This paper reports on the practice of Korean student-teachers who used a high school Japanese textbook to prepare mock lessons for their mock Japanese language classes. Firstly,the cultural framework is lectured based on the three Ps of foreign language standards and the four Cs of CLIL by Professor (author). Secondly, the teacher trainees select from the textbook a culture that can be do in the classroom, and design a cultural experience mock lesson according to the ADDIE model. Thirdly, they revise the mock lesson based on the feedback and comments from peers. Finally, the teacher trainees reflect on the participants’ reflection sheets and satisfaction surveys. As a result of the practice, the cultural experience mock lesson was highly satisfying for both the teacher trainees and the participants, but the practice made the issues visible. In particular, the lack of desk-to-desk instruction became apparent, which led to the realization that it was necessary to teach the importance of desk-to-desk instruction in mock lessons for second foreign language (Japanese) classes as well.
해방 이후의 시기인 탈식민지기에 들어서면서 일본어교육은 철저히 배 제되었다. 한국어를 국가의 언어로 인정함과 동시에 생활언어와 교육언 어에 있어서 한국어를 되돌리고자, 대한민국 각처에 남아있는 일본어 간 판 및 일본 서적 등 일본어적 색채를 일소시키기 위한 신문화 운동이 일 어났다. 이러한 반일 및 배일 관념의 심화로 인해 일본어교육은 공백기 에 들어갔지만, 장면 정권기, 대(對)일 적극책으로 노선을 변경함에 따라 반일 감정이 조금씩 완화되었다. 이 시기 일본 서적 및 영화 등 일본의 대중문화가 유입되었고 그에 따라 일본어를 배우려는 20대 수요층이 크 게 늘어났다. 전국적으로 일본어 강습소가 우후죽순으로 생겨났고 한일 국교정상화를 앞두고 일본어교육의 필요론을 제기하는 시민들, 개인의 출세를 위해 암암리에 일본어를 학습하는 자들도 많았다. 박정희 정권기 인 1965년 한일기본조약이 체결되면서 양국의 경제교류는 활발해졌고 1973년부터 고등학교 제2외국어로 일본어교과목 지정과 대학에서의 일 본어학과 개설 등이 본격적으로 행해졌다. 이를 통해 국민의 주체의식 확립을 위해 ‘부정’적이었던 일본어교육이 ‘수용’이라는 관념으로 시대적 기능이 전환되었다. 본고에서는 해방 이후 일본어교육의 성행 과정과 양 상을 살펴보고 일본어교육이 성행하게 된 요인과 시대적 기능의 변화를 살펴봄으로써 향후 한국에서 일본어교육이 나아가야 할 방향에 대해 의 미있는 시사점을 찾고자 한다.
한국의 일본어 교육은 일본 경제의 발전과 함께 다양한 변화 를 겪고 있다. 교육 기관의 증가, 교육 내용의 업데이트, 교사 양성 기관의 지속적인 개선 등으로 학습자의 일본어 수준이 효 과적으로 향상되었으며, 한일 간의 교류와 협력을 위한 더 많 은 인재 지원도 제공하였다. 동시에 정부와 교육부는 대학의 구조 개혁을 적극적으로 추진하여 일본어 교육에 유용한 조건 을 제공하고 있다. 일본어 교육은 한국과 일본 사이의 복잡한 역사와 문화적 관계를 반영하면서도 한국이 현대화와 국제화 과정에서의 변화를 보여주고 있다. 그러나 정치 등의 요인에 영향을 받아 교육의 질과 교육 자원 분배, 교사 인력 부족, 교 육의 불안정한 품질 등의 문제가 발생하고 있다.
중국 대학교의 일본어 교육은 전환기에 있으며 몇 년 동안 지속해서 발전해 왔다. 반면 최근 몇 년 동안 일본어 전공의 학습자 수는 많이 감소 되었다. 학습 동기와 학습 목표에도 큰 변화가 일어나고 있다. 본 연구에서는 중국 일본어 교육의 시 대적 변화, 대학교 일본어 교육의 특징, 기존 문제점 및 개선에 관해 연구하였다. 또한, 일본어 학습자와 교육 실천자의 관점에 서의 분석을 통해 학습 동기를 강화하고 다양화하였으며 수업 내용과 학습 환경을 풍부하게 하였다. 전환기에 있는 중국 대 학교의 일본어 교육은 현대 일본어 학습자의 기대와 요구를 충 족시켜야 할 뿐만 아니라 지식 전달과 가치 리더십을 전달하는 중요한 수단이다. 본 연구는 중일 문화의 상호 이해와 교류를 개선하고, 대학과 학생 간의 교류와 공동 연구를 적극적으로 수행하며, 새로운 시대의 요구에 맞는 고품질 교육 방법을 구 축하였다. 또한, 다양한 일본어 교육 전공을 구축하고, 일본어 교육의 발전을 위한 과학적인 계획을 수행하여 사회 요구에 맞 는 경쟁력 있는 고급 복합 인재를 양성하는 데 있다.
