This study investigated the nutritional characteristics of before and after fermentation of domestic soybean (Glycine max L.) by Rhizopus oligosporus. The soybean storage proteins, β-conglycinin (11S globulin) and glycinin (7S globulin), were the most abundant in Seonyu (SY) and Danbaegkong (DBK), with concentrations of 253.4 mg/g and 193.0 mg/g, respectively. For 11S/7S related to sulfur-containing amino acid, DBK had a value of 0.95, making it the most excellent nutritionally among all the cultivars. The free amino acid content significantly increased from 0.04~10.45 mg/g before fermentation to 1.37~16.95 mg/g after fermentation, and the essential amino acid composition increased, confirming an improvement in protein quality after fermentation. Phytic acid, known as a nutritional inhibitor of soybeans, decreased from 1.66~2.13 g/100 g before fermentation to 0.90~1.58 g/100 g after fermentation, suggesting that mineral absorption inhibition was alleviated. In addition, the trypsin inhibitor content is suppressed by 76.20% to 81.25% after fermentation, which is expected to improve protein utilization in the body. This study confirmed some properties of fermented products by Rhizopus oligosporus using domestic soybeans, and these results are presented to serve as the basic data for establishing new uses of Korean soybean cultivars.
Saengcheonggukjang, known as Natto in Japan, is a soybean fermented food which is made from steamed soybean, Bacillus and water. Demand of Saengcheonggukjang has increased because it does not have much smell compared to Cheonggukjang. Seven varieties of Saengcheonggukjang were investigated and compared in terms of 100 seed weight, quality characteristics, hard seed rate, and water absorption rate in order to determine the suitability of Korean soybeans. In addition, each characteristic of Saengcheonggukjang was compared. ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Haewon’ showed low 100 seed weight with 8.41 g and 8.11 g, respectively. The water absorption rate was higher in ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Pungwon’ than in Japan varieties. The yield of Saengcheonggukjang was significantly different for each variety. No differences were observed in yield and hardness of Saengcheonggukjang with respect to the varieties and sowing date. ‘Haewon’ showed the highest amino nitrogen content with 575.0 mg%. Viscous material content did not appear to differ between varieties. These results suggested that ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Haewon’ can be considered as suitable candidates for yield and quality of Saengcheonggukjang compared to Japan varieties.
This experiment was performed to analyze the annual variation of growth traits of soybean to determine the information of less sensitive traits and stable cultivars based on the environmental conditions. Sowing was carried out on June 2 for each year and the test plot was arranged in three replicates by randomized complete block design with thirty soybean varieties including two landraces during the period 2014-2015. The weather conditions during the test period were quite different with extremely low precipitation and longer sunshine duration in 2015. The variation of characteristics related to growth period such as days of growth, days of maturity, days of flowering and 100-seed weight were less in spite of different environmental conditions. While the variation of the number of pods per plant was high. Considering growth and seed characteristics like the number of pods per plant, the number of seeds per pod, and 100-seed weight which are linked directly to the yield, cultivars such as Shingi, Daewonkong, Danbaegkong, and Daepung for beancurd and soypaste, Pungwon, Haepum and Shingang for soy-sprout and Seoritae for cooking with rice were more stable and are expected to have high yield in Suwon, the south-central part of South Korea. These results are useful for the selection of breeding resources to develop cultivars with high stability under changeable weather condition.
This experiment was conducted to evaluate feed value and usability of soybean varieties as livestock forage. In this study, three soybean cultivars, OT93-26, Geomjeongsaeol, and Pungwon, were harvested at R5 (beginning seed development)- and R6 (full seed)-reproductive stages for analyzing feed value of soybean. Days to R5 stage harvest of OT93-26 among the three soybean cultivars was 55 days and the shortest while Pungwon took 103 days to reach at R6 stage. The R6-harvested soybeans had higher dry matter (DM) yields and crude protein (CP) content than the R5-harvested. However, both DM and CP were the highest in the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol. Contents of neutral detergent fiber (nDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) of Pungwon harvested at R5 were the highest whereas the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol had the lowest. Digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), and relative feed value (RFV) of the R6-harvested Geomjeongsaeol and Pungwon were higher than those of the R5-harvested, but in case of OT93-26, those at R6 stage were low rather than those at R5 stage. However, soybean could be used as alternative forage with high feed value for livestock. Taken together, Geomjeongsaeol could be used for developing new forage soybean varieties with high feed value, and R6 would be the optimum harvesting stage for yield and quality of forage soybean.
