
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 12

        2016.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Uganda is blessed with favorable agricultural conditions; annual average temperatures 18-28°C, rainfall 1,300-1,800mm, cultivation area 99,018Km2, and bountiful labor. Agriculture is the most important sector in the country and it contributes 22.4% to GDP, accounts for 40% of exports, and employs 65.6% of the total population. The major crops for dometic use are plantain banana, maize, and cassava and coffee, tea, tobacco, and cotton are mainly exported. Despite of these favorable natural conditions, agricultural productivity of Uganda is relatively low. Yielding reaches 1/2 in maize, 1/3 in rice and peanut, 1/4 in sweet potato, and 1/6 in potato per hectare compared to Korea. However, according to research conducted by domestic and international institutes, crop yields can possibly increase 2 to 10 times in many crops. Constrains of productivity are mostly due to poor seeds, inadequate pest & disease management, loss of soil fertility, lack of irrigation, improper post-harvest handling, and underdeveloped cultivation technology. To improve its production and productivity, which is the primary goal of Uganda's agricultural policy, appropriate budget allocation as planned and investment in R&D and extension are considered essential.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From August to October of both 2012 and 2013, powdery mildew was observed on white-fruited creeping cucumber(Melothria japonica [Thunb.] Maxim.) at Jinju, Korea. White mycelial colonies were observed on leaves and petioles. Lesions of severe infections were discolored or brown. In the present study, the morphological features of the anamorphic and teleomorphic reproductive stages of the fungus were studied. To complete the fungal identification, the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer region of a ribosomal RNA(ITS rRNA) gene was determined. Based on morphological characteristics and analysis of the ITS rRNA gene, the fungus causing the powdery mildew symptoms was identified as Podosphaera fusca. Although the host range of powdery mildew caused by P. fusca has been previously described, no full description and illustration of the infection, including symptoms and signs on white-fruited creeping cucumber, has yet appeared. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first full description of powdery mildew on white-fruited creeping cucumber, featuring molecular identification, symptoms, and signs.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 유기재배와 관행재배 단감의 탈립성과 과품질을 조사 비교하였다. 해발 100~300 m에 위치한 유기재배 단감 과수원과 해발 70~250 m에 위치한 관행재배 단감 과수원을 선정하여 조사하였다. 재배품종은 ‘부유(Fuyu)’이며, 단감나무의 평균 수령은 19.8년으로 유기재배가 관행재배보다 평균 5년 적었다. 토양 양분관리는 관행재배의 경우 대부분 화학비료를 선호하는 편이었고, 유기재배의 경우 가축분을 주로 사용하였으며 헤어리벳치나 호밀을 녹비로 재배하고 부족한 미량원소의 공급을 위해 해조추출물이나 발효산약초추출물 사용하였다. 해충 방제를 위해 관행재배의 경우 화학농약을 년간 14~16회 살포하였고, 유기재배의 경우는 Matrine, Prethrin, Azadirachtin, Rotenone, black pepperextract 등의 식물유래 추출물과 유아등이나 페르몬트랩을 사용하였다. 단감 탄저병이나 둥근무늬낙엽병을 방제하기 위해 5% 난황유와 식물추출물 혼합제나, 1% 석회유황합제 또는 1% 황토유황합제를 주로 사용하였다. 단감나무 가지로부터 단감의 탈립력은 조사 지역간의 차이는 있지만 관행재배에 비해 유기재배 단감의 탈립력이 평균 34.0~145.7 N 높았다. 과경 두께는 지역적인 차이는 유의하지 않았으나 관행재배에 비해 유기재배 단감의 과경이 평균 0.76~1.08 mm 더 두꺼웠다. 단감의 과실 경도도 관행재배에 비해 유기재배가 평균 2.9~5.1 N 더 높았다. 단감의 과중은 유기재배 단감의 과실무게가 관행재배 단감의 과실무게보다 평균 16.0~54.4g 더 많았다. 단감 과실의 가용성 고형물함량은 진주지역을 제외하고 산청과 창원지역의 유기재배가 관행재배 보다 평균 1.4 Brix 높았다.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전남 영암지역에서 배 개화기간 동안 냉해 피해를 막기 위한 대책으로 미세살수 처리 또는 온풍기를 수체로부터 5, 10,25, 40 m로 거리를 달리해서 3 m 지상부에서 설치하여 개화기간 중 3oC 미만으로 떨어진 야간부터 다음날 오전까지 12시간 동안 작동하여 냉해피해 경감효과를 구명한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 온풍기와 미세살수 처리 결과 과원의 온도변화는 미세살수 처리에서 가장 높게 유지되었으며, 온풍기 가동 지점으로부터 25 m 거리까지는 대조구에 비해 온도가 높게 나타났으나 40 m 지점에서는 대조구와 차이가 없었다. 2. 화서별 냉해피해율과 평균 착과수는 미세살수 처리에서효과가 가장 좋았으며, 온풍기 처리에 따른 온도 변화와 유사한 경향으로 거리가 가까울수록 피해율은 낮고, 평균 착과수는 높았다. 3. 정형과 비율과 평균 착과 간격은 온풍기 가동 지점에서 멀어질수록 낮았으며 40m 지점에서는 대조구와 차이가 없었다.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 유기농 사과과원에서 생육초기인 5월과 6월에 ‘후지’ 사과나무 주위를 청결상태로 유지했을 때 잎과 토양의 무기성분 및 수체생장과 수확량에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 조기예초구 (5월과 6월에 예초)는 관행예초구(6월말 한번 예초)보다 높은 예초량 발생으로 수체에 높은 무기성분을 공급하였지만 토양과 잎의 칼륨함량을 증가시킨 것 이외에는 다른 무기성분에는 별다른 영향이 없었다. 하지만 엽내 칼륨은 관행재배에서 보고한 기준치보다 낮은 농도를 나타내었다. 