This study aims to investigate how the differences in expression caused by different ways of how to see and think affect the students learning Japanese at basic levels. The participants were 30 Korean students, learning translation into Japanese at basic levels. In the class, they read Japanese picture books and their Korean version ones and discussed the differences between them. A simple survey was conducted, and a m ini-exam w as g iven. The participants recognized the difference in how to see and how to think between the two languages, such as why particular expressions were used. The results showed an effect on enhancing their learning motivation and it also confirmed that there is an effect enhancing the learning motivation in the students who were interested in reading picture books while sitting in a circular fashion. In addition, the mini-exam results showed an improvement in the students' interest and concentration in class. As can be seen from these results, recognizing the difference between Korean and Japanese expressions in picture books can positively impact on raising students’ interest, motivation, and enthusiasm in beginner level of learners of Japanese.
The purpose of this study is to examine how the Japanese word, ‘omakase’, is used in Korean newspaper articles and analyze its inflow and settlement in the sociolinguistic background. The word, ‘Omakase’, is frequently used in newspaper articles in the areas of culture, economy, international, and local. It is commonly used in the area of food and beverage, and in some cases, it extends to other areas, such as the economy. The cases of uses in the existing category are sushi omakase, sashimi omakase, and Japanese food omakase. The cases of extensive uses in the food and beverage category are Korean beef omakase, native chicken omakase, seafood omakase, homemade meal omakase, and lamb chops omakase. Examples of use in other categories or creating hybrid w ords include o makase e conomy, omakase n ail, imokase, and Haenyeo-kase. The use of omakase in newspaper articles has gradually increased since 2002, and it has been increasing dramatically since 2013. The reason of its extensive use is considered the influence of various social backgrounds, for instance, the opening of Japanese pop culture or the entryof Japanese franchises into Korea.
The purpose of this study is to design an instructional model based on CLIL (Content Language Integrated Learning) theory for effective language learning. The study findings reveal the following three points. First, context-oriented foreign language education is possible, if we have well-edited authentic materials that match the level of the students, and implement the relevant materials as classroom activities that covered 4C (Content, Cognition, Communication, Culture) through sophisticated placement of content-language integration methods. Second, changes in evaluation methods can affect the studying style of learners. Since the process of output can only be actively utilized if the input is repeated, if we provide an desirable evaluation method so that the repetition process can focus on acquiring meaningful language information, this will help learners make more active use of the target language. Third, foreign language education could expand learners’ thinking skills. Content-language integrated learning is sufficient to help students to understand other cultures and compare/analyze the educational contents based on respect for cultural diversity. Through this all learning activities based on CLIL theory, language learners can also develop their critical thinking skills.
우리나라의 생물상 52,628종의 35.4%를 차지하는 곤충 18,638종의 국명 유형을 크게 11개(색깔, 크기, 모양, 식물, 위치, 생태, 외국어, 사람이름, 고유, 생리, 긍정·부정)범주로 구분하고, 그 뜻은 무엇인지를 조사하였다. 그 중 인종차별, 장애 및 생김새의 차별, 지역 차별 등의 혐오표현이 사용된 유형 506개에 대해 심층적으로 분석하여, 해당 표현의 본 뜻과 함께 향후 사용할 만한 대체 용어를 제시하였다. 더불어 일본어 표현(일본어, 일본인 이름, 일본 지명 등)이 사용된 유형 508개에 대해 분석하여, 세부 유형을 밝히고 해당 생물종의 국명의 사용이 적절하지 않다고 판단되는 경우에 대체 용어를 제시하였다.
The Hallyu (Korean Wave) boom that started with TV dramas in the 2000s expanded to various cultural areas, including food and music. As Korean culture gained popularity, Hallyu fans in Japan began to adopt Korean vocabulary like loan words. To study this phenomenon, the author collected vocabulary used by K-pop fans of native Japanese speakers and classified them by type. It was found that most of these words were currently being borrowed and used in their original Korean form; however, there were also words created by combining Korean words with Japanese words or newly coined by combining Korean words. Once Korean K-pop vocabulary becomes more established in Japan, it is expected that more words will emerge that originate from Korean but are independently created and used exclusively by Japanese speakers.
