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        검색결과 585

        2007.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to compare UCP2 polymorphism, dietary habits, and obesity index in normal and obese university students. The survey was carried out using self-questionnaires collected from the 126 normal and 60 obese university students. The results are summarized as follows. Breakfast was skipped in 43.7% of normal and 49.3% of obesity students and it appeared obese students eat faster than normal students. The percentage of weight control experience were 49.2 and 71.0 in the normal and obese students, respectively. Blood levels of lipid profiles(triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol), hemoglobin, AST and ALT were anaylzed. In UCP2 genes, the frequency of deletion homozygote(DD) was 71.5%, heterozygote(DI) was 26.9% and insertion homozygote(II) was 1.6%. Plasma levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol of normal students were 79.06, 172.25, 100.86 and 57.03 mg/dl, and those of obese students were 93.06, 173.22, 101.22 and 54.39 mg/dl, respectively. Blood parameters were in normal range in both group. Plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels of obese students were higher than those of normal students. On the other hand, plasma HDL cholesterol levels of obese students were lower than those of normal students. Plasma levels of AST and ALT were in normal range in both group. However, AST and ALT levels of obese students were higher than that of normal students. Thus, it was recommended for them to have a nutritional education program to improve their dietary and living habits for obese students’health. Nutritional education program should also be organized practically and systematically.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The aims 0 1' t his study we re to evaluate proliferative and apoptotic cell distribution pattern in condylar articu lar and pl'oliferative layer as two types of diet(soft and ha rd) we1'e supplied to growing 1'a ts, 30 male Sprague Dawley g1'owing l'ats(twenty-one c1ays fl'om bi l'th) were c1ivided into two group, Each 15 rats were supplied by soft and hal'd di et , After c1 iluted Bl'du solution(5mg/ Kg)was injected into pel'itoneum befol'c sacrificc. rats wel'e sacl'i f iced at 1. 2. 3 week llltel'vals St1'eptoavidin-Biotin method for Brdu was used to evaluate celluJar proliferative activity. ancl fluol'escent TUNEL method was used to estima te the apoptotic activity, The results about this expe riment wel'e recorded about ante1'io1' and posterior condyle separateJy, In anteriol' portion of condyle, soft diet group showed inc1'eased p1'olife1'ative celluJar activity tha n hal'd diet group dw'ing 1, 2 week but decl'eased than hal'd diet g1'oup at 3 weeks. while hal'd diet group showed constant p1'oliferative cellular activity during all experimenta l period , ln posterior pOl'tion of condyl e、soft diet group showed increased activity than hard diet group at 3 weeks, while ha rd di et gl'oup showed constant proliferative cellular activity during exper‘ imental period , In a nterior pOl'tion of condyle‘ soft c1 iet group showed increased apoptotic activity with time progress, but hard diet group showed continuous low level of activity during experimental period , In posterio1' porti on 0 1' condyle, hard diet group showed cons tant low level apoptotic activity, plthough showed the lowes t leveJ at 1 week, On the con trary soft diet g1'oup showed c1ecl'eased apoptotic activity wi th time progress, ConcJusively, in soft diet group an teroposterior direction was reduced in condyJar morphologic dimension because of decreased prol iferative cellular and increased apoptotic activity on anterior portion and vertical dimension 0 1' condyle was increased because of increased proliferative cellular and decreased apoptotic activity on posterior portion. but in hard di et group proli ferative cellular and apoptotic activity were comparatively constant. and thus harcl diet group s howed antet'opos teriorJy broad and flat condylar morphoJogy
        2007.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Diabetic nephropathy has been increasing, although blood glucose and blood pressure can be controlled by angiotensin converting enzyme(ACE) or advanced glycosylation end products(AGE) inhibitors in the diabetic patients. We investigated the effect of dietary supplementation of sea tangle on the blood glucose, and pathological scoring of diabetic kidneys in the streptozotocin(STZ) induced diabetic rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into normal rats fed control diet and diabetic rats fed control diet or control diet supplemented with powder or oater extract of sea tangle. Diabetes was induced by a single injection of STZ(60mg/kg, ip) in citrate buffer. The animals were fed the experimental diet and water for 13 weeks. Dietary supplementation of sea tangle decreased blood glucose in the diabetic rats. However, dietary supplementation of sea tangle did not affect the antioxidant enzyme activities, MDA content and pathology of diabetic kidneys. These results indicate that decreased blood glucose by sea tangle could not delay the progression of diabetic kidney disease.
