PURPOSES : This study is to investigate the relationship of socioeconomic characteristics and road network structure with traffic growth patterns. The findings is to be used to tweak traffic forecast provided by traditional four step process using relevant socioeconomic and road network data. METHODS: Comprehensive statistical analysis is used to identify key explanatory variables using historical observations on traffic forecast, actual traffic counts and surrounding environments. Based on statistical results, a multiple regression model is developed to predict the effects of socioeconomic and road network attributes on traffic growth patterns. The validation of the proposed model is also performed using a different set of historical data. RESULTS : The statistical analysis results indicate that several socioeconomic characteristics and road network structure cleary affect the tendency of over- and under-estimation of road traffics. Among them, land use is a key factor which is revealed by a factor that traffic forecast for urban road tends to be under-estimated while rural road traffic prediction is generally over-estimated. The model application suggests that tweaking the traffic forecast using the proposed model can reduce the discrepancies between the predicted and actual traffic counts from 30.4% to 21.9%. CONCLUSIONS : Prediction of road traffic growth patterns based on surrounding socioeconomic and road network attributes can help develop the optimal strategy of road construction plan by enhancing reliability of traffic forecast as well as tendency of traffic growth.
The present study investigates and identifies the types of grammar errors that 84 Korean EFL (KEFL) learners made when they took the TOEIC Speaking test part five and compared the results with the previous studies. The 84 undergraduates participated and two native speakers of English analyzed the data. The data were classified into the taxonomy of four surface strategies: omission, addition, misformation, and misordering. Errors of omission were the highest consisting of 74.9%, followed by those of misformation at 19.9%, addition at 3.5%, and misordering at 1.7%. The findings had a difference from the previous studies adopted for comparison. The error frequencies were very different from those observed in writing, or interview tasks in the previous studies. Errors of misformation were the highest, followed by those of omission. This difference was considered to be caused by the short test taking time, and the task itself. The KEFL learners were unlikely to try to correct their errors within the limited time since very few self-corrections were observed in their spoken answers. This study suggests that explicit grammar instruction and correction are needed to teach speaking.
To verify the effect of driver's personal characteristics of driver on the accident frequency through railway accidents caused by human errors and the relationship with aptitude test. To prove the relevance between the driver's personal characteristics and human error accidents. Accident data from 2010 to 2011 was analyzed which collected from a train crew department in K national corporation, and 31 drivers gave an personal interview from Sep. 2011 to Nov. 2011 who had controlled a train alone and caused an accident. Compared between driver's personal characteristics and accident rate, and accident induction possibility surveyed from normal person and disqualified in aptitude tests. Accidents was occurred with the age 40s (27%) and 50s (25%), and with the experience between 15 years and 20 years (38%) and over 20 years (30%). Because more aged, more experienced, it can be seen in the correlation between driver's age and accidents induction caused by human errors like illusion. First of all it must be checked whether working conditions and environmental factors are human error-prone. Most accidents occur when received civil complaints or manager at the riding. Therefore accidents can be prevented when investigated through subsequent surveys how often human error happens, even though no accident, and safety device installed based on the error frequency.
언어 교육에서 오류 분석은 언어를 배우는 학습자들의 언어를 연구하거나, 효과적인 교수-학습 방안을 고안하는 데 있어 아주 중요한 방법론의 하나이다. 하기에 많은 학자들이 학습자들의 작문이나 발화에서 오류문을 추출하여 연구를 시도하고 있으며 또한 많은 연구 성과들이 나오고 있다.그럼에도 불구하고 학자들마다 오류에 대한 견해에서 서로 다른 의견들을 제기하고 있으며 그 판정에서 어려움을 시사하고 있다.본고에서는 학자들의 견해를 기초로 하여 한국어 교육에서 오류의 판정, 오류와 실수, 중간언어와의 관계에 관한 학자들의 견해를 종합해 보고 필자의 견해도 밝히고자 하였다. 그 견해를 요약하면 다음과 같다.1. 오류는 외국어 학습자 자신에게 있어서 필요 불가결이며 교사는 오류 분석과 오류 교정에 주목해야 한다.2. 오류 판정에서 문법성, 체계성, 반복성을 고려해야 할 뿐만 아니라 원인을 밝힐 수 있으면 오류로 보아야 한다.3. 오류는 학습자가 스스로 판단할 수 없고 교정할 수 없지만 실수는 학습자 스스로가 인식할 수 있고 교정할 수 있다.4. 오류는 중간언어에 포함되어 있으며 그 기원을 찾을 수 있고 원인을 밝힐 수 있다.
