
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 411

        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study was performed reviewing references determine the infection status of Korean freshwater fishes and relation with climate change of Korean peninsula. The most common infections of Korean freshwater fishes are flatworms (trematodes) and spiny-headed worms (acanthocephalans). Total 61 species of Korean freshwater fishes for infectious disease has been reviewed. Among them, 44 species of freshwater fish belong to Cyprinidae and 17 species for Cobitidae, Siluridae, Bagridae, Amblycipitidae, Synbranchidae, Centropomidae, Odontobutidae, Belontiidae, and Channidae. The Korean freshwater fishes had total 35 kinds of parasite pathogenic organisms (Acanthocephala opsariichthydis, Centrocestus sp., Cyathocotyle sp., Diplostomum orientale, Diplostomum sp., Echinochasmus sp., Echinostoma sp., Genarchopsis sp., Holostephanus metorchis, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metagonimus sp., Metorchis taiwanensis, Neoplagioporus zacconis, Palliolisentis chinanensis, Palliolisentis chunjuensis, Prosorhpynchus sp., Centrocestus armatus, Clonorchis sinensis, Holostephanus nipponicus, Metorchis orientalis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Pseudexorchis major, Exorchis oviformis, Trachelobdella sinensis, Metagonimus miyata, Isoparorchis hypselobagri, Clinostomum complanatum, Centrocestus asadai, Metagonimus yokogawai, Echinostoma cinetorchis, Echinochasmus japonicus, Diplozoon nipponicum, Metagonimus takahashii, Carassotrema koreanum, and Echinostoma hortense). Maximum infections belonged to Pseudorasbora parva as Cyprinidae had 19 kinds of parasite organisms, including Centrocestus armatus, Clinostomum complanatum, Clinostomum complanatum, Clonorchis sinensis, Cyathocotyle orientalis, Echinochasmus japonicus, Exorchis oviformis, Holostephanus metorchis, Holostephanus nipponicus, Metacercaria hasegawai, Metagonimus yokogawai, Metorchis orientalis, Metorchis taiwanensis, Pseudexorchis major, Cyathocotyle sp., Diplostomum sp., Echinochasmus sp., Metagonimus sp. and Prosorhpynchus sp. Human foodborne trematode infections are an important public health concern in Korea. In the future, under the climatic extremes on Korean peninsula such as floods, drought and temperature variability, in particular, the susceptibility of freshwater fishes to infection will be decreased.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        영국, 미국, 일본 등 많은 나라에서와 같이 출소자에 대한 갱생보호가 매우 중요하다. 출소자가 범죄유발 환경에 쉽게 노출되어 재범하게 되는 경우가 많은데, 이들의 범죄는 사회에서 발생하는 상당수 범죄를 차지하기 때문이다. 정부의 강경대응만으로는 출소자의 재범을 막는 데에는 역부족이므로 출소자에 대한 사회복지정책의 개선으로 뒷받침되어야 한다. 이 논문은 출소자 갱생보호에 대한 외국의 사례를 비교 검토하여 몇 가지 정책적 시사점들을 제안하였다. 사회복지의 개념을 적극 도입하여 갱생보호의 패러다임을 전환하고, 한국법무보호복지공단에 대한 지원을 확대하며, 출소자 갱생보호에의 민간참여를 촉진하고, 관련기관들의 유기적 협력체계를 강화하며, 출소자의 주거안정을 확충하고, 여성 출소자 갱생보호를 보다 전문화하는 방안 등이다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The major goal of this article is to find missiological implications of the fruit of the Spirit(love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control) in Galatians 5:22 by investigating John Wesley’s and others’ writings. Because the author believes that attitude is strongly contagious in mission fields, he especially aims to suggest that the fruit of the Spirit would supply some