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        검색결과 1,221

        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study contributes to the recent debate on luxury brands and sustainability practices. By combining Implicit Association Test (IAT) with two online experiments, the research aims at reconciling previous results on this topic. Particularly, in the first study, millennials’ unconscious associations to sustainable luxury are investigated. In the second study, the effect of sustainability on millennials intentions to buy toward luxury and fast-fashion products are assessed. Finally, the third study considers the role of different product appeals involved in the sustainability practices in determining consumers’ responses. Expected results of study 1 and 2 confirm the idea supported by a part of previous studies that sustainability is not automatically and positively associated to luxury brands. Study 3 provides with an explanation of discording results, by focusing on sustainability appeals and their centrality on the evaluation of luxury products. Theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Celebrity endorsement is defined as an agreement between a publicly recognized celebrity and an entity to use the celebrity’s fame to promote a brand or product. Generally, a celebrity is defined as a famous singer, actor, or athlete who frequently appears in public. The celebrity uses his/her public recognition to persuade consumers to purchase a specific product by the endorsement, and the celebrity accepts remunerations from the firm. Celebrity endorsement has been prevalent as an advertising strategy and many advertisers invest enormous amount of money for the celebrity endorsement. Prior research has examined the economic benefits or effectiveness of celebrity endorsement and found that celebrity endorsement attracts attention from consumers and polishes a tarnished brand image, and the celebrity may help advertisements stand out, thus improving their communicative ability. Apart from a general celebrity endorsement advantage, previous studies have found the factors that affect the success or failure of celebrity endorsement. An attractive celebrity can positively influence advertising evaluation, and a celebrity with expertise can increase consumers’ purchase intention through product. In addition, consumers prefer a product endorsed by a highly trustworthy celebrity. Specifically, on the economic worth of celebrity endorsement, most studies have indicated a positive effect. An announcement of a celebrity endorsement contract can bring a positive abnormal benefit to a firm’s stock price. Celebrity endorsement also helps increase the intangible value of a firm, which is the source of competitive edge and sustainable growth. However, despite recent interest in the return on advertising investment, it is not known how and which source factor of the celebrity endorsement can be explained with the firm value. By using text mining and sentiment analysis, the results of this study explain that the sustainable firm value is impacted by various sources of celebrity endorsement. First, the number of words regarding celebrity attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness has an impact on the sustainable firm value. Among the three sources, trustworthiness has the biggest impact on the sustainable firm value, which is Tobin’s Q. Second, regarding attractiveness and expertise, increasing proportion of positive words has impact on the firm value. On the other hand, regarding trustworthiness, the number of negative words on occupational issues is important. Third, different celebrity expertise has different impact on the sustainable firm value depending on the degree of job uniqueness and replaceability. Fourth, once the celebrity has lost his/her trustworthiness, the negative impact is hardly recovered as the negative interaction effect between positive impact of celebrity expertise on the sustainable firm value and the loss of trustworthiness is over seven times higher than the positive effects from the expertise. This implies that if an advertiser carefully manages other effects except for the loss of trustworthiness, he/she cannot offset the failure.