
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 223

        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        지방자치단체가 서비스의 질을 높이기 위해 매일 노력하고 있지만, 서로 협력 한다면 훨씬 더 향상 시킬 수 있다. 정부는 지자체 개혁을 전면적으로 평가하기로 하여 경제 및 내무부(Ministries of Economics & Interior), 세무부, 재정부 및 지자체와 지역 협회의 각 대표들로 구성된 위원회를 조직하였다. 위원회는 지자체 개혁이 전체적으로 현재 직면하는 난관들을 더 잘 해결할 수 있는 공적 부분을 더 활발히 양성시켰다고 평가하였다. 소위 전문적 지속가능성은 일반적으로 볼 때 더 강화되었고 어떤 분야에서는 사고를 전환하고 서비스의 질을 향상시키는데 기여하였다고 하였다. 또한 지자체와 지역들의 정치적 관리가 이와 같은 개혁을 통하여 더 강화되었다고 평가되었다. 이러한 평가에 근거하여 어떻게 하면 더 나은 서비스의 질과 협력을 얻을 수 있는지에 대해서 구체화 하였다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The paper is to estimate willingness-to-pay (WTP) for tap water quality improvement in Busan, using parametric approach in contingent valuation method(CVM). For parametric approach linear logit model and log logit model are employed in double-bounded dichotomous choice format of CVM. For the reliability and the validity of contingent valuation method a survey was conducted for 665 respondents, who were sampled by stratified random sampling method, by personal interview method. The result of mean WTP for the tap water quality improvement in Busan was estimated to be 3,687 won and 3,660 won per month per household, while median WTP being 1,884 won and 1,892 won per month per household, respectively by linear logit model and log logit model. Provided that our sample is broadly representative of the Busan’s population, an estimate of the annual aggregated benefit of residential water improvement for all Busan households is approximately 29.7 billion won to 29.8 billion won based on median WTP.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to identify the relative importance attributes, deduct the ideal combination of total utility and establish the marketing strategies for quality improvement of foodservice at funeral halls of medical centers. Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires from 102 funeral foodservice employees and 71 chief mourners or the bereaved. According to the results from a conjoint analysis, among foodservice employees at funeral hall, the relatively important attributes were 'taste (52.84%)', 'menu variety (24.419%)' and 'price (22.741%)'; among chief mourners or the bereaved, they were 'taste (50.004%)', 'price (31.388%)' and 'menu variety (18.008%)'. The ideal combination of total utility was different between funeral foodservice employees and chief mourners or the bereaved; it was higher among chief mourners or the bereaved (1.211) compared to funeral foodservice employees (1.169). Thus, there should an endeavor to improve the foodservice quality in funeral halls of medical centers through better taste, low price and similar menu variety.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        So many drinking water treatment plants are under various difficulties by new reinforced effluent standards. Since the target turbidity, much higher than annual average, for designing sludge thickener have to be set to confront high turbidity season, the sludge at thickener should be put up for a long time during usual days. So the soluble manganese and chloroform may be formed under the anaerobic environment in the sludge thickener when the sludge retention time is longer with low turbidity. This phenomenon results in difficulties to keep regulatory level of the discharged effluent. For an effort to overcome the problems, a sludge aeration was successfully implemented into the thickening process. As a result, the final effluent quality and sludge volume were much improved; 41 % of manganese, 62 % of chloroform and 35 % of sludge volume. Additionally, effluent quality was improved ; 61 % of Manganese on aeration with pH control and we could make sure of stability effluent quality despite a long sludge retention time. We recommended the standard of installation sludge aeration equipment to nationally supply water treatment plant under effluent water quality problem ; Manganese, Chloroform, etc.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Air compressor is an important facility with electric power in the industry. However, because of the noise and vibration of air compressor and is installed outside the building management difficulty. In this study, MCP (Micro Control Processor) to remote monitoring of the air compressor via the compressed air through improved quality and allows stable maintenance were designed. So, increase the productivity improvement of energy-saving effect can be obtained. Remote real-time information stored on your PC to manage air compressor equipment was higher reliability. Monitoring system is developed in this study was applied to embedded systems. It is easy to install air compressor, and low maintenance costs was to raise the economic impact.