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        검색결과 1,580

        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 한·러 전략적 동반자관계 수립의 해인 2008년부터 한·러 수교 30주년의 해였던 2020년에 발행된 국내 중앙지 11개의 러시아 관련 보도기사를 빅데이터 내용 분석법을 활용하여 한국인이 인식하고 있는 러시아의 이미지 및 인식의 근원을 탐구하는 데 그 목적을 둔다. 국내 언론 매체에서 제시하는 러시아의 이미지는 대체적으로 부정적이었다. 보수신문은 러시아를 냉전시대의 강국으로, 진보신문은 부정적으로 보도 하나, 필요한 협력 파트너로 보고 있다. 언론매체의 보도와 한국 정부의 신북방 정책의 내용과 일치하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이를 극복하기 위해서 언론매체는 심도 있는 분석에 근거한 기사를 발간할 필요가 있 고, 정부는 국민의 러시아 관련 인식 척도를 지속적으로 관찰하고, 러시아와의 적극적인 교류를 통해 이러한 인지 불일치를 극복할 필요가 있다.
        2021.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북한산국립공원의 산림생태계 22개 지점과 습지생태계 2개 지점을 대상으로 무인센서카메라 사진 자료를 분석한 결과 서식이 확인된 포유류는 멧돼지, 고라니, 너구리, 개, 고양이, 오소리, 족제비, 청설모, 다람쥐로 총 3목 6과 9종 확인되었다. 종별 상대풍부도지수(RAI)는 멧돼지(33.8), 고라니(13.9), 청설모(8.3), 생태계 유입종인 고양이(4.7)의 상대풍부도지수(RAI)도 높게 나타났다. 습지생태계에서는 고양이, 오소리, 청설모, 다람쥐의 서식이 확인되지 않았고 멧돼지, 고라니, 너구리의 상대풍부도지수는 산림생태계 보다 높게 나타났다. 선행연구와의 포유류상 비교 결과 총 9종이 동일하게 출현하였으며 멸종위기야생생물 2급인 삵과 고유종인 멧토끼는 본 조사에서 서식이 확인되지 않았다.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        절차 공정성은 지난 수십 년간 경영학(인사․조직), 심리학, 법학 등의 분야에서 가장 많은 관심을 받아온 주제 가운데 하나이지만, 국제경영 분야에서 절차 공정성을 다룬 국내외의 연구는 소수에 불과한 실정이다. 본 연구는 다국적기업의 해외 자회사에서 근무하는 현지 직원의 절차 공정성 지각에 관한 연구로서 해외 자회사에 대 한 본사의 세 가지 통제 방식(집권화, 공식화, 사회화)이 해외 자회사 현지 직원의 절차 공정성 지각에 영향을 미치며, 해외 자회사 현지 직원의 절차 공정성 지각은 이들의 상대적 박탈감에 영향을 미칠 것이라고 주장하였다. 구체적으로 해외 자회사에 대한 본사의 집권화는 절차 공정성 지각과 부(-)의 관계를 가지고, 본사의 공식화와 사회화는 절차 공정성 지각과 정(+)의 관계를 가질 것이라고 주장하였다. 또한, 해외 자회사 현지 직원의 절차 공정성 지각은 이들의 상대적 박탈감과 부(-)의 관계를 가지며, 절차 공정성 지각이 세 가지 통제 방식과 상대적 박탈감 간의 관계를 매개할 것이라고 주장하였다. 이 가설들을 검정하기 위해 18국 출신, 85개 다국적기업 해외 자회사에서 근무하고 있는 704명의 현지 직원들로부터 수집한 자료를 활용하여 위계적 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 실증분석 결과, 모든 가설이 지지가 되었으며, 이를 토대로 본 연구의 학문적 시사점과 실무적 시사점, 그리고 연구의 한계점과 향후 연구 방향을 제시하였다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 월악산국립공원의 서식지에 따른 어류상 현황 및 어류군집의 특성을 분석하기 위하여 수행되었다. 월악산 국립공원의 주요 하천에서 공간균등계층추출법으로 총 20개의 지점을 선정하였으며, 계절별로 3회 조사를 실시하였다. 서식지의 물리적 환경은 대부분 산간계류형(Aa) 하천이었으며, 하상구조는 큰돌과 자갈이 산재되어 있는 형태였다. 서식지의 평균고도는 304.4m, 평균 수심은 40.3㎝로 대부분 1m를 넘지 않았으며, 하천 차수는 3~5차하천까지 분포하였다. 서식지별 물리적 환경요인에 대하여 주성분 분석을 실시한 결과 고도에 따라 하상물질 특성이 달라지는 것으로 나타났다. 조사 결과 출현한 어종은 총 7과 16종 2,183개체가 확인되었으며, 우점종은 참갈겨니(86.2%), 아우점종은 버들치(3.8%)였다. 법정보호종으로는 멸종위기 야생생물 Ⅱ급 가는돌고기가 본 조사에서 처음 출현하였다. 어류군집의 순위풍부도 곡선의 모형을 분석한 결과 20개 지점중 9개 지점에서 Zipf 모형이 도출되었으며, 대수정규 모형 3개 지점, 선점 모형 4개 지점, 그밖에 4개 지점은 1종만이 출현하여 분석이 불가능하였다. 환경요인에 따른 어류군집의 특성을 파악하기 위해 20개 지점과 출현종을 대상으로 정준상관분석을 실시한 결과 고도에 따른 서식환경의 차이로 인하여 어류군집이 나뉘는 것으로 파악되었다.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The intake of processed foods containing high levels of sugar increases the incidence of chronic diseases, including obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Limiting sugar intake is important for a healthy life at all ages. Therefore, this study analyzed food sources and sugar intake by the different age groups based on the 7th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). We used 24-hour recall survey data to investigate the daily sugar intake and the major food groups and main dishes contributing to sugar intake. The mean sugar intake was 58.9-66.8 g/day. The three major food groups contributing to sugar intake were fruits (15.2-19.9 g/day), beverages (10.7-12.4 g/day), and milk and milk products (7.6-7.8 g/day). Teas and other non-alcoholic beverages (14.7-17.3 g/day), fruits (12.5-16.2 g/day), and dairy products (7.0-7.6 g/day) were the major food groups that contributed to the sugar intake. Carbonated drinks, apples, and milk were the top sources of sugar intake in each group. In conclusion, the sugar intake of Koreans is mainly from carbonated drinks, fruits, and milk. These results provided the basic data for nutrition education and nutrition program development according to the different age groups of the Korean population.