
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 76

        2011.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        香港和澳门在政治稳定的基础上今后相当时期内、可望维持经济发展。 特别香港、澳门经济是在与中国大陆签署了CEPA的基础上、对中国经济将加速结合。但是、这并不会造成任何问题都可以看到。2006年、在澳门当地能够见反中示威者、在香港普通话的使用只是没有达到完美的程度。不过在“一国两制”的独特经济体系维持、香港与澳门的经济将来是非常光明的展望。尤其是香港、一个彻底的市场经济似乎不断保证、作为一个国际商业和金融中心。而且、基于赌场业的澳门的经济预计将持续下去、由于强化市场营销与服务和基础设施的热潮继续扩大。与中国经济一体化在中国政府的积极努力、可望加快。今后、中国政府积极努力港澳扩大进入在珠江三角洲经济区的一直、通过港珠澳大桥、广州-深圳-香港高速铁路等等各种各类基础设施建设。这是珠江三角洲地区一直在推动产业升级。特别是、通过的2005年7月泛珠三角区域合作发展规划纲要、珠江三角洲和香港/澳门加快进一步一体化进程。
        2011.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Incheon Port has many advantages for import of log and timber for furniture. More than 50% of lumber which was imported is through Incheon Port. However, most companies move and set up their business by taking lease of workshop. Because of expensive cost of transportation, it is suggested to construct a lumber Industrial district in the North Port in Incheon. By researching the national plans about the North Port and Incheon Ports, an adequate acquaintance of lumber industry in Incheon has been realized. ills study conducted the economic effect analysis for lumber industry clustering and the necessity of cluster composition is derived. Then effectiveness analysis for lumber industry cluster composition is sequentially operated.
        2009.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        About 50,000 hives of Bombus terrestris are used for pollination of tomato and other economical crops (fruit vegetables and fruit trees) in Korea. Therefore this study was conducted to find out the effective use of B. terrestris and its economic effect in the major beefsteak-tomato cultivation areas from February to August in 2008. The pollinating activities, rate of bite-mark and lifespan of B. terrestris"s hive according to all beefsteak-tomato varieties (Super Momotaro, Zeus42, Mascara and Super Sunroad, 500 ㎡, 9,600~12,000plants) were apparent by regular supplement of pollen (5~6g/3 days) to the hive of B. terrestris. Especially, Super Momotaro and Super Sunroad variety were most distinctive in the effects by regular pollen supplement.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, as the result of analyzing the relationship and influence between economic outcome and R&D supporting investment, the number of supporting subjects among the technological innovational areas of SMEs, it is as below. First, as the economic result of analyzing companies from the investment in R&D of technological innovational areas of minor companies, the number of supporting subjects and amount of R&D have relationship with increase of sales and export amount, employee reduction & the effect of new job creation shows positive correlation with the effect of import replacement. Second, as analyzing the influence of the investment in R&D has economic effect from of technological innovational minor companies. This is thought that the financial and R&D support increase a significant effect on economical, technical against SMEs.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Tough Korean architecture and urban environment has been developed for almost 100 years, it still remains various kinds of problems. Many attempts was carried out by every new plan to reduce the problems, it result in requiring more investment than before. It means all the investment for the development has been inefficient and immature to protect economic problems compared with the developed country. For the reason of economic problems it must be studied in historical cases which influenced the economic impacts, before the proposal of index with the economic theory. Searching typical architecture or urban development that brought about economic impacts can be classified into 3 cases. First case is the impact that caused the economic growth, increase, boom like the Westminster & others and the american architectures after the economic crisis. Second case is the impacts that was the origin of decline, shrink in economic as the Palace of Versailles, the skyscrape buildings in america before the economic crisis. Third case is the impact that was the both role of increase and decline in economic as the modern architecture in industrial revolution which led to the national economic growth and the gap between the rich and the poor, and as the american architecture that was the root of crisis and the revival in economic. From the case study, it is clear that architecture has relation with economics in various factors as mass production, labour, and another industries all over the history & the world. Now, architecture strongly needed not only to raise functional, cultural effect and value, but to predict and control the economic impacts with theory from further research of historical cases to policy and practise.
