
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 267

        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Investigating the molecular clock, the ancestral character states, and the correlated evolution of discrete binary traits on phylogenetic trees, we studied the evolutionary history of the family Anthocoreidae, using ~3000bp of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear 18S rRNA and 28S rRNA genes for 44 taxa. The BEAST and BayesTraits were used to examine the divergence times, cladogenesis, and historical habitat patterns. The correlated evolution of discrete characters was tested by reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo. Our results suggest that (i) the ancestral habitat patterns of dead plants may have served as an important rule for the stem group of anthocorids; (ii) the radiation of angiosperms and the prey insect in the mid-Cretaceous might have provided anthocorids with more habitat options; and (iii) the transition of habitats played an important role for the change of ovipositor patterns in the family Anthocoreidae.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developed countries especially United States of America(USA) and Canada hadn't taken any Countervailing Measures(CVM) against China before 2004, because they regarded China as a non-market economy(NME) country, and they thought NME country didn't exist the market price, and it is difficult their to calculate or apply the CVM rate in NME country. But China was invoked by Canada and USA with anti-subsidies investigation since April 2004 still they regarded China as a non-market economy(NME) country. So this paper will mainly analyze the case concerning among China, USA and Canada anti-subsidies investigations against China in the Special Import Measures Act(SIMA) in Canada, United States Countervailing Duty Law(USCVD) in USA, WTO SCM Agreement, and discuss the substantive claims of contracting parties, and find the problems of Chinese subsidy system and Chinese granted' WTO SCM Agreement. Through these cases, Chinese government should adjust its domestic industrial system and subsidy system which will lead to international disputes especially prohibited subsidies.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국 인구 십만명당 무려 756명이 교정시설에 수용되어 있으며, 이는 세계의 인구 십만명당 158명이 재소자인 것과 비교할 때 거의 다섯 배가 많은 것이다. 나아가 거의 5백만명이 보호관찰 대상자이거나 가석방 이후 보호관찰을 받고 있다. 이로 인해 미국은 매 년 680억 달러의 예산을 부담하고 있다. 2008년 이후 경제적 불황이 계속되자 미국 정부는 교정예산을 절감할 방안을 모색하기 시작 했으며, 2009년 이후 연방정부 및 주정부는 본격적으로 교정예산을 삭감하였다. 각 주정부는 수용자에 대하여 가석방조건을 완화하여 대대적인 가석방을 진행 하고 있으며, 재소자에 대하여 식사횟수를 줄이거나 간식지급 중단, 의료적 지원 중단 및 제한 등의 수용비를 절감하는 조치들을 취하고 있다. 또한 교정공무원들에 대한 임금동결이나 임금삭감은 물론이며, 관리직을 없애거나 감원시키고 있다. 또한 일부 주에서는 신규채용을 전면적으로 중단하였다. 이와 함께 각 교정당국이 지역사회에 위탁운영하던 지역사회 교정처우 프로그램을 중단하거 나 축소하는 조치를 취하고 있으며, 심지어는 성범죄자 및 약물중독자들에 대한 특수 교정프로그램을 중단하는 등 교정예산을 절감하기 위한 정책들을 앞 다퉈 내놓고 있다. 그러나 이러한 미국의 교정개혁은 갑자기 석방된 범죄자들에 의한 재범위험으로 시민의 안전이 위협받는다는 지적과 예산감축을 이유로 구금처우 가 필요한 수용자들까지 사회내 처우로 전환하는 것은 바람직하지 않다는 지적을 받고 있다. 또한 가족과 지역사회로 복귀한 가석방 대상자들에 대하여 교정에 대한 전문지식이 없는 가족이나 지역주민에게 교정의무를 부담지운다는 문제점이 있다. 나아가 결국은 이러한 방법들이 교정예산을 감축하는 효과는 있지만 결국은 교정의 사회적 비용을 증가시키는 것에 불과하다는 비난도 있다. 이 와 같은 미국의 교정행정 개혁의 문제점이 있음에도 불구하고 이러한 교정행정은 기존의 구금처우위주에서 탈피하려는 정책이나 범죄자 교정처우에 가족과 지역사회를 적극 활용하는 등의 시도는 경제적 불황이라는 공통의 문제를 각국에 그 영향을 줄 수밖에 없다. 따라서 이점에서 한국의 교정행정은 다음과 같이 그 정책적 시사점을 정리할 수 있다. 첫째, 교정행정예산의 배정과 사용에 대한 엄격한 통제와 감시가 있어야 한다. 둘째, 구금처우를 줄이고 이를 대체할 수 있는 중간처우 혹은 사회내 처우를 다양하게 개발하여야 한다. 또한 이에 대한 효과와 비용분석이 따라야 한다. 셋째, 특수사범에 대한 의료적 지원과 교정프로 그램에 대한 효과적인 운영 및 이들에 대한 예산지원의 한계에 대한 분석과 사회적 합의를 이끌어낼 필요가 있다. 넷째, 재소자에 대하여 비용부담이 가능한 것인지 그 한계 등에 대한 연구와 검토가 필요하다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        先秦时代,古人在政治、外交场合上经常运用“赋诗、引诗”,以表达自 己的立场。这些风气不仅是一个时代的时尚,而且是蕴涵着一些重要意义。 该文章着眼于这一点,研究《诗经》与政治、外交之间的关系,还通过“赋 诗、引诗”中所出现的“逸诗”之考察,试图探讨先秦时代人們對《诗经》的 看法。为了此研究,本论文以《左传》、《国语》、《论语》中出现的“赋 诗、引诗”为中心进行分析和研究。
        2009.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To examine the differential expression of proteins during the cycling (70~80% confluences) and G0/G1 (full confluences) phases in porcine fetal fibroblast cells, we used a global proteomics approach by 2‐D gel electrophoresis (2‐DE) and MALDI‐TOF‐MS. Cycling cell were harvested at approximately 70% to 80% confluent state while cells in G0/G1 phase were recovered after maintenance of a confluent state for 48 hr. Cellular proteins with isoelectric points ranging between 3.0~10.0, were analyzed by 2‐DE with 2 replicates of each sample. A total of approximately 700 spots were detected by 2‐D gels stained with Coomassie brilliant blue. On comparing the cell samples obtained from the cycling and G0/G1 phases, a total of 13 spots were identified as differentially expressed proteins, of which 8 spots were up‐regulated in the cycling cell and 5 were up‐regulated in the G0/G1 phase. Differentially expressed proteins included K3 keratin, similar to serine protease 23 precursor, protein disulfide‐isomerase A3, microsomal protease ER‐60, alpha‐actinin‐2, and heat‐shock protein 90 beta. The identified proteins were grouped on the basis of their basic functions such as molecular binding, catabolic, cell growth, and transcription regulatory proteins. Our results show expression profiles of key proteins in porcine fetal fibroblast cells during different cell cycle status.