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The major paradox in research in marketing: Can the researcher construct models that capture firm heterogeneities and achieve accurate prediction of outcomes for individual cases that also are generalizable across all the cases in the sample? This study presents a way forward for solving the major paradox. The study identifies research advances in theory and analytics that contribute successfully to the primary need to fill to achieve scientific legitimacy: Configurations that include accurate description, explanation, and prediction (i.e., predicting outcomes accurately of cases in samples separate from the samples of cases used to construct models having high fit validity.) The solution here includes philosophical, theoretical, and operational shifts away from variable-based modeling and null hypothesis statistical testing (NHST) to case-based modeling and somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT). The study here provides examples of research contributing to knowledge and theory that advance prediction and control in business-to-business contexts. Shifting beyond linear model construction and symmetric tests (i.e., multiple regression analysis (MRA) and structural equation modeling (SEM)) and embracing complexity theory and asymmetric tests (i.e., constructing and testing algorithms by “computing with words,” Zadeh, (1996, 2010)) includes taking necessary steps away from examining “net effects” of variables to useful screening modeling of case configurations. Researchers embracing this shift in marketing benefit from recognizing that the current dominant logic of performing null hypothesis testing (NHST via MRA and SEM) is “corrupt research” (Hubbard, 2015) and from recognizing that predicting by algorithms via somewhat precise outcome testing (SPOT) advances business-to-business research toward achieving scientific legitimacy.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        전통적인 아케이드게임 강국이라 불리던 미국이 중국과 일본을 중심으로 발전하고 있는 VR 테 마파크산업 발전에 대항하여 VR 기술의 도입을 적극적으로 추진하고 있다. 한 때 PC방 문화를 이끌면서 온라인 게임강국이란 이름으로 불리던 우리나라 게임업계와 테마파크업계도 에버랜드나 롯데월드와 같은 기존의 대형 놀이공원에 VR 기술을 도입하는 수준이었으나, 최근 송도, 이태원, 홍대, 동대문 등의 시내에 도심형 테마파크들을 속속 개장하면서 VR 테마파크 산업을 새로운 VR 산업의 핵심 분야로 발전시키고 있다. VR 테마파크산업이 발전하기 위해서는 VR 관련 하드웨어나 소프트웨어를 개발하는 민간기업 뿐만 아니라 정부의 지원 대책도 필요하며, 사용자들이 VR 콘텐츠를 체험하는 과정에서 발생 가능한 다양한 문제점들을 극복할 수 있는 대책이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는, 정부의 강력한 지원과 대규모 잠재고객의 확보로 전 세계 VR 테마파크 시장을 선점하고 있는 중국의 VR 테마파크산업과 롤러코스터와 아케이드로 활황을 누렸던 과거의 테마 파크산업을 다시 부흥시키기 위해 VR 기술을 도입하여 VR 테마파크산업을 발전시키려는 미국의 테마파크산업과 비교와 분석을 통해 한국 VR 테마파크산업이 가져야 할 경쟁력 강화 방안을 도출해 보고자 한다.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fig is a fruit of which the flesh is very sweet, and it is a tree which has been grown for fruit in Korea since long time ago. However, since the flesh of fig tends to be easily softened, commercial cultivation of this fruit began later than that of other fruit trees grown for profit, however, the cultivation and demand of fig tend to be increased steadily due to the development of technology for storage and distribution since the 2000s. In addition, as the domestic dining culture is getting diversified, the dishes cooked by using fig as a food material are introduced through diverse foods including dessert, and it is possible to intake fig in diverse ways, but not through the traditional processed food. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a measure of expanding the consumption of fig as a processed food, and it will be possible to overcome the limitation of short storage period, while securing the competitiveness of the fig industry. In this research, we have studied the history of domestic fig cultivation, current status of it and status of processed foods through related documents and materials, and the characteristics of the consumers who purchase figs. Fig is a traditional fruit, however, we could find out the fact that the consumers tend not to recognize it as a traditional one. Therefore, if we could add fig to various processed foods utilizing its sweet taste, rather than increasing the consumption of fresh fruits, it may increase the consumption of it.