valuable hints for proper missionary attitude.The first half of this article deals with John Wesley(1703-1791) and the fruit of the Spirit. Unlike some theologians who divide the fruit of the Spirit into three or four portions, Wesley regards the fruit of the Spirit as an indivisible whole. Wesley does draw a distinction between extraordinary gifts of the Spirit and ordinary gifts of the Spirit. However, to Wesley, the fruit of the Spirit is more than merely the gifts of the Spirit. It is synonymous with Christian perfection. Wesley’s view of the fruit of the Spirit is congruent with the verse “Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus”(Phil. 2:5).The second half of this article handles missiological implications of the fruit of the Spirit. In order to do so the author applies insights from Thomas Keating, Elisa Morgan, Evelyn Underhill, Philip D. Kenneson, James Merritt, Viv Grigg, and the Bible. Among these, the subtitles of Merritt’s nine chapters are worth mentioning: If you’re not loving, you’re not living; Joy to the world; How to keep your head while others are losing theirs; Winners never quit and quitters never win; Try a little kindness; How to live the good life; The world’s greatest ability; The lower you get, the higher you go; Never let them see you sweat.The author concludes this article by emphasizing that intercultural missionaries should be deeply purged good soil and stay close (not to the sender or to the host people but) to Jesus in order to be fruitful. The perfecting or maturing of the Christian character is what the fruit of the Spirit is all about.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012년 11월 19일, ICJ는 니카라과와 콜롬비아 간 도서영유권 및 해양경계획정 분쟁에 대한 판결을 내렸다. 판결에서 콜롬비아는 문제의 섬들에 대한 영유권을 인정받았고, 니카라과는 기대보다 많은 해역을 확보하게 되었다. 실질적으로 넓은 해역에서 배타적 어업권과 해양자원 채굴권을 확보한 니카라과의 승리라고 볼 수 있다. 이 판결에서 ICJ는 1928년 양국이 체결한 조약을 섬의 영유권에 대한 권원으로 볼 수 있는지 대해 검토하였고, ‘실효적 지배’에 의해 섬의 영유권을 판단하였다. 해양경계획정의 방법은 ‘3단계 방법’을 통하였는데, ICJ는 2단계에서 관련해안의 현격한 차이 등을 고려하여 잠정적 중간선을 이동하였으며, ‘차단효과’ 등을 고려하여 경계선을 최종확정하였다. 이 판결이 우리에게 주는 시사점으로 독도 영유권의 권원으로서 SCAPIN 677과 1033의 해석, 실효적 지배에 대한 증거 확보, 해양경계획정에서의 독도 활용 방법, 해안선의 길이 및 차단효과에 대한 연구 등이 있다. 우리나라는 먼저 독도의 영유권을 공고히 한 후, 향후 주변국과의 경계획정에서 독도를 전략적으로 이용하고, 중국과 일본에 의한 차단효과 등 관련 상황을 연구하여 철저히 대비해야 할 것이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008년부터 전자감시는 성폭력사범에 대한 사회내 처우라는 점에서 그 효과성에 대한 상당한 기대감을 가지고 출발하였으나, 최근 전자감시 대상자의 재범이 늘어나며 사회문제화 되고 있다. 한국의 경우 여전히 전자감시에 대한 부정적인 효과보다는 재범억제라는 긍정적 효과에 대한 주장이 강하고, 그 적용대상도 확대되는 추세에 있다. 그러나 한국 보다 30여년 앞 서 이 제도를 시행한 미국의 경우 전자감시로 인한 대상자의 사회부적응 등에 대한 연구들이 진행될 만큼 전자감시의 한계에 대한 논의가 진행되고 있다는 점은 시사하는 바가 크다 따라서 이 연구는 전자감시의 적용대상을 살인, 강도, 유괴 등으로 확대일로에 두는 것이 바람직한 것인지, 또한 그 효과성에 대한 정교한 진단작업이 필요하다는 전제 하에 다음과 같이 제안한다. 첫째, 전자감시, 즉 전자발찌의 부착이 가석방 이후 적용되는 비중이 지나치게 높은 점은 매우 우려스러운 조치이다. 가석방의 조건이 전자감시부착이 아니라 수형자의 개전의 징후라는 점에서 더욱 그렇다. 둘째, 전자감시 기간의 적정성 문제에 대한 진단이 필요하다. 전자감시 기간의 장단이 대상자의 재범 억제에 영향을 미치지 않는다는 연구결과에 비추어볼 때 현행처럼 최대 30년이라는 부착명령 기간의 유효성 여부는 논의가 필요하다. 셋째, 전자감시 대상자의 재범률에 대한 진단이 선행되어야 한다. 전자감시가 성폭력범 및 약물사범에게는 재범억제 효과가 있지만, 그 외의 폭력사범에게 재범억제 효과가 미미하다는 연구결과는 소급적용의 정책을 거듭하면서까지 적용대상을 확대하는 것이 바람직한지에 대한 진지한 고민이 필요하다는 반증이라 하겠다. 넷째, 대상자의 준수규칙 위반률이 높아지는 원인 진단 및 개선책 마련이 필요하다. 기기적인 감시 위주에서 탈피하여 기기와 보호관찰관의 면담, 그 외의 보호관찰 방법의 실질적인 병행방법이 모색되어야 한다. 다섯째, 대상자의 사회생활의 단절을 예방할 수 있는 대책이 병행되어야 한다. 전자감시의 목적은 대상자의 재범억제이지 경력단절 혹은 인간관계단절 등이 아니라는 점에서 특히 고려되어야 한다.