This paper discusses the results of two questionnaire surveys which are designed to find out how Korean college students perceive some problematic English sentences and how their imperfect knowledge of English grammar affects their attitudes towards speaking English. The major purposes of the paper are: first, to analyze what erroneous sentences they find either correct or incorrect; second, to find out how much they can be lenient with problematic Eng lish sentences by analyzing what sentences they think are fine to understand and would use; third, to investigate how their lack of proper knowledge of English grammar affects their attitudes in using and learning English; and fourth, to discuss importance of grammar teaching in an EFL classroom. In line with recent studies on World Englishes, this research adheres to the idea that it is significant to give students opportunities to use the language without fear of making grammatical mistakes rather than emphasizing Standard English and the correct language. However, the results of the surveys show that the lower the level of their English proficiency, the more they want to speak grammatically correct English, and the lesser they show leniency towards deviant English structures.
Transverse velocity vectors can be determined from a pair of images successively taken with a time interval using an optical flow technique. We have tested the performance of the new technique called NAVE (non-linear affine velocity estimator) recently implemented by Chae & Sakurai using real image data taken by the Narrowband Filter Imager (NFI) of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) aboard the Hinode satellite. We have developed two methods of estimating the errors in the determination of velocity vectors, one resulting from the non-linear fitting σv and the other εu resulting from the statistics of the determined velocity vectors. The real error is expected to be somewhere between σv and εu. We have investigated the dependence of the determined velocity vectors and their errors on the different parameters such as the critical speed for the subsonic filtering, the width of the localizing window, the time interval between two successive images, and the signal-to-noise ratio of the feature. With the choice of vcrit = 2 pixel/step for the subsonic filtering, and the window FWHM of 16 pixels, and the time interval of one step (2 minutes), we find that the errors of velocity vectors determined using the NAVE range from around 0.04 pixel/step in high signal-to-noise ratio features (S/N ~ 10), to 0.1 pixel/step in low signa-to-noise ratio features (S/N ~ 3) with the mean of about 0.06 pixel/step where 1 pixel/step corresponds roughly to 1 km/s in our case.
지명 표기의 방식을 이용하여 온라인 지도서비스를 분류하면 크게 네 가지로 구별될 수 있다. 첫째, 가장 일반적이고 광범위한 인터넷 사이트에서 제공하는 유형으로, 단순 그림화일 형태의 지도서비스로 지명의 숫자도 매우 제한적이다. 대표적인 사례로는 미국중앙정 보국에서 제공하는 지도와 같은 유형으로 World Atlas 등도 여기에 포함되며. 이러한 지도는 많은 웹사이트에서 그대로 인용하고 있는 형편이다. 둘째, Google Earth나 MS Virtual Map과 같은 수치지도서비스는 화면상에서 확대․축소와 같은 줌인과 줌아웃 기능을 포함하며 이동이 가능한 지도들로서, 축척에 따라 표기되는 지명의 개수도 달라지는 것이 특징이다. 셋째, 일러스트레이터 파일이나 PDF 형태로 지도를 서비스하는 유형으로, 지형지물과 지명을 레이어별로 구분하여, 레이어의 선택 및 해제 시 표현되는 지형지물과 지명이 달라지는 것이 특징이다. 마지막으로, GIS 프로그램에서 사용되는 shp 확장자를 갖는 파일 형태로 제공하는 지도서비스유형으로, 본 연구에서 조사한 인터넷사이트에서는 지명은 포함되어 있지 않고, 국가 경계만 표현된 GIS 파일을 서비스하는 사이트가조사되었다
1997년 9월부터 2007년 12월까지 동해의 SeaWiFS 자료를 이용하여 SeaWiFS 클로로필-α 농도가 가지는 스펙클 오차의 특성을 분석하고 그 원인을 조사하였다. 비정상적으로 큰 농도를 가진 스펙클들은 산발적으로 분포하였으며, 주변 화소들과 비교하였을 때 10mg/m3 이상의 현저하게 큰 편차를 보였다. 이 스펙클들은 겨울철에 자주 나타나는 경향이 있었으며, 이는 구름 분포와 관련이 있을 수 있다. 10년 평균된 겨울철 운량은 동해 북서쪽보다 스펙클이 자주 출현하는 남동쪽에서 더 크게 나타났다. 통계적 분석 결과는 운량이 증가할수록 스펙클의 수가 증가하는 것을 보여주었다. 스펙클 화소의 정규화 된 수출광량은 단파장 영역(443, 490, 510nm)에서 상당히 낮았으나 555nm 파장대는 정상적이었다. 이러한 낮은 관측치들은 클로로필-α 산출 식에서 비정상적으로 큰 농도를 생산하였다. 본 연구는 동해의 SeaWiFS 클로로필-α 농도자료가 지니는 스펙클 오차에 대한 문제점을 제기하였으며, 적절한 해색 원격탐사 기술을 활용한 좀 더 신뢰도 있는 클로로필-α 자료를 해양 응용 연구에 사용해야 함을 제시하였다.
