
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 27

        2004.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to identify the preferred types and consumption patterns of food away from home by socio-demographic factors including cohort groups, sex. and consumption patterns consisting of 6 types. Data were collected from 412 respondents by questionnaire method in April through May 2002. Regression results indicate that sex, age, family income, family type and size as well as the consumption patterns were significant in explaining the determinants of food away from home expenditures. Four logit function (each for Korean, American, Japanese, and bunsik) results showed that each type of food away from home was likely to vary depending on socio-demographic factors (i.e., cohort groups and sex) and the consumption patterns (i.e., convenience and simple, distinction and variety, tradition oriented, foreign design, health and quality oriented, sensible taste and mood). Similarities and differences in food away from home types are discussed, and future implications for food and nutrition specialists as well as food industrial marketers are provided.
        2000.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부산지역 대학생 340명을 대상으로 패스트푸드점 이용실태를 조사한 결과 다음과 같다. 1. 조사 대상자는 남학생 56.2%, 여학생이 43.8%이었고, 20-24세가 66.8%를 차지하였고, 자기집에 거주하는 학생이 73.6%이었으며. 평균용돈은 16-20만원이 31.8%로 가장 많은 비율을 차지하였다. 2. 대상자 중 패스트푸드점을 이용하는 대학생이 83.3%로 남학생이 77.6%, 여학생이 90.3%, 19세이하가 88.1%를 차지하였으며, 자기집에 거주하는 학생이 87.7%, 월평균용돈의 액수에 상관없이 높은 비율의 학생이 이용하고 있었다. 3. 패스트푸드점을 이용하는 시간대는 아무 때나가 44.7%로 가장 많았으며, 저녁시간, 점심시간 순으로 남학생은 아무 때나, 저녁시간대가 많았고, 여학생은 모든 시간대에 비슷한 비율로 높았다. 또한 자기집에 거주하는 학생이 아무 때나, 저녁시간대 이용하는 비율이 높았다. 4. 1회 이용시 평균비용은 삼천원대가 가장 많았는데 남학생은 삼천원이상 비용대의 비율이 높았고 여학생은 삼천원 비용대에서 두드러지게 그 비율이 높았다. 또 연령이 높을수록 비용이 많이 들었고, 자취와 하숙생이 삼천원 이상의 비용을 이용하는 비율이 높았으며, 평균용돈이 많을수록 삼천원 이상의 비용대의 비율이 상대적으로 높았다. 5. 패스트푸드점 이용시 메뉴선택은 기호에 따라 선택하는 비율이 64.5%로 가장 높았고, 남학생에 비해 여학생이 기호에 따라 선택한다는 비율이 80.1%로 높았다. 6. 대학생들이 이용하는 패스트푸드점은 맥도널드이었으며 특히 남학생보다 여학생이 상대적으로 월등히 높게 나타났다. 연령이 낮을수록 맥도널드, 롯데리아 등을 많이 이용하였고, 나이가 많을수록 다른 패스트푸드점도 이용하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와같은 결과로 볼때 대학생들의 패스트푸드점 이용은 점점 증가하고 있고, 소비하는 비용도 많아져 가고 있어 젊은이들의 식습관에 문제가 되리라 사료된다. 그러므로 패스트푸드의 영양성을 고려한 메뉴개발 등의 노력이 필요하며 미래의 주역이 될 대학생들의 식습관에 대한 보다 심도있는 연구가 함께 병행되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.
