본 연구는 2023년 방영된 일본 애니메이션 '최애의 아이'의 구전 마케 팅 전략을 마케팅 믹스(4P) 관점에서 분석했다. 연구 방법으로는 내용분 석 방법을 활용하였으며 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 제품 측면에서는 아 카사카 아카와 요코야리 멩고의 시너지적 협업을 통한 높은 완성도, 판 타지와 리얼리티의 장르적 융합이 돋보였다. 가격 측면에서는 OTT 서비 스를 통한 접근성 확대, 한정판 굿즈를 통한 프리미엄 전략, 무료 콘텐츠 를 활용한 초기 팬베이스 구축이라는 균형적 접근이 효과적이었다. 유통 측면에서는 애니플러스와 크런치롤 같은 글로벌 OTT 플랫폼 활용, 다국 어 자막과 현지화된 마케팅 전략, 팬 커뮤니티를 통한 자발적 확산이 주 목할 만했다. 촉진 측면에서는 틱톡 챌린지 캠페인, J-POP 최단기간 1억 뷰를 달성한 오프닝 곡의 전략적 활용, K-pop 아이돌과의 크로스오버 전략이 글로벌 인지도 확대에 결정적 역할을 했다. 연구 결과는 현대 콘 텐츠 마케팅에서 마케팅 요소들의 유기적 결합, 팬덤의 자발적 참여 유 도, 크로스오버 마케팅의 중요성을 시사하며, 본 연구는 소셜 미디어 시 대의 콘텐츠 마케팅 전략 수립에 실천적 함의를 제공한다.
This study aims to establish an online shopping mall marketing strategy based on big data analysis methods. The customer cluster analysis method was utilized to analyze customer purchase patterns and segment them into customer groups with similar characteristics. Data was collected from orders placed over one year in 2023 at ‘Jeonbuk Saengsaeng Market’, the official online shopping mall for agricultural, fish, and livestock products of Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing Province. K-means clustering was conducted by creating variables such as ‘TotalPrice’ and ‘ElapsedDays’ for analysis. The study identified four customer groups, and their main characteristics. Furthermore, regions corresponding to customer groups were analyzed using pivot tables. This facilitated the proposal of a marketing strategy tailored to each group’s characteristics and the establishment of an efficient online shopping mall marketing strategy. This study is significant as it departs from the traditional reliance on the intuition of the person in charge to operate a shopping mall, instead establishing a shopping mall marketing strategy through objective and scientific big data analysis. The implementation of the marketing strategy outlined in this study is expected to enhance customer satisfaction and boost sales.
본 연구는 일정 수준의 중국어 실력을 갖춘 학생들이 기업체와 연계하여 진행한 중국어 캡스톤디자인 교육과정에 대한 사례연구이다. 본 캡스톤디자인 교육과정에서 는 제품소개서 중국어 번역과 연계된 기업의 중국 진출을 위한 마케팅 계획 수립을 프로젝트 과제로 설정하여 진행하였다. 프로젝트 과제를 수행하면서 경영 및 마케팅 관련 이론과 경험이 부족한 어학 전공자들이 마케팅 전략을 세우고 분석할 때의 한 계점도 있었지만, 대부분 고급 중국어가 가능한 학생들이 참여하였기 때문에, 중국어 로의 제품소개서의 번역과 함께 중국 시장조사와 마케팅 전략 수립 시 한국 자료에 의존하지 않고 중국 공공기관에서 발표하는 원문 자료를 찾고 해독하고 취합하여 정 리해 내는 역량은 경영학도들에 비해 훨씬 뛰어나다는 것을 발견할 수 있다.
