
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 727

        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bulgogi (Korean-traditional barbequed beef) is one of the most globally well-known Korean foods. Though various attempts have been made to promote bulgogi, studies are limited understanding mostly to US consumers or foreigners who reside in Korea. China, the world’s most populous country, has the biggest market potential in the world. The purpose of this study was to understand reasons of liking or disliking bulgogi products in Chinese consumers who reside in China in comparison to Korean consumers. The bulgogi used in this study differed in its main marinating ingredients. Check-all-thatapply (CATA) questionnaire was used to collect the reasons why one liked or disliked the given bulgogi product. CATA result showed that even for the same product, Korean and Chinese consumers liked or disliked it for different reasons. In particular, unlike Koreans, Chinese consumers reported sweet taste and garlic flavor as reasons for disliking the samples with high amounts of sugar and garlic, respectively. This seemed to be the result of differences in familiarity of consumers to certain tastes and flavors. The results imply the influence of culture in consumer preferences.
        2014.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라 자연환경에 적응하는 내염성 자포니카 벼 품종 육성을 위하여 내염성 인디카 계통 IR73571-3B-11-3-K2에 자포니카 품종 서간벼를 모본으로 한 단교배과 여교배 집단을 육성하여 주요 농업형질 및 내염성 정도를 검정한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 자포니카 서간벼를 여교배한 집단은 단교배 집단에 비해 간장은 크고, 수장은 감소하였고, 수수는 증가하였으며 수당립수는 감소하는 경향을 보였다. 유묘 내염성 정도는 여교배 집단의 평균이 6.7로 단교배 보다 0.6 감소하였다. 2. 두 집단에 출수 전 20일간 0.3% 염농도를 처리한 결과 여교배 집단에서 유묘내염성은 감소하였으나 초형 및 현미 장폭비 등 생태형 개선 계통이 더 많이 분포하였다. 3. 두 집단의 성체검정에서 등숙기 10주 수량은 단교배 집단에서 100 ~ 150 g을 중심으로 정규분포를 보였고, 여교배 집단은 100 g 이하에 편의 분포하였는데 이는 여교배에 의한 집단 내 자포니카 유전적 배경이 증가함으로써 인디카로 유전적 요인이 낮아진 결과로 생각된다. 4. 유묘내염성 정도는 단교배 집단에서 내염성 정도가 5 ~ 7에 전체 86%의 계통이 분포하였고, 14계통(8%)은 유묘내염성이 강했다. 여교배 집단에서 74% 계통이 유묘내염성이 약했고, 8계통(4%)은 강한 내염성을 나타냈다. 이들 결과는 자포니카 내염성 관련 유전적 요인을 도입하기 위해 특성별 단계적 접근이 필요하며 여교배육종법을 이용함으로써 육종효율을 높일 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 첨단 함형에 레이더 반사면적 감소기술을 적용하고 특성을 분석하였다. 특히, 레이더 반사면적에 영향을 주는 요소, 레이더 반사면적을 최소화 하는 방안, 표적의 특수 재질 물성에 대한 레이더 반사면적의 변화 영향을 고찰하였다. DDG-1000 type 첨단 함형의 함정 고각별 레이더 반사면적 해석 결과 고각이 10도 높아짐에 따라서 RCS 평균값이 23.91 dBsm 증가하는 것을 확인하였다. 또한, 함정 상부구조물의 경사각이 6도 증가함에 따라서 RCS 평균값이 1.27 dBsm 감소하는 것을 확인하였다. 마지막으로 상부구조물 앞면과 뒷면에 전파흡수체를 부착한 경우 RCS 평균값이 2.27 dBsm 감소 하는 것을 확인하였다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper reports results from two types of priming experiments (i.e., masked and cross-modal priming experiments) which compare Chinese L2 learners’ morphological processing of a Korean verbal suffix -ko with adult native speakers of Korean. L1/L2 differences were found in both the masked and cross-modal priming experiments: Full priming effects were found in the masked priming experiment and partial priming effects in the cross-modal priming experiment in L1, while weak or no priming effects were found in both types of priming experiments of L2. These findings indicate that L2 learners of Korean are less sensitive to morphological structure than native speakers and dependent on the lexical storage of the full form. This study also provided evidence for the non-difference between the masked priming and the cross-modal priming experiments both in L1 and L2.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The recent theory in L2 motivation has proposed viewing motivation as possible selves such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences to complement the limitation of traditional socio-educational model. The purpose of the study was to test the traditional integrativeness and L2 motivational self system in Korean EFL college contexts and how those motivations have developed over time through a cross-sectional study. A total of five hundred fifty five college students taking English as elective in Korea completed the motivation questionnaires. The results showed that both traditional integrative motivations and L2 motivational self system have increased positively over time at college. The post-hoc test revealed that the senior students developed significantly higher motivations than the freshmen in integrative orientation, attitudes towards learning English, and criterion measures. L2 motivational self system such as ideal L2 self, ought-to L2 self, and L2 learning experiences better predicted motivated behaviors than integrative motivations even though both had significant correlations. Theoretic discussions were made for L2 motivations.