Saengcheonggukjang, known as Natto in Japan, is a soybean fermented food which is made from steamed soybean, Bacillus and water. Demand of Saengcheonggukjang has increased because it does not have much smell compared to Cheonggukjang. Seven varieties of Saengcheonggukjang were investigated and compared in terms of 100 seed weight, quality characteristics, hard seed rate, and water absorption rate in order to determine the suitability of Korean soybeans. In addition, each characteristic of Saengcheonggukjang was compared. ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Haewon’ showed low 100 seed weight with 8.41 g and 8.11 g, respectively. The water absorption rate was higher in ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Pungwon’ than in Japan varieties. The yield of Saengcheonggukjang was significantly different for each variety. No differences were observed in yield and hardness of Saengcheonggukjang with respect to the varieties and sowing date. ‘Haewon’ showed the highest amino nitrogen content with 575.0 mg%. Viscous material content did not appear to differ between varieties. These results suggested that ‘Hoseo’ and ‘Haewon’ can be considered as suitable candidates for yield and quality of Saengcheonggukjang compared to Japan varieties.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the appearance, physicochemical, physical, and fermentation properties of the fermented soybean produced by manufacturing with inoculation the different types of microbial strains. The strains were inoculated by the NSI (natural strains inoculation), and the SSI (selective strain inoculation) were treatments. The appearance showed differences in color, viscous substance, and hardness depending on strains inoculation and fermentation duration. The pH, and total acidity were 6.40~7.26%, and 0.10~0.39% respectively with differences depending on the samples. The moisture content as the fermentation duration increased, the NSI (56.03~57.66%) decreased and the SSI (56.71~58.63%) increased. The physical characteristics of the hardness increased as the fermentation duration increased for the NSI and the SSI decreased. The color values for the L, a, and b values were 47.64~58.56, 7.15~9.08, and 12.41~17.30, respectively. The α-amylase and protease activities of the SSI were the highest among all treatments. The total viable cell counts of the fermented soybean products by strains were 5.02 to 9.77 log CFU/g, and SSI (fermentation, 48 hours) was the highest. The amino-type nitrogen contents of all samples were 301.62~746.97 mg% and the SSI showed the highest content. The amino acid had the highest glutamic acid content.
In this study, the properties of the substances fermented soybean producted by manufacturing with several Aspergillus strains were investigated. The five soybean cultivar that includes miso, jinpung, pyeongwon, cheonga and chamol were used in this experiment. The pH and total acidity were 6.30~6.66%, and 0.27~0.48%, respectively with differences depending on the samples. The color values for L value, a, and b value were 60.28~69.80, 0.64~3.68, and 11.48~31.21, respectively. The amylase activities, protease activities, and amino-type nitrogen of the jinpung samples were the highest among all cultivars. The mold counts the fermented soybean products by cultivars were 6.18~9.14 log CFU/g, and miso was the highest. Free amino acid and organic acid contents were highest in the jinpung and showed different composition depending on each sample. A total of 18 volatile aroma-compounds, including two acids, four alcohols, four ketones, three phenols, one furan, three pyrazines, and one miscellaneous compounds. In conclusion, it is expected that manufacturing A. oligze inoculation fermented soybean products using jinpung cultivar will improve quality.
우리나라에서 쌀(Rice, Orzya sativa L.)은 주식일 뿐만 아니라 다양한 가공식품원료로서 그의 가치가 높은 식품자원이다. 본 연구는 쌀맥주 제조 시 당화가 잘되는 쌀의 전 처리 방법에 대해 탐색하고자 수행되었다. 쌀을 미세분쇄, 수침처리, 볶음처리, 호화처리, 팽화처리 후 맥아와 함께 당화를 한 결과, 팽화미를 함유한 맥즙이 가장 높은 당도 (°Bx)를 나타내었다. 또한 액화 및 당화효소를 첨가하지 않고, 맥즙을 제조 시 쌀 30% 첨가했을 때 당도가 가장 높은 결과를 나타내었다. 볶은쌀과 팽화미를 이용하여 10, 20, 30% 첨가한 맥주를 제조한 결과 팽화미를 30% 첨가 한 맥즙의 가용성고형분이 15.4 °Bx로 가장 높고 당화도 잘되었으며, 맥주의 알코올함량이 5.0-5.4%로 볶은쌀 첨가 맥주에 비해 높았으며, 탁도가 없었고 쓴맛도 적은 결과를 보였다. 팽화처리는 쌀의 당화를 개선 할 수 있는 좋은 가공방법이라고 생각되며, 팽화미를 첨가한 쌀맥주 제조방법은 편리하고, 좋은 품질의 맥주를 생산 할 수 있는 방법 중의 하나라고 기대된다.