Mushroom production in Korea is concentrated on five major mushroom types. To create a new source of income for farmers, it is necessary to establish new mushroom production and marketing systems. This study was conducted to evaluate the marketability of and establish a marketing strategy for Pleurotus nebrodensis variety 'Uram'. The evaluation of distributors showed that it was necessary to cultivate mushrooms of uniform shape and size, to compensate for their low storability, and to sell them in small packages. The consumer evaluation showed that the texture of P. nebrodensis had the highest level of satisfaction for quality, but the levels of satisfaction for size and shape were low. In the consumer evaluation, as in the distributor evaluation, improvements in cultivation were found to be necessary, as the storage time is short due to a high moisture content. An evaluation of the market gave the following results regarding the marketing strategy. It was found to be necessary to consider the production of mushrooms of a uniform shape and size and sell them in small packages in the range of 150 to 300 g. The price of the mushrooms should be set using a high-end strategy for high-end sales. The mushrooms should be introduced to local food and eco-friendly stores in the early stages of production. Subsequently, if farmhouse production increases, shipments should be made to wholesale markets through a regular contract. Finally, considering that P. nebrodensis is an unfamiliar mushroom to consumers, it is necessary to promote it by increasing the accessibility of consumers through tasting events and experience groups.
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of relationship and service marketing on the brand interest and behaviors among Korean and Chinese active senior consumers and whether this effect differed between the two groups. A survey was conducted by having participants complete questionnaires administered by a research firm. For empirical analysis, frequency, EFA, CFA, SEM, the metric invariance test, and multiple-group comparison analysis were performed. The analysis results revealed that relationship marketing positively affected both brand interest and consumer behavior. Although service marketing positively affected brand interest, it did not have a significant effect on consumer behavior. In other words, brand interest positively affected consumer behavior through relationship and service marketing. Multiple-group comparison analysis demonstrated that no difference existed between Korean and Chinese active consumers in terms of how relationship marketing affected their brand interest, but a difference existed in how it affected their behavior. Service marketing had a greater influence on Chinese active senior consumers’ brand interest than on Korean active senior consumers. However no difference existed between the two groups with respect to how service marketing affected their behaviors. Finally, brand interest had a positive effect only on Korean active senior consumers’ behavior through relationship and service marketing, but not on Chinese active senior consumers. In conclusion, relationship and service marketing should be used to enhance the brand interest among Korean active senior consumers, and business activities should be planned by building relationships with Chinese active senior consumers to affect their behavior.
다채널 소매상은 전자상거래의 발전에 의거하여 점차 형성되었다. 정보기술의 발전이 점차 다채널 소매상의 온라인 및 오프라인의 통합 마케팅에 관심을 가지게 된다. 이 과정에서 다채널소매상은 온라인 및 오프라인의 통합, 마케팅 및 정가 등 문제에 직면한다. 본문은 4Ps 마케팅 이론 및 구조방식 모델 구축에 근거하여 다채널 소매상의 오프라인 및 온라인 협동마케팅에 영향을 미치는 원인을 출발점으로 삼아, 제품·가격·마케 팅과 서비스가 온라인 및 오프라인 합동마케팅에 대한 영향을 상세하게 분석하여, 상대적으로 합리적인 마케팅전략을 세워야한다. 4개요소 중 영향이 제일 큰 게 가격이고 그 다음은 제품· 세일과 서비스이다. 제품의 품질이 높으면 높을수록 가격도 높아지고, 세일마케팅이 어느 정도는 소비자의 구매를 촉진시킬 수 있으며, 서비스도 소비자의 구매의향을 어느정도 증가시킬 수 있다. 그러므로 다채널 소매상이 온라인 및 오프라인 마케팅전략을 세울 시 합동 마케팅을 견지하고 제품품질과 가격선 정 전략을 방향으로 하되 세일과 서비스는 보조로 진행하여 소비자의 구매의향을 높여야 한다. 본문의 연구방법과 연구결과는 다채널 소매상의 온라인 및 오프라인 마케팅 전략연구에 방법 참고와 이론 근거를 제공한다. 동종업자 기업이 마케팅전략을 세우는데 참고가 되었으면 하는 바램으로 동종업자의 양성 발전에 촉진시키는데 도움이 되기를 바란다.