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Y generation born between 1981 and 1995 is the largest consumer group in the United States. This study is to provide an insight of understanding Y generation’s decision factors of purchasing Jeans and the fit issues. This study investigated their purchasing decisions factors, including fit, cost, brand, color, and the media/internet influences. It is revealed that the Y generation might have access to the internet, but they still rely more on their peers and savvy skills to decide what they purchase. They preferred to shop from the land based retail stores rather than the internet. The fit was the most important factor of their purchasing decision, but less concerns of the brand. In this study, 87% of them chose “fit” as the reason to buy a pair of jeans. Fit problems were related to the price category. This study suggests apparel manufacturers should understand Y generation’s fit issues in the global market.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Deciduous tree fruits such as pears and apples are widely grown in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and are well adapted to the seasonal environment in that region. Extended cold periods provide adequate chilling to break dormancy and reinitiate growth in the spring. Cold exposure synchronizes the physiological processes and makes sure that bloom is uniform and that fruit matures in a uniform manner. As a result of global warming, some fruit-growing areas may experience inadequate cold exposure during the winter months, gradually shifting the southern boundary for production of deciduous fruits further north. However, climate change will affect not only growth and fruiting habits of fruit trees but also the insect and mite pests which feed on them. There is general agreement that in temperate regions a trend towards warmer summers and milder winters will generally benefit insect and mite pests and increase their injuriousness. Temperature changes in particular will impact the development, mortality, phenology, and voltinism of fruit pests. Here we discuss how climate change may affect pests and control practices on deciduous tree fruits in the Hood River Valley of northern Oregon. This small valley extends in a north-south direction from the Columbia River to the foothills of Mt. Hood and is characterized by a varied topography and large altitudinal differences (sea level to 600 m). The major pest of pears and apples in that area is codling moth, Cydia pomonella L., a cosmopolitan pest which is present in most deciduous fruit-growing areas of the world. Like its host trees, the codling moth is well adapted to a seasonal environment. Diapause is the principal mechanism which synchronizes its phenology with the tree and the presence of fruit, the larval food source. Diapausing overwintering larvae require cold exposure (chilling) to terminate diapause in late winter or early spring. At the lower elevations close to the Columbia River the codling moth is bivoltine but gradually becomes univoltine at the higher elevations where the growing season is shorter and fewer heat units (above 10oC) are available for development. Long-term temperature records from the lower Hood River Valley indicate that the 25 years since 1985 have been considerable warmer than the 25 years prior to 1985. For instance, the average heat units available for codling moth development over a season have increased by more than 10% over the last 25 years. The codling moth is adapting to this warming trend by gradually increasing its voltinism (number of generations). As a result, the severity of codling moth as a pest can be expected to increase. Therefore, fruit growers will have to adjust and intensify control practices to keep fruit free from codling moth damage. We will also explore how other fruit and foliage feeding pests which are part of the pest complex of pears and apples in northern Oregon fare under different global warming scenarios compared to codling moth.