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 생물학적 기법에 의한 수와호 생태계 보전방안에 있어서 자연재생법의 일환으로 조개를 활용한 내용을 소개하였다. 수와호는 과거 먹이연쇄구조에서 일차생산자의 증식을 제어할 수 있는 생물 (여과일차소비자)의 결손이 있었던 호소환경이었고, 최근까지도 이에 대한 지속적인 관리방안 및 대책을 시행해 왔다. 그 일환으로서 이매패류를 호수 내 부유식 cage를 이용하여 양식하는 방식이 대표적인 성공사례이다. 이는 식물플랑크톤의 소비를 촉진을 통한 수질정화를 도모하고 장래적으로는 수와호 저질환경개선을 유도함으로써 호소생태계의 생물 군집의 균형을 회복시키는 중요한 호소생태계복원과정의 롤모델이 될 것이라 기대하고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 조개와 관련한 산업화에는 여전히 해결해야 할 과제들이 산적해 있다. 우선적으로 패류의 양식을 위한 연구비용과 양식에 드는 비용적인 측면에서 자금의 조달이 가장 큰 현안이 되고 있다. 이에 대한 방안으로 공공지원자금에만 의존하기 보다는 지역특산품개발 및 자연복원을 고려한 활동을 추진할 필요성이 있다. 조개를 이용한 수와호의 수질정화 및 지역발전 계획은 주민단체인 “수와호 클럽”이 중심이 되어 2010년부터 시작한 프로젝트의 하나이다. 이 프로젝트는 초기 단계에 있는데 그 기초이론은 기존의 보고된 연구 결과나 각지에서의 수질정화 대책들을 차용한 것이며, 특별히 새로운 것은 아니다. 수와호를 더 깨끗하게 하고 싶다는 현지의 요구를 충족하기 위해서는 하드공법도 생각할 수 있지만, 자연생태복원을 목적으로 한다면 더 자연스러운 방법, 생물활성을 이용하는 방법이 있지 않을까 생각할 때 떠오른 것이 패류의 복원이었다. 이에 장기적비전으로 지역경제발전책을 포함하여 주민들이 자발적으로 계획을 만들어 제안할 수 있다면 수와호의 자연생태복원도 꿈이 아니라고 기대하고 있다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to present a case study of six sigma quality improvement practice in cooling fan motor(CFM) manufacturing processes. In this study, the CFM manufacturing process of automobile parts not relevant to the target process rate of the process point of view, in order to reduce the system to solve the problem of localized resolution procedures of six sigma DMAIC methodology was applied to study. In conclusion , this study 's field D in order to improve the initial rate of inadequate quality management best practices by applying the method of Six Sigma quality CFM failure through stabilization schemes were proposed cost reduction .To be CFM product to satisfy customers based on continuous monitoring of the effective field of claims quality management system is required.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smart phones have brought rapid changes in this competitive world. Smart phone application developers are trying their best to consider the customer requirements in the most efficient way while considering all its attributes. However smart phone service quality has been given less consideration comparatively during the last few years. This paper proposes a measurement method for improving service quality of smart phone application. This method combines the service quality performance model (SQPM) and process capability index (PCI). The service quality performance model is used to identify service items that require improvement. Process capability index is used as a measure for prioritization of those improvements. Case study was carried out to search out important communication application service attributes. customer satisfaction level data was collected for users who used the application service. A total of twenty four service attributes were found during this survey. Using the joint approach of SQPM and PCI, five significant service attributes were prioritized for service quality improvement.
        2013.10 KCI 등재후보 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        암과 같이 생명을 위협하는 질환을 진단받은 환자들은 여러 신체적인 변화와 불안 및 우울증 등의 정서적인 고통에 의해 심리적 상태가 매우 불안해지게 되고 이에 따라 극심한 정서적 혼란상태가 이어지게 되어 전체적인 삶의 질에 영향을 주게 된다. 암 생존자들은 재활 과정에서 필요한 건강관련 정보에 대한 요구도가 매우 높으며, 암 치료 과정 중 발생하는 여러가지 부작용 및 신체적 어려움은 심리적인 측면에도 많은 문제를 일으켜 암 환자의 삶의 질을 낮추는 요인이 되고 있다. 암 환자를 위한 재활에서 작업치료자의 역할은 암 환자가 일상생활에서 개인적, 신체적, 심리적으로 최대한 기능적으로 수행할 수 있도록 도와주는 것이며, 암 환자의 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위해 심리 사회적인 중재와 목적 있는 활동을 제공하는 것이다. 삶의 질은 환자중심 접근법을 적용하였을 때 향상될 수 있으며, 환자를 존중하고 환자와 협력하는 치료적 접근법을 통하여 환자에게 주도적으로 치료 상황에 참여하고 의미있는 작업을 스스로 선택하도록 할 수 있을 때 긍정적인 치료 효과를 기대할 수 있을 것이다. 일생동안 관리가 필요한 암이라는 질환을 겪고 있는 환자들의 삶의 질 향상을 위해서는 신체적, 정신적, 사회적인 각 영역들에 특화된 작업의 중요성을 인식시킴과 동시에 사회적인 영역에서 통합적인 서비스를 제공하여야 할 것이다.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        부영양호 신갈지의 수질개선을 위하여 이미 개발된 천 연물질 혼합제(PMC)의 수질개선능(WQI)에 수온변화가 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 현장실험을 실시하였다. 실험결 과 식물플랑크톤, BOD, 총인 등은 20􀆆C 이하에서는 70% WQI 이상을 보였으나 25􀆆C 이상에서는 40% WQI 이하로 오히려 감소하였다. 한편 수온의 증가에 따라 남조류에 대해서는 WQI는 감소하였고, 규조류는 수온변화에 상관 없이 90% 이상 높은 WQI를 나타냈으며, 박테리아와 총 질소는 수온과 상관없이 매우 낮은 WQI를 보였다. 이상 의 결과들은 PMC의 수질개선능이 수온과 밀접한 관계를 가지며, 25􀆆C 이상의 고온기에 Microcystis aeruginosa가 우점하는 남조대발생보다 겨울철 저온기에 우점하는 규 조류에 더 효과적일 것으로 판단되었다.
