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        검색결과 505

        2011.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        분양계약에서 이용되는 위약금약정으로는 크게 분양자나 수분양자가 이행지체시 지체일수에 비례하여 부과하는 지체상금과 계약이행을 확보하기 위한 계약보증금으로 나누어 볼 수 있다. 계약보증금은 계약보증금만 약정한 경우도 있지만 계약보증금 외에 계약해제로 인해 분양자가 입는 손해배상책임을 별도로 부담하기로 약정하는 경우도 있다. 주택공급업자인 분양자가 분양지연에 따른 지체상금이나 수분양자가 분양대금을 연체시에 지체일수에 비례하여 납부하도록 하는 연체료의 법적 성질을 손해배상액의 예정으로 보는 것이 대법원 판례의 태도이다. 그리고 계약의 이행을 강제하기 위한 계약보증금만을 약정한 경우 그 법적 성질은 손해배상액의 예정으로 파악하고 있다. 그러나 택지의 분양계약에 관한 계약보증금 약관은 대체적으로 무효로 판단하는 반면, 상가나 공장용지에 대한 계약보증금은 유효로 판단하는 경향을 보인다. 이는 상가나 공장용지에 대한 분양계약에서는 계약보증금 이외의 대체적(代替的)인 이행확보수단을 확보하기 어렵기 때문이다. 분양계약에서 계약보증금 외에 별도로 손해배상책임을 부담하기로 하는 약관에 대하여, 대판 1999. 3. 26. 98다33260 등에서는 계약보증금을 위약벌로 판단하고 다만 수분양자의 원상회복청구권을 부당하게 포기하기로 하는 것이라는 등의 이유로 위약금약관조항 전체를 무효로 보았다. 그러다가 대판 1999. 4. 27. 97다24009 이후부터는 그러한 조항에 대하여 계약 해제될 경우 계약보증금의 범위 내의 손해는 위약금의 몰취함으로써 손해배상에 갈음하고 이를 초과하는 손해가 있으면 입증을 통하여 수분양자가 배상책임을 진다는 취지라고 판시하였다. 이와 같은 손해배상액의 최저액의 형태로 이용되는 위약금약정은 결과적으로 손해배상액의 증액을 허용하는 것이어서 순수한 손해배상액의 예정으로 볼 수는 없다. 이와 같이 분양계약에서 손해배상액 최저액으로 이용되는 위약금약정은 손해배상액의 예정과 위약벌이 결합된 형태의 하나이고 이를 인정할 법적 근거는 우리 민법 제398조 4항이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 손해배상액의 최저액 형태의 위약금약정은 계약보증금까지는 손해나 손해액의 입증없이 청구할 수 있고, 추가손해가 발생한 경우에는 입증을 통하여 배상을 받을 수 있도록 함으로써 채권자는 최소한의 손해배상을 보장받는 동시에 추가손해가 발생한 경우에도 배상받을 수 있는 가능성을 열어두는 중간형태의 위약금약정으로 보아야 한다.
        2011.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Previously, we reported that the osmolarity conditions in the satellite region were affected CpG DNA methylation status while Pre-1 sequence was not affected CpG DNA methylation in pNT blastocyst stage. This study was conducted to investigate the DNA methylation status of repeat sequences in pig nuclear transfer (pNT) embryos produced under different osmolarity culture conditions. Control group of pNT embryos was cultured in PZM-3 for six days. Other two treatment groups of pNT embryos were cultured in modified PZM-3 with 138 mM NaCl or 0.05 M sucrose (mPZM-3, 320 mOsmol) for two days, and then cultured in PZM-3 (270 mOsmol) for four days. The DNA methylation status of the Pre-1 sequences in blastocysts was characterized using a bisulfite-sequencing method. Intriguingly, in the present study, we found the unique DNA methylation at several non-CpG sequences at the Pre-1 sequences in all groups. The non-CpG methylation was hypermethylated in all three groups, including in vivo group (86.90% of PZM- 3; 83.87% of NaCl; 84.82% of sucrose; 90.94% of in vivo embryos). To determine whether certain non-CpG methylated sites were preferentially methylated, we also investigated the methylation degree of CpA, CpT and CpC. Excepting in vivo group, preference of methylation was CpT>CpC>CpA in all three groups investigated. These results indicate that DNA methylation of Pre-1 sequences was hypermethylated in CpG as well as non-CpG site, regardless modification of osmolarity in a culture media.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the toxicological effects of β-glucan, we performed basic studying on β-glucan in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Standard endpoints in this study included mortality, clinical observations, changes of body weights, analysis on food consumption, ophthalmoscopic examination, hematologic examination, serum biochemistry,analysis of organ weights, gross anatomic pathology and histopathology. No clinical signs and mortality were observed in animals treated with beta-glucan throughout the experimental period. The average body weight of each treatment groups showed similar levels at end of experiment. There were no treatment-related changes in mortality,body weights changes, food consumption, ophthalmoscopic examination. Although there were statistically significant differences between the control and treated groups in some relative and absolute organ weights, and hematological and biochemical analysis, the data were in biologically normal ranges and did not show a dose-dependent manner. In the morphological change, hepatic tissue were not showed ballooning degeneration and irregular arrangement of hepatic cell in β-glucan treatment groups with control group. Also, organs weights (liver, heart, kidney and stomach) and hematological indices (WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct and Platelet) did not show statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. In summary of these results, there were no changes in mortality, mean body weight, clinical signs, food consumption. There were no changes in ophthalmological examination, hematology, blood chemistry,necropsy and histopathology. In conclusion, although further investigation of glucan should be performed in the functions registered in many ancient literatures, β-glucan is physiologically safe and may have potential as candidate food for human health.