
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 44

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 개신교 선교사가 처음 활동을 시작한 시기, 주로 1890년대에 이루어진 불교와 개신교의 만남을 다룬다. 1880년대 말 한국에 처음 들 어온 서양인과 선교사들은 자신들이 거주했던 서울 도성 내에서 사찰을 볼 수 없었기에, 한국은 종교 없는 나라라는 선입관을 한동안 유지했다. 1890년대 들어 활동 반경이 서울 근교로 확장하자, 선교사들은 도성 바 깥에 있는 살아있는 불교와 바로 만날 수 있었다. 선교사는 머릿속에 있 던 우상숭배 관념을 불교를 통해 재확인하고 싶어 했다. 그들이 보기에 한국의 불교는 퇴락한 전통이고 승려들은 능력도 의지도 없는 사람들로 비추어졌다. 불교와 개신교 선교사의 만남은 의외로 휴양의 맥락에서 이루어기도 했는데, 그들이 삼막사에 머문 기록이 상세히 남아 있다. 한 달 이상의 만남과 접촉은 친밀함의 형성, 상대방 의례에 대한 면밀한 관찰로 이어졌 다. 한편 한국 전통에 다른 태도를 보인 성공회 선교사도 주목할 필요가 있다. 그들은 사제직과 수행 공동체를 존중하는 교단에 속했기에, 불교에 서 자신과의 유사성을 발견할 수 있었다. 개신교 선교사는 불교에 관한 부정적 관념이나 선입관에서 만남을 시 작하였다. 그러나 같은 공간 내에서 몸과 몸이 만나는 현실 속의 만남은 상호 이해의 가능성을 열어주었다. 또 이 만남의 기록은 조선 말기 한국 불교의 어려운 현실을 증언해 주는 생생한 자료를 제공한다.
        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        19-20세기 조선 사회는 격변의 사회였다. 개화기 시점에서 서양 과의 무역통상 조약을 맺음으로 강제화 된 개방을 해야 했다. 조선개화 와 더불어 19세기 서구 선교사들은 조선에 복음을 전하기 위해 다양한 방법을 통해 입국했지만, 폐쇄적이고 서구 종교에 대해 배타적인 자세 로 일관했던 조선에서 선교는 상당한 어려움을 맞았다. 이러한 입장에 서 19-20세기 서구 개신교 의료선교사들은 조선에 입국하여 병원을 세우고 가난하고 병든 조선 사람들을 치료하고 보살핌으로 조선에서 기독교 형성의 발판을 마련했다. 의료선교는 조선 개신교 형성의 출발 점이 되었으며 신앙 공동체의 모체가 되었다. 또한 조선 사회를 새롭게 변혁시키는 변혁의 주체가 되었다. 의료선교사들은 조선에서의 선교적 헌신을 통해 그리스도의 사랑을 실천했으며, 근대 병원 건립을 통해 선진화된 의료기술을 전수했다. 교육의 불모지지였던 조선에 위생교육 을 통해 복음의 접촉점을 마련했다. 나아가 조선간호협의회를 만들어 여성 리더십을 고취시키는 일 등을 마련함으로 조선 개신교 형성과 선교 사역에 지대한 공헌을 하게 되었다.
