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        검색결과 2,503

        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IASL(iodo acetamide) and MSL(maleimide) disordered the orderly helix arrangement of myosin in the rest state of spin level. Especially the effect of IASL was great. Equatorial refiection(10,11) change inferred that myosin head was moved to the vicinity of actin filament by spin level. The intensity change of 143a and 72a could offer information of the mass projection of population of myosin heads along the :filament axis. The slope of intensity profile of the mass projection of 143a and reflection of IASL is appeared and that of MSL is appeared sharply. The decrease of 215a reflection intensity is appeared the periodical characteristic of 143a reflection by spin label. The raise of MSL actin reflection at 51a and 59a in the actin reflection change refers that the shifted myosin head binds a certain actin or changes an actin structure by spin label effect. Because iodo acetamide has a tendency to decease the actin reflection, actin dose not bind myosin head. From this result, we could conclude that LASL and MSL are spin labeled on SH of myosin head and disordered the helix arrangement of actin.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The influence of fluorescence, scattering, and absorbance in turbid material by light scattering was interpreted by the scattered fluorescence intensity and wavelength. The effect of optical property in scattering media was investigated. It is very important to study the charge coupled device(CCD) in spectrometry because we can use the molecular energy level, molecular structure, absorption or emission, intermolecular reaction, weakly bound molecular energy, photochemistry, fluorescence and photodynamic therapy. CCD is very essential to study the molecular structure and medical engineering combined laser spectroscopy in the modem physical and chemistry. Accordingly, this study has designed and manufactured the electromagnetic spectrometry with CCD, and has analyzed the hematoporphyrin derivative.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We extracted pine-needles using ethanol as solvent, and we obtained the refined oil component from pine-needles extract. Also we tested the tyrosinase activated inhibition effect with melanin experiment and analysed with ICP/OES and UV/VIS. Accordingly we obtained the next conclusion from the result of this experiment. From the first result of this experiment, we could know that the degree of recovery of refined oil component from pine-needles extract appeared in about 8.0%. From the second result of this experiment, we could know that the tyrosinase activated inhibition rate increased more and more in case of increasing concentration of pine-needles, green-tea, vitamine-C. Also we could know that vitarnine-C influences to tyrosinase activated inhibition contained in pine-needles. From the third result of this experiment, we could know that inorganic materials of Ca, Mg, V, Mn, etc contained in pine-needles detected with ICP/OES analysis, and the absorbance of pine-needles extract appeared very high in UV/VIS analysis.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Step-feed process for biological nitrogen removal were analyzed numerically for the each unit and final total nitrogen(TN) effluent by water quality management(WQM) model and the results were compared data from these wastewater treatment plants. No bugs and logic error were occurred during simulation work. All of the simulation results tried to two times were obtained and both results were almost same as this model has become good reappearance. It was concluded that most of nitrogen removal occurred in the first oxic tank. Thus the controlling of the first anoxic tank may be more important in term of nitrogen removal. Also each unit of simulation result was kept good relationship with that of measured data. Accordingly this WQM model has good reliance. Finally, WQM model can predict final TN effluent within ±6.0mg/l.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Methanol was synthesized by homogeneous and catalytic reactions of partial oxidation of methane. The effect of pressure, temperature and oxygen concentration on methanol synthesis was investigated. The catalyst used was Bi-Cs-Mg-Cu-Mo mixed oxide. The partial oxidation reaction was carried out in a fixed bed reactor at 20~46 bar and 450~480℃ and oxygen concentration of 5.3~7.7mol%. The results were compared with results of homogeneous reaction performed at the same conditions. Methane conversions of the homogeneous and catalytic reactions increased with temperature. Methanol selectivity of the homogeneous reaction decreased with increasing temperature. However, the methanol selectivity of catalytic reaction increased with temperature. For both homogeneous and catalytic reactions, the methane conversions were around 5%. This may be due to the low oxygen concentration. Methanol selectivity of the catalytic reaction was higher than that of homogeneous one.