        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the effect of different kinds of dietary added fat on the fatty acid composition, cholesterol content and quality of hens‘ eggs. The Haugh units, breaking strength, shell thickness and yolk color were not significant difference among the groups. Dietary fat notably altered the polyunsaturated fatty acid composition and cholesterol content in the egg yolk. The n-6 fatty acid of egg yolk was highest in the corn oil fed group with 31.61%, and this tended to decrease in the order of the tallow, linseed oil and fish oil fed groups(p<0.05). The n-3 fatty acid of egg yolk tended to increase in the linseed oil and fish oil fed groups as 9.74% and 5.16%, respectively(p<0.05). Theses alterations in the yolk fatty acid composition resulted in a reduced cholesterol content of the eggs. The ranges of cholesterol content showed values of 15.98-18.37 mg/g of yolk or 227-261 mg/60g of egg, respectively(p<0.05). The cholesterol content of egg yolk was highest in the tallow fed group, and this tended to be reduced in the order of the fish oil, linseed oil and corn oil fed groups(p<0.05). The reduction of the egg yolk cholesterol content in the other groups compared to the tallow group was significantly different, i.e., 13.01% in the fish oil group, 11.49% in the linseed oil group and 6.91% in the corn oil group, respectively(p<0.05). This result suggests that it is possible to reduce the cholesterol content or to increase the n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in eggs by manipulation of the dietary added fats.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Four dietary fiber enriched menus for the aged were developed and physicochemical were analyzed. Major foods enriching the dietary fiber were as following; kimchi & bean sprouts soup and sweet potato for menu 1, chamcheunamul and grape for menu 2, mushroom and kimchi for menu 3, dried radish leaves and green pepper for menu 4. One portion of calorie, carbohydrate, protein and fats for the aged were calculated as 567 kcal, 92.8 g, 21.3 g and 12.6 g, respectively based on recommended daily allowances for adults. Dietary fiber content increased in the menus 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 17.27%, 20.84%, 16.91%, and 23.64%, respectively. The menu 1 had significantly the highest acceptance scores among the rice, soups, side dishes and overall desirability with the acceptance sores of 4.77, 4.58, 4.62 and 4.69, respectively(p<0.05). Female showed significantly the higher acceptance scores of all of the enriched fiber menu than those of male. Moisture contents of the boiled rice with barely in menu 3 had significantly the highest value of all(p<0.05) and the side dishes of all menus did not show any significant differences at p<0.05. The pH value of boiled rice with barely in menu 3 was significantly the highest and menu 1 of kimchi & bean sprouts soup had significantly the lowest pH values(p<0.05). Hunter L value was significantly the highest in boiled rice with barley. The dietary fiber enriched menus were successfully developed for application and standardization in the meal service planning for the aged as one of trials of basic data collection.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was performed by questionnaire to investigate the dietary attitude and preference of native local foods for Ulsan citizens. The subjects were consisted of 500 citizens living in Ulsan area. The results of the survey are summarized as follows: On frequency of eating of local foods, 'one time per year' scored high as 40.8%. 'Labor-intensive' scored high as 35.6% in cooking methods. 'Rarely' scored high as 43.2% in frequency of cooking at home. A criteria of selection of Ulsan local foods was 57.2% in taste. The recognition score of native local foods was 'healthful food' (3.96 points), 'should be handed down to next generation' (3.94 points), and 'a lot of natural food ingredients' (3.88 points) and 'nutritious food' (3.87 points) in the order. The preferred native local foods of Ulsan area was 'Ulsa pear' (3.97 points), 'Eonyang, Bonggye Hanoobulgogi' (3.86 pionts), 'Raw Fish', 'Haemuljeongol', ‘Gangodeungojjim', 'Suknamsa SanchaeBibimbab' 'Gangdon Natural Brown Seaweed' in that other. On the other hand, the preference for 'Myeoljang', 'Whale Meat', 'Oksamju', 'Meonggejeon', 'Jepyipjangajji' and 'Kimchigam' was very low. Males liked 'Whale Meat', 'Raw Fish', Oksamju' and 'Dombaegi(Shark Meat)', while females liked 'Gandong Naural Brown Seaweed'. The most effectual food for developing tourism merchandising of Ulsan local foods was 'Eonyang, Bonggye hanoobulgogi' and the next is 'Eonyang Dropwort', 'Gangdong Natural Brown Seaweed', 'Myeoljang', 'Ulsan Pear', and 'Oksamju' in the order.