        2021.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 한국전쟁이 한국 개신교 교회에 준 영향을 규명하고, 이러한 규명을 바탕으로 한국 개신교 교회의 평화선교 과제를 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 연구의 범위는 한국전쟁이 한국 개신교 교회에 준 영향이다. 이 연구의 방법론은 문헌 연구와 메츠(J. B. Metz)의 위험스러운 기억과 역사의 주체로서의 희생자이다. 희생자의 입장에서 한국전쟁의 결과를 제시한다. 한국 개신교가 한국전쟁으로부터 받은 영향으로 교회 재건과 국가 재건, 개신교 교회의 구조와 성격, 개신교와 국가의 관계, 교회분열과 사이비이단 발흥 등을 다룬다. 한국전쟁의 영향을 받은 한국 개신교의 특징으로 친미반공 이데올로기의 보루, 기복적 신앙, 신학적 성찰 없는 교회성장주의, 교회와 국가의 관계, 개신교 우파의 등장과 정치참여, 신학적 영향을 제시한다. 한국 개신교의 평화선교 과제로 죄고백, 회심, 전쟁 기억 치유를 통한 민족화해, 민간인 학살 진상규명, 올바른 한일관계 수립, 희년을 이루는 교회 10년, 베트남 민간인 학살 진상규명과 사과, 평화신학과 평화선교신학 수립, 평화교육, 민족의 코이노니아, 군축과 평화체제로의 전환 등을 제시한다.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 사회에 미투 운동(Me Too Movement)은 사회적 약자인 여성에 대하여 사회 전반에 반성을 이끌었다. 그동안 한국의 전통 사회는 유교 전통의 강한 가부장 주의적인 성격으로 여성을 억압해왔고, 여성은 시대에 종속된 모습으로 기능적인 역할을 수행해왔다. 한국 사회에 개신교는 여성을 거듭난 존재와 새로워진 정체성을 가지게 하여 시대를 주도하는 존재로 인식시켰다. 초기 한국 교회의 여성들은 개인적 차원을 초월하여 타자에 대한 책임을 지고 한국 사회를 치유하려 는 선교의 길을 걸었다. 그러나 여성들은 근본주의적인 교회 안에서 차별을 기억하고 경험하였다. 한국 개신교 여성은 그들만의 유연함으로 한국 교회의 경직된 문화를 품고 있었다. 결국, 그들은 이 시대의 사명을 가지고 억압과 차별이 만연한 사회를 변화시켜가고 있던 것이 다. 또한 부당한 처우에도 이 시대를 품고 보듬어 가는 여성들의 사랑은 한국 개신교 역사에 존재하는 그들의 인내와 헌신을 통하여 갈등과 차별을 초월한 모습이 드러났다.
        2018.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 일본과 한국에서 기독교의 수용과 발전에 대조적 유형이 존재하는 것에 주목하여 이 두 이웃 나라에서 개신교와 일반 대중의 종교성을 비교함으로써 동아시아의 ‘종교성’ 논의에 기여하고자 한다. 한국의 경우 근대화의 정신과 개신교 양자가 결합한 것이 중상층(‘엘리트 종교성’)에게 매력을 준 반면에, 고대로부터 내려오는 한국적 종교성(무속신앙)과 오순절 성령운동 기독교의 결합은 중하층(‘대중 종교성’)에게 한층 매력적인 것이었다. 보수적 개신교(장로교 혹은 순복음교단)와 무속신앙(민속 종교의 실천) 양자의 관계가 자연스러운 한국에서 신약성서의 축사(귀신쫓기)와 치병의 행위를 강조하는 기독교의 성령운동적 형태가 괄목할 만한 성장을 이루었다. 이와 대조적으로 일본의 경우 민속 종교와 무속신앙을 믿는 일반 대중은 천리교, 금광교, 창가학회 같은 이른바 ‘신종교’에 이끌렸다. 특히 1960년 이래 이 신종교들은 치병은 물론 가난에 대한 해결 방안을 제공하였다. 일본의 상황에서 기독교는 사무라이(무사) 계급을 주로 개종시켰는데, 이들은 여전히 유교적 에토스(‘엘리트 종교성’)를 놓지 않았다. 이로부터 기독교는 주로 일본 사회의 교육받은 ‘상류’ 계층의 사람들로부터만 계속적인 지지를 받고 있다.