동남아시아 주요 옥수수 생산국인 인도네시아의 옥수수 생 산과 생산성 제한 요인에 대하여 조사·분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 인도네시아는 북위 5°에서 남위 10°사이에 위치하여 연 중 열대성 기후를 보이며 건기와 우기의 구별이 뚜렷하다. 2. 옥수수 재배면적은 약 4,000천ha 정도이며 생산량은 2009년 이후로 17,000천톤 이상을 유지하고 있다. 그 가운데 수확면적과 생산량의 약 50%를 Jawa섬이 차지하고 있다. 2014년 단위 면적당 생산성은 4.95ton/ha로 1980년대에 비하 여 약 3배 증가하였으나 지역적으로는 2.5 ~ 7.32ton/ha의 변이 를 보여 지역 간 차이가 심하다. 3. 생물적 생산성 제한요인은 downy mildew (Peronosclerospora), maydis leaf blights (Helminthosporium spp.), leaf spots (Curvularia spp.), rusts (Puccinia polysora), stalk and ear rots (Fusarium spp., Diplodia spp.), banded leaf and sheath blight (BLSB, Rhizoctonia solani) 등의 병과 바 구미(Sitophilus spp.), shoot flies (Atherigona spp.), Asian corn borers (Ostrinia furnacalis), 멸강충(Mythimna spp.), corn ear worm (Helicoverpa spp.) 등의 충이나, 가장 큰 영 향을 주는 요인은 downy mildew이다. 4. 비생물적 생산성 제한요인은 토양의 산성화에 따른 척박 토양과 관개가 자유롭지 못한 전작 지대의 한발피해 등이며, 경제·사회적 제한요인으로는 비료, 농약 등 농자재 투입 비용 과 hybrid종자 가격 등이다. 5. 인도네시아에 적응하는 품종 개발 시 생산성 제한 요인을 극복하기 위한 주요 타겟 형질은 환경 스트레스 내성으로서, 특 히 downy mildew 저항성과 내산성, 내건성이 요구된다.
유색옥수수 종실의 호분층을 첨가하여 제조된 안토시아닌이 함유된 유색두부를 개발하여 농가소득 증진을 위한 기술로 활 용하고자 수행한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 호분층 분말의 크기 와 상관없이 유색옥수수 호분층 분말의 첨가량이 증가할수록 만들어지는 두부 무게량은 증가하였다. 유색옥수수 호분층 분 말을 첨가한 두부는 100% 콩을 이용한 두부보다 일반적으로 경도가 높았다. 안토시아닌 함량 분석 결과 분말첨가량이 증 가할수록 유색두부에 포함된 안토시아닌이 증가하였다. 항산 화 활성 측정 결과에서 유색 옥수수 종실의 호분층 분말 첨가 와 항산화 활성이 옥수수 종실의 호분층 분말의 농도 의존적 으로 높아졌다. 기능성성분인 안토시아닌 등을 함유한 유색옥 수수 종실의 호분층를 이용하여 흰색두부에 보라색을 첨가하 여 시각적 효과와 기능성 등을 향상 시킬 수 있다. 더불어 국 민 소비가 많은 두부에 옥수수를 첨가하여, 점차 고급화 되어 가고 있는 소비자의 기호도에 부응할 수 있는 고품질두부 생 산에 본 연구결과가 큰 기여를 할 것으로 추정된다.