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to compared the characteristics of the underweight university students with those of overweight university students. The surey was carried out by self-questionnaires with 97 underweight and 156 overweight university students. The results are summarized as fellows. Breakfast was skipped in 37.1% of underweight and 46.2% of overweight students and it appeared overweight students eat faster than underweight students. The 16.5% of underweight and 75.0% of overweight students have correct perception about their body image. The percentage of weight control experience were 25.8and 55.8 in the underweight and overweight students, respectively. Blood levels of lipid profiles(triglyceride, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol), hemoglobin, AST and ALT were anaylzed. Plasma levels of triglyceride, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol of underweight students were 96.41, 143.75, 97.53 and 56.27 mg/dl, and those of overweight students were 107.99, 164.31, 100.08 and 53.64 mg/dl, respectively. Blood parameters were in normal range in both group. Plasma triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels o( overweight students were higher than those of underweight students. On the other hand, plasma HDL cholesterol levels of overweight students were lower than those of underweight students. Plasma levels of AST and ALT were in normal range in both group. However, AST and ALT levels of overweight students were higher than that of underweight students. Therefore they should have a nutritional education program to improve their dietary and living habits for overweight students' health. And nutritional education program should be organized practically and systematically
        2006.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of dietary dae-chu(Rhamnace ziziphus, A), onion(Allium cepa L., O), mixture extracts (mulberry leaf, licorice root, pine needle, angelica gigas, jujube, onion, M) on serum glucose, lipid, enzyme, phosphorus levels in rats (Sprague-Dawley male rats, 357.03±7.08g). Serum calcium of onion group was significantly decreased (p〈0.05), but mixture extracts group of Cl (p〈0.05) and TBIL (total bilirubin, p〈0.05) were significantly increased. Serum glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol and triglyceride were increased experimental rats than those of the normal rats. Mixture extracts was better than other groups for lipid metabolism. Also, GPT(glutamic pyruvic transaminase) and GOT(glutamic oxaloacetate transaminase) of onion extracts were protected to liver. So mixture and onion extracts were good drink for health.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the comparison of meat quality of Korean native black porks and modern genotype pork fed high and low lysine levels of diets at growing and finishing stages during refrigerated storage after thawing. M. longissimus from Korean native black pigs (gilts) with a live weight of 65 kg and modern genotype pork (gilts) with a live weight of 110 kg were frozen at -80 ℃ for 1 month and placed in the dark room at 1℃ for 7 days after thawing. The moisture content was significantly lower in modern genotype pork fed high lysine level of diets than to the other treatments (p<0.05), but crude fat content was significantly higher in modern genotype pork fed high lysine level of diets (p<0.05). The pH value and sensory evaluation were significantly higher in Korean native black pork than to modern genotype pork (p<0.05), and the drip loss was significantly lower in Korean native black pork (p<0.05). CIE L*, ho and hunter L were significantly lower in modern genotype pork fed high lysine level of diets than to modern genotype pork fed low lysine level of diets (p<0.05). Myristate, palmitate and saturated fatty acid content were significantly lower in Korean native black pork fed high lysine level of diets than to Korean native black pork fed low lysine level of diet (p<0.05), but unsaturated fatty acid content and UFA/SFA ratio were higher in Korean native black pork fed high lysine level of diets (p<0.05). Consequently, as Korean native black pigs were fed high lysine level of diets at growing and finishing stages, saturated fatty acid content of pork increased but unsaturated fatty acid content and UFA/SFA ratio of pork decreased. And the water-holding capacity, color stability and sensory evaluation of Korean native black porks were better than those of modern genotype pork.