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        경남농업기술원 화훼연구소에서 2005년 적색 대륜계의‘Misty Red’을 모본, 황색 대륜계 ‘Focus’를 부본으로 인공교배하여 계통 육성 후, 2007년부터 2009년까지 3회의 특성검정을 거친 후 2010년 황색 대륜계 거베라 신품종 ‘Dragon Star’를 육성하였다. ‘Dragon Star’는 황색(RHS 14-A)과 갈색(RHS 183-B)의 화심의 조화가 우수한 반겹꽃이며 화폭이 12.1cm 정도인 대륜화이다. 또한‘Dragon Star’는 화형이 안정되고 화경이 강건하며, 개화소요일수는 8.6일 정도이고 평균 절화수명은 12.9일 정도이다. 주당 연간 평균수량은 2007년부터 2009년까지3회 수량조사 결과 평균 48.5본 정도이다. ‘Dragon Star’품종은 2011년 국립종자원에 품종보호권등록(품종보호 제3738) 되었다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯류(Pleurotus spp.) 우량 품종개발에 많이 이용되는 교잡육종법 중에서 단핵-단핵간(mono-mono) 교잡에 관한 특성을 구명하기 위하여 느타리 6계통 및 사철느타리 1계통으로 단핵-단핵간 7조합 85개 교잡주를 얻어 교잡율, 핵 DNA 패턴 양상, 자실체의 갓 색깔과 수량성을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 단핵-단핵간 교잡율은 50~93.75%로 나타났으며, 단핵간 85 교잡주의 핵 DNA 양상을 분석한 결과 양친주의 핵을 공유하고 있어 DNA 패턴은 양친의 중간이지만 유전유사도는 어느 한쪽 친주와 조금 더 가까운 양상을 나타냈다. 계통간교잡주 모두 양친의 핵이 공존하는 DNA 패턴을 나타내었지만 양친 중 한쪽 친과 유연관계가 가까운 것으로 나타났다. 사철느타리와 느타리간 교잡주는 유사도가 사철느타리에 가까웠고, 느타리간의 교잡주도 한쪽 모균주에 가까운 유연관계로 나타났다. 단핵-단핵간 교잡에서 자실체 갓 색은 사철느타리와 느타리간 교잡주는 대부분 양친주의 중간정도의 색을 나타냈으나 양친주 중 어느 한 쪽 친주에 좀 더 가까운 갓 색을 띄는 경향을 나타냈다. 자실체 수량성은 느타리간의 교잡주는 양친과 유사한 것이 82 %, 양친보다 높은 것이 0%, 양친보다 낮은 것이 18%였다. 본 연구는 느타리 계통간 교잡주의 핵 DNA 양상과 자실체 특성을 구명하였다. 단핵-단핵간 교잡법의 장점을 충분히 활용하여 앞으로 육종방법으로서 느타리버섯류의 우량 품종을 개발하는데 유용하게 이용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 정서를 두 양상(청각, 시각)으로 제시할 시, 두 양상의 정서가 일치 혹은 불일치 할 경우 각성과 재인 기억, 회상 기억에 영향을 미친다는 것을 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 첫 번째 가설은 교차 양상에서의 정서 불일치는 일치 할 때 보다 각성 뿐만 아니라 재인, 회상 기억 모두 높을 것이라는 것이다. 두 번째 가설은 각성이 회상 기억과 재인 기억을 modulate한다는 것이다. 가설을 증명하기 위해 시각과 청각의 정서를 긍정 정서와 부정 정서로 조작하여 일치 조건과 불일치 조건으로 조작하였다. 각 조건에서는 재인 기억과제와 회상 기 억 과제의 정확도를 종속 변인으로 측정하였으며, PAD(Pleasure-arousal-dominance) 척도를 이용하여 참가자의 각성 수준을 측정하였다. 또한 8일이 지난 후, 참가자 모두에게 실험 자극으로 쓰인 영상에 대해 재인 기억 과제를 통해 다시 검사하였다. 연구 결과, 각성의 경우 영상을 본 후의 각성 차이는 통계적으로 유의미하게 나타 났지만(p<.001), 일치와 불일치 조건 간의 각성 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 또한 정서가 일치하는 조건과 불일치하 는 조건에서 재인 기억이 통계적으로 유의미하지는 않았지만, 영상 정서의 주 효과가 통계적으로 유의미하게 나타났다. 이로 인해 두 가지 정서로 나누어 분석한 결과, 부정 정서 영상에 노출된 조건에서만 일치 조건과 불일 치 조건에서의 재인 기억이 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다(p= .044). 사후 분석 결과, 불일치 조건에서 일치 조건보다 높은 점수를 보였다. 회상 기억의 경우, 영상 정서조건과 일치, 불일치 조건 간의 상호작용이 나타났다 (p=.039). 따라서 본 연구에서는 부정 정서에서의 불일치 효과는 증명하였지만, 각성으로 인한 효과는 증명하지 못하였다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 복합 구조물의 레이더 반사면적을 해석하기 위한 프로그램 RACSAN을 개발하였다. 본 프로그램은 물리 광학을 기초로 한 고주파 대역에서의 키르히호프 근사법을 기반으로 하고 있다. 또한, 본 프로그램은 물리/기하 광학 혼합방법을 이용하여 복합 구조물의 다중 반사 효과를 고려 할 수 있다. 즉, 기하 광학을 이용하여 다중 반사 시 유효면적을 계산하고 최종 반사면에서는 물리광학을 이용하여 레이더 반사면적을 해석한다. 개발된 프로그램의 신뢰성 확보를 위하여 이론해가 있는 구조물들의 결과들과 비교하여 본 프로그램이 복합 구조물의 레이더 반사면적 해석에 유용하게 사용될 수 있는 것을 확인하였다.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고농도의 초산수용액을 분리⋅농축하기 위해 polyacrylonitrile (PAN) 중공사 복합막을 제조한 후 투과증발 분리실험을 통해 제조된 복합막의 분리성능을 확인하였다. 제조된 중공사 복합막의 코팅여부를 알아보고자 SEM 사진을 측정하였으며 코팅두께가 3.85 µm로 균일하게 코팅된 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한 막의 투과성능평가 실험을 수행한 결과 가교제의 농도와 가교온도가 증가함에 따라 투과도는 감소하고 선택도는 증가하는 경향을 나타내었고, 대표적인 결과로 가교제인 glutaraldehyde 농도 13 wt%, 가교온도 140°C에서 투과도 250 g/m2⋅hr, 선택도 13의 결과를 얻을 수 있었으며, 또 다른 가교제로서 poly (acrylic acid) 농도 9 wt%, 가교온도 140°C일 때 투과도 330 g/m2⋅hr, 선택도 9의 값을 얻을 수 있었다.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Consumer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) literature has, in recent years, introduced various CBBE models and measurement scales. This study aims to compare the external validity of the two prominent CBBE models in the fashion retail industry; those introduced by Yoo and Donthu (2011) based on Aaker (1991)’s CBBE concept and Nam et al. (2011). In order to make this comparison, the study collected data from 285 respondents in Turkey. Research findings show that Nam et al.’s (2011) CBBE model is, in the fashion industry context, the more reliable and valid. When the concept of “brand awareness” is included in this model, the psychometric properties of the model are improved.