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A comparison of alkali metal cation and alkaline earth cation solvent extraction was made for three additional monoionizable crown ethers and one diionizable crown ether. sym-(n-Octyldibenzo)-16-crown-5-oxyacetic acid _1 exhibited high efficiency and selecvity in solvent extraction of alkali metal cations with respect to that observed with alkaline earth cations. Sizes of Na+ and Ca2+ appropriately match with the cavity size of monoethyl sym-bis[4(5)-tert-butylbenzo]-16-crown-5-oxymethylphosphonic acid _3. As the result, Na+ and Ca2+ are the best extracted. sym-(n-Octyldibenzo)-16-crown-5-oxymethyldiphosphonic acid _4was found to be somewhat selective for Na+ over Li+ and other alkaline earth metal cations. In the complexation of alklaine earth cations by crown ether diphosphonic acid _4, Ca2+ and Sr2+ are the appropriate sizes, but lager Ba2+ may be due to favorable formation of a sandwich type complex between the crown ether cavity and the dianion of the deprotonated crown ether phoaphonic acid moiety.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        OXI-PAN fibers, Kynol fibers and rayon fibers were used as precursorsfor the preparation of activated carbon fibers (ACFs) by chemical activation with KOH at 800℃. The effects of different precursorfibers and fiber/KOH ratios on the final ACFs are discussed. The precursor fibers used are appropriate for the ACFs in a single stage pyrolysis process. The OXI-PAN fibers which were activated with KOH of 2.0M showed a specific surface area of 2328m2/g however, loosed the fiber shape because of low yields. The Kynol fibers and Rayon fibers showed the high yields but the lower specific surface area of 900m2/g and 774m2/g, respectively, at KOH of 1.5M. The OXI-PAN fibers which were activated with KOH of 1.5M have a specific surface area of 1028m2/g and higher micro-pore volumes and lower yields rather than Kynol-1.5 and Rayon-1.5 samples. This phenomenon is because of higher chemical resistance of the Kynol and Rayon fibers rather than OXI-PAN fibers. However, the Kynol fibers were the best precursors on KOH activation at 800℃ considered carbon yields, surface areas and micropore volumes.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Aligned multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) were synthesized through the catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbons in a quartz tube reactor. In this study, we investigated the influence of gas flow rate of feedstock on the structure and growth rate of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes produced by the floating catalyst method. As the flow rate of feedstock increased, the nanotube diameter became smaller and the length became longer. Although the growth rate also increased with the raise of flow rate, the optimum flow rate of feedstock existed for the crystallinity of carbon nanotubes.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The structure of a carbon monoxide sorption complex of dehydrated fully Ca2+-exchanged zeolite X, |Ca46(CO)27|[Si100Al92O384]-FAU, has been determined in the cubic space group Fd 3 at 21℃ (a = 24.970(4) ) by single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques. The crystal was prepared by ion exchange in a flowing stream of 0.05 M aqueous Ca(NO3)2 for three days, followed by dehydration at 400℃ and 2×10-6 Torr for two days, and exposure to 100 Torr of zeolitically dry carbon monoxide gas at 21℃. The structure was determined in this atmosphere and was refined, using the 356 reflections for which Fo 〉 4Σ(Fo), to the final error indices R1 = 0.059 and wR2 = 0.087. In this structure, Ca2+ ions occupy three crystallographic sites. Sixteen Ca2+ ions fill the octahedral site I at the centers of hexagonal prisms (Ca-O = 2.415(7) a). The remaining 30 Ca2+ ions are found at two nonequivalent sites II (in the supercages) with occupancies of 3 and 27 ions. Each of these Ca2+ ions coordinates to three framework oxygens, either at 2.276(10) or 2.298(8) a, respectively. Twenty-seven carbon monoxide molecules have been sorbed per unit cell, three per supercage. Each coordinates to one of the latter 16 site-II Ca2+ ions: C-Ca = 2.72(8) a. The imprecisely determined N-C bond length, 1.26(14) a, differs insignificantly from that in carbon monoxide(g), 1.13 a.