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Arcobacter butzleri is one of the aerotolerant Campylobacter species which cause persistent diarrhea,abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting in human. The aim of this study was to determine the growth and survival of A. butzleri under the heat treatment or freezing storage condition. In heat treatment, two Korean isolates of A. butzleri were treated at 40 to 80℃ for various times. In freeze treatment, two Korean isolates of A. butzleri were kept at 4, −20 and −70℃ from 1 to 15 d. The survivability of the A. butzleri Korean isolates significantly decreased at higher than 60℃ heating condition but it didn't show any significant difference in 40℃ treated group. Under the cold stress condition, survivability of A. butzleri were significantly decreased at −20℃ storage. Like other foodborne pathogens,survivability of A. butzleri was controlled by heat and freezing treatment.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        희소 한우인 칡소의 정액 동결을 위해서 레시딘을 기본 희석제로 하는 AndroMed와 Tris-egg yolk extender를 사용하여 정자의 생존율과 활력 조사를 위해서 본 연구를 수행하였다. AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때 생존율과 활력은 와 의 결과를 보였다. 그리고 Tris-egg yolk extender의 경우는 각각 와 결과를 보여 생존율에서는 Tris-egg yolk 희석제가 AndroMed 희석제를 사용하였을 때보다 유의적으로(p
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study looks at a company which introduced SAP program, one type of ERP systems, and how the firm copes with the problems which happen in business process. The research tried to solve the problem by IDEAL method of process software improvement methodo
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this work was to determine the effect of corpus luteum (CL) grade on pregnancy rate after embryo transfer in Korean cattle and we found that CL development was linked to pregnancy rate. The in vivo derived blastocyst-stage embryos were transferred to 15 recipients synchronized in the estrus cycles. Based on size and palpable characteristics, CLs were categorized into three grade. The grade three CL is not to be identified by rectal palpation. The pregnancy rates tended to increase with the increase in CL size of recipients. In grade one, two, and three, the pregnancy rates were 62.5%, 50.0%, and 0%, respectively. This result suggests that pregnancy rates after embryo transfer might be affected by the CL status of recipients.
        2010.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the survival rate of frozen-thawed spermatozoa in equine by glycerol concentration and freezing speed. Two stallions (1 Thoroughbred-13 year old and 1 Arab-7 year old) bred in Korea Racing authority was examined for 1 times in a couple of weeks. Semen was collected by condom method standing heated mare and were centrifuged 650 g for 15 min. and isolated the seminal plasma. Thick fraction of semen was diluted EDTA-Lactose-egg yolk diluents to 1:1 and contained in 0.5 ml straw as 6~14×107cells/ml. Final concentrations of glycerol were 3, 5 and 7% in cryopreseved diluents and added 4 times for 2 hours equilibration. For the freezing, equilibrated straws were located 3 or 5 cm above LN2 gas for 5 or 10 min. Survival rates of pre-frozen sperm were 65.0±13.2%, 68.3±10.4%, 66.7±11.5% and post-frozen were 53.3±23.1%, 45.0±15.0%, 50.0±18.0% in 3, 5, 7% glycerol concentration, respectively. There was no difference between glycerol concentrations. Survival rates of frozen-thawed sperm on freezing speed were 36.7±10.4%, 40.0±7.1%, 30.0±13.2% at 3 cm-5 min and 33.3±11.5%, 31.7± 2.9%, 21.7±10.4% at 3 cm-10 min in 3, 5, 7% glycerol concentration, respectively. Survival rates of frozen-thawed sperm on freezing speed were 43.3±15.3%, 32.0±17.9%, 22.3±15.7% at 5cm-5 min and were 47.5±15.0%, 43.3±12.6%, 48.3±15.3% at 5cm-10 min in 3, 5, 7% glycerol concentration, respectively. There were significantly different between groups (p<0.05). These results suggest that glycerol concentration did not affect cryopreservation of stallion semen within 3~7% but freezing speed affects. In our experiment, the best cryopreservation condition was at 5 cm above LN2 gas for 10 min for pre-freezing and 7% of glycerol concentration. These results lead to commercial AI with frozen-thawed stallion semen.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 8주령 Sprague-Dawley계통의 암컷 랫드에서 제독유황을 반복경구투여 독성평가를 하기위해 시행하였다. 랫드에 처치한 물질은 사료섭취량의 0.2%, 1%, 5% 제독유황과 사료섭취량의 1% 유황으로 13주 경구투여를 하였다. 제독유황의 안전성을 확인하기 위해 다음과 같은 관찰 및 검사를 하였다. 검사항목으로는 체중과 사료 섭취를 측정하였고 임상증상, 안과학적 검사, 혈액학적 검사, 혈청 생화학적 검사를 관찰하였다. 또한 랫드에 간과 신장에서 의 병리조직학적 변화를 관찰하였다. 그 결과 체중, 사료섭 취량, 혈액학적 및 병리조직검사 소견에서 대조군과 제독 유황 그룹 간의 유의적인 차이가 보이지 않았다. 혈청생화 학적 검사소견에서는 0.2% 및 1% 투여군에서는 대조군과 비교시 용량의존적으로 유의적인 차이를 보이는 항목은 보이지 않았으나, 고용량군에서는 glucose 감소에 의한 저칼 륨혈증, 인슐린 과잉분비의 독성을 의심할 수 있었으며, 또 한 ALT와 ALP의 증가는 간 독성이나 간암, 황달의 유발이 의심되었다. 한편, 병리조직학적인 검사에서는 시험 전체군에서 대조군과 비교시 유의할만한 병리조직이상이 관 찰되지 않았다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 사료섭취량 1%의 제독유황까지 투여는 랫드에서 독성을 나타내지 않는 것으로 사료된다.