        2013.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Global trading regimes are currently undergoing significant changes. It is most vividly shown in the recent spread of FTAs and the surge of protectionism. These fast changes pose new challenges to many countries in terms of formulating and implementing their respective trade policies. The increasing confrontation between the United States and China in trade sectors now operates as a multiplier and accelerator of this fast-changing global trade landscape. Recent disputes between the two have underscored fundamental differences in understandings of the legal framework of the WTO Agreements and the nature of the obligations as Members, thereby further raising questions about the reinvigoration of multilateralism. The two countries’ retaliatory initiation of trade disputes against each other also involves third countries because of legal requirements and other considerations. The Sino-US trade disputes are thus not merely confrontation between the two largest trading partners; instead they carry wider systemic implications for both other countries and global trading regimes in transition.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        소년범죄는 최근 10년간 크게 두각을 나타내기 시작하면서 중요한 사회문제로 인식되기에 이르렀다. 물론 소년들의 비행이라는 문제는 이전에도 있어왔지만 그 양상이 점점 더 조직화되어가고 폭력성이 심화되어가고 있다는 점에서 이들의 해결을 위한 다양한 접근방법의 필요성이 높아지게 된 것이다. 그런데 이에 대한 우리의 대응은 이들의 심화속도에 따라가고 있지 못하며 중범죄 소년을 수용시설에 수감하는 것 이외에는 훈방이나 각종 보호처분의 병과에 의존하고 있는 실정이다. 소년범죄는 비단 우리나라만의 문제가 아니다. 미국 역시 이에 대한 문제로 진통을 겪은바 있으며 과거 소년보호주의의 입장에서 더 나아가 소년책임주의 기본을 확립하기에 이르렀다. 이러한 인식의 전환은 우리에게도 시사하는 바가 크며 비행초기 단계에서부터 이들의 비행성을 교정할 수 있는 각종 시설과 프로그램 활성화는 우리에게도 꼭 필요한 것 들이다. 미국의 경우 중범죄 소년과 경범죄 소년에 대한 접근방법의 다양화를 통해 특히 비행초기 단계의 소년들을 위한 병영캠프, 워크캠프 등을 마련하여 이들의 비행성을 교정하고 자신의 노동으로 인한 결과물로 피해자의 피해를 구제하는 등 여러 가지 프로그램이 실시되고 있어 진지하게 검토해 볼 가치가 있다고 본다.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A생협의 경영실태에 대해 경영분석의 지표로서 세 가지 즉, 경영안정성(stability ratio)과 경영활동성(activity ratio), 수익성 (profitability ratio)을 기준으로 하여 실증 분석하였다. 분석한 결과, A생협은 경영안정성은 매우 양호하였고 경영활동성은 양호한 편이었으나, 수익성은 매우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그래서 분석기간 2003~2011년 9년 동안 평균 순매출이익률은 0.1%, 자기자본 순이익률은 −0.3%이었다. 전략적 이익모형(SPM)에 의해 A생협 경영의 개선방향을 살 펴보면, 총매출액의 증가, 합리적인 인력관리를 통한 인건비의 절감, 물류효율성의 향상 등을 통한 매출마진율의 상승 등이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 생협은 친환경농산물을 직거래하는 일종의 협동조합으로서, 그 취지와 설립목적을 유지하면서 순매출이익을 증가시키는 데에는 뚜렷한 한계를 가지고 있다. 그래서 순매출이익률을 상승시키기 위해서는 주로 총매출액의 증가와 영업비용의 절감에 경영개선의 초점을 두며, 현실적 여건을 고려한 마진율의 재조정이 추진되어야 할 것이다.