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999).In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue.Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable The world has changed dramatically, and the concern with regard to environmental and social impacts of economic activity have become hot issues that have been extensively discussed. Many marketers are applying sustainability as the part of their CSR and consumers are becoming more involved in ethical value of sustainable issues. However, yet, most people still perceive sustainable products as “alternatives” due to various reasons like price, design or simply unfamiliarity with the brand (Niinimaki, 2010). In a current situation where more and more brands are coming to the market offering the variety of choice of sustainable product, brand popularity can be a signal, or cue that help consumers to decide those of unfamiliar sustainable brand because brand popularity can influence the evaluation and decision in the sense that consumers perceive popular brand not only as trustworthy, but also superior to others (Dean, 1999). In terms of brand popularity, “popular” brands tend to acquire more favorable evaluations and larger user shares with, rather than without the popularity component. However, with such characteristics, brand popularity concept can be used within a cue utilization theory, which suggests that products consist of an array of cues (extrinsic and intrinsic) that serves as indicators of quality for consumers when they make decisions related to the product (Olsen, 1972), delivering brand popularity by extrinsic cue through advertising. In addition, the signaling theory suggests that when brand is ranked as popular, consumers assume there are trust and confidence behind the brand, which reduce their level of uncertainty (Dean, 1999). As such, while it has been argued that this cue could be useful as it provides a certain value to consumers and influence their opinion about the brand and, consequently, purchase decision, up to now, there are little studies that use the brand popularity concept as extrinsic cue. Along with the issue of brand popularity, although different consumers around the world make their decisions based on their own mental or physiological orientation, and the difference among consumer behavior has been widely studied and reported, yet, most of sustainable marketing campaigns are made in the similar fashion, without adapting them to specific traits of consumers in different countries. However, in order for sustainable brand to become main stream it is important to understand how the traits of consumers from other countries differ. Thus, it is important to understand the cultural difference in terms of marketing.Therefore, this study adapts brand popularity concept as an extrinsic cue that serves as a certain indicator for consumers (Dean, 1999) and consumer decision making styles as mental characteristics for shopping orientation (Sproles & Kendall, 1986) in order to see cross-cultural difference in consumers’ perception of sustainability brand among 3 countries: Korea, China and Russia. Choice of countries is not only resulting from the difference in behavior and attitudes towards sustainable consumption of Greendex (National Geographic & Globescan, 2013), but also, the difference among countries even when belonging as a part of Asia. Thus this study investigates overall consumers’ decision making style among three countries of South Korea, China, and Russia to find the effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation. Additionally, the moderating effect of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement was preceded. From this, it aims to provide implication for positioning and marketing sustainable brand in accordance to the difference consumer segmentation. A study was designed to determine which dimensions of consumer style inventory of country are most frequently associated in accordance to countries and whether brand popularity had affect on purchase