
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2,295

        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Climate change can affect major changes to the dynamics of individual insect. The increase of surface temperature would cause multivoltine species to increase the number of generations (i.e. voltinism) per year. Determining the voltinism was based on the climate data and biological parameters. The soybean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Fabricius) (Hemiptera: Alydidae) is one of major pests of soybean and has multi host plants. To estimate the voltinism of R. pedestris, the climate data were obtained from the web site of the Korea Meterological Administration(KMA) from 1966 or 1973 to 2015 at 77 locations, respectively. We used the lower developmental threshold (15.0°C) and thermal constant (312.5DD) for R. pedestris from egg to adult emergence. Degree-days were calculated by using simple cutoff method and cumulating degree-days (CDD) were obtained by summing calculated degree-days. The voltinism of R. pedestris was calculated by dividing CDD per specific period by the thermal constant requirement of R. pedestris development from egg to adult emergence. The number of generations varied depending on the season, with the lowest in February and the highest in August at each location. At least one generation per month would be possible from July to August. The average voltinism from 1966 to 2015 was highest at Seoguipo, and was followed by Daegu, Jejusi, Gwangju and Jeonju. The average voltinism from 1966 to 2015 was lowest at Ulreundo. The voltinism of R. pedestris observed the last 50 years was attributable to human activities at some locations.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Korea, two sawyer beetle species belonging to genus Monochamus are vectors that transmits the pine wood nematode. In this study, we surveyed the seasonal change of spatiotemporal distribution of Monochamus alternatus and Monochamus saltuarius. A total of 360 multi-funnel traps were placed in three different regions, such as Gapyeong, Yeongdeok, and Jeju. In M. saltuarius, we collected 1,496 individuals and 709 individuals in Gapyeong and Yeongdeok, respectively, and in M. alternatus 348 individuals and 113 individuals were collected in Jeju and Yeongdeok, respectively. We analysed their patterns in spatiotemporal distribution using by global spatial autocorrelation. In M. alternatus, spatially clustering on Jeju was observed in July and August, and M. saltuarius in a site of Gapyeong was clustered. These spatiotemporal distributions of two Monochamus species may be probably related to their behavior, such as maturation feeding and dead tree searching.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Global warming can seriously influence on the interaction between pest and natural enemy in the agroecosystem due to the differences in optimal temperature ranges. Two aphid-ladybug systems, Myzus persicae-Coccinella septempunctata (M-C) and Aphis gossypii-Coccinella septempunctata (A-C) in the pepper crop were simulated, respectively under four different temperature scenarios including crop development over 244 days with the assumption that the average temperature is higher by 1, 3, and 5 °C than that in Seoul in 2000. Temperature-dependent functions for each aphid-ladybug system were embedded in Rosenzweig-Macathur predator-prey model to explore their population dynamics, and then Dynamic Index was used to quantify the strengths of species interactions. The result shows that the predator-prey population cycles as well as species interactions are getting shorter and stronger in both systems as temperature increased. Especially, the excessively high temperature scenario in Aphis gossypii-Coccinella septempunctata system could result in the extreme species interaction. Therefore, the increasing temperature can facilitate the effectiveness of biological control because of growing crop plant development and much stronger species interaction, although there are increases of the frequency of pest occurrences.