Recently, as the global problem of marine debris and marine plastics is getting serious, various ways to solve them have been proposed, and the use of the biodegradable fishing gear is proposed as an alternative. Currently, 13 types of biodegradable fishing gears are available, but their penetration rate is only 8.7%. However, the need for the use of the biodegradable fishing gear is growing as awareness of protecting marine ecosystems is growing. Therefore, in this study, the economic effects of the expansion of biodegradable fishing gear distribution in Korea's coastal areas were analyzed through the conservation of marine ecosystems, augmentation of fisheries resources, and augmentation of fishing efficiency. According to the analysis, the economic effects of 52,795 million won, 105,590 million won, and 158,385 million won was generated as the distribution of biodegradable fishing gear were expanded to 10%, 20% and 30% across all gill net and trap.
The purpose of this study is to provide logical and policy justification for the feasibility and sustainability of the project through analysis of economic ripple effects of the fishing village new deal 300 project. To do this, we applied the industry-related analysis, which is mainly used to analyze the economic ripple effects, to the fishing village new deal 300 project. The industry association analysis classifies the detailed project of the preliminary plan for the selection of the business into the software business such as the hardware business and the capacity enhancement in the construction field and analyzes the economic ripple effect through the inter-industry association. As a result, it is expected that the fishing village new deal 300 project will have a positive economic impact. When the total investment of 3 trillion won is invested in the project, it is estimated that the production inducement effect and the value added effect are 5,545.3 billion won and 2,102.7 billion won, respectively. In addition, 62,005 get job inducements, where 10,952 employment inducements were associated with job creation. The analysis of the above impacts seems to have secured the logical justification for the implementation of the fishing village new deal 300 project.
이 논문은 우유자조금 지출의 경제적 효과를 계측한 것이다. 특히, 자조금 지출에 따른 광고효과로 백색시유에 대한 수요증가와 그에 따른 백색시유 판매수입 증가에 국한하여 그 효과를 추정하였다. 다섯 가지 형태의 백색시유 수요함수 추정을 통해 백색시유에 대한 자조금탄성치를 추정하고 이를 통해 자조금 1원당 경제적 효과를 계측하였다. 추정결과, 우유자조금 1원당 경제적 효과는 단기(1달)에서 3.8원~5.1원의 경제적 효과가 있고, 다항시차모형(PDL model)을 적용하여 장기 누적효과(1년)를 계측한 결과 자조금 1원당 8.8원~10.5원의 경제적 효과가 있는 것으로 계측되었다.
The purpose of this study is to estimate the resource recovery effect and the economic effect of the fishermen by the fisheries vessel buy-back program. First, this study standardizes the fishing efforts of coastal gill net, coastal trap, and coastal composite fisheries using Gavaris general linear model. Second, the resource evaluation is performed by using vessel buy-back program data, and also the CYP model based on exponential growth function is applied. In order to derive the effect of the vessel buy-back program, the MSY with the vessel buy-back program is compared with the MSY without the vessel buy-back program. Finally, we compare and analyze producer surplus under the equilibrium of the MEY and the OA using bioeconomic model. In conclusion, the vessel buy-back program has shown an increase in resource growth and economic improvement for the remaining fishermen. The result shows that the remaining fishermen are able to obtain an increase in producer surplus of about 53% due to the vessel buy-back program under equilibrium levels of the open access and the maximum economic yield.
This study is to evaluate economic effect of the creation project of Octopus Ochellatu spawning and habitat ground in Taean County. The main results of this study are summarized as follows: first, the creation project cost of Octopus Ochellatus spawning and habitat ground invested in Taean from 2015 to 2017 was 3,400 million won. Second, The creation project of Octopus Ochellatus spawning and habitat ground directly provides fishing benefits, recreational boat fishing benefits, festival benefits, research and development benefits, and employment benefits. Third, on the basis of above benefits, the creation project of Octopus Ochellatus spawning and habitat ground has a net present value of 14,478 million won, internal rate of return 60.8%, and benefit-cost of 5.03 under a 4.5% social discount rate. Also, the creation project creates 47 jobs. This indicates that the creation project of Octopus Ochellatus spawning and habitat ground contributes not only to the increase in the income of coastal fishery, recreational boat fishing business and fishing villages but also to the job making. In conclusion, with all these results, a project for making spawning grounds and habitats in the specified region gives species more numerically abundant and this gives more profits to fishermen in the coastal area. In addition, this project helps to make attractions to visitors or people who came to those specified regions to participate in events or have recreation, which means it improves profits to that fishing village and improve a settlement condition.