        2018.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The challenges faced by the Malaysian shipyard industry had led to the failure of local shipyards in catering to the demand of ship owners. The shipyard industry had recorded the least contribution (1.0%) to the world shipbuilding order book and had caused inconsistencies in the Malaysian shipbuilding ship repair (SBSR) industry’s demand and supply market. The objectives of this study had been to identify the factors that had contributed to the challenges faced by the shipyard industry in Malaysia, and to rank them according to their priorities. The factors of these challenges had been identified by using the cause-and-effect analysis method and were further illustrated in the form of an Ishikawa diagram. Subsequently, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method was applied to determine the weightage of the priorities. The results had shown that ‘Market’ (41.66%) had been the most challenging aspect faced by the shipyard industry in Malaysia from all the five factors studied. As such, this research would help shipyard organisations to effectively prioritise these challenging factors as a way of sustaining their businesses and affecting the economic contribution from the shipyard industry.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        동일노동 동일임금과 직무중심 인사관리를 실현하기 위해서 객관적이고 타당한 직무평가 도구의 중요성이 지속적으로 강조되어왔다. 기존의 직무평가 도구로 글로벌 컨설팅 사들이 제공하는 범용 직무평가 도구가 활용되고 있지만 비용 측면이나 평가 항목과 가중치에서의 산업 및 조직의 직무 구조 및 특수성 반영의 필요성측면에서 현실적 장벽이 존재한다. 이러한 연구 배경을 토대로 본 연구에서는 노사 간 참여의 균형과 협력적으로 집단지성을 활용하여 타당하고 수용성 높은 직무평가 도구를 자체적으로 개발할 수 있는 방법론을 제시하였다. 직무평가 도구 개발 과정은 크게 6단계로 제안하였고, 각 단계별로 수행해야 할 주요 내용에 대해 서술하였다. 본 연구에서는 개별 조직, 산업의 직무구조와 특성이 반영될 수 있는 직무평가 도구를 구성하기 위한 과정과 다양하고 차별적인 항목과 가중치로 구성된 산업별 직무평가 도구 결과를 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 직무평가 도구 방법론을 보건의료, 철강, 은행, 호텔 산업에 적용하였다. 그 결과 직무평가 도구가 산업별 특성을 반영하여 평가 항목 및 가중치가 다르게 구성될 수 있음을 확인하였다. 결론에서는 도출된 직무평가 도구를 활용하여 직군 분류, 직무급 설계 등 직무중심 인사관리에 적용할 수 있는 방안과 향후 연구 방향을 제시하였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 영상제작 인력의 특성을 고려하여 다양한 전문영역 및 다양한 직급의 영상제작 인력(402명)을 대상으로 이들의 직업만족도와 관련요인들의 직간접효과 및 조절효과를 밝힌 실증연구이다. 본 연구의 목적은 첫째, 영상제작인력의 직업만족도에 이들의 업무자율성이 미치는 효과를 밝히고, 업무자율성이 직업만족도에 미치는 영향력이 의사소통 능력이나 대인갈등 요소에 의하여 증가 혹은 감소되는 지에 대한 이중매개효과를 입증하고, 셋째, 최근 영상제작분야에서의 성차별 문제에 대한 증대된 관심과 함께, 전술한 영상제작 인력의 업무자율성이 직업만족도에 미치는 직접효과 뿐 만 아니라, 의사소통능력 및 대인갈등의 이중매개효과가 성별에 따라서 어떻게 상이한 양상을 보이는지 규명해 볼 수 있도록 성별의 조절효과를 분석하는 것이다. 자료분석 결과, 첫째, 업무자율성을 많이 가질수록 직업만족도도 높다는 사실이 밝혀져, 영상제작인력의 직업만족도를 향상시키는데 업무자율성이 매우 중요한 선행요인임이 입증되었다. 둘째, 직업만족도에 업무자율성이 미치는 긍정적 직접효과는 특히 여성의 경우 남성에 비해 두배 이상 월등히 강하게 나타난 점이 주목된다. 셋째, 업무자율성이 직업만족도에 미치는 긍정적 효과는 남성의 경우 의사소통능력을 매개(mediation)로 하여 한층 더 강화될 수 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 넷째, 업무자율성이 직업만족도에 미치는 긍정적인 효과는 여성의 경우에서만 대인갈등을 매개로 약화되었는데, 이러한 대인갈등의 부분매개효과는 여성에게서만 발견되었다. 영상제작인력의 직업만족도에 업무자율성이 미치는 영향, 의사소통능력 및 대인갈등 등의 매개효과를 규명함에 있어서, 성별의 조절효과가 반드시 반영되어야 한다는 결론을 내리게 되었고, 자료분석 결과 밝혀진 주요 사실들을 토대로, 영상제작 인력의 직업만족도 향상을 위한 함의를 모색하고 논의하였다.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        문화콘텐츠산업은 현재 각광을 받고 있지만 창의성의 유지가 매우 중요한 분야로 안정적인 발전을 위해서는 다른 산업과는 다른 접근방식과 대안이 필요한 분야이다. 상호호혜성의 원칙에 입각한 협동조합의 형태는 다른 산업과는 다른 문화콘텐츠산업의 창작자들에게 안정적인 시스템을 제공하고 문화적 창의성을 유지 시킬 수 있는 훌륭한 수단이 될 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 이 논문에서는 특히 ‘바른음원협동조합’, ‘자립음악생산조합’을 중심으로 문화콘텐츠산업과 협동조합의 연계 가능성에 대한 논의들을 정리하고 있다. 이러한 사례연구로 문화콘텐츠산업이 협동조합 형태로 운영될 때의 상황들을 파악할 수 있다. 그리고 발전적인 문화콘텐츠 협동조합 형태에 대한 논의들을 진행하고 있다. 