Purpose : To evaluate changes and correlations of ACA, ACD and ACV by ages and refractive errors using Pentacam in Korean undergraduate students and elderly people. Methods : 52 healthy eyes(male : 27, female : 25) of undergraduate students and 38 healthy eyes of elderly people were recruited(average age : 22.52148±0.62435 years). We measured anterior chamber angle(ACA), anterior chamber depth(ACD), anterior chamber volume using Pentacam(Oculus Co.) and spherical equivalent refractive errors(SE) by subjective re(raction. 52 undergraduate students were classified into emmetropes group(-0.75-+0.750) and myopes group(> -1.000). The averages SE of emmetropes and myopes groups were -0.28333±0.32550 and -3.12162±1.51110 respectively. Results : The average ACD. ACA and ACV were 3.18906±0.20435 mm, 40.53019± 5.10831°, 193.49057±28.45213 mm3 respectively in undergraduate students group and 2.76158±0.42819 mm. 32.63947±5.84385°. 134.21053±28.94091 mm respectively in elderly group. lncreasing age was associate with reduced ACA. ACD and ACV. and there was no correlation by sex. There showed significant differences between ACD and ACA(t = - 47.64. p = 0.00). between ACO and ACV(t = -38.78. p = 0.00) and between ACV and ACA(t = 39.48. p = 0.00) l = - 50.61 p = 0.00. t = - 49.27 p = 0.00. t = 38.81 p = 0.00 respectively in undergraduate students group and t = -31.43 p = 0.00. t = -28.00 p = 0.00. t = 21.20 p = 0.00 respectively in elderl y group. Excellent correlation was found between ACD and ACV in undergraduate students group(R = 0.89). There showed significant differences in ACO and ACV(t = -2.25 p = 0.03. t = -2.24, p = 0.29 respectively), however no significant difference in ACA(t = -1.59 p = 0.12) between emmetopes group and myopes group. Conclusion : lncreasing age was associate with reduced ACA. ACO and ACV ; ACA was changed from grade 4 to grade 3 by Shaffer's classification. There showed significant differences between ACD and ACV. between ACD and ACA, between ACV and ACA Especially excellent correlation was found between ACD and ACV in undergraduate students group(R = 0.89). There showed significant differences in ACO and ACV, however no significant difference in ACA between emmetropes group and myopes group.
본문은 한국 학생의 동사성 동목구조 사용에서 나타나는 오류문장과 비(非)오류 문장의 실제 예문을 바탕으로, 언어 대조 방법을 통해 한국인 학습자의 오류 문장 형식을 분석하고 또 이를 통해 초급과 중급 학생들의 동사성 동목구조 습득 상황을 전면적으로 이해하여 중국어 교육에서 더 나은 교육 방안을 제공하고자 하였다. 동사성 동목구조는 비교적 특수한 동사류로 동사 자체에 목적어 성분을 이미 포함하고 있어, 목적어를 가질 수 없는 특징과 또한 이합되기 쉬운 특징을 가지고 있으며 문법 구조상 제약을 받기가 쉽다. 한국학생들은 바로 이러한 동목구조의 특징을 학습함에 있어 어려움을 느끼며, 이는 또한 한국학생들이 중국어를 학습하는 과정에서 발생하는 전형적인 문법 오류중의 하나이다. 본문은 한국학생들이 사용하는 동사성 동목구조 관련 오류를 다섯 가지 유형으로 나누었으며, 그 발생 원인도 분석해 보았다. 동시에 한중 대조 언어학의 각도에서 번역상의 문제와 한국인 학습자를 위한 제2언어로서의 중국어 교육과 관련된 문제를 다루었다. 한국인 학습자의 240개 동사성 동목구조 사용 상황에 대한 고찰과 한국어와의 대조를 통하여 중국어 교육에 좋은 자료를 제공하고자 하였으며, 이를 통하여 한국인 학습자에게 위한 더 구체적이고 현실적인 교육방안도 제공하고자 하였다. 본 연구가 한국인 학습자의 동사성 동목구조 사용과 습득과정을 밝히는데 유용한 참고자료가 되었으면 하는 바람이다.