미이라병은 Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex에 의해 유발되는병으로 콩 재배기간 중 따뜻하고 습한 환경에서 종자가 성숙되면 감염률이 높아지며 감염된 콩 종자는 외관상 품질뿐만아니라 종자 활력이 저하된다. 미이라병에 대한 연구를 수행하기 위하여 대만에 위치한 아시아채소개발연구센터(AVRDC)의 콩 시험포장에서 미이라병 병징을 보이는 콩 줄기를 채집하고 이로부터 3개의 곰팡이 균주(isolate)를 분리하였다. 배지위에서의 곰팡이 균사의 생육특성, 현미경하에서 관찰된 알파,베타 분생자(conidia)의 모양 그리고 PCR-RFLP 분석으로, 3개의 균주는 Diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae 으로 확인되었다. 한편, 미이라병 저항성 육종을 위해서는 유전자원과 계통의 검정이 선행되어야 하는데, 인공접종을 위해서 분생자의최적 배양조건을 탐색하였다. 그 결과 배지는 PDA, 온도는24oC에서 잘 배양되었으며, 일장은 암조건에서는 균사체만 유도되고 분생자는 유도되지 않았으며, 24시간과 15시간의 일장에서는 균사체 유도 및 분생자의 유도 정도에 차이가 없었다.또한 잎-줄기와 꼬투리, 두 개의 접종 부위에 따른 미이라병감염률을 조사하였는데, 두 접종 부위에 따른 미이라병 감염정도는 통계적인 유의차는 나타나지 않았으나 잎-줄기에 접종한 개체 보다 꼬투리에 접종한 개체의 종자 감염률이 높은 경향을 보였다.
본 연구는 밥밑용 검정콩의 식미에 관련된 선발 지표를 탐색하고자 품종과 재래종을 이용하여 이화학적 특성을 분석하고 비교하였다. 검정콩 종실의 길이는 7.73 ~ 9.99 mm, 너비는 7.13 ~ 8.50 mm, 그리고 두께는 5.06 ~ 7.03 mm의 범위였다. 밥밑용 검정콩 품종과 재래종 종실의 색도를 측정한 결과 명도는 14.48 ~ 19.98, 적색도는 –0.22 ~ 0.09, 황색도는 –0.57 ~ 1.05 범위였다. 밥밑용 검정콩의 조단백 함량은 32.2 ~ 36.9%, 조지방 함량은 11.7 ~ 18.6%, 조섬유 함량은 3.99 ~ 4.50%, 조회분 함량은 4.98 ~ 5.95% 범위였다. 관능평가 결과 종합적 기호도에서 가장 좋은 평가를 받은 것은 청자콩이었고 가장 낮은 것은 IT177445이었다. IT177445는 단맛이 가장 약하였는데, 비린맛은 많이 강하고 고소한 맛은 약해 종합적 기호도에서 가장 낮은 평가를 받았다. 본 연구에서 이용한 자원의 종실 길이, 너비 및 두께는 종합적 기호도와 정의 상관을 나타내었고, 조섬유 함량과는 부의 상관을 나타내었다. 종합적 기호도는 조단백 함량(−0.54*) 및 조섬유 함량(−0.73**)과는 부의 상관을 보였다. 외관적 기호도를 제외한 씹힘성(0.73**), 단맛(0.82***), 비린맛(0.86***) 그리고 고소한맛(0.89***)은 종합적 기호도에 유의한 정의 상관을 나타내었으나, 단맛(−0.54*), 비린맛(−0.55*) 그리고 고소한맛(−0.80***)은 조섬유 함량과 유의한 부의 상관을 나타내었다.