하지만 문화콘텐츠산업에서 협동조합 방식의 운영이 많지 않고 새로운 형태이기 때문에 그에 대한 시행착오와 한계도 확인할 수 있으며, 앞으로 이러한 문제점을 줄일 수 있는 많은 연구와 노력이 필요하다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Most of the literature on modern-day slavery focuses on women and children as victims of the sex industry. This disproportionate emphasis on sexual exploitation has resulted in conflation of the term trafficking with prostitution, which has led to an understanding of human trafficking issues as separate from other workplace abuses that amount to slavery. By exploring modern-day slavery in the Southeast Asian fishing industry, this paper may fill a research gap within the study of human trafficking as well as sharpen our awareness of slavery practices, not only in the sex industry, but also in workplaces like fishing vessels and seafood processing factories. This paper will argue that the proximity of modern slavery to sexual exploitation and the lack of differentiation between smuggling and trafficking crime has led to the ignorance of contemporary slavery practices in other sectors.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The International Organization for Standardization published ISO 9001 Quality Management System– Requirements in 1987 and has revised four times since then. ISO 9001:2015 is the latest edition. This latest edition has two most noticeable changes. The first major change of new edition focuses on performance with an emphasis on Risk-Based Thinking (RBT) to enhance the process approach. The new edition consists of ten clauses whose first three clauses are largely same as older edition but risks are clearly stated and stressed in last seven clauses, emphasizing on Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle at all levels in the organization. The second major change is that the new edition has the same overall structure as other ISO management system standards known as High Level Structure with Annex SL. In this article we aim to statistically analyze minor nonconformities found in different types of transition audits. We try to interpret the findings and summarize the implications of the statistical results.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examined the current state of the representative support projects for each government that have been promoted to foster local industries. We have identified the changes and focus areas of the supporting industries in the biotechnology and medical industry sectors selected by each region. As a result, we found that most of the support for the bio and medical industry is concentrated in the industrial biotechnology field. We found that continued investment by governments and local governments had an impact on the growth of the biomedical industry In addition, an analysis of the results for 15 years (2002~ 2006) on sales and net profit (net loss) showed that productivity and growth were affected.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The 4th industrial revolution is in its progressive form, and its effects are already being revealed throughout society. It has led to a variety of new technologies including artificial intelligence (AI), big data, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, cyber-physical systems, biotechnology, 3D printers, drones, and Uber. The winds of this revolution are expected to bring many changes to the manufacturing industry. The low-growth global economy and a decline in productivity are prompting a 4th industrial revolution centered on Europe’s Germany, as it needed new growth engines. In Korea, manufacturing industries focused on labor and capital were the center of the industry. The goal was to pursue the first and second industrial revolution led by the developed countries, and to achieve what is called the “Miracle of the Han River”, “The Four Dragons for Asia”, and “The East Asian Miracle”. However, unlike the past, the 4th industrial revolution is not expected to bring about theoretical but substantial changes. The preparations and research into the 4th industrial revolution may seem to be ahead of the major countries, but unfortunately it is