The purpose of this study is to elucidate the impact of authenticity on experience value and subjective well-being among visitors who have participated in direct experiential activities in experiential fishing villages. The research method used literature research methods and empirical research methods using questionnaires, and this questionnaire was composed by determining three major variables and seven constituent factors for each variable through factor analysis and conducting prior research and preliminary surveys. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023 among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The survey was conducted from February 5, 2023 to April 5, 2023, among experimental fishing villages with excellent ratings for scenery (environment), service, experience, accommodation, and food, and four villages that can experience tidal flats and manage customers online. The results of this study are as follows. First, the factors of authenticity in experiential fishing villages include three sub-factors: objective authenticity, constructive authenticity, and existential authenticity. The factors of experience value include two sub-factors: emotional values and functional values. Subjective well-being is derived from positive emotion and life satisfaction. Second, upon examining the importance of authenticity in experiential fishing villages, it was found that existential authenticity and objective authenticity, in that order, have a significant impact on emotional values. However, constructive authenticity did not have a significant impact on emotional values. Third, in terms of functional values, constructive authenticity, existential authenticity, and objective authenticity, in that order, had a significant impact. Fourth, experience value, in the order of emotional values and functional values, had a significant impact on positive emotion and life satisfaction of subjective well-being. Therefore, it was confirmed that the authenticity of experiential fishing villages is important as a strategy to enhance experience value and subjective well-being. Especially, considering that the majority of visitors to experiential fishing villages are family-centered (86.5%), applying marketing management strategies to develop programs that enhance existential authenticity and improve emotional values could elevate the subjective well-being of experiential visitors.
Telangiectatic osteosarcoma(TAEOS) is a rare subtype of osteosarcoma(OS) composed of blood-filled or empty cystic architecture simulating aneurysmal bone cyst. TAEOSs account for 2-12% of all OSs. TAEOSs mostly develop around knee and proximal humerus, but TAEOSs of the jaws are rare. To the best of my knowledge, this is the fourth case of primary TAEOS affecting the jaws. A 36-year-old female who had been previously diagnosed osteosarcoma by biopsy reported with a chief complaint of throbbing and swelling of the right mandible. The patient received neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by hemi-mandibulectomy. After surgery, patient received adjuvant chemotherapy. The patient is free of disease for 6 months after surgery. TAEOSs are mimicking other benign entities, such as aneurysmal bone cyst and central giant cell granuloma. Thus, careful diagnosis through thorough radiographic and histopathologic evaluation is important to establish a treatment plan, prognosis, prediction and management strategy.
It is well documented that giant cells can be observed in some types of odontogenic tumors such as central odontogenic tumor and dentinogenic ghost cell tumor. However, the presence of stromal giant cells has only rarely been reported in ameloblastoma, although being the most common epithelial odontogenic tumor. In this study, we present a novel case of peripheral ameloblastoma associated with peripheral giant cell granuloma arising in the mandibular alveolar mucosa of a 65-year-old male patient. The possible pathogenesis of this combined lesion will be discussed, in addition to the review of previous reports of ameloblastoma accompanied by stromal giant cells.
Sarcomatous transformation of fibrous dysplasia (FD) is rare and can occur in patients with McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS). To date, there have been several cases of malignant transformation of FD in the craniofacial area of patients with MAS. Here, we report an additional case of secondary osteosarcoma arising from FD in the mandible of a 41-year-old woman with MAS. The patient complained of rapid swelling in the right facial area, which was initially misdiagnosed as soft tissue sarcoma at another hospital. After neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy resulting in poor response, the lesion was surgically resected in our hospital, and the final diagnosis of secondary osteosarcoma was rendered. Currently, post-operative adjuvant chemotherapy is in progress. As a result of our review of 17 reported cases showing malignant transformation in FD/MAS, the M/F ratio was 1:1.1, and the median age at onset of malignancy was 28.6 years. The most commonly affected site was the craniofacial bones (n=13; 76%), and the most common histopathologic type of malignancy was osteosarcoma (n=14; 82%). More than half of the patients (8/15; 53.3%) died within 1 year, mainly due to lung metastasis (6/8; 75%). Taken together, since MAS patients with malignant transformation of FD have a relatively poor prognosis, accurate diagnosis based on histopathologic findings as well as clinical and radiographic information is important to select optimal treatment.