Humans are well-known for being adept at using intuition and expertise in many situations. However, human experts are still susceptible to errors in judgment or execution, and failure to recognize the limits of knowledge. This would happen especially in semi-structured situations, in multi-disciplinary settings, under time or other stress, under uncertainty, or when knowledge is outdated Human errors are caused by cognitive biases, attentional slips/memory lapses, cultural motivations, and missing knowledge. The purpose of this research is to study errors of human experts committed in judgment and the general idea of critiquing systems as corresponding plan. Compared to expert systems, critiquing systems are narrowly focused programs useful in limited situations for collaborating with and supporting experts in their task activities. It supports an expert by detecting the human's errors by deploying various strategies that stimulate humans to improve their performance. A variety of types of critiquing systems has spread through numerous application areas.
This paper investigated Korean heritage learners" acquisition of Korean as a second language. In particular, written narratives of 16 Korean heritage learners were analyzed in order to identify errors and strategies observed in Korean heritage learners" second language writing. The findings of the study indicated that learners" errors were not significantly related to their proficiency levels in the target language. Likewise, no significant differences were observed in errors due to their proficiency levels. However, some differences were noted in several grammatical categories. In case- or tense-related areas, learners with higher proficiency levels were not much more accurate than those with lower proficiency levels. However, in terms of the use of inflectional markers, learners with higher proficiency levels exhibited higher accuracy than lower level learners. With regard to their use of strategies, literal translation, code-switching, and approximation were most frequently observed in their writings. The paper concludes with some implications for teaching Korean as a foreign language.
The study focuses on analyzing the situation how 1) to precede a sentence, 2) to structure the dialogue, and 3) to acquire conversation frame by the learners. Furthermore, the purpose of this study is to examine whether common discourse errors exist on the way of structuring the dialogue and if they exist, the tendency of errors comes from universality and individuality. The result of this study is to show the tendency of errors in order; connection investigations, surplus, style, tense, the point of view, defect, conjunction, direction, and sequence. Through this study, it is proved that essential language factors mentioned in the discourse structure are required on developing writing skills. Particularly, More than half of learners shows the common errors in the connection investigations, ellipsis, tense, style, conjunction, the point of view, addition. As a result, those language factors should be set up as essential language factors to be trained.
A traditional assumption has been that written work in foreign language classes must be corrected carefully. If they were not corrected, errors would be deeply ingrained, and it would be difficult for learners to use the language correctly. Feedback has been viewed as a facilitator of learning and provides various kinds of information to the learner. In foreign language learning, this information consists primarily of modifications and upgrade their inter language grammar. Teachers" written feedback is a topic of continuing interest in foreign language teaching. But most experienced writing teachers know that responding to the students" writing can be the most frustrating, difficult and time consuming part of the job. Providing written feedback on student papers is the teachers‘ most crucial task. And it plays an important role in motivating and encouraging students. But in spite of corrections, teachers have found that students continue to repeat the same mistakes. Moreover the return of papers covered with red marks causes disappointment and discouragement on student"s faces. The teacher wonder if lerner"s errors should be corrected. If so, when should learner"s errors be corrected and which error should be corrected? How should learner"s errors be corrected? Who should correct learner"s errors? To this end, this paper will review the researches about these questions. And this paper will discuss and try to find the conclusion on these questions.
There is no universally agreed classification of human error, nor is there one in prospect. Thus, a taxonomy is usually made for a specific purpose. To seek the types of human errors in the environment of man-machine interface under the railway industry, we develop a cognitive information processing model incorporating the human's mental states. Using the model, this study investigates the types of human errors about the railway workers. Thus, a survey is conducted for railway safety personnel-locomotive engineers, station employees, and train commanders- in Korean railway company. Through the survey that is designed to investigate four types of human errors from the Questionnaires composed of thirty Questions, we analyze the types of human errors related to railway safety according to affiliated offices, operation shifts, age, and working years. Finally, from the insights of the results some guidelines for the railway safety management are presented.