This study evaluates the quality properties of soybean cultivar for fermented soybean products with several Aspergillus spp., which were selected based on their high antimicrobial activities. The six soybean varieties Daewonkong, Taekwangkong, Jinpung, Daechan, Daepung-2, and Seonpung were used in the experiment. Physicochemical analysis of soybeans showed that the cured fat and protein contents were 18.28-19.15 and 36.49-38.72%, respectively. The pH and total acidity (TA) were 6.31-6.60 and 0.36-0.48%, respectively. The amino nitrogen contents of all samples were in the range of 641.23 to 791.12 mg%, while Daechan showed the highest content (791.12 mg%). Mold counts of fermented soybean products were 7.63-9.20 log CFU/g. Hunter color values for L value, a value, and b value ranged from 59.52-71.28, 0.11-3.03, and 14.61-31.70, respectively. The amylase and protease activities of the Daepung-2 and Daechan were the highest among all the cultivars. The rank order of major free amino acids was glutamic acid > lysine > alanine > aspartic acid, with Daepung-2 and Daechan being the highest. As a result, Daepung-2 was suitable as a soybean cultivar, exhibiting high quality standards for the fermentation process of the fermented soybean products.
In this study, we analyzed the nutritional composition properties of soybeans and the organic acids, amino acids and volatile flavor compounds of fermented soybean products. We used five soybean cultivars including Pyeongwon, Jinpung, Saedanbaek, Saeolkong and Cheonga for this experiment. Physicochemical analysis of soybeans, showed that the cured protein and fat contents were 35.12∼45.12 and 14.26∼20.14%, respectively. The rank order of major organic acids was lactic acid > acetic acid > fumaric acid, with Saedanbaek being the highest. Total amino acid content of the samples was 358.12∼657.28 mg/100 g, and glutamic acid, alanine, cysteine, valine, leucine, histidine and arginine were the major amino acids. We identified a total of 34 volatile aroma-compounds, including 7 alcohols, 7 acids, 7 ketones, 5 phenols, 2 esters, 1 furan, 4 pyrazines, and 1 miscellaneous compounds. As a result of this, could be applied to determine the suitability of cultivars and the quality for the process of the fermented soybean products.
Sikhye is a traditional rice beverage, produced from steamed rice, barley or wheat malt and water. Nine varieties of barley and seven varieties of wheat cultivars were investigated and compared quality characteristics, diastatic power, and activities of α- and β-Amylase. For barley malt, the crude lipid and protein content of malt 1.74~2.42% and 10.71~14.36%, respectively. Also, the crude lipid and protein content for wheat malt 1.57~1.71% and 10.07~13.59%, respectively. The ‘Dahyang’ barley showed the highest diastatic power with 117.61 °L, while for wheat, ‘Baegjoong’ produced the highest diastatic power with 85.25 °L. The enzymatic activities, α- and β-Amylase for barley cultivar was 110.17~214.70 μnit/g and 869.73~1,638.43 μnit/g, respectively. Likewise, α- and β-Amylase for wheat cultivar was 73.19~132.23 μnit/g and 726.70~ 889.30 μnit/g, respectively. The highest sugar content of Sikhye from barley was 11.10 °Bx (‘Hyeda’), while from wheat, was 10.20 °Bx (‘Baegjoong’). Among the four free sugar components analyzed from Sikhye, maltose was the highest in all cultivars. The highest maltose content was produced in ‘Dahyang’ Sikhye at 6.91%. There was significant positivecorrelation among the diastatic power and enzymatic activities of malt and free sugar components in Sikhye.
This study evaluates the quality properties of soy-paste soybean cultivar for fermented soybean products. The six soybean varieties that include Jinpung, Saedanbaek, Daepung 2, Pyeongwon, Cheonga and Saeolkong were used in the experiment. The range of water uptake ratio, hardness after soaking and hardness after steaming were 117.00~131.33%, 1.65~3.30 kg and 0.05~0.14 kg, respectively. The physicochemical analysis indicated the following: Moisture content, 63.27~68.72%; pH, 6.43~6.60; total acidity, 0.27~0.45%. Color values for L value (lightness), a value (redness), and b value (yellowness) ranged from 39.07~67.92, 7.64~11.79, and 7.48~20.67, respectively. The amylase and protease activities of the Saedanbaek samples were the highest among all cultivars. The amount of viscous substance in the fermented soybean products by cultivars ranged from 5.93 to 8.37%, and Saedanbaek was the highest. The total viable cells counts for soybean fermented products were 9.11~9.42 log CFU/g. The amino-type nitrogen contents of all samples were in the range of 401.07 to 524.47 mg% and Saedanbaek cultivars showed the highest content (524.47 mg%). Based on the results, Saedanbaek will be suitable as a soy-paste soybean cultivar and the quality standards for the fermentation process of the fermented soybean products.