Agarum clathratum (A. clathratum) is a marine brown algal species that belongs to the Costariaceae family and has antioxidant and anti-microbial properties. However, the anti-inflammatory effects of A. clathratum and the molecular mechanisms involved have not been determined so far. This study aimed to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of A. clathratum extracts in THP-1 macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) derived from Porphyromonas gingivalis. The THP-1 cells were differentiated with 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate and treated with A. clathratum before LPS stimulation. Cell viability was assessed using the trypan blue exclusion assay. The expression of pro-inflammatory response-associated molecules was evaluated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. A. clathratum treatment inhibited the expression of interleukin-1β in LPS-stimulated THP-1 macrophages without causing any cytotoxicity. The anti-inflammatory effect of A. clathratum resulted in a significant repression of the JNK/c-Jun signaling axis, a key regulator in inflammation responses. This study highlights the possible role of A. clathratum in the inhibition of pro-inflammatory cytokines via suppression of the JNK/c-Jun signaling axis and suggests that A. clathratum could serve as a marine-derived anti-inflammatory agent in periodontitis.
본 연구는 Spragye-Dawely 계통의 암컷 랫드에서 종합 비타민의 반복경구투여 독성평가와 대식세포 Raw 264.7 세포의 NO 및 TNF-α assay를 통한 면역 활성을 평가하기 위해서 실시하였다. 종합비타민을 대식세포의 활성능을 측정하기 위해 Raw 264.7 세포에서 NO와 TNF-α의 생성을 측정하였다. 종합비타민을 대식세포에 24시간 처리한 결과 대조군과 비교 시 NO와 TNF-α가 유의적으로 상승하였다. 이 결과 종합비타민이 대식세포인 Raw 264.7 세포를 활성화시키는 것으로 사료된다. 또한 랫드에서 종합비타민의 독성평가를 위하여 랫드에 종합비타민을 0.24 g/ kg, 1 g/kg 그리고 2 g/kg을 4주 동안 경구투여를 하였다. 종합비타민의 안전성을 확인하기 위해 다음과 같은 관찰 및 검사를 하였다. 검사항목으로는 체중과 사료 섭취량, 임상증상, 혈청생화학적 검사를 관찰한 결과 대조군과 투여군을 비교 시 유의적인 변화가 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 종합비타민은 생리대사에 무해하며 면역증강의 효과를 나타내는 것으로 사료된다.
비록 천연유래물질 중의 하나인 통초가 항산화작용, 항염증작용 및 해열작용과 같은 효능이 있다고 알려져있지 만, 종양에서의 암예방효능에 대한 연구는 보고된 바가 없 다. 본 연구에서는 사람 자궁경부암세포주인 HEP-2세포에서 통초메탄올추출물의 증식억제 효능 및 관련 분자표적을 확인하고자 하였다. 통초메탄올추출물은 세포증식을 유의성있게 억제하고, 세포사멸을 유도하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한, Bid의 발현에 영향을 주어 truncation을 유도하고, 이로 인해 cytochrome c가 마이토콘드리아에서 세포질로 이 동하도록 유도하였지만, Bid 이외의 다른 Bcl-2 family 에는 영향을 주지 못했다. 따라서, 이러한 결과를 종합해 볼 때, 통초메탄올추출물은 자궁경부암에서 암예방효능을 가진 잠재성있는 천연추출물이 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
This study was designed to investigate the effect of fucoidan on the activation of macrophage and on induction of apoptosis in AGS cell. To measure the activity of macrophages, NO and TNF-α assays were performed in Raw 264.7 cell. Treatment with fucoidan significantly increased production of NO and TNF-α, indicating activation of macrophages. The result of MTT assay shows that cell viability was significantly decreased in a dose and time-dependent manner. Fucoidan increased to enhance mitochondrial membrane permeability, as well as the cytochrome c release from the mitochondria. Fucoidan decreased Bcl-2 and XIAP expression, whereas the expression of Bax was increased in a time-dependent manner compared to the control. In addition, the active forms of caspase-9 were increased, and the inactivation of Akt was decreased in a time-dependent manner. Caspase inhibitor, z-VADFMK, canceled the apoptosis of fucoidan, expression of Bax and caspase-9 were decrease. These results indicate that fucoidan induces activation of macrophage and apoptosis through activation of caspase on AGS cell.
