
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3,981

        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Major accidents at nuclear power plants generate huge amounts of radioactive waste in a short period of time over a wide area outside the plant boundary. Therefore, extraordinary efforts are required for safe management of the waste. A well-established remediation plan including radioactive waste management that is prepared in advance will minimize the impact on the public and environment. In Korea, however, only limited plans exist to systematically manage this type of off-site radioactive waste generating event. In this study, we developed basic strategies for off-site radioactive waste management based on recommendations from the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) and NCRP (National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements), experiences from the Fukushima Daiichi accident in Japan, and a review of the national radioactive waste management system in Korea. These strategies included the assignment of roles and responsibilities, development of management methodologies, securement of storage capacities, preparation for the use of existing infrastructure, assurance of information transparency, and establishment of cooperative measures with international organizations.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The transport of radionuclides at oceanic scales can be assessed using a Lagrangian model. In this review an application of such a model to the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans is described. The transport model, which is fed with water currents provided by global ocean circulation models, includes advection by three–dimensional currents, turbulent mixing, radioactive decay and adsorption/release of radionuclides between water and bed sediments. Adsorption/release processes are described by means of a dynamic model based upon kinetic transfer coefficients. A stochastic method is used to solve turbulent mixing, decay and water/sediment interactions. The main results of these oceanic radionuclide transport studies are summarized in this paper. Particularly, the potential leakage of 137Cs from dumped nuclear wastes in the north Atlantic region was studied. Furthermore, hypothetical accidents, similar in magnitude to the Fukushima accident, were simulated for nuclear power plants located around the Indian Ocean coastlines. Finally, the transport of radionuclides resulting from the release of stored water, which was used to cool reactors after the Fukushima accident, was analyzed in the Pacific Ocean.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study aims to categorize common word choice errors in Korean EFL writing and help teachers understand students’ word choice patterns. This study reassures that both L1 and its background cultures affect language learners’ choice of vocabulary in English learning. Korean first-year undergraduate students with low levels of English proficiency participated in this study. The students were required to carry out a writing log, a collection of nine pieces of weekly assignments of paragraph writing during the semester. They were allowed to use any type of automatic translation such as Google Translate or Papago for revision and editing. The errors that the students produced were classified into three categories, and significant findings were obtained regarding lexical errors caused by literal translation, cultural differences, and L1 word order. The findings are interpreted in terms of cultural and linguistic differences between the first and target languages. They can give ideas for teachers to instruct EFL writing strategies on students’ word choice errors.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국의 장의예술은 보수성을 띄며 전례를 중시하기에 다른 예술장르에 비해 민족성과 지 역성이 아닌 시대와 사회 변화에는 그다지 민감하지 않다고 알려져 왔다. 그러나 북송 말엽 화북지역에 집중적으로 축조되기 시작한 벽화고분은 전례 없는 특이점들을 보이게 되는데 이 와 같은 변화의 원인으로 벽화고분의 주요 주문자인 묘주층의 사회적 신분 변화가 지적된 바 있다. 송대 이후 성장한 부유한 중간계급은 기존의 상류계급 전유의 고급문화를 선호하여 벽 화고분 축조를 주도했지만, 형식상의 전례를 따르지 않고 벽화의 구성과 양식을 취향에 맞게 변화시키는 등 자기화하였다. 북송대 이후의 신흥 묘주층은 벽화고분의 형식을 바꾸어 놓았 을 뿐 아니라 벽화고분이 사회적으로 인식되고 이용되는 방식도 바꾸어 놓았다. 이 점에 있 어 북송대 벽화고분은 새로운 사회적 가치가 형성되는 시대적 환경 속에서 어떻게 다르게 이 해되고 받아들여졌는가를 살펴볼 자료로 활용될 수 있다. 본 연구는 북송대 벽화고분의 특징을 가장 잘 보이는 벽화 속 <宴飮圖>를 집중 분석하여 이 시대의 벽화고분이 오대 이후 급변한 사회를 반영하는 방식을 살펴보고자 했다. 본 논문 이 주목하는 <연음도>는 묘주부부가 한가로이 연회를 즐기는 장면으로 단순히 벽화를 구성 하는 하나의 도상일 뿐 아니라, 전통적으로 묘주의 정체를 명확히 하고 그들의 내세생활을 대변하는 벽화의 중심 주제로서 기능하였다. 따라서 그 세부 표현에 있어서는 묘주의 신분과 사회적 위치가 강조되며 사자의 특권으로서 현실에서 보기 힘든 신비로운 광경들이 연회의 장면으로 연출되곤 하였다. 그러나 북송대 고분벽화에서의 <연음도>는 묘주의 표현으로부터 전반적인 분위기에 이르기까지 이전시대와 사뭇 다른 모습을 보이는데, 그 차이는 ‘세속성’ 의 강화로 요약되며 이는 묘주인 중간계급이 벽화고분 축조와 사용에 투영한 그들만의 바람 을 반영한다. 본 연구는 북송대 고분벽화 속 <연음도>에서 세속성이 구체적으로 어떻게 발 현되는가를 분석하고, 그것이 벽화고분이 오랜 전통으로부터 탈피하여 새로운 사회적 의미를 지니게 되는 근본적인 요소로서 작용했음을 보이고자 하였다.