두 처리 모두 재배 중기까지 토양에 약 200 g 전후의 전질소를 공급하여서 8년생 사과나무가 요구로 하는 질소량을 충족시켰다. 조기예초구는 수체의 수관증가와 원면적을 증가시킴으로써 과실의 수량을 관행예초구 보다 증가시켰다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Carotenoids of squash play an important role in human health by acting as sources of provitamin A or as protective antioxidants. Among the 60 accessions of squash germplasm, fluorescent yellow and yellow types of flesh color got the highest count, followed by the orange, whitish yellow and greenish yellow. The redness and yellowness values of the flesh powder ranged from -2.45 to 86.09 and from 13.77 to 39.80, respectively. While the lightness and the total color difference values of flesh color varied from 67.64 to 86.09 and from 19.77 to 51.79, respectively. Colorimetric values of redness and yellowness showed positive correlation, and the correlation coefficient (r) was as high as 0.7386. The five accessions represented each flesh color types, IT195043 (orange), IT136696 (fluorescent yellow), IT186365 (yellow), IT137963 (whitish yellow), and IT180449 (greenish yellow). The total amount of carotenoid contents was in the order of orange color (104.64 mg/100 g), greenish yellow color (70.82 mg/100 g), fluorescent yellow color (32.41 mg/100 g), yellow color (8.73 mg/100 g), and whitish yellow color (4.73 mg/ 100 g). Both lutein and β-carotene were the predominant pigments of carotenoids, and lycopene was only separated and identified in the orange color flesh. According to the results, colorimetric analysis can aid breeders interested in increasing carotenoid content in squash, which could be accurately measured using a simple, reliable, and cost- and labor-efficient method for the evaluation of carotenoid pigments.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objective of this study was to determine the genetic diversities of major rice blast resistance genes among 84 accessions of aromatic rice germplasm. Eighty four accessions were characterized by a dominant 11 set of PCR-based SNP and CAPS marker, which showed the broad spectrum resistance and closest linkage to seven major rice blast resistance (R) genes, Pia, Pib, Pii, Pi5 (Pi3), Pita (Pita-2), and Pi9 (t). The allele specific PCR markers assay genotype of SCAR and STS markers was applied to estimate the presence or absence of PCR amplicons detected with a pair of PCR markers. One indica accession, Basmati (IT211194), showed the positive amplicons of five major rice blast resistance genes, Pia, Pi5 (Pi3), Pib, Pi-ta (Pi-ta2), and Pik-5 (Pish). Among 48 accessions of the PCR amplicons detected with yca72 marker, only five accessions were identified to Pia gene on chromosome 11. The Pib gene was estimated with the NSb marker and was detected in 65 of 84 accessions. This study showed that nine of 84 accessions contained the Pii gene and owned Pi5 (Pi3) in 42 of 84 accessions by JJ817 and JJ113-T markers, which is coclosest with Pii on chromosome 9. Only six accessions were detected two alleles of the Pita or Pita-2 genes. Three of accessions were identified as the Pi9 (t) gene locus.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Powdery mildew and leaf mold were major diseases in organic cultured tomatoes. NaHC03 and KH2P04 were selected as control agents for controlling tomato powdery mildew. Control effect of the selected control agents was increased when they were tréated with oil-egg yolk mixtures (OEYO). Also four organic materials used commercially including copper hydroxide and sulfur showed high control effect more than 90% in green house. Also two organic matters, copper hydroxide and sulfur showed high control effect in farmer's field. When tomatoes were cultivated in plastic house installed wìth circulation fan, incidence of powdery mildew and leaf mold was reduced by 56% and 60%, respectively.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Botrytis cinerea infects stems and leaves of greenhouse tomatoes and can cause serious economic losses. This study was conducted to develop environment-friendly control method against tomato gray mold. Antagonistic microorganisms (bacteria) were screened for control activity against Botrytis cinerea, both in vitro and in vivo, using stem sections. One hundred bacterial strains were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of various plants including tomato. These strains were screened for growth inhibition of Botrytis cinerea on agar plate by the dual culture and thirty strains showing strongly inhibitory effect against the pathogen were selected first. Among thirty strains, JB 5-12, JB 22-2, JB 22-3, U 4-8 and U46-6 reduced significantly disease incidence, when applied simultaneously with the pathogen. These results suggested that five antagonistic bacteria strains selected have the potential to control tomato gray mold in organic farming.