The private sector is currently reviewing the feasibility of the project or deciding economic policies by analyzing the economic ripple effects. However, the arms acquisition project focuses on the need for the national defense weapons system by analyzing the costs and the effectiveness of the analysis and reviewing the necessity and feasibility of the project. In order to analyze the economic ripple effects, KB (the Bank of Korea) prepares and publishes an analysis table of industrial associations in a given unit. IAAR (the industrial association analysis report) is difficult to apply directly to the defense weapons system. Therefore, research on the economic ripple effects applicable to the defense arms procurement project was needed. In this study, we propose the generic methodology for estimating economical and technical ripple effects resulted in acquiring new weapon systems. Based on the analysis of inter-industrial relations, economical ripple effects are estimated with production inducing effects, value-induced effects, employment-induced effects and export-induced effects. Also, the technological ripple effects are estimated with technological intensity represented by investment cost in research and development. To show the validity of proposed methodology, a case study of acquiring new weapon systems such as GR (guided rocket), destroyer, and helicopter is accomplished. From the case study, it is concluded that these economical & technological ripple effects can be used as a reference to decision making in the course of acquiring major future defense weapons systems.
South Korea is the only country that has switched its statue from a recipient of aid to a donor country that offers aid. After joined OECD/DAC in 2009, other countries are growing interest about ODA of Korea. In particular, food & agriculture cooperation initiative which is multilateral ODA of RDA in Korea is differentiated bilateral ODA. Therefore, other countries was growing interset about performance of ‘food & agriculture cooperation initiative’ Accordingly, purpose of this study is to find out the recipient countries economic effects of ‘Water management of rce project’ and ‘Cacao project’ among 3 project that are bring worked on by ‘Korea-Latin America Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative(KoLFACI)’ established in 2014. The best result obtained from KoLFACI projects was that project performance was significantly great despite small scale of budget invested. Economic ripple effect of water management of rice project was estimated as approximately USD 20,014,377 for upcoming 9 years in Peru and USD 6,081,463 for upcoming 9 years in Colombia. In Guatemala, economic ripple effect of training activities via cacao project was estimated USD 27,258 for project period(4 years). Also, the effect of fermentation and dry technology about Cacao in Colombia presume result. Estimation result, fermentation and dry technology effect was estimated USD 2,177,152 in Colombia upcoming 9 years. It means that KoLFACI project was technology development and distribution-centered, small scaled project with annual USD 20,000 ~ 30,000 budget, of which economic ripple effect was great in terms of low cost and high efficiency ODA project. We will search for ongoing methods that contribute to the role expansion of Korea and the agricultural development of the recipient country will be needed through the expansion and complementation of a low-cost and high efficiency ODA project such as the KoLFACI project.
본 논문은 한국의 연구개발투자가 제조업구분에 따른 파급효과들을 산업연관분석을 이용하여 분석하고 있다. 연구 방법은 2010∼2014년 국내 산업연관표 상에서 연구개발투자 부문을 외생화하고, 경제협력개발기구(OECD)의 기술수준 분류표에 입각하여 기술수준별로 제조업을 분류하여 연구개발투자가 미치는 생산유발효과와 부가가치유발효과를 분석하였다. 분석결과, 연구개발투자의 기술수준별 제조업 구분에 따른 생산유발효과는 중고기술과 중저기술에 속한 제조업에서 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 부가가치유발효과 역시 중고기술 제조업에서 높은 것으로 나타났다. 반면 연구개발투자가 가장 많은 고기술제조업에서 생산유발효과와 부가가치유발효과가 상기 2부문보다 낮은 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과들은 한국 제조업이 연구개발투자를 통해 기술수준의 제고를 달성하고 이를 산업구조의 고도화로 이어간다는 품질사다리론과 연계되지 않았음을 의미한다. 이러한 분석결과로부터 한국의 연구개발투자가 고기술제조업의 생산유발과 부가가치효과의 증대를 위해 구조조정이 필요하다는 시사점을 얻었다. 본 논문은 산업연관표의 구조적 특성으로 인해 연구개발투자의 시차를 고려하지 못한 한계를 안고 있다.