        2012.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the status of Korean wild reptiles and amphibians infection and relation with climate change of Korean peninsula, references were reviewed. Wild animals serve as intermediate, reservoirs and paratenic hosts to zoonotic parasites of human beings. The parasites and disease can be a serious problem for all herptiles. The infectious diseases, in particular, become parasitized through contact with other reptiles or contaminated objects and environments, or by eating infected food items. Worms are one of the most common intestinal parasites. Among reptiles, the most common infections are flatworms (trematodes), roundworms (nematodes), tapeworms (cestodes), and spiny-headed worms (acanthocephalans). A total of 20 species for infectious diseases from Korean wild reptiles and amphibians has been reviewed. Among them, 11 species was amphibians and 9 species for reptiles. The Korean wild herptiles had total 41 kinds of parasite pathogenic organisms. Meximum infections belonged to Rana nigromaculata as amphibians had 22 kinds of parasite organisms, including Gorgodera aponica, Gorgodera bombinae, Diplodiscus japonicus, Haematoloechus sibiricus japonicus, Pleurogenoides japonicus, Haematoloechus nanchangensis, Haematoloechus variegatus, Haematoloechus lobatus koreanus, Neodiplostomum seoulense, Halipergus japonicus, Haematolechus japonicus, Loxogenes liberum, Baerttia japonica, Ophiotaenia manae, Oswardcruzia lualata, Icosiella kobayashi, Pharyngodon pobypedates, Gyrinicola japonica, Catadiseus sp., Ophisthodiseus sp., Diplorchis sp., and Sparganum. Also, Dinodon rufozonatum as reptiles had 5 kinds of parasite, including Cotylaspis coreensis, Cotylaspis sinensis, Cephalogonimus japonicus, Astiotrema reniferum, Astiotrema odheri, Kaurma orientalis, and Astiotrema sp.. In the future, under the climatic extremes on Korean peninsula such as floods, drought and temperature variability, in particular, the susceptibility of amphibian and reptiles to infection will be increased and they have implications for the emergence of disease and the potential for climate change to exacerbate amphibian decline.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korean Buddhism is located under the Mahayana school. That is quite different from the more original Theravada (or Hinayana) school. And it has developed its unique religious characteristics throughout the history of Korea since its arrival. As the result it is very different from other Japanese and Chinese Buddhism; and even more from Southeast Asian Buddhism. However it still shares much common ground with other kinds of Buddhism, as an offspring of the same parent Buddhism. Just as Buddhism and culture have been interwoven in other cultures, and become almost synonymous with the host cultures, Korean Buddhism also has developed into something unmistakably Korean in the Korean culturalhistorical context. The challenge is that Korean Buddhism is now numerically larger than Christianity, and is also faster growing than Protestant Christianity. This research draws some missiological implications from the characteristics of Korean Buddhist success and expansion. The first characteristic of Korean Buddhism is its syncretic openness to preexisting religions. That is clearly evident in the development of ‘Buddhist’ rites of passage. These syncretized rites have come to feel very essential to the lives of Koreans under Buddhist influence. Korean churches will need to develop contextualized rites of passage in order to for Koreans accept Christianity as the religion of their lives. The second characteristic is their variety of piety. Korean Buddhism is divided into different kinds of sects, although they share common ground. Different approaches need to be developed to different Buddhist denominations. The third characteristic is loyalty. Although their members do not understand their doctrines much and don’t read their scriptures much and don’t attend their worship regularly, they do not leave their religion because of their sense of belonging to the religion of their lives. The traditional way of Christian evangelism has been to compare and contrast doctrines. It has been proven a failure for evangelism. We need to study how to fulfill the religious and emotional desires of Korean Buddhists’ in a Christian way. The fourth characteristic is its family centeredness. Our mission strategy should focus on working with groups rather than individuals. The fifth characteristic is their integration of culture and religion. This challenges us to work hard to contextualize Christian culture to become a Korean religion of life. And our theological reaction to the Buddhist’s challenge to the identity of Jesus and the Bible should be well prepared, and be delivered with a humble and respectful attitude. The sixth characteristic of Korean Buddhism is their religious openness and tolerance. We need training on how to look with the love of God at Buddhism as a fellow religion. In the Korean Christian circles we desperately need to learn how to share our religious convictions politely. We need to do so with a deep understanding of where they are, yet without losing our identity. The seventh characteristic of Buddhism is their strong desire for inner peace. Their inner peace focus links them into oriental spirituality. A Christian spirituality based on prayer and meditation of the word of God would be more relevant to those already focusing on seeking inner peace. Korean Buddhism needs to be studied more deeply in many aspects to find missiological touching points with the various levels of Korean Buddhists. To do this more effectively, I recommend we establish study centers for crossfertilization and informationsharing of models found effective for the evangelism of the Korean Buddhists.