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to evaluate the biofiltration treatment characteristic for benzene vapor gas. Compost and calcium silicate porous material were used as biofilter fillers. Gas velocity and empty bed retention time were 15 m/hr and 4 min, respectively. Benzene gas removal efficiency of P-Bio (calcium silicate porous material with inoculation) was the highest and maintained in over 98%. After shock input of benzene gas, the removal efficiency of P-Bio biofilter was recovered within 2 days, while 5 days were taken in CP-Bio (compost + calcium silicate porous material mixture with inoculation) and CP (compost + calcium silicate porous material mixture without inoculation) biofilters. The removal efficiency of P-Bio biofilter was near 100% in the loading rate of 〈85g/m3(filling material)/hr, It was shown that the maximum elimination capacities of P-Bio, CP-Bio, and CP biofilters were 95, 69, and 66 g/m3(filling material)/hr, respectively. Microbial number of P-Bio, which the number was the lowest at start-up, was 3 orders increased on operational day 48. CO2 was generated greatly in order of P-Bio, CP-Bio, and CP biofilters.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Na2CO3. Sodium orthosilicate (Na-OSi), Tetronix T-701 (T-701), Na-dioctyl sulfosuccinate (303C), Newpol PE-68 (PE-68), MJU-100A, and tetrasodium pyrophosphate were blended to prepare high performance alkaline cleaning agents (ACASs). The results of cleaning test with steel specimen showed that ACAS-6 (Na2CO3 50g/Na-OSi 35g/T-701 20g/303C 18g/PE-68 17g/MJU-100A 10g/TSPP 20g/ water 180g mixture) had a good cleaning power. The cleaning power for press-rust preventing oil was 98% and 99% degreasing at 4wt%, 70℃ and 90℃, respectively ; for quenching oil, the cleaning power of ACAS-6 was 91% degreasing at 4wt% and 70℃. The foam heights measured immediately after foaming by Ross & Miles method and Ross & Clark method at 6wt%, 60℃ were 18mm and 65mm, respectively. It was concluded that ACAS-6 had a good low foaming cleaning agent.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Competitive solvent extraction of alkaline earth metal cations from water into organic solvent containing the carboxylic acid crown ether and analogous crown ether phosphonic acid monoethyl esters were investigated. sym-(n-Decyldibenzo)-16-crown-5xyacetic acid _1 and monoethyl sym-(n-decyldibenzo)-16-crown-5-oxymethylphosphonic acid _3 are structurally identical except for the ionizable groups. Both of them provide similar extraction behavior in terms of efficiency and selectivity, but monoethyl sym-(n-decyldibenzo)-16-crown-5-oxymethylphosphonic acid _3 showed higher alkaline earth metals loadings at acidic or neutral media. Monoethylsym-(n-octyldibenzo)-16-rown-5-oxymethylphosphonic acid _2 showed better selectivity and alkaline earth metals loading than did the analogous sym-(n-octyldibenzo)-16-crown-5-oxymethyldiphosphonic acid _6.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chlorine-containing modified polyester polyols were synthesized by two-step condensation reactions. Intermediate was synthesized by the esterification of monochloroacetic acid with trimethylolpropane in the first step. Polycondensation of the intermediate (MCAOs), 1,4-butanediol, and trimethylolpropane with adipic acid was carried out. Two-component polyurethane (PU) coatings were prepared by blending MCAOs and IPDI-isocyanurate. There new flame-retardant coatings showed various properties comparable to other non-flame-retardant coatings. They were superior to flammable coatings from the experimental results showing rapid and 10 to 13 hours of pot-life. Coatings with 30wt% monochloroacetic acid was not flammable by the vertical flame retardancy test.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The preparation of CaSO4 nanoparticle by vesicles formed spontaneously in cationic OTAC and anionic ADS mixed surfactant solution whose ratio is 0.3/0.7 is investigated. Added electrolytes for preparing nanoparticles reduce vesicle size about 200-300 nm comparing with that of pure vesicle whose size is 700-800 nm by DLS. The core of vesicles has 200 nm size and acts as nanoreactors which same size of monodisperse CaSO4 nanopaticles are formed. Although CaSO4 particles are formed at the outer of vesicles, they are very large and amorphous. The formed particles are identified with XRD analysis after separation due to coinciding with CaSO4 particles.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Highly crosslinked micron-size monodispersed PMMA/PDVB and PS/PDVB particles were prepared using seeded multi-stage emulsion polymerization. PMMA and PS seed particles were synthesized by seeded multi-stage emulsion polymerization and soap-free emulsion polymerization. Then PMMA/PDVB and PS/PDVB particles were obtained using semi-batch type emulsion polymerized using divinyl benzene as a cross-linkable monomer in the presence of seed particles. PMMA particles with size of ca. 730 nm and polydispersity of 1.03 were successfully prepared in this experiment. PS particles with size of ca. 1.5 μm and polydispersity of 1.01 were prepared in this experiment. Highly crosslinked PS/PDVB particles with size of ca. 1.3 μm and polydispersity of 1.00 were obtained.