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        검색결과 62

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        미국선녀벌레에 방제효과가 높은 3종 (데리스, 시트로넬라, 계피)의 식물추출물과 보조제 (잔탄검과 실리콘 계열 화합물)를 함유하는 조성물을 개발하였다. 이 조성물은 인삼 재배지에서 미국선녀벌레 방제효과가 90% 이상으로 높았다. 또한 다른 흡즙성 해충에도 살충률이 높아 PLS (positive list system) 전면 시행에 따른 대응방안으로 활용이 가능할 것으로 생각된다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 시설토마토 재배지에서 push-pull 전략을 이용해 담배가루이와 천적곤충의 행동을 제어함으로써 담배가루이(Bemisia tabaci)를 친환경적으로 방제하기 위한 기술을 개발하고자 수행하였다. 담배가루이는 노란색에 유인율이 가장 높았으며, 520 nm의 광원에는 유인반응을 복합광원인 450 + 660 nm의 광원에는 회피반응을 보였다. 천적곤충인 담배장님노린재(Cyrtopeltis tenuis)와 미끌애꽃노린재(Orius laevigatus)는 모두 520 nm의 광원에 가장 높은 유인반응을 보였다. 휘발성 물질로는 ocimene과 carvacrol에 대해 기피반응을, methyl isonicotinate에는 유인반응을 보였다. 토마토 온실에 메밀을 투입하였을 경우 천적곤충인 담배장님노린재의 밀도는 무처리 대비 15일간 약 16배로 높게 유지되었다. Push-pull 세부전략들을 종합 처리한 결과, 처리 50일 경과 후 담배가루이의 트랩당 밀도는 무처리 대비 3배 이상 낮게 나타났으며, 이에 따른 시기 별 방제효과는 시간이 경과함에 따라 증가하는 경향을 보인 가운데 최고 68.7%였다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study was conducted to develop a technology for environmentally friendly control of Bemisia tabaci by a push-pull strategy in tomato greenhouse. B. tabaci was most attracted to the light source of 520nm, whereas it showed an avoidance response to the complex light treatment of 450+660nm. Two natural enemies, Nesidiocoris tenis and Orius laevigatus were attracted to 520nm. B. tabaci was repellent to volatile organic compounds, ocimene and carvacrol, while methyl isonicotinate showed attractant response. When buckwheat was added into the greenhouse, the density of N. tenis was maintained at about 16 times higher for 15 days. As a result of the combined treatment of push-pull strategy, the density of B. tabaci was 3 times lower and the control effect increased with time and reached up to 68.7%.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The citrus flatid planthopper, Metcalfa pruinosa is one of the invasive insect species in South Korea. M. pruinosa is a broad polyphage damaging over 200 plant species including ginseng, although there is a difference in preference. We selected six insecticides that showed high mortality in ginseng field such as emamectin benzoate EC, sulfoxaflor SG, etofenprox EW, cypermethrin EC, thiacloprid SC and pyrifluquinazon SG. In addition, a method to attract and kill M. pruinosa by treating pesticides on attractive plants (e.g., corn, perilla) with high preference was also tested. The control effect varied from 10 to 80% depending on the distance between forest and farmland. These methods can be used for the control of M. pruinosa in the ginseng farm when the PLS (Positive List System) is fully implemented in 2019.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Humic substances that can be obtained from coal resources such as leonardite in a bulk scale have been employed as crop stimulators and soil conditioners. The polymeric organics containing a variety of aromatic and aliphatic structures are known to activate plants in a multifunctional way, thus resulting in enhanced germination rate and abiotic stress resistance concomitant with induction of numerous genes and proteins. Although detailed structural-functional relationship of humic substances for plant stimulations has not been deciphered yet, cutting-edge analytical tools have unraveled critical features of humic architectures that could be linked to the action mechanisms of their plant stimulations. In this review article, we introduce key findings of humic structures and related biological functions that boost plant growth and abiotic stress resistance. Oxygen-based functional groups and plant hormone-like structures combined with labile and recalcitrant carbon backbones are believed to be critical moieties to induce plant stimulations. Some proteins such as HIGH-AFFINITY K+ TRANSPORTER 1, phospholipase A2 and H+-ATPase have been also recognized as key players that could be critically involved in humic substance-driven changes in plant physiology.