수산양식어업은 수산생물질병을 어떻게 효과적으로 관리하느냐가 매우 중요하다. 이 논문은 경 제적 잉여분석을 이용하여 수산생물질병방역사업에 대한 경제적 편익의 직접적 효과를 추정하 는 것이다. 이와 같은 경제적 편익은 수산생물사망 감소율과 수산생물질병감소로 인해 발생하 는 소비자잉여와 생산자잉여의 변화 정도를 포함한다. 연구결과 양식되는 넙치, 볼락 및 기타 어류의 생산자잉여에 대한 연간 변화액은 총 23.3억원(각각의 경우 8.7억원, 10.1억원, 4.5억원) 이고, 소비자잉여의 연간 변화액은 총 101.5억원(각각의 경우 63.6억원, 18.5억원, 19.4억원)으로 추정되었다. 따라서, 수산생물질병방역사업에 따른 연간 총 경제적 편익은 125억원 수준으로 평가된다.
본 논문에서는 한국은행에서 발표한 4년(2010-2013) 동안의 산업연관표로부터 해양환경산업의 시장규모 및 부가가치액을 추계하여 국민경제적 지위를 따져보고, 산업연관분석을 적용하여 해양환경산업의 경제적 파급효과를 분석하였다. 해양환경산업의 시장규모를 추계한 결과, 총 산출액은 2010년 1조 3,406억원에서 2013년 1조 9,723억원으로 증가하였으며, 총 산출액 전체에서 차지하는 비중 또한 0.04%에서 0.05%로 증가하였다. 부가가치액은 2010년 6,185억원에서 2013년 8,415억원으로 증가하였으며, 국내총생산에서 해양환경산업의 부가가치가 차지하는 비중은 0.05%에서 0.06%로 증가하였다. 또한 수요유도형 모형을 이용하여 경제적 파급효과를 분석한 결과, 해양환경산업에서의 1원 생산 또는 투자가 국민경제 전체에 야기하는 생산유발효과는 2010년 1.8845원에서 2013년 1.8115원으로 소폭 감소하였다. 해양환경산업에서의 1원 생산 또는 투자로 발생하는 부가가치 유발효과는 2010년 0.7680원에서 2013년 0.7063원으로 감소하였다. 해양환경산업에서의 10억원 생산 또는 투자의 취업유발효과는 2010년 10.17명에서 2013년 9.18명으로 감소하였다. 요컨대, 해양환경산업의 산출액 및 부가가치는 증가 추세를 보이고 있지만, 경제적 파급효과의 원단위는 감소 추세를 보였다.
The purpose of this study is to find out the economic impacts of the CASSAVA project, IPM project, Post-Harvest project, and RICE project among 12 projects that are being worked on by the Asian Food & Agriculture Cooperation Initiative(AFACI) established in 2009. Reliable data such as FAO STAT etc. was utilized for the analysis on the economic impacts of each project and the data of an investigation on principal investigators of the nation who participate in each project was used for the analysis of the additional necessary information. According to the economic impacts analysis result, the economic impacts will occur and can be measured as an economic costs as follows: a total of $1,187,404 in Thailand for the next 19 years through the CASSAVA project, $2,358,299 in Indonesia for the next 18 years through the Post-Harvest project, $62,451,317 in Vietnam for the next 13 years through the Post- Harvest project and $60,629,555 in Nepal for the next 13 years through the RICE project. The AFACI project is a small project that annually supports each country that participates each project with approximately $ 10,000. Despite the small-scale project, the estimated result of economic impacts showed that great economic impacts occurred for its scale of the support. Thus, it is deemed that a search for ongoing methods that contribute to the role expansion of Korea and the agricultural development of the recipient country will be needed through the expansion and complementation of a low-cost and high efficiency Official Development Assistance(ODA) such as the AFACI project.