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Organic and chemical fertilizer amendments are an important agricultural practice for increasing crop yields. In order to maintain the soil sustainability, it is important to monitor the effects of fertilizer applications on the shift of soil microorganism, which control the cycling of many nutrients in the soils. Here, culture-dependent and cultureindependent approaches were used to analyze the soil microorganism and community structure under six fertilization treatments, including green manure, rice straw compost, rapeseed cake, pig mature compost, NPK +pig mature compost, NPK and control. Both organic and chemical fertilizers caused a shift of the cultural microorganism CFUs after treatments. Bacterial CFUs of the organic fertilization treatments were significantly higher than that of chemical fertilization treatments. The DGGE profiles of the bacterial communities of the samples showed that the green manure treatment was a distinct difference in bacterial community, with a greater complexity of the band pattern than other treatments. Cluster analyses based on the DGGE profile showed that rice straw compost and pig mature compost had a similar banding pattern and clustered together firstly. Rapeseed cake, NPK, NPK + pig manure compost and control clustered together in other sub-cluster and clearly distinguished from green manure.
        2011.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In traditional organic rice culture practices, control of weeds is a big problem. This study was conducted to increase the rice production. Results showed that Plant heighl, SPAD, root length and weíght were higher in pot raísed seedling than broadcasting method except number of panicles. High plant density caused reduction in plant height, number of culm and chlorophyll content of the rice. No lodging was observed in both methods. Thickness of third intemode and culm length was more in pot raised see에ings at both sites. When organic material was used rice yield increased by 3.81%. Higher rice production (10%) was recorded in the fields planted with pot raised seedlings. From the above study it could be conclude that the pot raised seedlings perform better than the seedlings raised by broadcasting methods.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Brown planthopper (BPH) is a serious insect pest of rice crop throughout rice growing countries, and yield loss due to its infection can be up to 60%. This study aimed to evaluate efficiency of molecular markers for screening BPH resistance accessions among 86 aromatic rice germplasm Eighty-six accessions of aromatic rice germplasm included two accessions of Tongil type (bred in Korea), 28 accessions of japonica type and 56 accessions of indica type. We applied eight STS markers (pBPH9, pBPH19, pBPH20, pBPH21, AJ09-b, RG457L, RG457B, and 7312.T4A) which were linked to four of BPH resistance genes, Bph1, Bph13(t), Bph10, and Bph18(t) respectively. One japonica type accession, 415XIr352, and six indica type accessions possessed one or four positive bands when tested with four STS markers linked to Bph1 gene. One indica type aromatic rice, Basmati9-93, showed the target bands linked to the Bph10 gene. The other accessions did not show same fragments as the respective resistant lines. Bph13(t) is the most widely introduced resistance gene and only one accession showed positive bands implying that this accession might harbor Bph10 and Bph18(t) genes. Three aromatic accessions, Domsiah, Khao Dawk Mali 105 and 415XIr352 showed gene pyramiding of Bph1 and Bph13(t). Two indica aromatic rice, Ds 20 and Basmati 9-93, possessed at least two BPH resistance genes, Bph1, Bph18(t) and Bph13(t), Bph18(t), respectively. These results indicates that aromatic rice germplasm have narrow diversities of BPR resistance genes.