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although fine dust pollution in Korea is increasing, there is no information regarding nutritional standards for fine dustrelated disease patients. This study analyzed the food and nutrient intake status in adult men with disease associated with fine dust in the area with the increased level of fine dust pollution using the sixth and seventh Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2013-2017). The daily intakes, and average nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) and mean adequacy ratio (MAR) values of energy were significantly increased in the control group compared with patient groups. Compared with the control group, protein, fat and cholesterol intakes were significantly increased in the patient groups. Daily intakes of cereals and grain products in the control group were increased, whereas seasoning intake was decreased in the control group compared with patient groups. The patient groups had low daily water and vitamin B1 intakes, and the niacin intake of patient groups was significantly lower than that of the control group. Nutrition density and nutritional quality of vitamin C were significantly reduced in patient groups. This study can be used as basic data for nutrition education that emphasizes sufficient calorie, water and antioxidant vitamin intakes for patients related to fine dust pollution.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to examine the status of food consumption and nutrition intake of young adults according to food security using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) (2008~2018). A total of 10,655 young adults aged 19~34 years participated in the study. The subjects in the moderately/severely food insecure group consumed less fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts and seeds than those in food secure/mildly food insecure group after adjusting for confounding factors. The moderately/severely food insecure group significantly decreased mean adequacy ratio (MAR) and nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) for protein, vitamin A, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and iron compared to the food secure/ mildly food insecure group. The percentages of the participants consuming a daily diet with carbohydrate, protein, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C, phosphorus and iron less than the estimated average requirement (EAR) increased in the moderately/severely food insecure group compared with the food secure group. This study suggested that the nutrition intake of young adults was related to food security status. These findings can be used as basic data for developing nutritional policies for young adults.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate the intake status of beverages and water in Korean adults using data from the 8th National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. The ‘total water’ intake was 2,250.6 g for men and 1,871.2 g for women. Men and women consumed an average of 314.9 g of ‘total beverages’, of which ‘coffee’ was the largest at 107.5 g, followed by ‘others’(65.4 g), ‘milk’ (44.8 g), ‘soda’ (44.1 g), ‘teas’ (20.9 g), and ‘fruits and vegetables’ (18.5 g). The intake of ’plain water’ was 1,059.9 g, and the intake of ’water from food’ consumed was 547.3 g. The ‘total water’ intake decreased with increasing age in males and females (p<0.001). Both men and women showed a tendency toward increased ‘total water’ intake as income levels increased. ‘Plain water’ intake accounted for 51.4% of the ‘total water’ intake in males and females. The intake of all nutrients significantly increased from the Q1 group to the Q4 group by quartile ranges of total water intake. The results of this study showed that the intake of healthy water should be considered, and care and educational programs are needed, especially for older people, to ensure adequate water intake.