The purpose of this study is to suggest the characteristics of online shopping malls and find a way to establish a differentiated marketing Strategy for online shopping malls in China. This study investigated the effect on the loyalty by applying the perceived shopping value (Hedonic Value, Utilitarian Value) of consumers in online shopping malls. In addition, In order to grasp the factors affecting consumer loyalty in online shopping malls, the characteristics of online shopping malls are multidimensional, consisting of product characteristics, recommended quality, benefit services, and community services. In order to obtain the purpose of the study, a questionnaire was surveyed for chinese online shopping experience and the research model was verified through empirical analysis method. Statistical analysis program was used together with SPSS 24.0 and AMOSS 24.0. Looking at the results of the analysis, firstly, the recommended quality and benefit service of online shopping malls are positive for the perceived hedonic value of consumers. The product characteristics and community service were found to have no effect on the hedonic shopping value. Secondly, the product characteristics, recommended quality, benefit service, and community service of online shopping malls on the utilitrian value perceived by consumers were positively affected. Thirdly, the perceived hedonic value has a positive effect on loyalty. Finally, it was confirmed that perceived utilitrian value affects loyalty. Based on the results of this study, a differentiated marketing strategy was established for existing chinese online shopping mall operators and potential new operators as well.
This study empirically analyzed the influence of fashion brands’ marketing issues on actual sales and consumer preference—focusing on evaluation trends of brands over time by using the theoretical background and big data provided through literature. This study examined the influence of three fashion brands (Balenciaga, Vetements, and Off-White) that have recently seen a drastic increase in the number of searched volumes through social networks. To identify the consumer-brand evaluations and trends and the marketing issues, the time period was divided into Groups A and B, which are from 2014 to 2015 and from 2016 to 2017, respectively. This study analyzed the frequency of overlapping keywords by using the R program to graphically visualize the changes over the timeline. Specifically, this analysis extracted data mainly related to bags, wallets and accessories for 2014-2015, but in 2016-2017, all four brands saw a vast increase in the frequency of searching product keywords related to clothing and footwear, and newly extracted ones were the top keywords. When analyzing the big data with these keywords as indicators, I confirmed that the products related to bags, wallets, and accessories were shifted to those related to apparel and footwear. Consumers previously recognized luxury brands such as Balenciaga as accessoriesoriented brands that were focused on handbags and sunglasses, but now they are gaining popularity and recognition among consumers as a fashion brand.
목적: 안경원의 마케팅 모델을 정립하기 위하여 고객만족과 원가절감을 극대화할 수 있는 안경원의 경영 효율과 방안을 제시하고자 하였다.
방법: 광주지역이 타 지역에 비해 작은 평수 안경원이 많은 것이 특징인데, 10평대 안경원 부터 대형 안경원까지 크기가 다양하다. 체인안경원이 오픈 시 본사의 인테리어, 입지선정, 광고, 매입상품 선별 등의 지원을 받을 수 있어 개인적 부담이 적은데 반해, 우리가 조사한 아이조아 안경원은 일반 안경원이라 모든 부분에서 조사와 준비를 창업자가 해야 하는 부분이 있었다. 창업정보는 상권분석을 하여 입지를 선정하는 데 도움을 받을 수 있는 무료 상권사이트인 중소기업청 상권분석시스템 (http://sg.smba.go.kr)을 이용할 수 있는데, 정부 공식 사이트로서 지역별 상권조사보고서를 공개하고 있다.
결과: 사이트에서 상권별 특성, 임대시세, 교통현황, 주요 시설 및 집객 시설, 업종현황 등 정보를 확인할 수 있었다.
결론: 마케팅 전략으로는 무료 시력검사와 무료 상담, 지속적인 단골고객 관리, 안경원 상품권의 다양한 활용, 공익활동을 통한 홍보, 멤버십 카드의 적극적 활용, 경쟁 안경원의 마케팅 전략 분석, 안경 전시회나 신상품 발표회 방문 그리고 패션 소품으로써의 안경 등이 있다.