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The bean bug, Riptortus pedestris (Hemiptera: Alydidae), is a major pest of soybean and tree fruit in Korea. To protect crops, chemical insecticides have been widely used. However, the effects of insecticides is not only reduce the pest population but also change of pest behavior. In this study, we tested the effects of two insecticides, etofenprox (pyrethroid) and acetamiprid (neonicotinoid), on the behavior of R. pedestris. Two insecticides were diluted with water based on the conventional spray dose. After exposed to insecticide residue, adult R. pedestris was put individually into a clean petri dish with soybean. The behavior of R. pedestris was video-recorded for 16 hours. The frequencies of approaching to food and feeding were compared to the untreated control group. R. pedestris exposed to etofenprox made more frequent approaching to the food, but those exposed to acetamiprid made less frequent approaching compared to the control group. When compared to the control group, the feeding frequency of acetamiprid-exposed group was significantly reduced but etofenprox-exposed group showed more frequent feeding activity. In both treatments, the feeding probability, calculated by feeding frequency divided by approaching frequency, was reduced compared to the control. We conclude that acetamiprid may protect crops by reducing the frequency of R. pedestris to approach and feed on crops.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study was made to assess annual changes on seasonal occurrence of Apiformes, commonly known as bees, as global warming apparently happens. Bees were collected from ten sites using a malaise trap for each site, and sample collection was made every two weeks from April to September in 2011 to 2014. In overall diversity, abundance and richness of bees appeared higher in northern sites, particularly Gwangneung and Hongcheon, than southern. The abundance of bees declined sharply in 2013 and decreased even further in 2014. Among the bee families the most decreased families were Halictidae and Andrenidae. In order to see the effect of annual temperature fluctuation correlation analysis was used with collection data and weather data. However, the result indicated that the decline of the bees was not significantly affected by changes of temperature although most of the bee families except Halictidae showed negative relation with temperature data(p < 0.05). In addition we also analysed the bee collection data and flowering data during spring in Gwangneung. Dufrene-Legendre indicator species analysis (ISA) for latitudinal sites identified seventeen indicator species (p < 0.05) that were limited to northern region.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide (PBAN), produced in subesophageal ganglion, is known to stimulate pheromone biosynthesis in Plutella xylostella. The pheromone production is more active in the scotophase than in the photophase, which suggests that there may be changes of gene expression in the pheromone glands. To analyze gene expression involving in pheromone biosynthesis for 24 hrs, we performed transcriptomes of pheromone glands which were isolated at every 4 h. Eleven pheromone biosynthesis-related genes, acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), fatty acid synthase (FAS), acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, Δ9 desaturase, Δ11 desaturase, fatty acid reductase (FAR), alcohol oxidase, aldehyde oxidase, and aldehyde reductase were identified. Among these genes, ACC, FAS and chain shortening enzymes involving in early stage of pheromone biosynthesis exhibited their highest expression between AM9 and PM5. Desaturases, Δ9 and Δ11, showed the peak of expression at PM1 and AM5 or PM5, respectively. Interestingly, FAR expression was the highest at AM1, active reproductive period. These results suggest that genes involving in pheromone biosynthesis can be sequentially regulated for their biological roles.
        2016.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        본 연구는 1980년 대 후반부터 2000년 대 후반까지 경기 도 파주시 일대 남북한 접경지역의 산림 경관 변화 추이를 분석하였다. 산림 경관 변화 추이는 1980년 대 후반과 2000 년 대 후반 촬영된 Landsat 위성 영상에서 추출한 각 시기별 산림의 공간 분포를 경관지수를 이용해 계량화하여 종적 비교 분석하였다. 위성영상 분류의 정확도를 높이기 위해 단일 계절 영상이 아니라 봄철(5월 말~6월 초)과 늦여름-초 가을(9월 말~10월 초)에 촬영된 영상의 밴드들을 중첩하여 다중 계절 영상을 제작·분석하였다. 산림 공간 분포는 다중 계절 Landsat 영상을 machine learning 알고리즘의 일종인 support vector machine(SVM) 알고리즘을 이용하여 산림, 초지, 농경지, 비식생지, 수체의 5개 식생 유형으로 분류하 여 추출한 다음, lacunarity 지수를 이용하여 계량화하였다. Lacunarity 지수는 프랙탈(fractal) 기하학에서 파생된 경관 지수의 일종으로, 프랙탈(fractal)이 분석 대상 물체가 공간 을 얼마나 복잡하게 채우고 있는지에 관한 지수라면, lacunarity는 공간에 분석 대상 물체들이 채워지고 남은 빈 공간들이 어떻게 분포하는지에 관한 지수이다. Lacunarity 는 분석의 지리적 척도에 따라 분석 결과가 달라지는 경관 지수로, 지엽적 수준에서 광역적 수준까지 다양한 지리적 척도에서 산림의 파편화를 분석할 수 있다. 