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        It has been confirmed that some Trihalomethanes (THMs) suspected as carcinogens, can be formed during chlorination for water supply through the reaction of chlorine and humic substances in water. The electrochemical characteristics on activated carbon fiber filter (ACF) electrode were investigated to remove the THMs in the chlorination process of drinking water. The electrochemical removal efficiency depended on the applied voltage and flow rate. In this study, the best result showed that the removal efficiency of THMs was higher than 99%.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Reaction conditions and catalysts were investigated for direct CF3I synthesis. Optimum reaction temperature was determined by pyrolysis of CF3H and catalytic reactions. Reactions with changing oxygen concentration were performed. As a result, yield of CF3I increased with decreasing oxygen concentration. Catalytic activity was changed with the weight ratio of the used metal salts. This result was stemmed from the change in the pore size of activated carbon by the metal salts. The optimum reaction conditions were: 600℃, space velocity of 45hr-1, and with 7wt% KF/AC catalyst.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The firing reaction and calcination characteristics of the waste shellfish were examined for the future use as absorbent. The weight variation was measured according to thermal-decomposition using TGA and observed variation of the phase. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the sample were performed using XRD and the structural analysis, SEM. The results of TGA and XRD experiments showed that the almost all of the raw Corbicula Japonica and Ostrea virginjca were changed from calcite to lime by firing and calcination reaction. The result of SEM experiment showed that the plate type of the raw sample was changed to circle type, so the surface area ratio was increased. Above results suggested that waste shellfish were usable as absorbent in the viewpoint of the reuse of resource and the decrease of environmental pollution.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Highly ordered pure-silica MCM-41 materials possessing well-defined morphology have been successfully prepared with surfactant used as a template. The fabrication of mesoporous silica has received considerable attention due to the need to develop more efficient materials' for catalysis, separations, and chemical sensing. The surface modified MCM-41 was used as anadsorbent for biomolecules. Silica-supported organic groups and DNA adsorption on surface modified MCM-41 were investigated by FT-IR and UV-Vis spectrometer, respectively. The use of MCM-41 as the modification of electrode surfaces were investigated electrochemical properties of metal mediators with biomolecules. The modified ITO electrodes increased peak currents for a redox process of [Ru(bpy)3]2+ relative to the bare electrode. The electrochemical detection of DNA by cyclic voltammetry when the current is saturated in the presence of the mediator appeared more sensitive due to a higher catalytic current on the MCM-41 supported electrodes modified by carboxylic acid functional groups. The carboxyl or amine groups on the surface of MCM-41 interact and react with the -NH2 groups of guanine and backbone, respectively. Highly ordered mesoporous materials with organic groups could find applications as DNA sensors.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this work, the properties as polishing wax for automobile of O/W type microemulsion containing wax, liquid paraffine and quaternaryammonium salt was investigated. The microemulsions were prepared at 96~97℃ by the phase inversion method, and polyoxyethylene(20) sorbitan monooleate (POE(20)SMO) and distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride(D.D.A.C) as the emulsifiers were used. The mean particle size of the rnicroemulsions was about 7±0.5nm and as the properties of polishing wax, gloss increased degree, water resistant gloss degree, initial and final contact angle after water resistance were tested. The result was that the value of water resistantance and contact angle were decreased with increasing amount of POE(20)SMO and D.D.A.C., while the gloss degree values did not affected. And the rnicroemulsion blended with mono ethylene glycol(MEG) of 5~15wt% showed smaller particle size and more stable particle size distribution than without MEG. Finally, this microemulsion showed more excellent values of gloss degree, the water resistant gloss degree and contact angle, than two kinds of commercial polishing wax for automobile.