This article considers the content and utilization of cultural elements that promote effective learning in Japanese language education classes, based on a survey and analysis of cultural elements that Korean learners of Japanese are interested in. Effective learning means that learners ‘discover’ their own culture in the process of inter-action through learning and activities, recognize and understand other cultures, find problems through mutual understanding and critical thinking, and fosters cooperation and creative problem solving. As a result of analyzing the cultural elements surveyed, <B2. Products(with substance)> in the analysis framework was the most common, followed by <C. Practices>. In this way, students, regardless of whether they majored in Japanese or not, were highly interested in products and practices as external cultural elements. However, it does not mean incorporating all the cultural elements that the learners desire into a class is proper. There are variables such as the environment and purpose of learning the target language, goals, interests, Japanese level, motivation to sustain learning, communication effectiveness, time constraints, and whether or not the learner is a Japanese major. It is necessary to incorporate ‘cultural elements’ with these limitations in mind.
This paper analyses the foreign language curriculum of general high schools in China. The Chinese educational authority announced an experimental version of its language curriculum in 2003, revised it in 2017, and revised it in 2020. In 2003, the foreign language curriculum included only three foreign languages: English, Japanese, and Russian. German, French, and Spanish were added from the 2017 curriculum. The 2017 curriculum consists of three categories: ‘required’, ‘required optional’, and ‘optional’. The required courses meet the requirements for graduation by all students. Students intending to go to college must complete all required optional courses. The six foreign language curriculums equally set four core competencies: language ability, cultural consciousness, thinking ability, and learning ability. In addition, this paper investigated curriculum structure of the six foreign languages, learning vocabulary, and items included in the appendix, and compared the foreign language curriculum in China and Korea. In conclusion, Korea’s next curriculum suggested that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be more specific in preparation for the high school credit system, and that achievement standards and evaluation criteria should be described so that the curriculum and college entrance can be linked.
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of some practical teaching and learning methods using multimedia literacy in Japanese language education. As components of multimedia literacy, SNS, YouTube clips, the recording function of mobile phones, and reading tasks were given to 29 university students in an introductory level Japanese language class. At the end of the semester, the students were asked to participate in a survey in which they evaluated whether the teaching and learning methods using multimedia literacy were helpful. The findings of the study were as follows: First, problem-solving skills, and reading and speaking skills were enhanced by using a team-based learning. Second, the class using SNS was very useful for enhancing the language skills due to the convenient presentation of learning materials, the submission and the review of assignments, and the immediate feedback. Third, Korean composition sentences and reading tasks made a great contribution to practicing pronunciation and enhancing conversation skills. Fourth, voice files and YouTube clips provided for absent students could make up for the contents they missed in class. On the basis of this study, a variety of teaching and learning methods using multimedia literacy are expected to be designed and discussed.
The purpose of this study is to design a Japanese language class based on the analysis of college students’ assignments and their misuses of ‘can’ expressions in them during a Japanese conversation class. In the class, the assignments required the students to record their thoughts about conversation topics. For the assignments, the instructor tried to transcribe the students’ recordings, find their misuses of ‘can’ expressions and provide some corrective feedback for the misuses. Following the feedback, the students were asked to resubmit their recordings and then, the instructor examined their recordings again focusing on ‘can’ expressions. The findings from the students’ first recordings revealed that the students used some verbs that describe ‘possibility’ at first, and gradually they used more ‘surukotogadekiru(=can)’ expressions. Then, finally, the students tended to use both ‘possibility’ verbs and ‘surukotogadekiru(=can)’ expressions regardless of the students’ proficiency levels. However, by comparing to the students’ second recordings, the use of ‘possibility’ verbs increased while the use of ‘surukotogadekiru(=can)’ expressions decreased in the second recordings. Based on the findings, a class design that can be applicable to the Japanese language conversation classes was suggested.
This study purposed to see the effectiveness of a media literacy activity in a Japanese conversation class. For this class, teaching/learning contents and methods were developed utilizing the concept of media literacy. Specifically, a CF production activity was created and its effectiveness was compared with other conventional activities such as free talking and debating. The results showed that the CF production activity resulted in high scores and most students found the activity fun, cooperative, and creative. However, when compared with other course contents, it didn’t show much improvement in the students’ Japanese language proficiency. The results suggest that there is a need to do more research on the concept of media literacy and related methodologies in Japanese language education in order to decrease the gap between ‘having fun and developing creativity’ and ‘improving Japanese language skills’.