        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Terms Found in the Prayers of Protestantism and Buddhism. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 21(3). This study, on the basis of 200 prayers of Protestantism and Buddhism, examines address and reference terms for the objects of worship that are observed in each religion. The goals of this research were to investigate 1) what are the types of address and reference terms used in Protestant and Buddhist prayers, 2) whether the differences between the two religions in the address and reference terms derive from distinct philosophical or doctrinal background. Buddhist prayers were analyzed as using more various address terms for the objects of worship than Protestant prayers. Kinship address terms were used in a higher rate than in Protestant prayers, while the egalitarian type of address and reference terms were observed in Buddhist prayers alone. The latter difference is suggested by the researcher as originating from a disparity between the two religions in the relationship of worshipper and worshipped. In addition, style differences were observed between the two religions; in particular, vocative postpositions were significantly more frequently used in Buddhist prayers, giving exclamatory impressionistic effects to the prayers. Finally, whereas similar numbers of address and reference terms for the objects of worship were found in Buddhist prayers, more than thrice as many reference terms were observed as address terms in Protestant prayers, which reflects the Protestant worshippers' effort to interact continuously with the diety during the prayer. Some linguistic and sociolinguistic implications of the results are also discussed. (232 words)
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to discern and describe the different church planting models in the development of the Korean Protestant church. The historical range of this study is from 1885, when the first Protestant missionaries entered Korea, to 1945, when the Japanese colonial rule ended. The Korean Protestant Christians were enthused in evangelizing and establishing churches during political turbulence. They showed seven different models of church planting, even if they did not recognize them back then as we do today through strategic dimensions. During this period, many churches were established by spontaneous evangelism. Since 1903, revivals became a strong catalyst for church planting, stimulating the evangelistic activities of believers. These models revealed the significance of the work of the Holy Spirit and the evangelistic passion of believers in church planting. Furthermore, the Korean Protestant Church used strategic methods to counteract the randomness of spontaneous evangelism. The Holiness Evangelical Church especially focused on dispatching professional evangelists to strategic locations. This method was much useful to some groups despite its difference from the Nevius Plan which emphasized not paying workers' salaries. Many Korean churches were planted by seminary students and largescale evangelism. Some models of church planting by the Korean Church, such as church planting by holistic ministries and hiving off through revivals, can be evaluated as exemplary models in the present. Through holistic methods, some medical missionaries established new churches in their infirmary where they looked after poor patients. This brings to our attention how important incarnational ministry is in local community missions. Many new churches were planted due to revivals resulting in the mother church exceeding maximum capacity. This model is missional in that it rejects egoistic growth of individual churches and values God’s mission.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article aims to analyze the features of early christianity mission and mission tasks in Jeonju region. The mission in Jeonju started with the seven missionaries who were sent by the overseasmission department of the Southern Presbyterian Church of America(SPCA) in 1892. They arrived in Jemulpo in November 1892, and were assigned to Honam area. And they started their mission works in 1893. At that time, people in Jeonbuk were in the depths despair under the failure of Donghak revolution. In this dark period, people were lured to newlyemerged religions such as Jeungsangyo, Cheondogyo( Donghak), and Wonbuddhism. These religions were surprisingly originated in Jeonbuk area when the Buddhism and Confucianism were hopeless and became weak. So, the first feature of mission in Jeonju is that christianity started the mission work and approached to people as hope under this situation. Another feature of mission in Jeonju is that the triangle mission station which are based on the church, school and hospital was formed in Jeonjumission station. SPCA in 1893 purchased a house in Eunsongri, Jeonju for future purpose. This house became the place for worship later and gave birth to motherchurch( called as Seomoon church) in Honam. In 1902, Mattie B. Ingold and Mr. Harrison established Jeonju hospital on the mission site which is known to ‘Jesus’ hospital now. In 1899, missionary Harrison taught a few boys churcheducation on Sunday and he also started training 8 boys with his language teacher. From 1900, missionary Reynolds, the founder of ‘Shinheung’ school, started the regular curriculum at his house with his wife, Bolling. From April 24, 1900, Mattie Tate started training 12 girls churcheducation and regular curriculum twice a week at her house. This was the beginning of ‘Kijeon’ girls’ mission school. The third feature is that the activity of local layman missionaries were great. The early mission strategy of protestant in Korea adopted the ‘Nevius’ plan which are based on the ‘Three Self Principles’. This Nevius plan was very helpful to mission work by the layman at that time because there were absolutely short of leaders like pastor. Therefore, there are some mission tasks to solve for world mission in Jeonju region. First of all, churches in Jeonju region are to change their goals from expansion of each denomination to Missio Dei. In Missio Dei, the subject of mission is God, not the church. Also, the purpose of mission is the expansion of kingdom of God, not the church. And it is not the glory of church but the glory of God through His Son in Holy Spirit. Therefore the authentic mission is expanding the kingdom of God, not the church and setting the sovereignty of God firmly. Thus Missio Dei made the theological cofoundation between evangelical and ecumenical and opened up the interdenominational cooperation for world mission. Second, the mission needs to be shifted from the salvation of soul to holistic mission. The early christianity mission in Jeonju was the mission based on the social service with the church, school and hospital, but it was different from the Missio Dei which builds up the sovereignty of Christ. Early missionaries enlightened the people by education, evangelism, and bible distribution, and also they did medical work for aid and service. But it was a way for the salvation of soul, not today's holistic way. The holistic mission through social welfare is just to help the poor, to heal the wound, and to fill the poverty, and it is the anticipation about a new life, a new community and a freely world in the kingdom of God. The Missio Dei, which aims for the kingdom of God, should be the holistic mission. It should be changed from an individual salvation to a whole man salvation and social salvation. Third, It should be ecumenical mission with local people together. There was a surprising revival in the early Korean church but it was relatively slow in Jeonju which was assigned as the mission region to SPCA because it was the local culture of confucianism and rooted male domination and the antiecumenical theology of SPCA. Mattie Ingold who laid the foundation of Jesus hospital, is an example. Therefore, Mission plan has to be made in a most appropriate way to do the ecumenical cooperation among the ministers. Especially, the overseas Korean missionaries have reported that the biggest problem is the conflicts among themselves. It shows us how desperately urgent the ecumenical cooperation needs.