A mungbean variety ‘Suhyeon’ (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) was derived from the cross between ‘Jeonnam14’ and ‘IT208777’ at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services (JARES) in 2010. ‘Suhyeon’ has erect growth habit, heart leaflet, green hypocotyl, black and straight pod when matured, and dull green seed surface. The stem length of ‘Suhyeon’ was 66 ㎝, which was 5 ㎝ less than check variety ‘Owool’. The pods number per plant of ‘Suhyeon’ was 24, which was 5 more than check variety. The sprout yield ratio of ‘Suhyeon’ was 8.67 times, which was 16% more than check variety. The contents of starch, protein and fatty acid of seed were 62.7, 27.3, 1.89%, respectively. The average yield of ‘Suhyeon’ was 1.74 ton/㏊, which increased 8% more than that of check variety. (Variety registration number: 5107)
A mungbean cultivar ‘Sanpo’ (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) was derived from the cross between SM9710-3B-7 and Jangannogdu at the Jeollanamdo Agricultural Research and Extension Services (JARES) in 2012. ‘Sanpo’ has erect growth habit, green hypocotyls, heart leaflet, dull green seed surface, and black and straight pod when matured. The stem length of ‘Sanpo’ were 71㎝, which was 5㎝ longer than check cultivar ‘Owool’. The pods number per plant, the seeds number per pod, and the seed weight of ‘Sanpo’ are similar to check cultivar. It has field resistance to cercospora leaf spot, mungbean mottle virus, and powdery mildew. In addition, ‘Sanpo’ has high lodging resistance. The hard seed rate of ‘Sanpo’ was 2.4%, which was 0.8%point lower than check cultivar. The sprout yield ratio of ‘Sanpo’ was 8.26 times, which was 10% (77%point) more than check cultivar. The average yield of ‘Sanpo’ was 1.62ton/㏊, which was 14% more than the check cultivar ‘Owool’. (Cultivar registration number: 5250)
‘Sinhwangok’, a new maize F1 hybrid (Zea mays L.), is developed by the maize breeding team at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2015. The high-yielding hybrid, named ‘Sinhwangok’ was bred by crossing between two inbred lines, ‘KS178’ and ‘KS145’. It is a yellow dent maize hybrid. After advanced yield trial of ‘Sinhwangok’ in Suwon for two years, regional yield trial was subsequently carried out for evaluation of its growth and yield at three different locations from 2012 to 2015. The days to silking of ‘Sinhwangok’ are 74. The plant height of ‘Sinhwangok’ is 241cm, similar to ‘Jangdaok’, and its ear height ratio is 51%, similar with that of ‘Jangdaok’. It has resistance to lodging. The number of ear per 100 plants is 96. The ear length of ‘Sinhwangok’ is 17cm, shorter than that of ‘Jangdaok’. The weight of 100 seeds of ‘Sinhwangok’ is 34.1g, similar to that of ‘Jangdaok’. It has moderate resistance to southern leaf blight (Bipolaris maydis). It has moderate resistance to European Corn Borer (Ostrinia nubilalis). The grain yield (8.9 ton/ha) of ‘Sinhwangok’ was 15% higher than that of ‘Jangdaok’. The seed production of ‘Sinhwangok’ was acceptable due to a good synchronization of flowering period during crossing between the seed parent, KS178, and the pollen parent, KS145, in Yeongwol and F1 seed yield was 2.3 ton/ha. ‘Sinhwangok’ would be a suitable cultivar to all plain area in Korea.
본 연구는 부산광역시 소재의 11개 병원에 근무하는 의료기관 종사자를 대상으로 병원감염관리 인지도와 수행도를 분석하였다. 그 결과, 병원 내 감염관리부서, 감염관리 지침서, 감염관리 교육의 유무에 관계없이 인지도, 수행도의 척도가 높게 나타났다. 특히, 감염교육을 받은 적이 있는 집단의 인지도, 수행도에서 통계적으로 유의한 결과를 보였다(p<0.001). 감염관리에 대한 수행을 실천하지 못하는 주된 원인은 업무 과다와 시간부족으로 나타났으며, 99.7%의 응답자가 감염관리 교육이 필요하다고 답하여 사회 전반적으로 병원감염에 대한 경각심이 커진 것으로 판단된다. 전체적으로 인지도에 비해 수행도가 낮게 분석되었으며, 병원감염을 낮추기 위해서는 실현가능한 제도의 개선과 종사자 개인의 적극적인 수행이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