intention of sustainable brand. The hypotheses were tested with a data set developed form field survey. The study was conducted cross-nationally in Korea, China, and Russia using online and offline survey. The survey questionnaire reflected a quasi-experimental design. The between-subjects design employed consisted of two between-subject factors of brand popularity and consumer decision-making style. The factor brand popularity had two levels: one provided with a brand popularity ranking as an extrinsic cue and one without. The resultant questionnaire was pretest by natives before distributing. No discrepancies among the surveys were reported. The consumer decision making style had three levels of Korea, China, and Russia. The questionnaire was pretest by 30 fashion marketing researchers before distributing. Of the 376 samples collected, 6 were returned incomplete. An additional 18 samples were deleted for further analysis as the answers were unusable. In total 352 samples – 113, 121 and 118 samples from Korea, China and Russia respectively – were subjected for final analysis.A one-way MANOVA revealed a significant multivariate main effect for consumer decision making style of the nation (Pillai’s trace = .23, F (10, 676) = 9, p <. 000). Given the significance of the overall test, the univariate main effects were examined. Significant univariate main effects for consumer decision making style of nation were obtained for quality (F = 6.95, p <.01), for uniqueness (F =7.54 , p <.01), for favorability (F =6.94 , p <.01), and for purchase intension (F =4.33 , p <.05). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in popularity among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of brand popularity yielded significantly higher mean score when it was presented. However, for China, the effect of brand popularity was significant as well (Pillai’s trace = .10, F (5, 114) = 2.45, p <. 05). Meanwhile, the outcome of Russia had different aspect to the prior two countries with no significant difference at all. The t-test provides evidence to support the claim that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations. Participants were placed into "high" or "low" fashion leader groups on the basis of previously obtained attitude. The group was divided according to the mean value (X = 2.98). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in fashion leadership among Korea, China, and Russia. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership was not shown significant. However for China, the effect of fashion leadership was significant (Pillai’s trace = .31, F (5, 114) = 10.27, p <. 001). Russia also had dramatic effect of fashion leadership (Pillai’s trace = .12, F (5, 110) = 3.03). Significant nation pairwise differences were obtained in sustainability involvement among Korea, China, and Russia. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant (Pillai’s trace = .17, F (5, 105) = 4.33, p <. 01). Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant (Pillai’s trace = .20, F (5, 114) = 5.82, p <. 001). The result of Russian was not significant. This study examines the overall effect of brand popularity and consumer decision making styles among three countries: South Korea, China, and Russia on customer evaluation of sustainable brand with the moderate role of fashion leadership and sustainability involvement. This study found that the effect of brand popularity differs according to the consumer decision making style of nations, fashion leadership, and sustainability involvement. Thus, consumer culture should be considered when applying such communication strategy. The result revealed that first hypothesis that brand popularity will affect consumer evaluation on the sustainable brand was denied. This can be explained due to the experimental condition of this study where it applied a virtual brand and the virtual institutions for evaluation. However, in more specific, this can be described as due to the cross national method of this study. The previous studies only focus on proceeding study in one country (Kim & Chung,1997; Rao & Monroe, 1988). It was found that Koreans tend to be more recreational, impulsive, confused by overchoice, brand conscious, and