        2009.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Islamic international law is a branch of the Shari’ah (Islamic law). Due to the classical doctrine of the notion of‘ Jihad,’there have been misconceptions and Islam has been painted as a religion encouraging violence and war. This paper appeals for the reconsideration of the classical doctrine, which was adopted at a time when there was a state of war between Islamic and non-Islamic states. Going back to the roots and referring to the Qur’an and the Sunnah: the two primary sources of Islamic law, the paper argues that Islam prohibits aggressive war and that the essence of‘ jihad’ is‘ self-defense.’After elaborating the essential conditions of the right of self-defense, the paper concludes that Islamic international law can contribute much to the present world order by providing moral and ethical values that modern international law is lacking.
        2009.01 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미국에서 CAFC의 Mallinckrodt 판결, Bandaq 판결 등의 일련의 판결에 의하여 특허권소진은 실제적으로 쉽게 적용을 피할 수 있는 원칙으로서 거의 특허실무에서 실무가들의 기억에서 사라진 원칙이었다. 그런데 LG v. Quanta 사건을 통하여 미국 연방대법원이 방법특허의 예외를 인정하지 않고, 계약에 의한 배제를 위한 조건부 계약의 인정에 대해서도 특허법에 의한 적용에 있어서는 특허권 소진을 인정하지 않았다. 다만 계약에 의한 권리구제의 가능성을 남겨두었다. 미국 연방대법원이 Univis 사건에서 천명하였던 원칙은 여전히 살아있어 반제품의 경우에도 단순한 작업이 남아있다는 사실만으로 특허권의 소진이 인정되지 않는다고 함으로써 특허권침해를 방어하기 위하여 방어하는 측의 소송대리인이 특허권소진항변을 하고 이를 받아들이도록 하는 것은 쉽지 않은 원칙이었다. 미국 연방대법원이 LG v. Quanta 사건을 통하여 전통적인 특허권소진의 부활을 천명함으로써 향후 특허실무상 라이센스 계약을 체결할 때 이중 특허라이센스를 통한 라이센스의 이중수취라는 비난과 함께 특허권소진을 통한 수익감소라는 손해를 입지 않기 위해서는 특허권소진을 충분히 고려하여야 할 것이다.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2008.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        郭沫若先生曾经指出:“无论作任何研究,材料的鉴别是最必要的基础阶段。材料不够固然大成问题。而材料的真伪或时代性如未规定清楚,那比缺乏材料还要更加危险。”我們迎接古文物的第一項工作就是考釋文字,有了釋讀上的成果之後我們才能進一步進行斷代分域工作。要正確的判別古文物的時代國別,我們才能夠更往上一層樓,這是不可否認的事實。譬如拿一方璽印來說,它到底屬於那國之物?如不能解結這個問題,擺在我們眼前的古璽印只是個古董罷了。這種大小只有方寸的古代遺物所以被人們看重的原因,就是璽文的史料價値並不低於其他古文字資料。它們可以提供古代官名、地名、姓名、經濟等各方面的資訊,而且這種史料往往是傳統古籍所遺傳的寶貴資料。本文在諸家已有的硏究成果的基礎上重新整理出戰國齐璽的五项選別標準: (一) 以出土地判别 (二) 以字形判别 (三) 以地名判别 (四) 以文例判别 (五) 以印面特征判别 希望爲硏究戰國齐璽者提供一個判別標準。這些判別標準得透過新材料繼續補充下去,才有真正的學術價值。
        2008.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Species abundance patterns have been recently one of key issues in ecology regarding determination of the allowable species richness in a determined area (i.e., island biogeography) and elucidation of structural coherence residing in the relationships between species and their corresponding abundance in communities. The topic of relative species abundance or species abundance distribution (SAD) is considered significant in revealing origination of community establishment in theoretical aspect and in presenting ecological states in response to environmental impact in practical aspect. Conventional models used in SADs including geometric series, log series, log normal distribution and broken stick model were introduced along with example cases. Theoretical interpretation of species abundance patterns was additionally outlined covering the neutral model, power law analysis and application of principles in statistical physics. The future of SADs and the species‐abundance related topics was discussed regarding community organization mechanism and ecological monitoring in response to disturbances.