분석 결과 민간인 출입이 제한된 임진강 이북의 비무장지 대(demilitarized zone: DMZ)와 민간인통제구역(civilian control zone: CCZ)에서는 지난 20여년 간 산림 면적이 13.2% 증가하여, 군사 활동으로 훼손된 산림에 형성된 초지 와 버려진 농경지들이 산림으로 자연천이되고 있었다. 반면 민간인의 활동이 자유로운 임진강 이남 지역은 같은 기간 산림 면적이 9.3% 감소하여 개발로 인한 산림 훼손이 진행 되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Lacunarity 분석 결과 지난 20여 년 동안 임진강 이북의 산림 경관은 지엽적 수준에서는 파 편화도가 감소한 반면, 광역적 수준에서는 파편화도가 오히 려 증가한 것을 나타났다. 이 결과는 1980년 대 후반에는 파편화되어 있던 산림 패치들 사이의 작은 틈들이 초지와 농경지의 자연천이로 점차 메워져서 지엽적 수준의 산림 파편화는 감소하였지만, 도라산역 개발 등 지난 20여 년 간 이 지역에서 발생한 대규모 개발로 넓은 산림이 사라지 면서 광역적 수준의 산림 파편화가 진행되었기 때문으로 분석된다. 임진강 이남의 산림은 분석의 공간 척도에 관계 없이 산림 파편화가 심화된 것으로 나타나, 이 지역에 농경 지 개간, 공장 등 개별 건축물 건설 등 적은 규모의 개발 뿐 아니라 신도시 개발과 같은 대규모 개발 사업으로 인한 산림 훼손이 진행된 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구 결과는 남북한 접경지역에서 식생의 자연천이가 진행되면서 과거 농경지 개간과 전쟁 등 군사활동으로 파편 화된 산림이 복원되고 있긴 하지만, 이는 민간인의 접근이 제한된 일부 지역에만 국한된 현상이고, 실제 야생동물의 서식 환경을 결정하는 광역적 수준에서는 오히려 산림 파편 화가 진행되고 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이 결과는 접경지역 생태계 보전을 위해서는 남북한 통일 후 비무장지대나 민간 인통제구역을 어떻게 관리할지 뿐 아니라 민간인 활동이 자 유로운 인근 지역을 지금 어떻게 관리해야 할지에 대한 논의 가 시급하다는 것을 시사해 준다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rainfall infiltration velocity into the surface of the earth is influenced by time sequential change of the urban surface spatial structure following urban expansion, and is the key factor in determining runoff discharge. In this regard, a comprehensive assessment and understanding of surface runoff associated with land cover change, as well as the changed structure of the landscape, is required to establish landscape planning. Sustainable development, planning and maintenance of the green space inside the city, based on results of the above, are a fundamental countermeasure for relieving fragmentation of the urban green space and increasing urban flood damage, directly or indirectly. In this study, we conducted analysis of landscape structure and change of Surface Runoff Reduction Capacity (SRRC) using the land cover maps from 1975 to 2000 at the lower reaches of the Jungrang stream (LRJS). The results are expected to provide baseline data for sustainable landscape planning that is ecologically healthy and can improve SRRC during torrential rains. The results of this study are as follows. Analysis of the results showed that land cover type underwent a remarkable change in terms of the total area of farm and urban types from 1975 to 2000. The total area of farm decreased by approximately 27.05% during the 25 years, while that of urban increased by approximately 25.61%. In this regard, the results of the landscape structure assessment using FRAGSTATS showed reciprocal tendencies, which intensified fragmentation of the landscape, as measured by all 6 of the selected factors, including LPI, NP, PD, LSI, AI and PLADJ. The Runoff Curve Number (CN) value steadily increased in the results of the time series landscape change assessment of the SRRC from 1975 to 2000. Based on analysis of the changed area associated with SRRC classes, the high SRRC class 1 area showed a steady decrease in accordance with the progression of the time series land use change associated with urban development.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chest lateral decubitus is a chest examination to determine the persence of pleural fluid in thorax. In this study, we prepare recumbent holding position time standard of chest lateral decubitus. The records of 15 patients with chest lateral decubitus between May and Jun. Recumbent holding time is 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 210, 240 seconds. The result is fluid level change between 0.88mm to 9.63. Fluid heigh change between 9.9 percent to 42.5 percent. We can confirm fluid level change with chest decubitus image. The proper time for fluid level change is 180 seconds.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기후변화에 따른 해충개체군 증감모형은 해충방제를 위 한 초발생예찰과 연속적 해충변동 양상의 파악에 매우 중 요하다. 이러한 예측은 농약사용의 효율성을 높이고, 환경 에 적은 영향을 줄 수 있으므로, 현대 해충방제전략의 화두 로 볼 수 있다. 본 연구는 온도변화에 따른 해충의 농약효과 에 따른 사충률의 변화를 개체군 모형과 결합시켜 모의했다. 감수성 점박이응애를 강낭콩을 기주로 20, 25, 30, 35℃에서 Acrinathrin-Spiromesifen 혼합제와 Azocyclotin 유기주석계 농약에 노출시켰다. 생물검정 결과 점박이응애의 사충률은 온도와 농약의 종류에 따라 유의한 차이가 발생했다. 점박이 응애의 개체군 밀도변동 모의는 DYMEX를 이용했으며, 모 의결과 농약의 종류별로 기후변화에 따른 초기방제 시기와 방제횟수에 차이가 나타날 것으로 예측됐다. 본 연구결과는 미래의 기후변화에 대응한 해충방제 전략과 농약 선발에 있 어 중요한 시사점을 제공할 것으로 사료된다.
