the broken plane is of slow and smooth curve without any pattern. Second, for the glass broken due to outer power, with the impact point as the center, the glass shows breakdown of radial type and the side shows breakdown of near-perpendicular type. The far the broken piece is from the impact point, the bigger the size is. The broken piece at the impact point is of long triangle type and the two long planes of the triangle shows semi-arc with the center of breakdown point and the other plane shows opposite pattern. Third, when glass that is damaged by outer power is heated, damaged forms and side patterns of the glass that is damaged by outer power are heated and disappeared.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A successful fire risk assessment is depends on identification of risk, the analytical process of potential risk, on estimation of likelihood and the width and depth of consequence. Take the influence on enterprise into consideration, Fire risk assessment could carry out along the evaluation of the risk importance, the risk level and the risk acceptance. A large part of the limitation of choosing the risk assessment techniques impose restrictions on expense and time. If it is unnecessary high level risk assessment or Probabilistic Risk Assessment of buildings, in compliance with the Relative Ranking Method, Fire risk indexing and assessing is possible. As working-level technique, AHP method is useful with practical technique.
        2008.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study is carried out for the fire safety of the factory building, the fire risk reduction measure in compliance with an example approached in fire risk reduction systematically, contribute to reduce the fire risk. The analytical fire risk process of discovering, identifying, estimating and evaluating risk and control measure as risk reduction measures are core concept, applies loss prevention with loss control techniques. The painting process in the workplace where the fire hazard and death accident accompanies coexists. Loss prevention problem of creation prevention of dangerous atmosphere at workplace is health and human services problem of normal circumstances, must be inspected with problem of combustible gases at the time of fire explosion. Static electricity measure accomplished the risk control process thoroughly as the fire risk reduction process model with the ignition sources measure which is presented. Fire risk from within organizing will be able to classify with each field by detailedly but risk treatment process will be able to apply basically all the same concept. Consequently about risk management example from before, this study is proposed risk management techniques that standardized rightly in the actual condition of organization with one plan, with discovery of fire risk, the feedback process in compliance with a fire risk reduction and the review which control the result is joint responsibility of engineer, technical expert and manager as part of safety management to practice with the fact must be supervised.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study is to analyze the characteristics of arson fire under fire dynamics to protect people and property from arson fire which has been radically increased with the development of the Korean economy. Assembly and merchandise purposes such as theater, retail, and exhibition has been performed as the arson fire study. The experiment for this study is based on the analysis of the characteristic for its own combustion process and smoke spread when arson fire occurs. This study presents the analysis through comparing the condition of setting fire using liquid fuel such as thinner on purpose to the condition of setting fire naturally depending on each occupancy.
        2008.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the development of the Korean economy, the number of arson fire has been radically increased and become a huge problem and issue in Korea Society for last several decades. This study is to establish the fire life safety strategy regarding the arson fire through researching domestic fire statistics and performing the computer simulation based on fire scenarios with cutting edge techniques and methods for fire characteristics and fire dynamic. In addition, to design the fire life safety strategy depending on the arson fire pattern, the flow and characteristics of fire flames and smoke are analyzed by the computer modeling.
        2007.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 기존의 연기만을 감지하는 연기감지(smoke detector) 센서에 카메라의 시각기능을 부여한 화염감지(flame detector) 모듈을 추가하여 고기능의 화재 감지 시스템의 구현을 제안한다. 제안한 화재감지 시스템은 연기감지 센서에서 연기신호를 감지하여 카메라에 내장된 RS-232포트로 전달하고 이를 TCP/IP 모듈을 통해 제어 시스템으로 전달한다. 화염의 감지는 카메라에서 받은 영상 신호를 JPEG 으로 압축하여 TCP/IP로 제어 시스템으로 송신하여 화염감지 여부를 판단한다. 화염감지 알고리즘은 JPEG 영상을 복호화 하여 HSI 영역으로 변환한 다음, 화염의 관찰모델로부터 화염의 외부 경계추출, 모폴로지 연산, 영역채움, 거짓 추출된 화염 제거 등의 영역해석을 수행함으로써 화염을 인식한다. 실험 결과 제안한 방법은 형광등이나 주변 사람의 움직임의 변화에 무관하게 화염을 감지하는 매우 좋은 결과를 보여 준다.
        2007.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        With the development of the Korean economy, the number of arson fire has been radically increased and become a huge problem and issue in Korea Society for last several decades. This study is to establish the fire life safety strategy regarding the arson fire through performing the computer simulation based on fire scenarios with researching domestic fire statistics and cutting edge techniques and methods for fire characteristics and fire dynamic. In addition, to design the fire life safety strategy depending on the arson fire pattern, the flow and characteristics of fire flames and smoke is analyzed by the computer modeling.
        2007.11 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Because of not accepted on escape using elevators in fire emergency has some background. In the background elevator hoistway has turn into smoke spread route in fire. The escape that used an elevator was not able to make ends meet; of the big confusion is expected that cannot control the escape adequately, and do that elevator facilities breakdown possibility by the fire water, the escaper shut in car. Therefore ban on elevator service in fire time as a general rule. Recently, a few company promote super high-rise architecture in the country, a fire disaster prevention and human life safety measures preparation for PBD(A Performance Based Fire Protection Design) are studied concretely. And there is the escape example in fire time that used an elevator in the foreign country. You must promote it so that the escape measures that used enclosed stairway and an elevator in charge of a function of the mutual supplement. The result of this research can be used for establishing the standard and regulation for using elevators in fire emergency.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 논문에서는 1편에서 얻어진 온도분포와 박리시간이력을 이용하여 지하박스구조물의 열응력을 산정하고 이에 기반한 열모멘트를 산청하였다. 또한 이때의 온도분포를 바탕으로 구조물의 열적비선형성을 고려한 극한모멘트를 산정하여 구조물의 내하력을 산정하였다. 그 결과 상부슬래브의 부모멘트 구간은 단면의 온도경사에 의해서 발생하는 열모멘트에 의해 지배받는 것으로 나타났다. 반면 정모멘트 구간은 박리에 의해 화염에 노출된 철근의 항복응력에 의해 지배받는 것으로 나타났다.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 전력구나 공동구와 같은 지하 콘크리트박스구조물의 화재발생시 온도분포와 박리거동에 대한 수치해석을 수행하였다. 해석에 사용된 온도장은 터널화재에 사용하는 화재곡선을 기본으로 하고 화재시 내부공간에 대한 열유체해석을 수행하여 온도분포를 결정하였다. 박리거동은 탈수화도를 따라 콘크리트의 온도가 기준값에 도달하였을때 발생하는 것으로 하였다. 이때 박리가 일어난 요소를 제거하고 경계조건과 요소망을 재생성하여 해석을 반복수행하였다. 3개의 화재 시나리오에 따라 해석을 수행하였고, 해석결과는 각 시나리오별로 타당한 박리거동을 보여주었다. 각 시나리오에 따른 구조물의 내하력은 본 논문의 2편에서 산정되었다.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This Study is to suggest a method of effect evaluation of forest fire on governor station in shrub land. Theoretically, to evaluate effects of forest fire, it is combined that Spread Rate of Forest Fire, Flame Model, and Thermal Radiation Effects Model; i.e. a travel time of forest fire is calculated by Spread Rate of Forest Fire, fire-line intensity is calculated by Flame Model, and effects of fire-line intensity is affected by Thermal Radiation Effects Model. With the aforementioned method, we could carry out the effect evaluation of forest fire on governor station in shrub land and could distinguish scenarios to need protection plan from all scenarios.