        2021.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : Rut depth of asphalt pavements is a major factor that affects the maintenance of pavements as well as the safety of drivers. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors influencing rut depth, using data collected periodically on national highways by the pavement management system and, consequently, predict annual rut depth change, to contribute to improved asphalt pavement management. METHODS : The factors expected to influence rut depth were determined by reviewing relevant literature, and collecting the related data. Further, the correlations between the annual rut depth change and the influencing factors were analyzed. Subsequently, the annual rut depth change model was developed by performing regression analysis using age, present rut depth, and annual average maximum temperature as independent variables. RESULTS : From the sensitivity analysis of the developed model, it was found that age affected the annual rut depth change the most. Additionally, the relationship between the dependent and independent variables was statistically significant. The model developed in this study could reasonably predict the change in the rut depth of the national highway asphalt pavements. CONCLUSIONS : In summary, it was verified that the model developed in this study could be used to predict the change in the National Highway Pavement Condition Index (NHPCI), which represents comprehensive conditions of national highway pavements. Development of other models that predict changes in surface distress as well as international roughness index is required to predict the change in NHPCI, as they are the independent variables of the NHPCI prediction model.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Scientific and technological performances (e.g., patents and publications) made through R&D play a pivotal role for national economic growth. National governments encourage academia-industry cooperation and thereby pursue continuous development of science technology and innovation. Increasing R&D-related investments and manpower are crucial for national industrial development, but evidence of poor performance in business performance, efficiency, and effectiveness has recently been found in Korea. This study evaluates performance efficiency of the 6T sector (Information Technology, Bio Technology, Nano Technology, Space Technology, Environment Technology, Culture Technology), which is considered a high-potential promising industry for the next generation growth and currently occupies two thirds of the national R&D projects. The study measures the relative efficiency of R&D in a comparative perspective by employing the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. The result reveals overall low efficiency in basic R&D (0.2112), applied R&D (0.2083), development R&D (0.2638), and others (0.0641), confirming that economic performance and efficiency were relatively poor compared to production efficiency. Efficient R&D needs policy makers to create strategies that can increase overall efficiency by improving productivity performance and quality while increasing economic performance.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates some of the implications for developing Achievement Standards (ASs) in 2022 national English curriculum by analyzing the perception of elementary and middle school teachers on the role of ASs in the 2015 national English curriculum. The major research areas were categorized into clarity, practical usability, and AS level and amount in the national English curriculum. Based on a survey of both descriptive and inferential statistics, the results of the current study demonstrated group differences in specific subtopic questions. Teachers did not have positive perceptions regarding practical application and clarity, while they exhibited positive perceptions regarding the level and the amount of ASs. The survey also suggested alternative ways to improve clarity and practical application of ASs by strengthening the linkage between elements in the curriculum such as assessment methods and instructions and supplementary comments of Ass beyond clear presentation of the ASs.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In order for records to be preserved for a long time without physical and chemical transformation, the preservation environment of the library is very important, and environmental problems must be improved through periodic investigation on the preservation environment. Against this background, this study derived fine dust (PM10) and ultrafine dust (PM2.5) concentration data for the libraries, hallways, and workrooms of the National Archives of Korea over two years. There was a difference in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust among facilities, and there was a change in the concentration depending on the month. Both fine dust and ultrafine dust concentrations were present at less than 10 μg/m³ in the libraries. In the hallways, both fine and ultrafine dust concentrations were highest in July. In the workplaces, the monthly fluctuations in the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust were large. And the concentration of fine dust and ultrafine dust in the workplaces were higher than those in the library and hallways. Overall, the concentration of fine dust and ultra-fine dust was measured below the maintenance standards stipulated by the Indoor Air Quality Management Act of the Ministry of Environment of Korea in all the investigated facilities. The results of this study are expected to be used as fundamental information to manage the indoor air quality of the facilities of the National Archives.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Temperature, humidity, and fungal concentration were investigated during the period from May 2019 to August 2021 to obtain information on the indoor air quality in the facilities of the National Archive of Koea, located at Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan, respectively. The temperature and humidity of the undisinfected libraries was properly maintained for the preservation of papepr records. The airborne fungal concentration differed among the libraries, changed according to the season, and increased especially between June and August. Similarily, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways adjacent to the libraries also fluctuated depending on the season and showed a tendency to rise in the months when the ourside temperature rose. In general, the concentration of airborne fungi in the hallways was somewhat higher than that of the libraries. Importantly, it was identified that the concentration of airborne fungi exceeded the recommended standard (500 CFU/m3) by the Ministry of Environment of Korea only in the workroom where the classification and condition inspection of undisinfected records imported from outside were performed. Investigation of airborne fungal concentration from May 2021 to August 2021 showed that the 24 undisinfected libraries in Seongnam, Daejeon, and Busan were all good at 100 CFU/m3 or less. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data to manage the indoor environment of facilities in the National Archives.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article starts with a thought that the ideas of ‘Eol’(soul) and ‘Gugeo’(national language) presuppose each other. Given that ancient history was the place of struggle in which the desires of a modern nation-state were projected, national language was an important tool of the struggle for nationalist historians such as Shin Chaeho and Jeong Inbo, who attempted to reveal the reality of ancient history. At the same time, the history of national language could only be established based on national history. In order to take a critical look at this entangling of ‘national history’ and ‘national language’, this article analyzed Jeong Inbo's “Joseon's Eol of 5,000 Years”. Chapter 2 examines the specific aspects of the linguistic methodology Jeong Inbo used in “Joseon's Eol of 5,000 Years” and its status in his research on Korean history. Chapter 3 reviews Jeong Inbo's approach to describing ancient history, which introduced a linguistic methodology, in the academic context of the time and show that it was an important tendency of ‘Joseonhak’(Korean Studies) that sought to eventually find "Something true to Korea." Chapter 4 examines the correlation between the ideas of ‘Eol’ and ‘Gugeo’, which originated from ‘Guksu’ and ‘Gukon’.