부산지역 의료종사자를 대상으로 병원감염관리 인식을 분석한 본 연구의 결론은, 먼저, 개인위생, 장비위 생, 청소 및 환경 관리의 인지도와 수행도는 학력이 낮을수록 척도가 높았다. 또한 개인손씻기의 경우 인지 도는 1차, 2차, 기타의료기관의 종사자들이, 수행도는 의료인 집단이 높은 수치를 나타냈으며, 유의수준 .00 1에서 통계적인 차이를 나타냈다. 병원 내 위생관리 역시 의료인이 높은 인지도와 수행도를 나타냈으며, 통계적인 차이를 보였다. 전체적으로 인지도에 비해 수행도가 낮아 감염관리에 대한 개인의 적극적인 수행 과 이를 위한 현실성 있는 개선방안의 마련이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) is a short day plant and has been adapted to various climates and environments during cultivation. However, the cultivation area is restricted to a very narrow range of latitudes. To date, nine major genes (E1 to E8 and J) have been reported to control the flowering time and maturity. Here, we evaluated the role of E2, E3, E4, and their paralogue genes in late flowering soybean cultivars under long day (LD) conditions using Soybean yellow common mosaic virus (SYCMV)-based virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) system. A total of nine VIGS constructs were infiltrated into two fully expanded cotyledons and primary leaves. After inoculation with these VIGS constructs on Jangyeobkong, which is a late-flowering cultivar, phenotypic traits were evaluated for the first flowering dates (FFDs) and pod maturities under LD conditions. The FFDs of the silenced plants occurred 50-56 days after sowing (das), while the non-silenced plants bloomed on 60-61 days. We found that the E3 paralogue-silenced plants flowered the fastest and responsive genes were identified to be associated with the promotion of flowering time. As the knock-down of E3 paralogue, expression of E1 was up-regulated, E2 was no difference, E3 and E4 genes were down-regulated in the silenced plants. Expression of GmFT2a and GmFT5a is known to be controlled by E3 and E4. Interestingly, GmFT5a were highly expressed in SYCMV:E3 paralogue-silenced plants, whereas the expression of GmFT2a was not significant. These results support that GmFT5a is able to independently promote flowering under LD conditions.
‘조양1호’는 1999년 내병 다수성인 ‘풍산나물콩’을 모본으로, ‘수원187호’를 부본으로 하여 교배하여 계통육종법으로 육성한 품종이다. 유한신육형이며 꽃은 자색이고 잎은 피침형이며 모용은 회색이다. 종자의 종피와 배꼽은 황색이며 성숙한 꼬투리는 잘 터지지 않는다. 개화와 성숙이 빠르며 평균 성숙기는 9월 27일로 ‘풍산나물콩’보다 10일 빠르다. 경장은 51 cm로 다소 작으며 도복에 강하고, 불마름병과 뿌리썩음병, 성숙기 탈립에 강하다. 바이러스 접종시 괴저가 발생하나 포장에서는 강하며 종자병해는 ‘풍산나물콩’과 비슷하다. 종실 100립중은 11.6 g이며 발아율이 높고 경실종자가 거의 발생하지 않아 ‘풍산나물콩’에 비해 콩나물 수율이 11% 높다. 종실 수량성은 전국 4개소에서 3년간 시험한 결과, 3.03MT/ha로 ‘풍산나물콩’보다 3% 증수하였다.
Undomesticated soybeans (Glycine soja) are an important source of genetic variation for introducing useful traits to domesticated soybeans (Glycine max). Although Korea is known as the origin of the soybean, a little is known about genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic diversity and the structure analysis of wild soybeans, and to construct a core collection of G. soja accessions in Korea. To evaluate the genetic diversity and structure analysis of G.soja, we analyzed allelic profiles at 21 SSR loci of 1028 accessions using POWERMARKER V3.25. These markers generated a total of 581 alleles over all loci. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 21 to 40, with a mean of 28 alleles per locus and a mean gene diversity of 0.886 in this accessions tested. Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.737 to 0.946, with an average of 0.877. Using STRUCTURE V2.34, wild soybean originated from Korea was divided into two distinct populations, largely corresponding to two geographic regions. Population 1 consisted of eight sub-groups corresponds to mountains; population 2 to entire regions in Korea. Based on theses 21 SSR markers, a core collection development was performed by POWERCORE V1.0. A G. soja core collection consisted of 148 accessions which were established from 1028 accessions in Korea. Most accessions of the core collection were belonged to population 2 and only four were belonged to population 1. These results of this study would provide valuable information for future breeding programs using the G. soja core collection.