        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study are to analyze economic effect of prison labor on free market economy and to suggest ways for more effective prison labor industry. The impact of prison labor on non-prison labor has been debated over the years. Proponents have touted the social benefits of decreased net cost of prisons, improved behavior in prison, the potential for low recidivism, and rehabilitation through development of work and social skills. Opponents of prison labor from the beginning have pointed out the private costs of lost jobs and lost sales of industries outside the prison. Although it is very difficult to measure and compare quantitatively benefits and costs of prison labor, there is inverse relationship between prison labor and recidivism rates. According to Federal Bureau of Justice, inmates involved in prison labor has better chance to be employed and to receive higher wage. In addition, the revenue from prison work can pay for the costs of housing them in prison and prison labor leads to increased production of goods and services that can help in developing regional economy. In spite of the advantages of prison labor, it is argued that prisoners work is exploitative and it will displace civilian business and labor. These concerns put in place as the size and scope of prison labor expands and motivate legislative efforts in restricting prison labor. To improve quality of prison labor, the Bureau of Prisons needs to allow more private companies to employ prisoners at reasonable wage and to cultivate useful skills. Moreover, the operation body and methods of correctional work program should be reformed and specialized. It is recommended to consider establishment of special organization that concentrates in operating prison labor industry. Finally, it is suggested to benefits of prison labor should be measured and publicized to ensure quality of correctional work program.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We developed the logical methods to analyze economic impacts of standardization and cleared up effects of performing KS in micro and macro aspects. This study is performed through analysing foreign studies and results from surveys. The advanced methods pe
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        상황버섯은 한번 접종하여 4년간 재배되는 버섯으로서, 원목의 일부를 땅에 묻어서 재배하는 지면재배 방식으로 상업적 재배가 시작되었으나, 최근에는 보다 집약적인 재배방식으로 원목을 덕(균상)에 매달아서 재배하는 지상재배가 시도되고 있다. 지상재배는 덕(균상)을 만들어 많은 숫자의 골목을 매달아 재배하는 것을 제외하면 그 재배과정이나 작업요령에는 큰 차이가 없다. 다만 지상재배는 덕(균상)이라는 시설투자에 5,678,230원이 더 들고, 원목이 지면재배 5,200본의 2.8배인 14,400본이 소요되어 368만원의 원목비와 그에 따른 종균비 1,104,000원 등이 더 드는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 재배사 100평을 기준으로 한 4년간의 생산비는, 지면재배가 20,180,971원 지상재배가 37,953,825원으로, 지상재배가 지면재배의 1.9배에 이르고, 경영비는 지면재배가 12,077,712원, 지상재배가 24,075,432원으로, 지상재배가 지면재배의 2.0배가 되었다. 순수익은 4년간 100평에서 지면재배가 5억 8,094만원, 지상재배가 16억 8,330만원으로, 지상재배가 2.9배 많았고, 소득은 지면재배가 5억 8,904만원, 지상재배가 16억 9,718만원을 얻을 수 있는 것으로 나타나, 소득도 지상재배가 지면재배의 2.9배가 되었다. 이는 재배 원목수의 차이 2.8배에 골목 1본당 수확량의 차이 1.03(541g : 523g)가 더해진 것과 비슷한 수준으로, 생산비 차이 1.9배나 경영비 차이 2.0배보다 훨씬 크다. 이상을 종합하면, 지면재배는 지상재배에 비하여 투자비는 적게 들지만, 소득도 그만큼 낮고, 재배 원목과 버섯 수확량이 지상재배에 비하여 적기 때문에 저투입-저수익 재배방식이라고 말할 수 있고, 지상재배는 투자비와 노동력 투입이 많지만, 수익은 그보다 더 높다는 것을 확인할 수 있다. 다만 현금흐름 측면에서는, 지면재배의 경우는 첫해의 자금지출은 지상재배보다 적지만, 첫해에 수확이 전혀 없기 때문에 투자 후 2년 정도가 지나야 투자비를 회수할 수 있지만, 지상재배는 비록 첫해의 자금수요는 그보다 크지만, 첫해부터 수확이 가능하기 때문에, 전부는 아니더라도 첫해부터 투자비 회수가 가능하다는 점에도 유의해야 한다고 하겠다.
        2004.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We developed the logical methods to analyze economic impacts of standardization and applied these analytical ways into performing this studies in micro and macro aspects. This study is performed through analysing foreign studies and results from surveys. The advanced methods performing standardization as a form of "korean standards" are suggested here. which are based on results of this study. The major consequences of this study are followings. The economic micro impact is that each company gets 604.5 millions won a year through performing KS A, F(discount rate 4.5%) and 1.46 trillions won is the macro economic impact through performing total KS A, F, which comes to 0.245% of GDP.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationships between the socioeconomic condition, health attitude and the eye health of the elderly. Thereupon, this study is attributed to promote the eye health of the elderly. Data were collected through questionnaire by one-to-one interview in a community. The content of original questionnaires were revised by literature review and the pilot study. The sample was consisted of 285 elderly with a mean age of 71.8 years. In the study group, female was 52.3% and male was 47.7%, respectively. In age group, over 80 years was 16.5%, 75-79 was 21.0%, 70-74 was 29.5%, 65-69 was 26.0% and 60-64 was 7.0%. In maritai status, married and living with spouse was 54.4%, widowed was 45.6%. The elderly were suffering with diseases of arthritis(33.3%), hypertension(20.1%), cataract(14.2%) and diabetes(9.7%), respectively. Socioeconomics conditions were measured with monthly allowance money : The upper group those who can spend over 310,000 won was 13.6%, 110,000-300,000 won was 34.0%, less than 100,000 won was 52.5%, respectively. Therefore, the person who were very active health practice group were correlated positively with the wealthier group. Of the total, 33.2% of the elderly answered, they are suffering from two kinds of diseases combined at the same time. For the elderly who have the more concem on eye health were positively correlated with the higher educational level, live with spouse, and the ones who can spend the more monthly allowances. Eye health concem is positively correlated to health attitude.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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