        2022.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In assessing the seismic safety of nuclear power plants, it is essential to analyze the structures using the observed ground motion. In particular, spatial variation in which the characteristics of the ground motion record differ may occur if the location is different within the site and even if the same earthquake is experienced. This study analyzed the spatial variation characteristics of the ground motion observed at the structure and site using the earthquake records measured at the Hamaoka nuclear power plant. Even if they were located on the same floor within the same unit, there was a difference in response depending on the location. In addition, amplification was observed in Unit 5 compared to other units, which was due to the rock layer having a slower shear wave velocity than the surrounding bedrock. Significant differences were also found in the records of the structure’s foundation and the free-field surface. Based on these results, the necessity of considering spatial variation in the observed records was suggested.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        해운·항만 산업분야는 전통적으로 남성 중심으로 운영되어 온 산업으로, 여성 해기사의 진출 범위가 늘어나고 있지만 여전히 여성 종사자의 비율은 낮은 수준이다. 그러나 본 산업분야의 여성들이 겪는 진로발달 상의 어려움을 설명하고 이를 개선하기 위해 개인이 속한 사회문화적 맥락이나 환경적 요인을 포괄적으로 설명할 수 있는 진로장벽 및 진로결정수준에 대한 연구가 아직 수행되지 않고 있는 실정이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 M대학교 해사대학에 재학 중인 여학생들을 대상으로 진로장벽 요인을 도출하고, 진로장벽이 진로결정수 준에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사였다. 해사대학 여학생들이 인식하는 진로장벽 요인으로 성차별(GD), 진로 미결정 및 준비 부족(IOU), 직장-가정 갈등(WFC), 개인특성 부족(LPQ), 기대보다 낮은 직업 전망(LOE)이 도출되었다. 도출된 진로장벽 요인이 진로결정수준에 어떤 영 향을 미치는지를 분석한 결과, 진로 미결정 및 준비 부족(IOU)이 진로결정수준에 유의한 부의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 성차별 (GD), 직장-가정 갈등(WFC), 개인특성 부족(LPQ), 기대보다 낮은 직업 전망(LOE)은 진로결정수준에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나 타났다. 본 연구를 통해 도출된 결론은 진로장벽을 극복하고 진로결정수준을 향상시키기를 원하는 해사대학 여학생들을 대상으로 하는 진로지도 및 상담을 위한 중요한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        High-temperature friction performances of graphite blocks (GBs) and zinc phosphate impregnated graphite blocks (IGBs) were evaluated under various friction temperatures. The surface of IGB exhibited extremely lower average friction coefficient values, that was 0.007 at 400 °C and 0.008 at 450 °C, in comparison to that of GB (0.13 at 400 °C and 0.16 at 450 °C, respectively). The worn surface of IGB in the high-temperature friction test was smoother and more complete than that of GB. The wear under high temperature and load caused the transformation of zinc pyrophosphate to zinc metaphosphate and the formation of a continuous large-area boundary lubrication layer combined with graphite and metallic element on the wear surface. The superior tribology property of IGB could be attributed to the digestion of iron oxides by tribo-chemical reactions and passivation of the exposed dangling covalent bonds. Specifically, the layered structure generated on the IGB wear interface effectively decreased the adhesive forces and prevented the surface from serious damage.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Yellow Sea experienced glacio-eustasy sea-level fluctuations during the Quaternary period. In the middle part of the Yellow Sea, the Quaternary successions were accumulated by alternating terrestrial, paralic, and shallow marine deposits that reflected the fluctuating sea levels. A long core of 69.2 m was acquired at the YMGR-102 site (33o50.1782'N and 123o48.3019'E) at a depth of 72.5 m in the middle of the Yellow Sea. A four-layered geoacoustic model was reconstructed for the sedimentary succession. It was based on seismic characteristics from 3.5 kHz SBP and air-gun seismic profiles and 96 grain-size properties in the core sample from YMGR-102. For the underwater simulation and experiments, the in-situ P-wave speeds were calculated using the sound speed ratio of the Hamilton method. The geoacoustic model of YMGR-102 can contribute to the reconstruction of geoacoustic models, reflecting the vertical and lateral variability of the acoustic properties in the continental shelf of the middle Yellow Sea.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 식품접객업소에서 시중 판매되는 더치커 피의 미생물 오염도를 조사하여 유형에 따른 차이를 살펴 보고자 하였다. 경기도 내 커피전문점에서 유통되는 더치 커피 70건을 대상으로 위생지표균, 식중독균, 진균류 오염도를 조사하였으며 추출방법에 따른 일반세균과 진균류의 오 염도를 비교하였다. 일반세균수는 0.74-6.21 log CFU/mL 범 위로 검출되었으며 식품 유형에 따른 평균 검출량은 식품 접객업소 조리식품(3.04 log CFU/mL)이 액상커피(2.08 log CFU/mL)보다 높게 나타났다. 액상커피는 검출된 6건 중 3건이 세균수 기준을 초과하여 부적합이었다. 식중독 원 인균은 70건 모두 불검출이었다. 진균수는 0.70-4.00 log CFU/mL 범위로 검출되었으며 식품유형에 따른 차이는 없 었다. 추출방법에 따른 미생물 오염도는 원두 혼합 여부 와 추출 시간에 따라 비교하였으며, 일반세균수와 진균수 모두 유의적인 차이는 없었다(P>0.05). 