This study was designed to evaluate a repeated oral dose toxicity and immunomodulating activity of Pulsatilla koreana and Artemisiae annuae in Sprague-Dawley rats. The female rats were treated with Pulsatilla koreana and Artemisiae annuae of control group, low group (0.5 ml/kg), medium group (1 ml/kg), high group (2 ml/ kg) for distilled water, intragastrically for 4 weeks, respectively. To ensure the safety of Pulsatilla koreana and Artemisiae annuae such as the following were observed and tested. We examined the body weight, the feed intake, the clinical signs, the ophthalmological test, the hematological and the serum biochemical analysis. We also observed the histopathological changes of liver and kidney in rats. Hematological results were the increase of neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes in the high dose group of Pulsatilla koreana. The increase immune cells in the high dose group of Pulsatilla koreana might immunomodulating activity. No significant differences in body weight, feed intake, serum biochemical analysis and histopathological between control and fed group were found. In conclusion, Pulsatilla koreana and Artemisiae annuae is physiologically safe and improve immunomodulating activity.
Cruciferous vegetables including diindolylmethane (DIM) have been shown to have anticancer activity. Especially, DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF used in this study was reported to have more effective and less toxic effects than DIM. However, there is no report presenting their anti-tumorigenic activity in oral cancer. In the present study, we examined the effects of DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF on the cell proliferation and apoptosis in KB human oral cancer cells. DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF decreased cell proliferation and induced apoptosis evidenced by western blot analysis, DAPI staining and sub-G1 population. This provides the first evidence that DIM-pPhBr and DIM-pPhF originating from cruciferous vegetables induce apoptotic cell death in human oral cancer cells to inhibit cancer cell proliferation.
Betulinic acid (BA), a naturally occurring triterpene found in the bark of the white birch tree, has been investigated to induce apoptosis in various cancer cells and animal models. However, there is no report of the chemopreventive effect of BA in cervical cancer cells. Using KB human cervical cancer cells as a model, we currently show that BA decreases cell viability and induces apoptotic cell death. The mechanism of the BA-induced anti-growth response in KB cells is due to the down-regulation of specificity protein 1 (Sp1) and its downstream targets, myeloid cell leukemia-1(Mcl-1) and survivin. Thus, BA acts as a novel chemopreventive agent through the regulation of Sp1that is highly expressed in tumors.
To investigate the toxicological effects of β-glucan, we performed basic studying on β-glucan in Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. Standard endpoints in this study included mortality, clinical observations, changes of body weights, analysis on food consumption, ophthalmoscopic examination, hematologic examination, serum biochemistry,analysis of organ weights, gross anatomic pathology and histopathology. No clinical signs and mortality were observed in animals treated with beta-glucan throughout the experimental period. The average body weight of each treatment groups showed similar levels at end of experiment. There were no treatment-related changes in mortality,body weights changes, food consumption, ophthalmoscopic examination. Although there were statistically significant differences between the control and treated groups in some relative and absolute organ weights, and hematological and biochemical analysis, the data were in biologically normal ranges and did not show a dose-dependent manner. In the morphological change, hepatic tissue were not showed ballooning degeneration and irregular arrangement of hepatic cell in β-glucan treatment groups with control group. Also, organs weights (liver, heart, kidney and stomach) and hematological indices (WBC, RBC, Hb, Hct and Platelet) did not show statistically significant differences among the experimental groups. In summary of these results, there were no changes in mortality, mean body weight, clinical signs, food consumption. There were no changes in ophthalmological examination, hematology, blood chemistry,necropsy and histopathology. In conclusion, although further investigation of glucan should be performed in the functions registered in many ancient literatures, β-glucan is physiologically safe and may have potential as candidate food for human health.