        2013.05 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Smart phones have drastically changed the life of today’s competitive world. Smart phone application (App) developers are trying their best to meet the customer requirements in the most efficient way while considering all its attributes. However smart phone service quality has been given less consideration comparatively during the last few years. This paper proposes a measurement method for improving service quality of smart phone application. This method combines the service quality performance model and process capability index. The service quality performance model is used to identify service items that require improvement. Process capability index is used to prioritize these items for improvement. We collected data on satisfaction level of customers who have used application service. By the proposed method, we found five significant service items from three categories - execution, security and resilience and prioritized those items for improvement.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Alpha-tocopherol as an antioxidant acts in preservation of chilled semen by preserving cell membrane damage from lipid peroxidation. Optimum concentrations of α-tocopherol in egg yolk-citrate (EYC) extender need to be studied in crossbred bull’s semen. Different concentrations of α-tocopherol viz. 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6mg per ml of extender were used. Semen was collected once a week from four bulls used to regular collection, aged 4 to 7 years, weighing 320 to 450 kg, and with body condition score 4 to 4.5 and scrotal circumference 23 to 32 cm. Semen was evaluated routinely and sperm morphology was viewed under light microscope at ×1,000 magnification after fixing with buffered formal saline. Over 90% had normal head, acrosome, mid-piece and tail. Semen was diluted with egg-yolk-citrate extender to produce 15×106 spermatozoa/ml and 0, 1, 2, 4 and 6 mg/ml α-tocopherol were added. The semens amples were kept at 8℃. Sperm motility and viability were examined daily up to 5 days under light microscopy at ×200 magnification. Sperm viability was acceptable (≥40%) up to the 4th day with all concentrations of α-tocopherol and up to the 5th day with 2 mg/ml α-tocopherol. Sperm motility was acceptable (≥40%) up to the 3rd day irrespective of α-tocopherol concentration, and up to the 4th day with 2 mg/ml α-tocopherol. It is suggested that the lifespan of chilled semen may be extended up to 4 days by adding 2mg/ml α-tocopherol.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This intensity is now on a global scale with countless universities across the globe competing for better services, programs and diplomas. For to counteract such a considerable change, in this paper CTQ(Critical to Quality) is extracted for the improvement of the education quality using QFD(Quality Function Development) in college. QFD is a structured approach to seek out voice of customers, understanding their needs, and ensure that their needs are met. First of all, the requirements of the customer are surveyed and analyzed, and then with these results the strategic alternatives are decided. In sequence, the importance and assessment ratings on the requirement of customers are surveyed. Finally, from the relation between the requirement of customers and the strategic alternatives the CTQ is extracted. The derived CTQ is reviewed and analyzed in detail. It'll have major positive effects on the competitiveness of college as well as the education quality of departments.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2011년 3월부터 2012년 5월까지 부영양수 계에 네 가지 여재(스펀지, 화산석, 활성탄, 수산화마그네 슘)를 사용한 부유습지를 설치하여 장기적인 수질변화를 조사하였다. 또한 부유습지에 유입되는 유입수와 네 가지 여재를 거쳐 최종적으로 통과된 유출수내의 식물플랑크 톤과 동물플랑크톤 군집을 분석하였다. 실험기간 동안 탁 도(66%), SS (79%), Chl-a (80%), COD (24%)의 농도는 유 입수에 비해 유출수에서 뚜렷하게 높은 감소율을 나타냈 다(p⁄0.001). NO2-N와 NH3-N은 각각 24%, 20%로 유 의한 감소를 나타냈으나(p⁄0.05), NO3-N와 TN은 평균 10% 미만의 제거율을 나타내었다(p¤0.05). 한편 PO4-P 와 TP는 모두 평균 65% 이상의 제거율을 나타냈다(p⁄ 0.01). 또한 식물플랑크톤밀도는 유출수에서 유입수보다 2.6배 정도 낮게 나타낸 반면, 동물플랑크톤은 유입수보 다 유출수에서 평균 3.5배 이상 높은 밀도를 나타내었다. 본 연구에서 네 가지 여재를 이용한 수질개선용 부유습 지는 특히, 입자성 물질(SS, Chl-a, COD, TP)과 용존성 영양염(NO2-N, NH3-N, PO4-P)에 대하여 높은 제거율을 나타내어, 결과적으로 부영양 호소에서 수질개선 및 조류 저감에 대한 적용가능성을 보여주었다.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The theory of two-dimensional quality, in particular, the Kano model that is developed by the analogy with the M-H theory, has been applied in various industry fields for more than three decades. Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) assumes that the degree of physical fulfilment of quality attributes and the satisfaction of that attribute is linear, and therefore, it is applicable to the traditional one-dimensional attribute, not other quality types defined in the Kano’s model such as attractive or must-be attribute. To solve this problem, the current study suggests a new importance-satisfaction analysis using a modified IPA in accordance with the three quality types and a diagonal method introduced by Slack (1999) to determine improvement priority. For this, I investigated 19 smartphone’s quality attributes and conducted a survey of 334 university students for the results of Kano’s model, which adopted from Song and Park (2012)’s study, and the importance/satisfaction of the quality attributes and the results of the priority for improvement of the 19 quality attributes. The results show that the proposed I-S priority model is better than the conventional IPA based on the comparison results of determination coefficient from the regression analysis of the two models.
        2012.04 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since six sigma program was first introduced in late 1990's, it has been evolved in Korea. The number of six sigma adopting company are getting increased and diversify manufacturing, service, government. In these days, the rapid innovation of internet technology change the media industry's game rule. This paper is concerned with a six sigma applications to internet media portal service company. The main focus of this study is to introduce an empirical study on the implementation of DMAIC procedures for internet media portal service company.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Navy ship acquisition management business contributed to the korean Navy and defense exports with government suppliers in Korea for over 40 years. But due to advanced technology, development trend of Navy ship and defense export requirements, it enable to
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many companies have endeavored to build a quality cost management system in order to be more productive business organization. This study shows the detail procedures of constructing a quality cost management system which is believed to be appropriate for their business system. That is, the method to calculate the quality cost and the linking logic between the quality improvement and its financial impact are explained based on a particular industry case. In this sense, the changes of business performance measures such as market share, customer satisfaction, etc. were analyzed in the longitudinal perspective for the consecutive 4 years (2003~2006). As the quantitative results of this study, the improvement activities based on the quality cost management system resulted in the 32% reduction of quality cost and the 121% increase of business profit, compared 2005 with 2006. In the qualitative perspective, the successive practice of quality cost reduction and the job information sharing in business unit were obtained by providing the best practices and bench-marking cases. Finally, the customer satisfaction has increased so that the customer-friendly management system has been accomplished. With these efforts, the 3.4% increase of the market share and the 3% increase of the customer satisfaction were obtained in 2005. As the future study, the current study can be extended to the concept of COPQ (cost of poor quality) which focuses on the hidden quality cost of the whole business activities. Such extension of analysis will help us understand the wider role of a quality cost management system in the business.
        2012.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This essay talks about research of robust design for quality improvement of production procedure of Wet Etchant. It suggested the optimum design method in consideration of specific capability value that is the way to maximize the quality of product in the production system by using Daguchi parameter design method while finding factors affecting product quality with analysis of production system of product A from producer D. Also, it set long term of 6months as noise factor and let it to be the robust design that can find the optimum condition of control factor that is dull to the changes of each month, that is the change in noise factor. The control factor which affects the product quality is decided as combination method, temperature of raw material, combination time and as there are too many possibilities for combination methods, we performed 4 methods first based on previous research data then derived three ways with product that passed SPEC and set as the factor. As a result of application of optimum production procedure suggested in this essay to the actual production process with its standardization, there was a effect of drop of more than 10particles in comparison to the particle number of previous product and also it brought the effect that resulted the stable number of particle of under 30 that is what the client company suggested.
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