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was carried out to investigate the comparison of quality characteristics of Korean native black porks fed high, medium and low levels of lysine diets at growing and finishing stages during refrigerated storage. M. longissimus from Korean native black pigs (gilts) with a live weight of 65 kg were placed in the dark room at 4℃ for 7 days and utilized for the quality measurements. The proximate composition, drip loss, TBARS value and sensory evaluation of raw and cooked meat were not affected by dietary lysine level. Korean native black pork fed low lysine diets showed the highest redness (a*) at day 7. Consequently, as Korean native black pigs were fed low lysine diets at growing and finishing stages, it was effective in color stability of porks.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary probiotics BiopowderR (BP) on pig performance, carcass characteristics and ammonia concentration in feces. A feeding trial was conducted with a total of 36 growing pigs of an average 29kg body weight. Each treatment had 4 pigs with 3 replications. Pig during grower (26days) and finisher periods (62days) were fed 0.15 and 0.30% concentrations of BP respectively. Body weight gain slightly increased for pigs fed BP during overall periods compared with control, not significantly different. Especially, in growing periods, the body weight gain of BP treatment increased by 10% compared with control (700g vs 775g), in finishing periods, that of BP 0.3% treatment increased by 10% compared with control (890g vs 980g), not significantly different among treatments. Feed intake slightly increased for pigs fed BP in overall periods. During grower periods, the feed intake of BP 0.3% treatment increased by 11.0% more than control, but also not significantly different among treatments. Feed efficiency was slightly improved for pigs fed BP overall periods when compare to the control, but not significantly different among treatments. In feces, average ammonia concentration (ppm) and bacterial count (log cfu/g) were not affected by BP addition. There was no significantly different in carcass weight, fat thickness and carcass grade. In conclusion, supplemental BP tended to slightly improve the performance of pig and did not influenced the concentration of ammonia in feces and carcass characteristics.
        2005.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the importance and practice of well-being related dietary life pattern such as purchasing food materials, food habits and eating out, a survey was conducted by questionnaire and 5-point Likert score in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do, September, 2004 and April, 2005. The responses of 732 housewives who were over 40 years were analyzed by SPSS package program. The results were as follows. Most of them were 40-49 years(74.4%), graduated highschool (66.6%) and their family type was nuclear family type(81.4%). Almost half of them had full-time job (37.1%) and part time job (15.4%). The average importance score of 'food habits', 'purchasing food materials' and 'eating out' were 4.15±0.91, 4.06±0.96 and 3.25±1.01 respectively. But the average practice score of 'food habits' was greater(3.58±1.06) than 'purchasing food materials (3.19±1.19)' and 'eating out(2.54±1.05)'. Among 5 types of 'food habits', the type of 'cut down on eating fast food' had the greatest score of importances (4.31±0.97) but the difference between importance and practice was greatest(0.94). Also 'consume home-made food rather than processed or ready to food' showed great scores in importance (4.28±0.87) and practice(3.87±1.04). 'Consume fruits and vegetables rather than meats' and 'avoid heavy use of oils' had the importance score of 4.04~4.19. But the practice score of 'avoid heavy use of oils' was the lowest(3.39±0.97). Among four types of purchasing of food materials, 'purchase domestic agricultural food' was greatest(4.37±0.78) and 'don't purchase genetically modified food' 'purchase organic food' and 'purchase whole grain products' were also great (3.92~3.99). But the practice score of 'purchase organic/low chemical foods(2.77±0.98)' and 'don't purchase genetically modified food(2.99±1.41)' were lowest. 'Go to well being restaurant' in three types of 'eating out' showed greatest in importance(3.35±0.96) but the practice score(2.47±0.10) was lower than the importance score. Also 'choose menu with comparing calories' had the lower score in practice(2.45±1.06) rather than importance score(3.22±1.03). In regarding to 'food habits', the importance score were significantly affected by type of food expense (p〈0.05) and health status (p〈0.05). The importance score of 'purchase food materials' were significantly affected by the type of food expense (p〈0.001), type of residence(p〈0.05), and self assessment of weight(p〈0.05). Monthly income, especially more 400 million won, was the commonly significant effector in practice score of 'purchase food materials' and 'eating out'.