
대한시과학회지 KCI 등재 The Korean Journal of Vision Science

이 간행물 논문 검색


제11권 1호 (2009년 3월) 7

2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : To analyze changes of the ocular components by dropping Cyclopentolate Hydrochloride(Cyclogyl 1 %). Methods : 95 Subjects were recruited but 6 subjects who have allergic reaction for any medicine and 21 mmHg over IOP were excluded to prevent any incidence that can take place in the middle of the test. Finally 89 subjects (age of 19.8±2.72 male 34. female 55. 110 eyes) participated in this test. Objective refraction. comeal curvature. anterior chamber depth and axial length were measured for this study. Results : After dropping Cyclogyl 1%, myopia and axial length decreased and anterior chamber depth increased significantly but no significant changes of comeal curvature and comeal astigmatism Even though the change of axial length was statistically significant. the value was slight. There were significant correlations between ACD and axial length(r = 0.639). ACD and SER( -0.434). ACD and comeal curvature(r = 0.164) and. axial length and SER(r = -0.822). axial length and comeal curvature(r = 0.498) under marufest refraction. Also there were sigruficant correlations between ACD and axial length(r = 0.592), ACD and SER(r = -0.416). ACD and corneal curvature(r = 0.158). Correlations between axial length and SER(r = -0.838), axial length and corneal curvature(r = 0.500) under cycloplegic refraction were significant too. ln case of the correlations between the difference of MR-CR ACD and MR-CR axial length, statistically significant correlations were found(r = 0.458) but not between the difference of MR-CR SER and MR-CR axial length, and the difference of MR-CR SER and MR-CR mean-K. Analyzing non-myopic subjects by gender. mean-K, ACD and axial length in male were greater than in female. And mean-K. ACD and axial length in myopic group were greater lhan in non-myopic group. Conclusion : As a result, spherical refraction. SER. ACD and axial length were changed significantly under cycloplegic refraction and change of ACD is found to be the main reason for changing refractive error.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : To evaluate changes and correlations of ACA, ACD and ACV by ages and refractive errors using Pentacam in Korean undergraduate students and elderly people. Methods : 52 healthy eyes(male : 27, female : 25) of undergraduate students and 38 healthy eyes of elderly people were recruited(average age : 22.52148±0.62435 years). We measured anterior chamber angle(ACA), anterior chamber depth(ACD), anterior chamber volume using Pentacam(Oculus Co.) and spherical equivalent refractive errors(SE) by subjective re(raction. 52 undergraduate students were classified into emmetropes group(-0.75-+0.750) and myopes group(> -1.000). The averages SE of emmetropes and myopes groups were -0.28333±0.32550 and -3.12162±1.51110 respectively. Results : The average ACD. ACA and ACV were 3.18906±0.20435 mm, 40.53019± 5.10831°, 193.49057±28.45213 mm3 respectively in undergraduate students group and 2.76158±0.42819 mm. 32.63947±5.84385°. 134.21053±28.94091 mm respectively in elderly group. lncreasing age was associate with reduced ACA. ACD and ACV. and there was no correlation by sex. There showed significant differences between ACD and ACA(t = - 47.64. p = 0.00). between ACO and ACV(t = -38.78. p = 0.00) and between ACV and ACA(t = 39.48. p = 0.00) l = - 50.61 p = 0.00. t = - 49.27 p = 0.00. t = 38.81 p = 0.00 respectively in undergraduate students group and t = -31.43 p = 0.00. t = -28.00 p = 0.00. t = 21.20 p = 0.00 respectively in elderl y group. Excellent correlation was found between ACD and ACV in undergraduate students group(R = 0.89). There showed significant differences in ACO and ACV(t = -2.25 p = 0.03. t = -2.24, p = 0.29 respectively), however no significant difference in ACA(t = -1.59 p = 0.12) between emmetopes group and myopes group. Conclusion : lncreasing age was associate with reduced ACA. ACO and ACV ; ACA was changed from grade 4 to grade 3 by Shaffer's classification. There showed significant differences between ACD and ACV. between ACD and ACA, between ACV and ACA Especially excellent correlation was found between ACD and ACV in undergraduate students group(R = 0.89). There showed significant differences in ACO and ACV, however no significant difference in ACA between emmetropes group and myopes group.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : In this study. we analyzed reliabilitis of Schirmer test and Tear Film Break up Timet(BUT) which are generally used in the diagnosis of dry eyes. Furthermore, this study was carried out to prepare the valuatien of diagnosis and standard in the clinic. Methods : 130 adults at the age range of 20s-40s who don't have eye disease which can have an impact on the amount of tear were tested by method of Schirmer test and Tear Film Break up Time(tBUT) teat and we analyzed the values. Results : The standard deviation of Schirmer test and Tear Film Break up Time(tBUT) were found to be the 12.083±4.7141 mm and the 10.848±4.7458. The Chronbach's alpha value for the reliability Schirmer test was 0.431. which is a bit low. This value is implying that the reproducibility is low. too. However. the value of Tear Film Break up Time(tBUT) is 0.918, which is high. It means the reproducibility is high, too. Conclusion : We judged that Schrimer test values to assess te<Jr voln mP. showeci low reliability. Therefore. this test can not be used in getting materia! for diagnosis of dry eyes independently. In case of quality of tear film assess. Tear Film Break up Time(tBUT) test is a useful method because of high reliability.