        2012.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        『The Chinese Recorder and Missionary Journal』에 기고했던 재중 선교사 티모티 리차드, 존 로스, 및 D. Z. 셰필드의 글들은 19세기에 맺어진 서구열강과 중국 간의 조약들, 그 조약에 포함된 선교적 권리들, 그리고 선교사의 향후 태도에 대하여 서로 다른 견해를 보여준다. 리차드는, ‘조약권리’ 중 기독교 선교와 관련된 항목들이 본국 외교부와 중국 관료들에 의해 이행되지 않으면서 더 많은 중국 신자들의 박해가 일어나고 선교에 큰 장애가 되어왔다고 간주하여, 동 권리의 이행 및 법 개정을 위한 외교부의 노력을 주장하였다. 그는 ‘신자들의 종교자유권’, ‘선교사의 내지거주권’, 그리고 박해자의 처벌을 포함하는 ‘신자 및 선교사 보호권’을 강력히 요구하였다. 그의 주장은 선교현장에서 ‘선교의 자유’를 충분히 얻지 못하고 있던 개신교 선교사공동체의 내적인 딜레마를 잘 보여주고 있지만, 또한 그의 제국주의적 서구의 중국침탈에 대한 인식의 결여를 잘 보여준다. 로스는, 선교사들이 서구열강의 억압으로 쥐어짜낸 ‘조약권리’에서 나오는 선교적 권리를 포기하고, 신자들과 비신자간에 일어난 분쟁을 해결하기 위하여 공사관의 권력에 의지하지 말며, 극단적인 박해사건에 개입하되 관리들과의 ‘직접적인 대화’를 통하여 ‘우호적인 방식’으로 문제를 해결할 것을 제안하였다. 그의 견해는 서구 제국주의의 본질을 통찰하고 중국인들의 입장을 고려하고자 하는 것이다. 그 역시 텐진조약이 가져다 준 북부항구의 개방이라는 외교적 조건 안에서 기독교 선교를 수행하는 한계를 안고 있었지만, 선교적 문제해결에서 ‘가장 덜 제국주의적인 방식’의 해결을 제안하였다. 이와 달리, 셰필드는, 기독교선교와 문명의 전파를 위하여 서구국가가 역할을 해야 한다고 역설하였다. 기독교신앙과 진보정신 그리고 우월한 인종을 보유한 서구기독교국가의 선교는 독자적인 가치를 지니며 서구국가들 및 중국의 보호를 받을 만하다고 보았다. 기독교 선교의 방법으로써 말(word)과 힘(power)을 제안하는 셰필드의 견해는 매우 가부장적이며, 나아가 서구제국주의에 대한 무비판적인 태도를 보여준다. 리차드, 로스, 그리고 셰필드는 청말의 동시대에 중국선교사로 일하였지만, 중국의 조약법 및 기독교선교를 위한 조약법의 이행에 대하여 매우 다른 견해를 가졌음을 보여준다.