        2017.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The microstructure, flexural properties, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding effectiveness (SE) of epoxy composites filled with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (CNTs), exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets (xGnPs) and CNT-xGnP hybrid filler were investigated. The EMI SE of the CNT-xGnP hybrid composite was higher than 25 dB at 100 MHz while that of the xGnP based composite was almost zero. The flexural modulus of the CNT-xGnP based epoxy composite continuously increased to 3.32 GPa with combined filler content up to 10 wt% while that of the CNT based epoxy composites slightly decreased to 1.96 GPa at 4 wt% CNT, and dropped to 1.57 GPa at 5 wt% loading, which is lower than that of epoxy. The CNT and CNT-xGnP samples had the same EMI SE at the same surface resistivity, because samples with the same surface conductivity have the same amount of the charge carriers.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We investigated pollination and foraging activities of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) and bumblebee (Bombus terrestris L.) during flowering season of the asian pear (Pyrus pyrifolia N.) under different weather conditions. There was no significant statistical difference about the pollination activities of two species. However, the pollination activities of bumblebee were more active than those of honeybee under low temperature and rainfall period. The activities of honeybee and bumblebee were more influenced by temperature than other factors (i.e. illumination and wind velocity). Honeybee was more sensitive to temperature and illumination than bumblebee. At low temperatures (<20℃) on cloudy days (<30,000 lux) with a certain wind velocity (>4.0 m/s), the pollination activity of the honeybee was lower twice than that of bumblebee.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deformed wing virus (DWV) of honeybees (Apis mellifera) is closely associated with characteristic wing deformities, abdominal bloating, paralysis, and rapid mortality of emerging adult bees. Here, we report for the first time the occurrence of DWV-infected bumble bees (Bombus terrestris). For the present study, the detection of DWV virus from the adult bumble bee, death adult bumble bee, mail bumble bee, pupa and larva to the infection cycle was investigated in the same colony. Using specific RT-PCR protocols for the detection of DWV followed by sequencing of the PCR products we could demonstrate that the bumble bees were indeed infected with DWV. The virus was detected from diseased insects, and its partial DWV gene was cloned and sequenced. The partial DWV gene encoding the polyprotein is 711-nt of 235 amino acid residues. The deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV showed 96.9%, 96.2%, 96.8%, and 96.5% homology to other structure polyprotein partial gene of DWV, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis further conformed that the deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV divided to the outside tree. We describe the first time that presence of Deformed wing virus(DWV) from bumble bee(Bombus terrestris) in korea using RT-PCR.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        We report for the first time the occurrence of DWV-infected bumble bees (Bombus ignitus). For the present study, the detection of DWV virus from the female and male bumble bee was investigated in the same colony. The Deformed wing virus (DWV) of honeybee (Apis mellifera) is closely associated with characteristic wing deformities, abdominal bloating, paralysis, and rapid mortality of emerging adult bees. Using specific RT-PCR protocols for the detection of DWV followed by sequencing of the PCR products we could demonstrate that the bumble bees were indeed infected with DWV. The virus was detected from Bombus ignitus, and its partial DWV gene was cloned and sequenced. The partial DWV gene encoding the polyprotein is 711-nt of 235 amino acid residues. The deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV showed 96.9%, 96.2%, 96.8%, and 96.5% homology to other structure polyprotein partial gene of DWV from insects, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis further conformed that the deduced nucleotide sequence of the polyprotein partial gene of DWV divided to the outside tree. We describe the first time that presence of Deformed wing virus(DWV) from bumble bee(Bombus terrestris) in korea using RT-PCR.
        2009.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The attachment and adhesion of RAW 264.7 and MC3T3-E1 cells to titanium (Ti) discs with various degrees of roughness was investigated. The attachment, adhesion, and proliferation of these cells were evaluated after 4 hr, 24 hr and 7 day incubations. Both RAW 264.7 and MC3T3-E1 cells showed a time-dependant correlation between attachment and adhesion on the surface of the titanium discs. Both types of cells tended to have higher survival rate on these discs as the surface roughness increased. The percentage of adherent inflammatory RAW 264.7 cells was greater than MC3T3-E1 cells at 24 hr, but this was reversed at 7 days in culture. The morphology of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells at 24 hr, determined using a surface emission microscope (SEM), appeared flattened and spread out while inflammatory RAW 264.7 cells were predominantly spherical in shape. The adhesion of both cell types on the titanium discs was dependant on the levels of fibronectin adsorbed on the disc surface, indicating that serum constituents modulate the efficient adhesion of these cells. Our data indicate that the cellular response to the titanium surface is dependent on the types of cells, surface roughness and serum constituents.
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