far behind the major ones. The United States, China, Germany and Japan are in the process of reorganizing the society, culture and economy in relation to the 4th industrial revolution. Korea`s economy, however, is showing a decline in the growth rate, with the exception of technical hardware and equipment and telecommunications. The 4th industrial revolution is an industry that requires highly specialized knowledge, information, and technology, and if it fails to respond to rapidly evolving technological changes and trends, it is bound to be relegated to the government's position. For small and medium sized manufacturers in particular, the longer the preparation is delayed due to poor environment, structural backwardness, lack of core competencies, and lack of innovation, the more likely they will adjust to social and technological changes caused by the 4th industrial revolution. Accordingly, it is necessary to enhance the importance of preparation for the 4th Industrial Revolution and to take strategic approaches to enhance the sophistication of technologies and the autonomy of small and medium sized manufacturing companies. In this study, we intend to study the manufacturing-ready effects of manufacturing industries based on the level of perception of the company’s 4th industrial revolution. For this purpose, 122 small and medium manufacturing companies were surveyed on the 4th industrial revolution. The survey was conducted for about four months from December 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018. In the case of small and medium sized manufacturing companies, a hypothesis was established on how the perception and preparation of the industrial revolution affects the direct preparation of the 4th industrial revolution. Three assumptions were presented depending on the level of perception of the 4th industrial revolution and the data were drawn from the questionnaire. When comparing the data to the hypothesis, small and medium manufacturing companies should be able to determine the level of interest they have in the 4th Industrial Revolution, and if they are not prepared to do so, they should be able to invest in a certain extent.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study was to develop a standard for setting a legal system for senior-friendly food. We conducted a web-based survey on 95 food industry workers. Answers to 10 questions in the survey were analyzed using SPSS 19.0. Important factors to consider when it comes to food for seniors are the supply of balanced nutrition, enhancement of functionality, and promotion of convenience. A total of 47 respondents (51.1%) felt the need for a legal system for senior food, and they thought that a certification for senior-friendly food would be advantageous for companies. They said that there should be texture standards to promote ease of chewing, standards for functionality, nutritional standards, and safety standards to certify senior-friendly foods. A total of 41 people (44.6%) said that it was reasonable to classify Japanese food into five levels of senior-friendly foods according to ease of chewing. Certification management received the highest score in implementing an activation plan for senior-friendly food.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        스마트폰은 2000년대 중후반 본격 보급되었으며, 우리나라는 안드로이드 운영 체제의 빠른 채택, 피쳐폰에서 축적한 기술력 및 수직 통합 체제와 프리미엄 제품 포지셔닝 에 기반한 공격적 제품⋅마케팅 전략에 힘입어 2011년 스마트폰 세계시장 점유율 1위를 차지하였다. 그러나 우리나라는 시장 점유율 1위를 달성한지 불과 4년만인 2015년 중국에 추격 을 허용하였다. 이와 같은 빠른 산업 주도권 이전 현상을 논의하기 위해 본 연구는 추격 사이클의 관점에서 중국 스마트폰 산업의 부상을 견인한 기술, 수요, 그리고 제도⋅정책적 기회의 창과 이에 대한 중국 기업의 전략적 대응 및 우리나라의 실책을 분석하였다. 그 결과 시스템 온 칩 업체의 등장과 스마트폰 아키텍처의 모듈화는 스마트폰 산업 진입에 대한 중국 기업의 기술적 장벽을 크게 낮춤과 동시에 체계적 역설계를 통한 기술 학습을 촉진하는 기술적 기회로 작용하였다. 또한 중국 스마트폰 시장의 급격한 성장과 저가⋅보급형 중심의 세계 시장 성장과 같은 수요적 기회는 중국기업의 시장 개척을 용이하게 할 뿐 아니라, 세계 시장 진출을 가속화하는데 중요한 역할을 하였다. 이와 함께 중국 정부의 통신 기술자립화와 산업 생태계 조성 등의 노력은 중국 스마트폰 기업의 기술 역량 제고와 시장 성과 창출을 지원하는 정책적 기회의 역할을 하였다. 