시중 유통되는 더 치커피는 일반세균과 진균류에 대한 오염도가 높으므로 위생적인 관리와 적절한 온도 유지를 통해 미생물 오염을 줄이는 것이 중요하며 안전성 확보를 위해 지속적인 모니 터링이 필요할 것으로 생각된다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In general, a high tension on the anchor and chain is placed when a ship at anchor is subjected to heavy weather. Mariners have to pay attention to whether dragging anchor occurs to keep the safety of the ship at anchorage since it is difficult to maintain the stable motion of ship and it causes collisions with other ships nearby. In this paper, the ship motion against the external forces was shown to obtain the fundamental data about characteristic of holding power due to nature of seabed at anchor, so practical trials were carried out in rocky area and muddy area using a trial ship around coastal area of South Korea. In muddy seabed, holding power showed reasonable tension values depending on the distance from anchor position of continuing swing motions of a ship corresponding to wind force. Meanwhile in rocky seabed, tension values on the chain appeared very high occasionally regardless of the distance from the anchor position and seemed to exceed its holding power to be the breaking strain of the chain although weather was not in a severe condition. Therefore, some of the cables laid on the seabed were presumed to be caught in a crack on the rock. It is assumed that even a small amount of external force may cause the chain to break in a moment in rocky seabed. Additionally, wind and current forces had a somewhat contradictory effect on holding power of the ship between them.
        2022.08 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to investigate the levels of perception of, knowledge of, and attitude toward patient safety and identify factors that affected patients’ attitude towards patient safety. In this descriptive study, participants included 196 patients hospitalized at a tertiary hospital in South Korea. Data were collected using self-reported questionnaires. Perception of and attitude towards patient safety were measure with a tool developed by Ahn Jin-ok, and the questionnaire for knowledge of patient safety was developed by researchers based on a literature review and validated by an expert group. Data were analyzed with Pearson’s correlation coefficients and multiple regression. The average perception of patient safety was 35.48(±6.80) out of 50; the average knowledge of patient safety was 84.33(±8.66) out of 100; and the average attitude towards patient safety was 36.88(±3.74) out of 50. The perception and knowledge of patient safety, level of hospital safety, and age were identified as influential factors explaining 13% of the variation in attitude towards patient safety. The results showed that the direct and indirect educational experience of patients may increase their perception and knowledge of patient safety that can influence their attitude towards patient safety. Therefore, patient education would be an important intervention to improve patients’ attitude towards patient safety. We recommend further studies with educational interventions for improving patient safety activities.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article introduces the Korean “vulgar characters” recorded in the “Jaseo Jibyo” (《字書輯要》) written in the late Joseon Dynasty with the addition of Dong-vulgar corrupt characters (referred to as “Dong-su characters”), and to clarify its academic significance for the purpose. The article contains a total of 117 vulgar Chinese characters, which were probably written in the late 19th or early 20th century. It includes various common and special characters that were seen at that time, so that we can understand the use of common characters in the late Joseon Dynasty. For this reason, this article has made the “Popular Characters”, and compared with the square-printed edition “Shiwencuo” which preserved the alien society at that time, and obtained the universal use of the common characters. The “vulgar words” are divided into four categories: “①omit, ②add, ③replace, and ④symbolize”. Then, taking the characters (國guo), 伩(儒 ru), and (聖sheng) as seen in the “Dong-vulgar characters” as examples, the cultural awareness hidden behind the characters is analyzed in detail, in order to navigate the cultural research of variant characters. Attached is the “Popular Character Catalog” attached to the “Manuscript Addition and Deletion of Yeomlag Pung-a”(《增删濂洛風雅》) collected by the author for comparison and reference.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES : In the case of a turning maneuver at an at-grade intersection or changing the driving path, the trajectory of a vehicle with a long body, such as a large bus or an articulated bus, should be analyzed from the perspective of road design. In this study, an articulated bus was selected to analyze the off-tracking, swept path width, and lane encroach hment for vehicle turning. METHODS : In this study, four scenarios were developed for right- and U-turn situations. For the right-turn situation, cases were divided into radii of 15 m (Scenario 1) and 40 m (Scenario 2). For the U-turn situation, the cases were analyzed based on a U-turn after stopping at the stop line (Scenario 3) and without stopping at the stop line for the U-turn (Scenario 4). Each scenario was examined at 5° (Right-turn) and 10° (U-turn) angles to analyze the off-tracking, swept path width, and lane encroachment. In addition, four