        2012.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Korea is recognized home and abroad as a country where various religions exist without conflict or enmity which is rare in the world. However, it's certain that Korea is one of the country where social conflict can happen caused by religious conflict or enmity at any time. The conflict and enmity among religions are already deep and it can’t be solved by temporary measure. It will be difficult to overcome this problem without continuous and honest conversations among religions. This study was done with this issue and I aim at finding the new way for conversation and collaboration to reach peace among religions. In Korea, the portion of protestantism and buddhism is biggest and these two religions have the most serious conflict between them. In this situation, I analyzed two survey results. One is ‘the survey for social credit to Korean churches’ done by ‘Christian Ethics Movement of Korea’ with the aim of “evaluating the social credit of Korean churches and finding a way to enhance it.” The other is ‘social culture in Korea and survey of people about religion’ done by ‘Buddhism Society Institute,’ affiliated by Jogye Order of Korean Buddhist with the aim of “finding a indicator for religions in Korea including buddhism and to utilize as a fundamental data on social culture and religion in Korea.” The result of the study shows that the future of Korea churches will be pessimistic if they continue church individualism and aggressive evangelism for the growth of church. It is an urgent task to reform such a image. The way to reach the harmony and co-existence for the peace among religions may be different but being different does not mean wrong. I believe that we can reach harmony with the spirit of ‘Hwa-i-bu-dong’(peace in difference) which is admitting and respecting others. In this era, community spirit is required for rebuilding of community. Religion is not an exception of it. Furthermore, religion has more responsibility and duty compared to other sectors in the society to enhance community spirit and social spirit. Like this, it can be the way to reach the ultimate goal or original function of the religion. For conversation and collaboration among religions, the authenticity from the deep inside of people’s heart is required absolutely.
        2008.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1884, many western Protestant missionaries came to Korea. The missionaries initially treated of the spiritual perspective of Koreans as superstitious and ignorance-oriented. Especially in the field of medicine, the Western perspective seemed to be far advanced than the Korean traditional perspective. According to the Korean traditional view, sicknesses was in many cases caused by intrusions of spiritual beings. Therefore, to cure the sick, one had to cast out those spiritual beings out of the bodies through placations or by force. With such perceptions, Korean people were not able to overcome the hard situations caused by the contagious diseases such as pestilence, small pox, and typoid fever. Western missionaries could take advantage on those matters in order to help Koreans and thereby achieving the trust of Korean government. Even though Western science and medicine proved their effectiveness through such medical works, excessive reliance can cause one to fall into the idolatry of worshipping medicine instead of God. Throughout the development in the area of science and technology, Westerners have tended to look everything through the scientific perspectives. Through such trends Western societies were believed to run the course of secularization throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. God and His supernatural world have been marginalized especially in public areas. According to Professor Paul G. Hiebert, even missionaries with severe Western cultural backgrounds have difficulties in understanding the spirit world of the native people. Early missionaries to Korea were not exceptions. They also had difficulties when they first met the Koreans and tried to understand their spiritual view points. In contrast to the Westerners who generally do not recognize the spiritual beings around them, the Koreans recognized the spiritual beings such as ghosts, ancestors in almost every aspect of their lives. Koreans were famous in maintaining the practices related to such spiritual beings throughout their ancient history. When the missionaries first observed practices related to the spiritual beings, they judged Koreans to be ingnorant or superstitious. However, the missionaries continuously tried to understand the people and their worldviews. When they were unable to understand the Korean worldview on the spiritual beings, they resorted not to the Western naturalistic perspective but to the Bible. Through comparison between the Korean traditional perspectives and the Biblical perspectives, they discovered that the Biblical perspectives were more similar to the Korean traditional perspectives. And with careful observation and examination of the Korean ministers’ deliverance works, they changed their thought about the spirit world. The demons and spiritual beings which were regarded to harass Korean people were not supterstitions or fatacies. They were real beings confirmed by the Bible. The native Korean ministers contributed a lot in the paradigm shift from Western perspective to the Korean perspective on the reality of spiritual beings. The Korean ministers viewed the Bible differently. They believed Bible stories where the possessed were released by Jesus and his disciples. The faith of Korean ministers proved to be simple and firm enough to follow the practices of Jesus and his disciples in casting out demons. When the missionaries heard about the stories of deliverances by the Korean ministers and believers, they did not stop but rather carefully examined such behaviors in light of the Bible. The final criteria of missionaries were not the western but the Biblical perspective. With such criteria, they accepted and recognized the deliverance ministries of the Korean believers. Some missionaries, when asked if they could cast out demons out of troubled, succeeded in the deliverance ministries. In my estimation, the Nevius mission plan contributed greatly in making harmony and cooperation between the missionaries and the Korean ministers. God brought Koreans who were troubled with spiritual bondage into the Kingdom of God through such faithful servants of God. The reasons the early protestant missionaries to Korea brought such great success in evangelizing Korea were foremost their deep reliance to the Bible as the Word of God and secondly their deep understanding of Koreans and their ways of thinking.