이와 같은 기회의 창에 대해 중국 기업은 외부 시스템 온 칩의 전략적 활용, 공격적인 저가⋅보급형 세분 시장 공략 및 원가 경쟁력 확보를 위한 스마 트폰 외주 생산 확대 또는 부품 내재화를 통한 성능 향상 등의 전략적 대응을 통해 시장 점유율 1위를 달성하였다. 반면 우리나라는 과거 성공 전략 고수에 따른 저가 제품 출시 지연, 강력한 수직 통합 체계 구축으로 인한 부품 조달 변경을 통한 제품 개선과 원가 절감 등에 어려움을 겪으면서 산업 주도권을 중국에 넘겨주게 되었다. 본 연구는 산업 주도권 이전 현상에 대한 최신 실증을 추가함으로써 추격 사이클 이론의 발전과 심화에 기여할 것으로 기대 되며, 향후 우리나라 스마트폰 산업 경쟁력 강화 정책 수립에 중요한 지침으로 활용될 것으로 사료된다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        기업들이 저원가와 높은 품질을 동시에 추구하게 됨에 따라 제품 아키텍처 기반 경쟁은 기업 전략의 중요한 일부가 되었다. 본 연구는 한⋅중 조선 산업(LNGC)분야 대표기업의 제품 아키텍처와 조직역량을 비교 분석하여 그들이 어떻게 혁신성과를 이루어 냈는지 고찰하였다. 그 결과, 한국기업은 동력계열의 연구개발에 있어 FGSS(Fuel gas supply system), PRS(Partial Re-liquefaction System)와 같이 에너지 효율을 개선하는 장치를 자체 개발하여 기존엔진에 추가하고, 선체 무게를 경량화 하는 등 다양한 미세조정 노력을 통해 우수한 성능을 가지게 하였다. 이는 우수한 연구조직 역량과 현장과의 긴밀한 협업을 통해 실현되었으며, 고부가가치선의 높은 매출로 이어질 수 있었다. 반면 중국 기업은 설계 및 연구개발의 편의성에 집중하여, 기존의 부품에 대한 미세조정 노력을 소홀히 했고 그 결과 동일한 부품을 사용하고도 한국의 선박에 비해 7-10% 낮은 연비 효율을 지닌 것으로 나타났다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The government focuses the innovation paradigm of public institutions on the realization of social value through national tasks. Efforts are now being made to legislate the Framework Act on the Realization of Public Institutions’ Social Value, which allows public institutions to serve as the foundation and check the progress of social value realization plans every year. According to this Act, the government performance review must also reflect efforts and outcomes made to create social value. Traditional public institutions in the road sector are trying to convert social responsibility, job creation and related activities into indicators of social value realization. Social value refers to a “value that can contribute to public interests and community development in all areas including social, economic, environmental, and cultural ones.” This definition commonly used in government policy includes the concept of public institutions’ social responsibility and shared value creation. Here, social responsibility refers to the returning of corporate profits to society for the continued development of a community while shared value creation refers to the solving of a social problem by a company pursuing both economic and social value creation. The performance sharing scheme in particular is regarded as an important tool for companies to create social value. In this regard, this study examines how public institutions in the road sector used the performance sharing scheme. The purpose of this study is also to discover more cases based on this analysis. The analysis so far found the following 5 types of performance sharing schemes in the road sector: (a) service improvement, (b) technology development, (c) conditional purchasing, (d) technology transfer, and (e) performance sharing between multiple parties. Notably, technology transfer or performance sharing between multiple parties means that public institutions provide support to the private sector so that it can take the lead and develop required technology. These instances can be good examples of public institutions serving as the foundation and creating social value by removing new technology entry barriers for small and medium-sized enterprises and supporting the development of the latest prioritized technology or product. Accordingly, there needs to be established a cooperative ecosystem between small, medium, and large companies in a win-win approach to increase the adoption rate of SME support projects and provide more technical advice in the road sector and thereby, to expand the cases of shared growth where outcomes are shared in the road sector.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        반도체용 초순수를 생산하는 공정에서 수질관리를 위해 카트리지 필터, 한외여과막, 역삼투막, 탈기막, 이온교환막, 최종생산수용 한외여과막 등 다양한 종류의 분리막이 적용되고 있다. 분리막 공정은 종래기술과 비교하여 동등이상의 성능과 운전의 용이함과 설치면적의 최소화 등 부수적인 장점을 가지고 있다. 유입수의 수질에 따라 전처리 필터의 종류 및 기능이 결정되며, 최종수의 폴리싱 부담을 줄이기 위한 분리막 공정의 구성 등이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 반도체용 초순수 실증파일럿플랜트의 공정 최적화를 위해 분리막 공정의 구성 및 운전방법에 따른 성능 등을 평가하는 연구를 진행하였다.