        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to set the direction to manage national parks to cope with climate change, and offer basic data to establish the relevant policies. Towards this end, this study analyzed the current and future climate change vulnerability of national parks using the 24 proxy variables of vulnerability in the LCCGIS program, a tool to evaluate climate change vulnerability developed by the National Institute of Environmental Research. To analyze and evaluate the current status of and future prospect on climate change vulnerability of national parks, the proxy variable value of climate exposure was calculated by making a GIS spatial thematic map with 1 km×1 km grid unit through the application of climate change scenario (RCP8.5). The values of proxy variables of sensitivity and adaptation capability were calculated using the basic statistics of national parks. The values of three vulnerability evaluation items were calculated regarding the present (2010s) and future (2050s). The current values were applied to the future equally under the assumption that the current state of the proxy variables related to sensitivity and adaptation capability without a future prediction scenario continues. Seoraksan, Odaesan, Jirisan and Chiaksan National Parks are relatively bigger in terms of the current (2010s) climate exposure. The national park, where the variation of heat wave is the biggest is Wolchulsan National Park. The biggest variation of drought occurs to Gyeryongsan National Park, and Woraksan National Park has the biggest variation of heavy rain. Concerning the climate change sensitivity of national parks, Jirisan National Park is the most sensitive, and adaptation capability is evaluated to be the highest. Gayasan National Park’s sensitivity is the lowest, and Chiaksan National Park is the lowest in adaptation capability. As for climate change vulnerability, Seoraksan, Odaesan, Chiaksan and Deogyusan National Parks and Hallyeohaesang National Park are evaluated as high at the current period. The national parks, where future vulnerability change is projected to be the biggest, are Jirisan, Woraksan, Chiaksan and Sobaeksan National Parks in the order. Because such items evaluating the climate change vulnerability of national parks as climate exposure, sensitivity and adaptation capability show relative differences according to national parks’ local climate environment, it will be necessary to devise the adaptation measures reflecting the local climate environmental characteristics of national parks, rather than establishing uniform adaptation measures targeting all national parks. The results of this study that evaluated climate change vulnerability using climate exposure, sensitivity and adaptation capability targeting Korea’s national parks are expected to be used as basic data for the establishment of measures to adapt to climate change in consideration of national parks’ local climate environmental characteristics. However, this study analyzed using only the proxy variables presented by LCCGIS program under the situation that few studies on the evaluation of climate change vulnerability of national parks are found, and therefore this study may not reflect overall national parks’ environment properly. A further study on setting weights together with an objective review on more proper proxy variables needs to be carried out in order to evaluate the climate change vulnerability of national parks.
        2016.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『通學徑編』은 아동용 학습서로 예로부터 많이 사용되었던 『千字文』 이나 『類合』등은 누리나라 시대 변화에 알맞지 않다고 판단하여, 새로운 물목명칭(物目名稱)을 중심으로 재편집하여 학습하도록 편찬한 분류 어휘집이다. 『通學徑編』은 1916년 한자 교육용으로 발행된 후, 1921년 한자와 일본어 교육용으로 다시 발행된다. 1916년 초판본에서 1921년 개정판에서는 한자뿐만 아니라 수록된 한자에 대한 일본어를 학습할 수 있도록 편찬된 것이다. 일본어 추가에 따라 수록 한자에도 변화가 일어나서 초판본과 개정판에는 많은 변화가 보인다. 본고에서는 초판본과 개정판의 수록 한자 변화에 대한 것을 조사한 것이다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        On account of the increase in water demand and climate change, droughts are in great concern for water resources planning and management. In this study, rainfall characteristics with stationary and non-stationary perspectives were analyzed using Weibull distribution model with 40-year records of annual minimum rainfall depth collected in major cities of Korea. As a result, the non-stationary minimum probable rainfall was expected to decrease, compared with the stationary probable rainfall. The reliability of ξ1, a variable reflecting the decrease of the minimum rainfall depth due to climate change, in Wonju, Daegu, and Busan was over 90%, indicating the probability that the minimal rainfall depths in those city decrease is high.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, rainfall characteristics with stationary and non-stationary perspectives were analyzed using generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution and Gumbel distribution models with rainfall data collected in major cities of Korea to reevaluate the return period of sewer flooding in those cities. As a result, the probable rainfall for GEV and Gumbel distribution in non-stationary state both increased with time(t), compared to the stationary probable rainfall. Considering the reliability of ξ1, a variable reflecting the increase of storm events due to climate change, the reliability of the rainfall duration for Seoul, Daegu, and Gwangju in the GEV distribution was over 90%, indicating that the probability of rainfall increase was high. As for the Gumbel distribution, Wonju, Daegu, and Gwangju showed the higher reliability while Daejeon showed the lower reliability than the other cities. In addition, application of the maximum annual rainfall change rate (ξ1·t) to the location parameter made possible the prediction of return period by time, therefore leading to the evaluation of design recurrence interval.