habitual whereas China brand conscious, impulsive, and less confused by overchoice. Russia was scored significantly low on all above mentioned criteria. The moderating effect of consumer decision making style of nation was investigated. The result indicated significant difference of consumer decision making style of nation. Whereas Korean had positive effect of brand popularity on brand evaluation when presented, China showed negative influence, and Russia had no significant impact. This can be due to the Korean consumers’ tendency to value trust and reputation. Individual Korean consumers tend to buy products of large we The third hypothesis of fashion leadership negatively affecting the effect of brand popularity was also partially supported. The significant dependent variables appear differed by nations. In case of Korea, the effect of fashion leadership did not shown significant, yet China and Russia did. However, while China had positive effect of brand popularity, especially to those with high fashion leadership, Russia had negative effect of brand popularity. The difference on consumer decision making style in between high and low fashion leadership groups was investigated. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionism, brand conscious, novelty conscious, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly less brand conscious novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, and habitual. The result of Korea can be inferred as the high trend sensitivity of Koreans. With less difference in consumer decision making style in between high fashion leaders and low fashion leaders, compared to the other two countries, the effect may have not been clearly shown. The result of China and Russia can be interpreted as that the Chinese fashion leaders being more brand conscious caused higher result when the brand popularity was provided. Yet, in Russian fashion leaders who are less brand conscious and less impulsive may have affected the rigid attitude towards the well-known sustainable brand. Lastly, the effect of sustainability involvement was examined. In case of Korea, the effect of sustainability involvement was significant. Similarly, the effect of sustainability involvement in China was significant. The result of Russian was not significant. "high" and "low" fashion leadership groups differed in their decision making style by nation. For Korea, involved subjects were significantly more novelty conscious, hedonic shopper, and more habitual. In case of China, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist, brand conscious, novelty conscious, hedonic, impulsive, confused by overchoice, and habitual. Lastly, for Russia, involved subjects were significantly more perfectionist. The difference of the result can be explained through the distinctive culture of each country along with the result of the consumer decision making style of the highly involved groups from each country. Koreans, as mentioned above, the effect popularity cue works stronger than other countries. The tendency of preferring products with powerful brand name would have affected the result as expected. However in case of China, along with that Chinese having suspicious perception on institutional documents, significantly being brand apathy may also explain the result. In addition, Russia overall had a high score of sustainability, which can relate to the fact that although slight decrease in its Greendex recently, it has been ranked for several years now, the sustainability value itself may have worked as a intrinsic value of the brand rather than brand popularity cue.ll-known companies rather than small and unfamiliar ones (Kim & Zhang, 2009). The result of China can be explained with Chinese consumers’ characteristics of having suspicious perception on transparency of the enterprise information (Brandvista, 2013). Especially distrust on official data or the governmental exists. With Russians result, this finding are supported by several previous research that suggests that new brands coming to Russian market at the very high speed and disappears quickly due to complexity of the market, thus consumers don’t have time to strongly attach to one brand (Peskova, 2007).
