V-type coupling, which is often applied to wastegate-turbochargers(WGT), is a mechanical fastener. Its radial forces generated from the bolt pretension load colse contact with each other to the axial direction for turbine housing and center housing rotating assembly(CHRA). In addition, the torsional stiffness between two bodies should be sufficiently secured to minimize the linkage angle change from the EWGA to the valve spindle. Therefore, in this study, the torsional stiffnesses according to the effects of positioning pins and friction coefficient, and the bolt pretension loads were calculated for V-coupling turbocharger. As a result, it can be seen that the torsional stiffness of the coupling according to the number of position pins is very small. And, when the friction coefficient and the axial force of the bolt are large, the torsional stiffness is greatly increased, and gradually decreasing when the bolt load of the coupling is about 6,000 N or more.
This study explores the histological features and Bmp4 expression patterns in the replaced tooth germ of Xenopus laevis . Tooth germ formation starts from the dental placode through epithelial-mesenchymal interactions, involving various signaling pathways such as Fgf, Shh, Bmp, and Wnt. In mice, Bmp4 expression in the dental placode inhibits Pax9 expression in the dental mesenchyme. Although absent in the presumptive dental lamina of birds and toothless mammals, Bmp4 remains conserved in reptiles and fish owing to gene duplication. However, its expression in amphibian tooth germs is poorly understood. Three-month-old X. laevis were employed in this study. Initially, samples underwent paraffin embedding and were sectioned into 5 or 12 μm ribbons for H&E staining and in situ hybridization, respectively. Results revealed teeth appearing in two maxillary rows: the labial side, with prefunctional and functional teeth, and the lingual side, with replaced tooth germs behind functional teeth. Enameloid was observed between the inner dental epithelium and dental mesenchyme at the cap or early bell stages, whereas enamel and dentin formed during the late bell or mineralization stages from the replaced tooth germ. Bmp4 expression was evident in the inner dental epithelium (ameloblasts), dental papilla (odontoblasts), stellate reticulum, and Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath. Overall, these findings highlight the conservation of Bmp4 expression in X. laevis tooth development.
This paper is about the selection of the optimum position of the driving system and the analysis of the load at that position in order to safely drive an object with heavy load on the turret with a linear actuator. Usually, linear actuator is required the greatest force when first lifting or pushing a structure, and it is determined by the initial angle and positions. After all, the optimal position of the linear actuator in a limited turret space is closely related the required load and driving performance of the linear actuator. Therefore, this paper contains the contents of securing the driving stability and performance at optimum position on the turret by considering the two cases of linear actuator position arrangement.
Osteocalcin (OC) is the most abundant noncollagenous protein of extracellular matrix in the bone. In an OC deficient mouse, bone formation rates are increased in cancellous and cortical bones. OC is known as a negative regulator of mineral apposition. OC is also expressed in the tooth of the rat, bovine, and human. However, little is known about OC during tooth development in Xenopus. The purpose of this study is to compare the expression of OC with mineralization in the developing tooth of Xenopus, by using von Kossa staining and in situ hybridization. At stage 56, the developmental stage of tooth germ corresponds to the cap stage, and an acellular zone was apparent between the dental papilla and the enamel organ. From stage 57, calcium deposition was revealed by von Kossa staining prior to OC expression, and the differentiated odontoblasts forming predentin were located at adjoining predentin. At stage 58, OC transcripts were detected in the differentiated odontoblasts. At stage 66, OC mRNA was expressed in the odontoblasts, which was aligned in a single layer at the periphery of the pulp. These findings suggest that OC may play a role in mineralization and odontogenesis of tooth development in Xenopus.