본 연구에서는 우리나라의 전통메주의 품질관리 및 표준화를 위한 기초자료로 제시하고자 전국적으로 수집한 전통메주 18종(TM1~TM18)의 이화학적 및 미생물 분포의 특성을 조사하였다. 메주의 외관은 시료에 따라 색, 곰팡이 생성 양상 등이 다르게 나타났으며, 형태는 사각형으로 무게는 약 0.84~2.04 kg 정도로 나타났다. 이화학적 특성으로 pH, 적정산도, 수분함량 및 조단백질 함량을 측정한 결과, pH는 5.31~ 8.21, 적정산도는 0.91~2.74% 수준으로 시료 간의 차이를 보였다. 수분함량은 4.79~42.16%로 시료에 따라 약 8.8배, 조단백질 함량은 41.37~23.48% 수준으로 1.7배의 차이를 나타내었다. 색도를 측정한 결과, L값의 경우 39.07~67.92, b값 및 a값은 각각 3.57~8.87, 7.48~20.67 수준으로 조사되었다. 메주의 발효정도를 알 수 있는 아미노태 질소 함량은 시료에 따라 257.29~839.58 mg%로 유의적으로 큰 차이를 보였고(p<0.05), TM13이 839.58 mg%로 가장 높았으며, TM3가 257.29 mg%로 가장 낮은 함량을 나타내었다. 미생물의 분포 특성으로 총균수, 효모 및 곰팡이수를 측정한 결과, 총균수는 8.43~ 5.91 log cfu/g 수준이었고, 효모는 2.48~5.19 log cfu/g, 곰팡이수는 3.42~7.48 log cfu/g 수준으로 시료에 따라 미생물의 분포가 다양하게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과로 부터 메주를 생산하는 지역 및 산업체의 메주 제조방법, 메주의 발효기간 및 온도 등의 발효조건, 사용되는 원료 콩의 품종 등에 대한 품질기준 및 관리가 마련되어야 할 것이다.
본 연구는 벼 품종에 따른 미음 가공특성을 구명하기 위하여 국립식량과학원에서 육성한 9개 벼 품종의 호화점도 특성과 미음의 색도, pH, 점도 및 퍼짐성을 측정하고, 초미세구조를 관찰하였다. 신속점도계를 이용한 호화 점도(페이스팅) 분석에서, 치반점도는 한아름4호, 화선찰이 각각 -45.84 및 -27.50 RVU, 최종점도는 화선찰, 한아름4호가 각각 109.00, 213.42 RVU로 미음죽의 노화가 다른 품종들에 비해 느릴 것으로 판단된다. 쌀 낟알과 미음의 미세구조를 주사현미경(SEM)으로 관찰하였는데, 쌀알은 다각형의 전분립으로 구성된 구 형태의 전분체와 이러한 전분체로 구성된 전분세포로 구성되어 있었다. 도담쌀은 구 모양의 전분체가 관찰되었고 다른 품종들에 비해 빈 공간이 더 많았으며, 한아름4호는 일반 멥쌀의 형태와 같은 다각형의 전분립을 확인하였고, 화선찰벼는 전분체를 구성하는 전분립들의 부서짐이 많은 것을 관찰하였다. 그리고 이 품종들로 만든 미음죽 호화양상은 품종별로 달랐는데 이는 주로 아밀로오스 함량 차이에 기인하는 것으로 판단되나, 같은 고아밀로오스 품종이라 하더라도 도담쌀에 비해 고아미4호는 잘 풀어지고 호화가 잘 되는 것으로 나타나는 바(data not shown), 이에 대한 추가적인 연구가 필요하다 하겠다. 품종별 미음 제조 후, 관능검사에서 통일형(초다수성) 벼품종과 자포니카 벼 품종들의 차이가 뚜렷하게 나타나지 않아 초다수성 벼 품종으로 자포니카 벼 품종을 대체할 수 있을 것으로 판단하였다(data not shown). 또한 아밀로오스 함량 차이에 따른 벼 품종들 간의 점도 차이가 확연하게 나타났는데 아밀로오스가 없는 찰벼 품종은 미음죽의 점도를 낮추고, 고아밀로오스 품종들은 미음죽의 점도를 높였다. 통일형(초다수성 벼)을 포함한 일반메벼 품종들의 점도는 찹쌀과 고아밀로오스 품종들로 만든 미음의 중간정도를 보였으며 품종간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 요컨대, 통일형 품종은 일반쌀 품종에 비해 밥용으로 식미가 나쁜 것으로 알려져 있으나, 미음에 대한 가공적성 평가 결과, 통일형쌀 품종과 일반쌀 품종 간에 품질 차이가 없었다. 쌀미음의 점도와 퍼짐성은 쌀미음의 품질을 결정하는 중요한 요소이며 9개 품종(통일형 4개 품종, 일반형 5개)의 쌀미음 가공적성을 평가한 결과, 고아밀로오스(31.8%-42.8%) 쌀 품종들은 점도가 높아(낮은 퍼짐성) 걸쭉하였고, 저아밀로오스(5.0%)인 찹쌀 품종은 낮은 점도(높은 퍼짐성)로 유동적이었다. 중간정도의 특성을 가진 멥쌀(18.2%-19.9%) 품종들이 쌀미음에 적합한 것으로 나타났다. 멥쌀 품종들 중에서 생태형(통일형/일반형)에 따른 쌀미음의 점도와 퍼짐성에서 차이가 없었다.