        2012.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In recent years China has experienced two forms of extreme macroeconomic imbalance: an expenditure imbalance in the sense of very high investment and very low consumption, giving rise to rapid capital accumulation; and an imbalance between expenditure and production, producing external imbalance, i.e. a huge surplus on the current account of the balance of payments. This paper explores the current state of the external imbalance in China, and reviews the factors underlying the pre-2008 rising and the post-2008 drop in China’s current account surplus. The paper says that China’s current account surplus must be modest in recent years. However, despite the fact that China’s recent current account is likely to stay below its precrisis range, it is too early to conclude that “rebalancing” has been truly achieved in China. Certainly, the policy thrust of the 12th Five Year Plan is very much focused on raising household income, boosting consumption, and facilitating an expansion of the service sector. In the coming years, if these ongoing structural reforms are implemented, China does have the potential to hand-off from an investment-driven to a consumption-driven decline in its external imbalance.
        2012.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There has been a sudden surge in simultaneous legal disputes between Samsung and Apple in domestic courts of multiple States since 2011 concerning patent infringements involving their new digital products. The intensity of these confrontations between the two digital giants has come to exert significant influence over the lives of many people all over the world. In a sense, they are not competing to protect or increase the market share in a given domestic market, as other large corporations usually do; rather, they are now competing in a single, integrated global digital market where borders and boundaries have virtually disappeared. The emergence of the dominant digital entities is a showcase example of the increasing role of the MNCs in the international community, an issue that has already attracted a significant amount of attention from scholars of international law. At the same time, the unprecedented clash between the two corporations in multiple jurisdictions also raises an important issue of how conventional jurisdictional principles under international law are and will be implicated in this regard.
        2011.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Peru is South America’s third largest country and enjoys an enormous amount of natural resources. However, However, very few business studies on Peruvian agriculture have been presented. The objectives of this study are to introduce the general status of Peruvian agriculture to Korean business circles and to promote agricultural business opportunities in Korea and Peru. Secondary data related to Peruvian agriculture are collected and analyzed to understand the current situation of Peruvian agriculture and to suggest an outlook for business opportunities. Findings show that Peru will be a lucrative market for Korean agri-business to target in the near future and it is time for a proactive advance in agriculture by Korean business.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Many scholars had examined the character (zi)of ‘hé’ (「和」). This papers expounds the pedagogical implications concerning the construction of ‘hé’ by looking at it’s diachronic and synchronic development. The change of the form of the ‘hé’ offers the bridge for pictures and characters (zi). The pronunciation of ‘hé’ protrudes the value of character-based (zi-based) teaching. The flexibility and stability meaning of ‘hé’ also reflects the strong vitality of Chinese characters (Hanzi). No matter weather it is a word derived from ‘hé’ or as a Chinese culture keyword, ‘hé’ stands alone as a word, spreads out to produce other words, it can help learners to study other Chinese characters (Hanzi). As for the teaching method of Chinese characters (Hanzi), some scholar proposes 50 kinds, but how much time that it really can be chosen to use in the general classroom? Very few! è:a book), ‘龠’(Yuè:a musical instrument name), ‘八’(Bā:eight), ‘一’(Yī:one). The Pedagogical Implications from it is: First, make use of its picture to Chinese character (Hanzi) in general class. Second, take time to explain its meaning from the construction. Third, take a constructive approach to its multiple pronunciations. Fourth, teach it from simple to complex. Fifth, teach with flexibly inspiring action. This paper hopes to facilitate Chinese character (Hanzi) teaching. It aims to increase student’s motion, their sense of accomplishment, and perseverance.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores cross-linguistic differences in online sentence production, working on the theory that the grammatical characteristics of a language customize the speakers’ usual manner of sentence construction and utterance. It is reasoned that a contrast between English and Korean syntax has a direct bearing on that process: The sentential subject is licensed by a tensed verb in English, while it is by an overt morpheme in Korean. This gives rise to a substantial difference in the speakers’ speech patterns: English speakers’ message formation and linguistic encoding center on a verb, while Korean speakers elect or utter a subject first and then draw a predicate. An experiment is conducted on the hypotheses that (a) English L1 speakers are disposed to make sentences based on verbal information, so they would choose a subject that is conceptually more intimate with a given verb; (b) In contrast, Korean L1 speakers’ sentence construction is topic-oriented, so they would first consider the contextual properties of each referent such as shared familiarity and previous topicality; (c) Korean speakers’ L1 patterns would be persistent in their L2 English processing. The results and some implications for English teaching are discussed.