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : This study measured obiectively the accommodative responses stimulated by push-up method and minus lens method with the NVision-K 5001 open-field autorefractor, and compared the results with previously published data. Methods : Forty-five subiects aged 19 to 29 years (mean 22. 7±2.4 years) participated in this study. Three conditions were used to stimulate accommodation and accommodative responses were measured objectively by NVision-K 5001 : (1) push-up test under binocular viewing condition ; the target was placed at vergence ranging from 0-50 in 1D steps. (2) push-up test under monocular viewing condition ; the target was placed at vergence ranging from 1-50 in 1D steps. (3) minus lens test under monocular viewing condition ; a distant(6 m) target viewed through increasing powered minus lenses from 1-50 in 10 steps. Trial lens calibration procedures were also performed to assess the accuracy of the NVision-K 5001. Results : The calib1·ation of NVision-1< 5001 wilh trial lenses showed linear regression equation which was close to the idea! 1 : 1 line(y = -1.005x + 0.060, r2 = 0.999. p < 0.001). The accommodative responses measured with the NVision-K 5001 for the push-up and minus lens- stimulated accommodation progressively lagged behind the increasing acconunodative stimulus. 8oth push-up methods under monocular and binocular viewing conditions showed significanlly higher acconunodative responses than minus lens method(p < 0.001). Push-up method under binocular viewing condition demonstrated slightly higher accommodative responses compared with monocular condition, but the difference was not significant(p = 0.958). Conclusion : The objective accommodative responses stimulated by push-up and minus lens method and measured with open-field autorefractor showed good agreement with previously published data.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to survey on binocular fusion step and functional degree in synoptophore. Methods : we evaluated the binocular simultaneous, fusion and stereopsis conditions of pre and post phoria of 67 adult patients (male 50, female 17) from synoptophore and Vongrafe phoria method. Results : Average of phoria were -1.25±0.43b., phoria distributions were 1 to 7 prism. exophoria much more than esophoria. Esophoria distributions were 1 to 4 prism. Correlation of steropsis according to phoria degree, it was increased in process exophoria to esophoria (r = 0.409. p < 0.001). It were simultaneous perception post corrected phoria better than pre corrected phoria (t = 6.178, p = 1.479E-8). Fusion step were compared pre of corrected phoria to post of corrected phoria, simultaneous perception of pre corrected phoria were 2.05± 1.48°. fusion were 4.31±1.92°, stereopsis were 8.33±3.33°, simultaneous perception of post corrected phoria were 1.37±0.44°, fusion were 3.31±0.92°. stereopsis were 6.54±2.12°. It were fusion post of corrected phoria better than pre of corrected phoria (t = 6.178, p = 1.479E-8). Conclusions : ln these results. phoria degrees were small in synoptophore rather than in Vongrafe method. synoptophore method were evaluated functional fusion degree of vinocular vision, post of corrected phoria were improved simultaneous perception, fusion. stereopsis before pre of corrected phoria.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Purpose : This study described the subjects with the range of around 45 years old who start to show a lowered flexibility in their lens due to aging. We carried out stereoacuity test and research for the influence on visual acuity wi th distance for prescribing for monovision. Methods : The researchers prescribed monavision for 100 male and female adults who were wearing glasses for near vision or progressive addition lens due to presbyopia and had been resided around Ulsan and Daejeon for the period of Septernber to October. 2008. Also the researchers gave prescription for distance vision on the dominant eye and for near vision on the non-dominant eye through visual acuity test regarding near and distance vision and eye dominance test. For near stereoacuity test. we used the Stereo Fly Test. Results : After prescribing for monovision. all eyes showed reduction m stereoacuity. distance vision and near vision also deerease in binocular. Conclusions : We judged that have to be cautions with problems induced by deerease of stereoacuity and visual acuity in prescription for presbyopia correction.
2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
We investigated optometric aspects of advanced health service system of the American Forces, considering necessity of sirnilar system for the Korean Armed Forces. The U. S. military optometric service system was investigated on the basis of open materials given by the American Army, Navy and Air Force, focusing on military optometrist and optical laboratory specialist positions. We compared the results of investigation with present status of optometric servicets of the Korean Armed Forces. The American Forces have an advanced optometric service system managed by the military optometrists. who are similar with the military medical officers. and optical laboratory specialists, who are considered as expert groups. The U. S. military offers soldiers eye test and optometric services of very high quality, while the optometric service of the Korean Armed Forces is very limited and much improvement is required for better eye health and visual care. We think that it is necessary to introduce an optometric specialist position to the Korean military organization for better cornbat capability.