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study of Product Placements examines cross-cultural differences in the UK, Germany and Mexico using an online survey of 338 respondents. Although product placement can still be used as a standardised global marketing strategy significant cultural differences were found, Marketers must therefore pay attention to such differences for international product placement decisions.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main purpose of this paper is to find the etic dimensions of beliefs towards comparative advertising (CA) and to test their relationship with global attitude and acceptance of CA in a cross-cultural setting. Samples from four linguistic and cultural different countries were used: Austria, Canada, China and Peru. The research instrument was an online questionnaire. Results uncovered three main etic belief dimensions: truthfulness and deceitfulness as societal (micro) variables, and product information as personal (micro) variable. Invariance tests indicate that the items comprising the scales proposed to measure CA beliefs, global attitude and acceptance of CA possess equivalence across the four countries. Our model shows that beliefs indirectly affect acceptance of CA, which is mediated by global attitude toward CA. Results reveal similarities and differences across countries on the magnitude and importance of the beliefs and global attitude total effects upon acceptance. Finally, results are analyzed vis-à-vis the Hofstede’s national cultural dimensions, which indicate that uncertainty avoidance and individualism/collectivism help to explain the main differences across the countries.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During the last decades more and more consumers worldwide, started integrating environmental considerations into daily purchases what leads the so-called ‘green consumer’ to ask for healthier, safer, and better quality food. Nonetheless, a deeper understanding of value dimensions consumers across nations perceive in the context of organic food products is still required to develop successful management strategies which might transfer positive consumer perceptions to satisfaction and resulting buying behavior. Against this backdrop, the present study focuses on a) the antecedents leading to the consumption of organic food products and b) the identification of differences regarding the relative importance of the value-based drivers across US and German consumers
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Perceived risk associated with online shopping has a critical effect on consumer decision making. Cultural values provide a good theoretical basis for understanding perceived risk. Given the rapid globalization of online shopping, an understanding of the mechanism of perceived online shopping risk and consumer repurchase intention in different cultures is crucial. The research question furnishing the main impetus for this study is: What are the different effects of various determinants of perceived risk in the context of online clothing shopping. We will study this question through the lens of Chinese and French cultural differences. A total of 195 and 221 questionnaires used for the analysis were collected from Chinese and French respondents respectively. Structural equation models with the maximum likelihood estimation method were employed to test all the hypothesized relationships. The research produced the following findings. Privacy concerns, security protection, and website retailer reputation have different effects (too large) on consumer perception of non-personal risk and personal risk as a result of cultural differences. Additionally, for both the Chinese and French samples, non-personal perceived risk significantly effects intention to repurchase. We found personal perceived risk has a significant effect only on Chinese consumer intention to repurchase.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The cross-sexual movement in ads implies that a gender role stereotype that was not easily changed in society has been steadily changed lately. In general, changes happen after a phenomenon. If the cross-sexual trend in ads brings about changes in the society of eastern culture where a gender role stereotype is relatively stronger than western culture, the social impact of cross-sexual advertising will be quite influential. From such perspective, this study attempted to empirically validate the effect of cross-sexual advertising which many companies are now utilizing increasingly. Specifically, this study was intended to identify the boundary conditions for the effect of cross-sexual advertising. This study validated the moderating effect of consumers' self-construal and need-for-uniqueness on the relationship between the ad type and the consumer evaluation. Furthermore, it clarified what the underlying cognitive mechanism was for the effect of cross-sexual ads.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The emergence of peer to peer systems such as online auction websites is a major element in e-commerce yet relatively little is known about what influences its adoption and use in different parts of the world. Using an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), user attitudes and behaviors from three national environmental contexts, Korea, Germany and New Zealand, are examined and compared to determine the factors influencing the adoption and usage of this system. The key questions this paper addresses are: Are there national differences affecting the ability for the TAM to predict OAWS acceptance, and if so, in what way? And are differences observed between heavy and light user motivations and perceptions of the medium and how these differ across national environments? Answers to these questions will increase the understanding for future marketers and developers of peer-to-peer systems. An extended TAM model was developed from which a number of hypothesized relationships are posited. We use the Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw (1989) core TAM model extended by our arguing for two key influencing factors on a user’s attitude to using a new technology, perceived risk and computer affinity. We contend the drivers of perceived risk are: perceived enjoyment, trust in intermediary, perceived reputation system effectiveness, and positive past experience. Additionally we address the limited understanding in the literature of the national environment effects on technology acceptance. National cultural effects such as uncertainty avoidance and individualism, along with technological heritage and country innovativeness may need to be understood to determine potential differences in consumer activity and the robustness of the theoretical model. We also considered usage behavior to be important. Research for example, identifies heavy users as influencers on other potential adopters; thus important targets for developers and marketers of new technologies. Results suggest that although the core TAM is somewhat robust for the three nations along with the extended model for the respondents from South Korea, there are some key differences in the extended model between New Zealand and Germany. Specifically the relationships: Positive Past Experience and Perceived Risk are not supported in NZ or Germany, and “computer affinity” and “attitude to using” unsupported in Germany. We similarly found differences in the attitudes of light and heavy users between the samples, especially the Korean sample with the others. Our findings highlight that national environmental variations, especially between the “eastern” and “western” samples are important, which could be attributed to both uncertainty avoidance and individualism. Key conclusions and recommendations will be given.