The human ELAV(embryonic lethal abnormal vision)-like protein HuR stabilizes a certain group of cellul ar mHNAs that contain AU- rich elements in their 3’ - untranslated region , To test the significance of HuR in carcinogenesis of head and neck squamous cell carcinomas(HNSCCs), we have investigated HuH expression from 32 benign epithelial lesions , 14 prema lignant epitheli al lesions and 80 HNSCCs, There were two different staining patterns of HuR in HNSCCs : nuclear expression was seen in 78 7% (63 of 80) 01' cases; and an additional cyto plasmic expression was seen in 28, 7%(23 of 80) 01 cases, Nuclear expression of HuR was s ignificantly increased in premalignant lesions and HNSCCs, whereas increased cytoplasπli c expression of HuR was only observed in HNSCCs Cytoplasmic HuR expression was significantly increased in pa tients of HNSCC younger than 60 yea rs , Al though there was no significant correlation between a natomic s ites of HNSCCs and HuR express ion , cyto plasmic HuR expression was highly increased in HNSCCs of larynx, There was no significant co rrela tion between HuR expression and other clinicopathological parameters such as histological type‘ tumor s ize‘ 0 1' n odal s tatus , ln conclusion, this study s uggests that overexpression of HuR in HNSCCs may be part of a regula tory pathway tha t co ntro ls the mHNA stability 0 1' several important targets in carcinogenesis of HNSCCs
Nerve gro때h factor-induced B (NGFI-B, Nur77) is an orphan nuclear receptor with no known endogenous Iigands , however‘ recent stuclies on a series of methylene -substituted diindolylmethanes (C-DIMs) have identified 1,l-bis(3’ - In dolyl) -l-(phenyl)methane (DIM-C-Ph) and l , l -bis(3’ indolyl)-l-(p-anisyl)methane (DIM-C-pPhOCHa) as Nur77 agonist Nur77 is expressed in several colon cancer cell lines (RKO, SW480, HCT-116, HT-29 and HCT-15) and we a lso observed by irnmunostaining that Nur77 was overexpressed in colon tumors compared to normal colon tIssue DIM-C-Ph and DlM-C-pPhOCH3 decreased survival and induced apoptosis in RKO colon cancer cells and this was accompanied by in ductdion of tumor nec rosis factor-related apoptosis-incluced ligand (TRAlL) protein, The induct ion of a poptosis and TRAlL by DIM-C-pPhOCH3 was significantly inhibited by a small inhibitory RNA for Nur77 (iNur77); however, it was evide nt from RNA in terference studies that DIM-C-pPhOCH3 a1so induced Nur77-independent apoptosis. Analysis o( DIM-C-pPhOCH3-induced gene expression using microarrays idontifiod sovoral proapoptotic genos and analysis by ro verse t ranscriptase PCR in the presence 0 1' absence of iNru77 showed that incluction of prograrnmed cell death gene 1 (PDcm) was Nur77-dependent‘ whereas induction of cystathionase (CSE) and activating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) was Nur77-independent, DIM-C-pPhOCHa (25 mg/kg/day) also inhi bited tumor growth in athymic nude mice bearing RKO cell xenograft, These results demonstrate that Nur77-active C-DIM compounds represent a new class of anti-colon cancer drugs that act through receptor- dependent and - independent pathway
1,1- Bis(3’-indolyl)-l-(p-methoxyphenyl)methane (DIM- C- pPhOCH.3) is a methylenc - substituted diindolylmethanes (C-DIM) ana log that acti vates the orphan receptOl‘ nerve growth factor-induced-B (NGFI-B, Nur77) , RNA inteference studies with small inhibitory RNA for Nur77 demonstrate that DIM-C-pPhOCH:J induces Nur77-dependent and - independent apoptosis, and this study has focused on delineating the Nur77-independent proapoptotic pathways induced by the C-DIM analog DIM-C-pPhOCH3 induced caspase-dependent apoptosis in RKO colon cancer cells through decreased mitochondrial membrane potential which is accompanied by increased mitochondrial bax/bcl-2 ratios and release of cytochrome c into the cytosol DlM-C一pPhOCH.3 also induced phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase-dependent activation of early growth response gene-l whi ch, in turn, induced expression of the proapoptotic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug- activated gene-l (NAG- l) in colon tumors in athyrnic nude mice bearing RKO cells as xenografts, DIM-C-pPhOCH.3 also activated the extrinsic apoptosis pathway through increased phosphorylation of c- jun N-terminal kinase which, in turn, activated C/EBP homologous transcription factor (CHOP) and death receptor 5 (DR5) , Thus, the effectiveness of DIM-C-pPhOCH.3 as a tumor growth inhibitor is through activation of Nur77-dependent and -independent pathways