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Animism was prevalent among people when Protestant missionaries first came to Korea. Since then, Protestant mission brought in great results among Koreans characterized by worshipping spiritual beings. Therefore, by examining the conversion pattern carefully in the materials written by missionaries as well as Korean Christians, one can easily find the significance of “power encounter”. Korean animists are very conscious of “power,” which is believed to be located in the spiritual beings, i.e. gods, ancestors and ghosts. Korean animists believe that the world is populated with lots of spiritual beings surrounding their environment. They not only have lots of traditions related to spiritual beings, but also serve many spirits in homes as well as in their villages. They are afraid of the spiritual beings and try to have good relationships with them. They also believe that anger or jealousy from the spiritual beings cause their everyday calamities. To overcome the problems, they either have to propitiate the spiritual beings with food or materials or coerce them through more powerful spiritual beings. In this context of spirit worship, the Gospel was very difficult to be accepted wholeheartedly by Korean animists. When they thought about accepting the Gospel, they had to deal with the retaliation from the spiritual beings they had formerly served. To accept Christ, they had to confront those spiritual beings. As soon as they accepted the Gospel, the title of the spiritual beings became negative such as “Satan” or “devil”. So they burnt fetishes like clothes, potteries, papers which were considered as the locations where the spiritual beings reside. Burning those fetishes terrorized lots of people who gathered around. Those who accepted the Gospel through such confrontation initially met persecutions from their family as well as their neighbors. But the early Korean Christians had persevered and ultimately overcame persecutions. Only when the family which had burnt those fetishes survived and ever thrived through the processes did family members confirm that God is more powerful than the spiritual beings. The story of the “power encounter” ran rapidly through relatives and neighbors. These kinds of illustrations of “power encounter” resulted in a paradigm shift among the people. They decided to accept the Gospel and became Christians. In short, “power encounter” engendered “people movement” toward Christ. Missiologist Alan R. Tippett’s thesis, the conversion of the animists are through the power encounter types of evangelism, is firmly proved by examining the Korean animists. As Tippett mentioned through his research among Melanesians and Polynesians that “power encounter” brought about “people movement” toward Christ, so did “power encounter” among Korean animists also result in “people movement” toward Christ. Although the animistic beliefs among Koreans nowadays are reduced in comparison to the period of first Protestant missions, many Koreans still resort to divinations and shamanistic rituals. Even many Buddhists seem to have animistic belief rather than the pure Buddhistic concept or perspective. So to approach the Buddhistic people with the Gospel, one has to be prepared with God’s power rather than with one’s knowledge about Buddhistic philosophy. Lessons we received from the Korean animists’ conversion experiences could be wisely applied when we evangelize the Buddhistic people. However, many cases of syncretism and backsliding to heretical movements are also found in Korean church history. When the process of “power encounter” is neglected or by-passed, chances of falling into such pitfalls are high. Without vivid confrontation with the deities which were served before, they cannot commit wholeheartedly to Christ. They can easily slide back to their traditional beliefs and become victims to heretical movements. To escape such negative influence from traditional belief systems, God’s servants working among animists have to examine carefully not to miss nor by-pass the process of “power encounter”. Also they have to consider carefully how to nurture believers with animistic backgrounds. Without appropriate nurturing, new believers with animistic backgrounds can easily backslide to their traditional beliefs. Upon the Word of God, their animistic perspectives and value systems have to be transformed to fit into the Biblical ones. Korean people were blessed when they accepted the Gospel and became God's people. They realized their mission sincerely and have tried to fulfill the great commission. They tried to be used by God especially for the worldwide evangelization. Even today there are many animists all over the world. For them, Koreans' experiences of turning from animists to God's people, can be utilized strategically. One who is thinking about evangelizing the animists over the world can use the “power encounter“ tactics and become a faithful servant of God. The conversion patterns of the Korean Christians can be used effectively in evangelizing the animists of the world when they get wisdom from early Korean Christians’ experiences.
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2006.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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