Global Positioning System (GPS) antennas were installed on top of the articulated bus to obtain the driving trajectory of the vehicle. GPS locational reference points were marked on the testing ground to improve positioning accuracy. RESULTS : As a result of the right-turn analysis at an intersection radius of 15 m (Scenario 1), the average off-tracking per angle was 1.04 m, the average swept path width was 3.89 m, and the lane encroachments occurred at an angle of 65° to 70°. For the right-turn analysis at an intersection radius of 40 m (Scenario 2), the average off-tracking per angle was 3.71 m, and the average swept path width was 3.31 m. Unlike the results for the 15-m radius, no lane encroachment was found. Furthermore, the averages of the off-tracking in the at-grade intersection U-turn situation were 2.65 m (Scenario 3) and 2.54 m (Scenario 4), and the average swept path width was 6.15 m. CONCLUSIONS : The required driving width when an articulated bus performs a turning maneuver at an at-grade intersection was analyzed, revealing the implications that must be considered for busway design.
        2022.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study attempted to find a direction forward for the legal services market in an era of creative innovation by reviewing the issue of conflict between online legal services platforms such as ‘LawTalk’ and the world of legal professions. Specifically, the study extracts and takes as analysis tools similar arguments from the cases of ‘TADA’, ‘Uber’, and ‘Airbnb’ and then comparatively examines overseas cases concerning legal services platforms. The essence of the argument surrounding platforms lies in whether platform services are simply ‘network services that provide a place connecting suppliers and consumers’ or whether platforms should be viewed as providing ‘substantive services such as transportation, lodgings, and legal defense’. The European Court of Justice(ECJ) states that a platform is exempt from existing regulations if the platform service is separable from offline services but subject to regulations if the platform and offline services are combined as one to form an overall service. Accordingly, Uber’s transportation intermediary service was viewed as a transportation service in substance(subject to regulations), while Airbnb’s lodgings intermediary service was viewed as an information society service(exempt from regulations). If that’s the case, are legal service platforms like LawTalk illegal? The issue is whether the LawTalk service falls under ‘acts of connecting or mediating between an attorney and a client or referring an attorney’, prohibited by the Attorney-at-law Act. Because LawTalk is an advertising platform that receives fixed advertising rates for providing an online advertising space, it is difficult to assess its services as ‘direct acts of connection’ prohibited by the Attorney-at-law Act. Moreover, attorneys must be allowed to promote themselves to unspecified persons and entice clients by paying advertising fees, and the platform business to achieve these ends must be allowed as well. However, an advertising platform is not allowed to exploit attorneys in the process of promoting the platform itself or make the mistaken impression that it is affiliated to an attorney, nor is the platform allowed to do advertisements with attorney contacts listed, with the ad exposed across an entire page. The ECJ’s ruling is applied as a standard in addition to interpretations of current law. The fact that attorneys can use traditional methods(mediums such as newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, and computer communications) rather than LawTalk for ads and searches, the fact that LawTalk does not prescribe legal fees for attorneys or an upper limit, and the fact that it is difficult to view LawTalk as exercising direct control over the signing of delegation contracts or the quality of legal defense render LawTalk services assessed as not the referral of particular attorneys and independent from actual legal defense services. It is more than necessary to listen to the criticism that platforms inundate the market with free ads or unfair cheap ads in the process of attorneys accepting cases, threatening the market order of fair case acceptance and attorney ethics, and that increasing reliance on platforms make attorneys beholden to these platforms. However, when considering the trend of the times involving legal tech and demand on the part of legal consumers, it is not desirable to completely ban platform services on the grounds of excessively strict interpretations. Moreover, advertising platforms, as opposed to intermediary platforms, are allowed overseas. If platforms provide a place connecting attorneys and clients rather than display an appearance of subordinating attorneys using their market-dominating position, then such a business model should be allowed. At present, adequate regulations that block the adverse effects of platforms while strengthening their positive effects are necessary, along with clear guidelines.