We previously reported that reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (RT- PCR/RFLP) was an effective method to identify SMV strains. Using this method a new SMV strain G6H was successfully identified. To introduce resistance locus Rsv4 of V94-5152, we made crosses between two parents, Hwanggumkong and V94-5152, and obtained 6 BC3 F3 progeny lines, which have different size of DNA fragment of Rsv4 locus region. To confirm the virus resistance of progeny lines, artificial inoculation were conducted with 10 SMV strains, G1-G7, G7A, G6H, and G7H. Genomic DNA of tested lines was extracted and used marker genotyping using 9 SSR marker, which covered about 20 cM genetic distance including Rsv4 locus. In the virulence test, only two progeny lines showed resistance to all the SMV strains like a V94-5152. However, the other lines showed necrotic symptoms to G6H strain. It is considered that a minor gene is located near the Rsv4 locus between Satt157 and Sat_254 marker which interacts with G6H. A new strain can be a clue to find a minor gene in the SMV resistance soybean breeding.
In Korea, 18 soybean cultivars have been recommended for food source that cooked with rice, however, the appropriate selection criteria are still unestablished in soybean breeding program. Since consumers prefer higher quality products, it is need to establish selection criteria of palatability. This study was investigated the relationship between palatability and physicochemical properties of black soybean. We conducted sensory evaluation and analyzed physicochemical properties with 4 cultivars and 12 germplasms. In the results, the crude fat content varied from 13.1 to 18.6%. The content of crude fiber was 4.0~5.0%. The saturated and unsaturated fatty acid contents were 12.09~16.47% and 83.53~87.91%. Beany flavor(0.76***), nutty flavor(0.89***), sweetness(0.83***) and chewiness(0.72**) were highly positively correlated with overall preference. The crude fiber contents had negative correlation with nutty flavor(-0.61*) and overall preference(-0.62*). The highest palatability was observed in Cheongjakong which had low fiber content and good appearance, chewiness and taste. The result suggest that fiber content is good selection factor in breeding program of soybean for cooking with rice.
Soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) is an important source of high protein and oil. Use of soybean meal bythe food industry is increasing, but severely limiting dietary choices and the quality of life of food-allergic individuals. Gly m Bd 30K (P34) is known as the main seed allergens in soybean-sensitive patients. The objective of this work was to determine the molecular basis of the low mutation of soybean P34 and to design polyclonal antibody for the selection of the causative mutations for wild homozygous, heterozygous and mutant homozygous. Using soybean genome assembly, we knew that soybean P34 genes are existing 2 copies in LG A1 and 1 copy in LG A2 in soybean genome. Actually, we confirmed that 3 copies for P34 gene were existed on soybean genome with Southern blot analysis. Glyma08g12270 of those was expressed at significantly higher level compared with Glyma08g12280 and Glyma05g29130by RT-PCR and western analysis. However this gene was not expressed in the low-P34 germplasm accessions. We develop a co-dominant marker based on the sequence of Glyma08g12270 containing a four-base pair insertion at the P34 start codon. Also, we make a polyclonal antibody for investigation of P34 protein levels. Further study, we will perform the crossing between low P34 accession and elite variety, backcrossing and allergen test using low P34 line.
Soybeans X soybeans mosaic virus (SMV) strains interactions affected plant growth and seed transmission. Strain virulence of SMV depended on host cultivars. Kwangankong and Tawonkong were susceptible to G7H and G5 strains, causing mosaic symptoms. The distribution patterns of two SMV strains in soybean plants inoculated with G7H, G5 and G7H/G5 sets were investigated by RT-PCR/RFLP analysis. In the first treatment, two primary leaves in a single plant were infected with both strains by means of one strain per leaf. The leaves of Kwangankong and Tawonkong at V2, V4 and V6 stage were doubly infected with the two strains and the upper leaves than those had only G7H strain. Secondly, the two soybeans were inoculated with G7H, and 24 h after followed by the other strain inoculation. The leaves of V6 and V8 stages in all infected plants showed mosaic symptoms caused by G7H, and there was no detection of G5 strain. In contrast, the reverse treatment with G5 and G7H induced different results. Pre-inoculated G5 strain detected in every stage besides G7H strain. Host X SMV strain compatibility influenced seed coat mottling, yield, plant height, number of pod per plant. G7H had a seed mottling rate of 98.5% in Kwangankong, while G5 had an incidence of seed mottling of 1.4% in the same cultivar. G5 was more virulent to Kwangankong and had a lower affinity for infecting soybean seed mottling. Additional inoculation of G7H protected soybean yield and growth from G5-inducing loss in Kwangankong.