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The effect of weir construction (2009~2011) was investigated on algal bloom dynamics and surrounding conditions in the Youngsan River by analyzing the long-term (2001~2014) data provided by the Water Information System, Ministry of Environment. The data include chlorophyll a and water properties such as total suspended solids (TSS), ammonium (NH4 +), nitrate (NO3-), orthophosphate (PO43-), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and DIN/DIP molar ratio collected from 12 stations along the channel of the river. Temporal variations were examined using data collected monthly from 2001~2014 and Box-Whisker plot was used to examine the difference in algal bloom dynamics between before (2006~2008) and after (2012~2014) the weir construction. Pearson’s correlation analysis was also used to analyze the correlation of parameters. The results showed that TSS affecting water turbidity increased during the construction but decreased especially at the stations located in the upper and middle regions of the river after the construction. Ammonium concentrations increased whereas the concentrations of other nutrients decreased after the construction inducing an increase in N:P molar ratio. Chlorophyll a decreased suddenly during the construction but increased clearly after the construction at the stations where TSS decreased. This indicates that algal blooms can develop in the Youngsan River due to a decrease in turbidity that increases light penetration in water column although the concentrations of nutrients such as orthophosphate were reduced after the weir construction.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to offer basic data to effectively preserve and manage pine forests using more precise pine forests’ distribution status. In this regard, this study predicts the geographical distribution change of pine forests growing in South Korea, due to climate change, and evaluates the spatial distribution characteristics of pine forests by age. To this end, this study predicts the potential distribution change of pine forests by applying the MaxEnt model useful for species distribution change to the present and future climate change scenarios, and analyzes the effects of bioclimatic variables on the distribution area and change by age. Concerning the potential distribution regions of pine forests, the pine forests, aged 10 to 30 years in South Korea, relatively decreased more. As the area of the region suitable for pine forest by age was bigger, the decreased regions tend to become bigger, and the expanded regions tend to become smaller. Such phenomena is conjectured to be derived from changing of the interaction of pine forests by age from mutual promotional relations to competitive relations in the similar climate environment, while the regions suitable for pine forests’ growth are mostly overlap regions. This study has found that precipitation affects more on the distribution of pine forests, compared to temperature change, and that pine trees’ geographical distribution change is more affected by climate’s extremities including precipitation of driest season and temperature of the coldest season than average climate characteristics. Especially, the effects of precipitation during the driest season on the distribution change of pine forests are irrelevant of pine forest’s age class. Such results are expected to result in a reduction of the pine forest as the regions with the increase of moisture deficiency, where climate environment influencing growth and physiological responses related with drought is shaped, gradually increase according to future temperature rise. The findings in this study can be applied as a useful method for the prediction of geographical change according to climate change by using various biological resources information already accumulated. In addition, those findings are expected to be utilized as basic data for the establishment of climate change adaptation policies related to forest vegetation preservation in the natural ecosystem field.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to empirically analyze the relationship between climate change elements and catch amount of coastal fisheries, which is predicted to be vulnerable to climate change since its business scale is too small and fishing ground is limited. Using panel data from 1974 to 2013 by region, we tested the relationship between the sea temperature, salinity and the coastal fisheries production. A spatial panel model was applied in order to reflect the spatial dependence of the ocean. The results indicated that while the upper(0-20m) sea temperature and salinity have no significant influence on the coastal fisheries production, the lower(30-50m) sea temperature has significant positive effects on it and, by extension, on the neighboring areas’s production. Therefore, with sea temperature forecast data derived from climate change scenarios, it is expected that these results can be used to assess the future vulnerability to the climate change.