최근 10여년 사이에 교육과정은 2007, 2009, 2015, 교육과정이 고시된 해를 기준으로 하여 3차례 개정되었으며 그 사이에도 조금씩 수시 개정이 이뤄지고 있다. 이러한 변화 속에서 7차 교육과정의 큰 줄기 아래에서 최근 개정된 2007, 2009, 2015개정교육과정을 고찰하고 그 차이를 분석하여, 고등학교 일본어 교육 의 흐름을 파악하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 2009개정에서부터 고등학교에서는 선택 교육과정의 특색을 살려 학생들의 진로와 적성을 감안한 적정학습이 이루어질 수 있도록 하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 일본어 수업 시간은 2009개정시기부터 감소하고 있음을 알 수 있고, 일본어1 기준에서 학습해야 할 어휘는 500여 개로 동일하나 의사소통 기능 표현이 개정을 거듭함에 따라 증가함을 알 수 있다.
本稿は、日本語の条件表現における通言語的影響と概念の転移の可能性を探る ことを目的とする。具体的には、一般条件仮説条件における条件節時間節の 各表現に着目し、日本語(JP )、韓国語(K R )、中国語話者(C H )がそれぞれの母語で どの程度受容するか受容度判断テストを行った。その結果、( )JPとK R は一般条 件の時間節を同程度受容するが、C H はJP とK R よりも有意に高く受容すること、 (2 )JP とK R は一般条件でも仮説条件でも時間節より条件節を有意に高く受容する が、C H は条件節時間節を同程度受容することが明らかとなった。さらに、C H は一般条件における仮説条件の表現も高く受容する傾向にあり、条件と時間、事 実と仮定という概念の線引きがJPやK R に比べ曖昧であることが示唆された。そし て、そのような傾向は日本語学習者に負の意味で概念の転移として表れ、モシを 事実的なものや条件形式以外に過剰使用する傾向などの独自の中間言語につなが る可能性を指摘した。
本研究では、韓国のガールズグループである少女時代・A p in k・T W IC Eの日本 語曲について、わよのよねなど話者が女性であることを示す文末詞女性文 末詞を中心に表現の特徴を分析した。 調査にあたっては、韓国で発表した曲を日本語化した翻訳曲と、日本で独自に 発表したオリジナル曲に分けた。それぞれの曲で使われている文末表現を調査した 結果、オリジナル曲でも女性文末詞がある程度使われている一方、翻訳曲で女性文 末詞の使用が顕著にみられるわけではないことが確認された。
翻訳曲といっても、 原曲のメロディに合わせるなどの必要性から翻案に近い部分もあり、日本語曲と してのオリジナル性を持つためであると考えられる。その一方で、テ形命令の使用 率は翻訳曲のほうがオリジナル曲よりも高かった。これは原曲のストレートな表現 が翻訳曲に反映されたためと推測された。このことは、翻訳曲には女性文末詞以外 の文末詞がオリジナル曲よりも多かったという結果とも関連する可能性があるが、 これについては歌詞の内容にも関わるため、今後の検討課題とした。
グループ別にみると、少女時代の曲には、数は少ないものの各種の女性文末詞 が散見された。一方、A p in kとT W IC Eの曲でも女性文末詞が使用されていないわ けではないが、種類は限られていた。A p inkとT W IC Eの曲は女性の日常的な感情 をつづった歌詞となっており、スポーツマンガについての先行研究の指摘と同 様、聴き手が感情移入しやすいように、実際には使われない女性文末詞は極力排 除された結果であると考えた。
The usages of ‘making apathy’ with the expression of positive treatment in the Japanese language and its factors were reviewed and analyzed in this study. ‘Making apathy’ with multiple expressions of positive treatment was used in a variety of personal relationships, and the factors of these linguistic behaviors could be classified mainly into two things; ‘making apathy to empathize the expression intention’ and ‘making apathy to show the expression intention unclearly.’ Out of these two, ‘making apathy to empathize the expression intention’ appeared more frequently, which could be considered the communication of perfect negative treatment not to aim a harmonious personal relationship with partners. On the other hand, ‘apathy expression to empathize the expression intention’ was used less frequently, which could be considered the negative treatment communication to maintain a harmonious relationship with partners to some extent. In terms of expression types, both ‘the things that can understand the expression intention just from the expression itself’ and ‘the things that can understand only if the context is understood’ were used variously.
The present study is aimed at determining how teaching and learning in Japanese translation/interpretation classes are linked to the modality relationships among hearsay markers, which are schematized after dividing the difference of pragmatics in the three following relationships: information and speaker, information and listener, and speaker and listener. Information about seven Japanese hearsay markers was collected through a questionnaire over native Japanese speakers. The findings revealed that people, first, chose [youda] and [toiukotoda] usually as the hearsay expressions, considering the relationship between information and speaker. Second, people divided [tonokotoda] into two relationships between information and speaker, or between information and listener. The responses about [souda] were split considering the relationship between information and speaker and speaker and listener. [Rashi] and [toka] were chosen the most, considering the relationship between information and listener, and there was a relatively large number of [toiu(utte)].