        1999.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigates the impact of International Monetary Fund(IMF) Age on the household behavior of food consumption and analysis the related factors(demographic variables, family life style) to find out the reasonable consumer's consciousness and food market conditions. The results are as follows. 1. General life style and food life style, considered as family life style, were classified into 7 types and 9 types respectively as family life style by factor analysis. 2. The rationality of using and disposing stage on food life has increased, the rationality of the planning stage on food life has decreased since the IMF age began. But the rationality of overall food consumption has hardly changed. 3. The amount of purchasing was decreased, discount store was favorite place to buy food, and safety and freshness were major determinants in purchasing for most of food items. But this was different with food items. The various information sources were used impartially to buy food, cash was used mainly, and the degree of using the discount ticket/coupon was a little low. 4. Income level is an influential factor on the rationality of the planning and purchasing stage on food life, while environment-oriented food life style has influenced on the rationality of using and disposing stage. The purchasing amount of grain products, meats, milk products, bread and snacks, drinks, alcoholic drinks, water and convenience goods has influenced by demographic variables, eating out had been influenced by general life styles, and fruits, healthy foods, processed foodstuffs, favorite foods, vegetables seaweeds, import foods and seafood had been mainly influenced by food life style since IMF age began.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was to investigate the consumption patterns of fast food in small city. The survey was conducted by questionnaires from March to April in 1997. The object was 500 men and women who were in their teens through fifties and living in Kimchen and Sangju city. A total of 444 subjects(88.8%) excluding incomplete answer were analyzed, all statistical data analysis were conducted using the SAS/PC+. 1. The reason why people go to fast food restaurants are quickness, a convenient place, good taste, low prices, good service, and good atmosphere. There was significant correlation with each element with one exception between taste and prices. 2. On the question about the fast food which was eaten most frequently, responded hamburger to 39.86%, noodles to 29.50%, chicken to 16.67%, pizza to 10.36% and the others to 3.60%. And female, teens and twenties ate hamburger more often and another groups ate noodles more often. 3. The standard of choosing fast food restaurants was taste, prices, sanitation, atmosphere and service. There was significant correlation with exception between taste and prices, sanitation and service, atmosphere and service. 4. About propriety of fast food serving size as one meal, it was not enough portion for female and 40s. 5. The awareness that eating foreign-made food was not right, was significant difference among age groups, but not sex. 6. Customers was discontented with sanitation, price and service. There was also significant correlation with each element. 7. The frequency of eating fast food was 1-2 times/a month(35.36%), 3-5 times/a month(31.31%), 5-10 times/a month(18.24%), hardly using(11.04%), 10-20 times/a month(2.70%), over 20 times/a month(1.35%). There was significant difference among sex and age groups.
        1996.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was designed to investigate food consumption patterns and nutrient intakes of college students, divided into subgroups of normal weight men (no.=140), normal weight women (no.=101), and underweight women (no.=155) by body mass index. Frequency of food eaten, nutrient intakes from each meal, percentages of RDAs, and nutrient densities were analyzed using 24-hour recall records. It was very interesting in these results as follows. Normal weight men ate on the whole more frequently than other groups. Underweight women had higher intakes of nutrient than did normal weight women. However normal weight women consumed food of greater nutrient density than did other college students. Consequently, it is desirable to suggest nutrient density of food than learn RDAs for adequate diet in nutritional education programs.
        1996.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the important changes and the trends in Korean newspaper articles related to 1) food habits and food consumption patterns 2) nutrition, health and diseases 3) food safety and policy. The method used in this study was content analysis of the articles pressed in Donga ilbo and Choseun ilbo from January 1960 to June 1996. Among the total 1814 articles, those on nutrition, health and disease were 922 (50.8%), food safety and policy were 490 (27%) and food habits and consumption patterns were 402 (22.2%). The articles related to food habits and consumption patterns dealt with four contents, food habits reformation, changes in food consumption patterns, nutritional status and food habits. The frequencies of food habits content were highest (51.1%) and especially increased in 1980's and 1990's as the concerns on health and pursuit of convenience were increased. Most of contents related to food habits were health and longevity diet (44%) and eating out (27.5%). The percentile of food habits reformation, the changes in food consumption patterns and nutritional status were 20.1%, 18.4% and 10.0%, respectively. The contents of food habits reformation were most interested in 1960's when food shortage and poverty prevailed. Nowadays, the major subjects of food habits reformation were changed to the problem of wastage and the use of our agricultural foods. The frequencies of change in food consumption patterns were gradually increased from 1960's (7 item) to June 1996 (34 items). And the most of contents related to nutritional status were focused on suffering from food shortage especially in 1960's.
        1996.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Food consumption patterns are predictors of nutritional status at all age levels and vary among and between different age groups. This study was designed to asses food habits and fast food eating patterns of college students in Ulsan area through questionnaries. Data from 330 useable forms was analyzed for percent differences, frequency of consumption, and statistical significance of differences between male and female students (T-test and chi square methods were utilized). Food habit score of female students was significantly higher than of male students. The reason for using fast food chain was 'convenience' or 'good taste'. The most preferred food by subjects was noodle or dumpling and least preferred food was pizza. In general, they had a higher satisfaction scores in taste and service of fast food and lower scores in amount and price of it. From this results it appears there is a need for developing domestic brand fast food to lower the price of fast food and giving the nutrition education for proper food selections and eating patterns.
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