이 논문에서는 CGE모형을 통해 온실가스 감축정책이 제주지역 농업 및 총생산에 미치는 영향을 계측 하였다. 분석결과 탄소세를 부과할 경우에는 전라권의 GRDP가 2.522% 감소하는 것으로 나타났고, 제 주권은 0.272% 감소하는 것으로 분석되었다. 배출권거래제의 경우 제주권의 GRDP 감소효과는 0.01% 로 나타났다. 산업부문별 산출효과를 분석하면 전력이 1.411% 감소하고, 화학제품 1.370% 감소하여 그 업종의 산출액이 각각 18억원과 9억원 정도 줄어드는 것으로 분석되었다. 또한 에너지다소비산업인 건 설, 운수·보관업, 일반기계, 금속제품 등의 산출이 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 배출권거래제를 도 입할 경우 탄소세 부과보다 산출 감소가 크게 줄어드는 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 배출권거래를 통해 온 실가스 규제의 영향을 최소화할 수 있기 때문인 것으로 파악된다.
창조경제는 새정부 출범과 함께 제시된 새로운 경제발전의 패러다임이다. 정 부가 창조경제 정책을 추진한지 3년째를 맞이하고 있으나 창조경제의 규모와 추진 성과에 대한 실감형 분석체계는 부족한 편이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 창조경제 정책 추진의 경제적 파급효과를 정량적으로 추정하기 위한 새로운 방법을 제안한다. 먼저 국내외 창조경제 문헌 검토를 통해 문화⋅콘텐츠, SW 산업 등 외국에서 정의되었던 창조경제의 범위를 협의의 창 조산업군으로 정의하고, 우리 정부에서 제시한 고기술⋅첨단제조업, 과학기술서비스업 등을 추가적으로 포괄하여 광의의 창조산업군을 정의하였다. 다음으로 각 산업군 별로 창조경제 의 핵심 동인 중 하나인 ICT기반 혁신에 따른 투입-산출의 연도별 증감액을 추정하고 산업 연관분석을 통해 창조산업 내 ICT 기반 혁신이 전체 산업에 미치는 경제적 파급효과를 추 정하였다. 분석 결과 2013년 이후 전반적인 경기 하락세에서도 광의의 창조산업에서의 ICT기반 혁 신이 전 산업의 생산, 부가가치 및 고용유발효과의 상승세를 견인하고 있음을 확인할 수 있 었다. 그러나 협의의 창조산업군에서는 ICT기반 혁신의 경제적 파급효과의 증가가 미미한 것을 확인하였다. 본 연구는 크게 두 가지 관점에서 이론적, 정책적 의의가 있다. 첫째로 기 존의 창조경제 성과지표가 투입 역량 중심으로 되어 있어 가시적 효과를 산정하기 어려운 상 황에서 산업연관분석을 통한 산출 중심의 성과를 추정하는 새로운 방법론적 토대를 제공하 였다. 두 번째로 기존의 창조산업 파급효과가 단순히 해당 산업군의 규모 추정에 그쳐 추상 적이고 모호하였다면, 본 분석에서는 창조산업의 전체 규모 중에서 ICT기반 혁신활동이 설 명하는 파급효과를 구체적으로 산출하여 효과 산정의 타당성과 신뢰성을 높였다는 점이다.