A new soybean variety, ‘Joongmo 3009’ (Milyang 222) was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS) in 2012. ‘Joongmo 3009’ was released by pedigree selection from the cross between ‘Cheongja 2(Milyang 121)’ and ‘Daemangkong’. It has determinate growth habit, white flower, brown pubescence, brown pod color, green seed coat, green cotyledon, spherical seed shape, oval leaf shape and large seed size (29.3 grams per 100 seeds). It was late 16 days in maturing date than the check cultivar ‘Cheongjakong’. The average yield of ‘Joongmo 3009’ was 2.91 ton per hectare, which was higher 36 percentage than the check variety, in the regional yield trials carried out in three adaptable locations of Korea from 2010 to 2012. The number of breeder’s right is ‘5474’
‘조양1호’는 1999년 내병 다수성인 ‘풍산나물콩’을 모본으로, ‘수원187호’를 부본으로 하여 교배하여 계통육종법으로 육성한 품종이다. 유한신육형이며 꽃은 자색이고 잎은 피침형이며 모용은 회색이다. 종자의 종피와 배꼽은 황색이며 성숙한 꼬투리는 잘 터지지 않는다. 개화와 성숙이 빠르며 평균 성숙기는 9월 27일로 ‘풍산나물콩’보다 10일 빠르다. 경장은 51 cm로 다소 작으며 도복에 강하고, 불마름병과 뿌리썩음병, 성숙기 탈립에 강하다. 바이러스 접종시 괴저가 발생하나 포장에서는 강하며 종자병해는 ‘풍산나물콩’과 비슷하다. 종실 100립중은 11.6 g이며 발아율이 높고 경실종자가 거의 발생하지 않아 ‘풍산나물콩’에 비해 콩나물 수율이 11% 높다. 종실 수량성은 전국 4개소에서 3년간 시험한 결과, 3.03MT/ha로 ‘풍산나물콩’보다 3% 증수하였다.
제주도와 남부지방에서는 콩잎을 채소용으로 이용하여 고기와 생선을 쌈사서 먹는데 이용해 왔으며, 주로 지역의 재래종이나 일본에서 도입된 ‘단파흑두’를 재배해왔다. 그러나, 이들은 잎 크기가 균일하지 않아 상품성에 문제가 있었다. 그러므로, 쌈용 콩잎의 채소용 품종개발이 필요하다. 콩잎의 채소용 ‘청엽1호’ 품종이 2009년 식량원에서 개발되었다. ‘청엽1호’는 내도복 다수성 품종인 ‘일품검정콩’과 대립이며 잎이 큰 ‘대황콩’을 교배한 품종이다. ‘청엽1호’는 꽃색이 백색, 검정색 종피, 황색 자엽, 구형의 종자모양, 100립중이 35.8g인 대립종이다. 또한, 콩잎의 채소용 적성으로 개화기가 늦어 채엽기간이 길고 잎이 크고 둥근 난형, 잎색이 연한 녹색, 내도복성, 마디의 수가 많으며, 줄기의 두께가 두꺼워 채엽시 잘 부러지지 않는 특성을 가진다. ‘청엽1호’의 비가림재배시 잎 수량은 헥터당 18.44톤으로 대비품종인 ‘단파흑두’보다 6% 높았다. 콩잎의 기능성 성분으로 이소플라본 함량이 잎 g당 809 ㎍으로 대비품종보다 63% 높았다. 이상과 같이 ‘청엽1호’는 콩잎을 채소용으로 이용하기에 매우 적합한 품종이다.
overgrowth of soybean plants and thereby brings about lodging, decrease in pod number, damage by disease and insect pest, etc. This experiment was carried out to investigate optimum decapitation method in vinyl mulching soybean cultivation. Sinbuseoktae, local soybean variety was sown on May 25 and June 15 in 2009. Decapitation treatments(Non-decapitation, V8 stage-stem, V8 stage-apex, Flowering initiation stage, V8 stage-Stem+Flowering initiation Stage) were practiced on major growth stage on May25 seeding. Lodging did not occur in apex decapitation at V8 stage while other treatments had severe lodging. NAR from R5 to R7 stage was also highest in apex decapitation at V8 stage, which meaned optimum plant organ structure in utilizing light. On the other hand, flowering date and maturity date among treatments were similar. Seed yield in apex decapitation at V8 stage was highest with 274kg/10a, followed by flowering initiation stage with 249kg/10a. The apex decapitation at V8 stage had 26% yield increase as compared with the control of 216kg/10a due to heavy 100-seed weight.