The economic effects of sewage and wastewater treatment service (SWTS) sector on other sectors have been rarely investigated in the literature. This paper attempts to apply an inter-industry analysis to looking into the economic effects of the SWTS sector. To this end, the most recently published 2012 input-output table is used here. In particular, the SWTS sector is specified as exogeneous to identify the economic effects of the SWTS sector on other sectors. Production-inducing effect, value-added creation effect, and employment-inducing effect are quantified based on demand-driven model. Supply shortage effect and price pervasive effect are also analyzed employing supply-driven model and Leontief price model, respectively. The results show that production-inducing effect and value-added creation effect of a unit of investment or production in SWTS sector are estimated to be 1.7076 and 0.7392, respectively. The employment-inducing effect of one billion of investment or production in the SWTS sector is computed to be 11.0498 persons. The shortage effect of the SWTS sector amounts to 0.8417 won. The overall price effect of the 10% increase in the price of SWTS sector is calculated to be 0.0115%. This quantitative information can be utilized in predicting the economic effects of the SWTS sector-related activities or policy-making.
It is important to develop the smart ventilation system in order to minimize a building energy consumption using ventilation. In this study, We evaluated the efficiency of the smart ventilation system being developed at the nursery. To evaluate the energy savings and carbon dioxide removal efficiency, two kinds of experimental conditions were compared. First, air conditioner and Smart HVAC system were operated. Second, air conditioner was operating and external air was put into the inside by rate of air circulation. It was more effective when working with air conditioning and ventilation system at the same time. If the Smart HVAC system is applied in a multi-use facility, indoor air quality will be comfortable and the social cost will be reduced.
PURPOSES: The aim of this study is to analyze economic effect of bike-sharing after its introduction in Korea. METHODS: This study reviews current bike-sharing situations in Korea and other nations. We conduct surveys on bike-sharing system's bike usage patterns and economic benefits in Changwon and Goyang cities where public bikes are the most popular in the nation. Economic benefits are itemized after reviewing relevant previous studies. Then, the survey is implemented using the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). Then estimated benefit is compared to the cost which is necessary for bike-sharing introduction and operation. RESULTS: Using the average WTP per household, the total economic benefit of bike-sharing is estimated as much as 1.75 billion KRW to 3.75 billion KRW in Goyang and Changwon city. Using estimated benefit, economic effect of bike-sharing are calculated as 0.69 and 1.00, respectively. CONCLUSIONS : The result of this study shows bike-sharing could be useful economic policy in Korea. However, economic effect of bike-sharing differs by city. Keywords bike-sharing, public bicycle system, NUBIJA, Fifteen, economic analysis
This paper analyzed that the economic effectiveness of the artificial fish reef project in the Tae-an Marine Ranching. Benefit-cost(B/C) model used to indicate the effects of economic valuation. B/C model is based on the sub-models which are Benefit Cost Ratio(BCR), Net Present Value(NPV) and Internal Ration of Return(IRR). First, the Sum of Incremental Benefit and Cost for total vessel by year in Artificial Fish Reef Area(AFRA) estimated 2,381 million won. And then, using 5.5% discounting rates and the survey data, the sub-models showed economically feasible in the all of analysis and analyzed the results as follows. BCR is 2.66, NPV is 28,014million won, and IRR is 22.78%. In conclusion, these results indicated that the artificial fish reef project in Tae-an Marine Ranching would be increase the income of fishermen as well as fish biomass.
This paper to empirical examine the date from 2007 to 2010 China's ODI in 103 countries, found that a lot of overseas theory and experience hypotheses to explain China's ODI is not suitable for a large part. China's outward FDI to the investing countries are the main factors that affect the size and potential of the markets, the open level of market, such as the degree of technological development. But China's enterprises towards the presence of exchange and other financial risks that are not realize. The average wage level, the exchange rate of the traditional FDI determinants influenced the theory and existing research findings conflicting results were obtained. The strategic implications for Korean government and enterprises are as follow: First, China to take advantage of new investment source need to target strategies. Second, the extension of Korea's market should be expanded. Third, the investment environment should be open for the Chinese capital in Korea. Fourth, the response to M&A of China's enterprises should be prepared in advance. Fifth, we should be prepared that compete with foreign manufactured products by China's enterprises.