The virtual reality market is already creating new added value across the industry and it is expected to change the way we live and work. Currently, virtual reality marketing is actively applied to the game industry and marketing methods are diversifying. Moreover, this marketing it will be widely applied in various fields such as medical care, defense, and entertainment in the future. In this paper, we analyze the marketing strategy of virtual reality industry which is expected to grow in the future combined with existing 4P analysis and 4C analysis.
This study set out to investigate consumers' attitudes toward pro-environment, and their actual purchasing behavior. It aimed to empirically examine the effects of the consumers' attitudes toward pro-environmental products, the importance of the product attributes and the perceived value of the companies' environmental activities, on their purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products, including their satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention. The questionnaires were administered on 304 married women with previous experience of buying eco-friendly fashion products. The results were as follows. First, the consumers' behavioral patterns in terms of environmental concerns and the purchasing of eco-friendly household items were significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Second, the importance of eco-friendly attributes was significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Third, the perceived value of corporate environmental activity was not related to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Finally, the purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products was significantly positive in relation to the satisfaction with eco-friendly fashion products as well as the trust and repurchase intention, and satisfaction and trust positively affected the repurchase intention. The implication of the research and direction for future study were discussed.
부분 유료화 모델은 현재 MMORPG(Massively Multi-player Online Role Playing Game)의 대표적인 소액 결재 기반 과금 방식이다. 본 논문에는 캐시 아이템 개발을 포함한 유료 판매 모델의 이론적인 근거를 확립하기 위해 제품 마케팅 분야에서 검증 받은 마케팅 전략과 마케팅 믹스 관점에서 MMORPG의 부분 유료화 모델을 정립하고 이 이론을 근거로 MMORPG를 위한 캐시 아이템 판매 모델을 이론적으로 체계화한다. 이 연구는 캐시 아이템을 포함한 MMORPG 부분 유료화 시스템을 제작하는데 필요한 디자인 가이드라인을 제공함으로써 이론적 근거가 확립된 체계적인 MMORPG 부분 유료화 서비스 개발에 유용하게 사용될 것으로 예상된다.
Cosmetic industry is a typical industry for domestic demand and is closely connected with domestic demand growth. In 2006, domestic cosmetics market is showing high growth rate due to the recovery of domestic demand and the market reorganization of sales channels is proceeding rapidly due to the recent global economic slowdown, Due to the situation, many companies are launching low-priced brand shop. The purpose of this study was to clarify the impact of marketing strategy of cosmetic brand-shop on consumers' purchasing intention. As the result of analyses, it was found that product, place, promotion factors of cosmetic brand-shop affect brand image. Also only product factor affects corporate image, perceived quality. And using regression analysis between brand image, corporate image, perceived quality and customer behaviors. Brand image and perceived quality factors influence consumers purchasing intention. Brand image has a positive impact on corporate image. And corporate image affects the perceived quality.
This study was an exploratory research to classify the types of green fashion marketing of the fashion companies in South Korea and analyse the present cases of each type. To analyse the current cases of green fashion marketing strategies, we researched all sorts of newspapers, magazines, publications of fashion companies, and web sites from 2008 to 2009. As a result, we categorized 5 types of green fashion marketing as follows ; eco-friendly fabrics (natural fabrics, recycled fabrics, biodegradable fabrics), re-use or re-form(reuse after cleaning and/or repairing and reformation through transformation and combination of raw materials), green certifications(ISO 14001, GOTS, OES, etc.), eco-friendly management and operation, and green marketing promotions. Based on the results, we proposed the green marketing strategies for fashion companies to progress toward the proper direction of green marketing. First of all, companies should escape from the narrow view point limited to the product itself. Then they have to focus on developing and execution of sustainable merchandising, manufacturing, logistics, and waste strategies.
본 연구는 장소마케팅을 통한 농촌지연산업 활성화 전략을 살펴보기 위함이다. 이를 위해 순창을 사례지역으로 하여, 순창의 장소자산 특성을 통해 순창전통고추장민속마을의 위상과 핵심장소자산을 도출하였다. 이를 토대로 장류산업형․ 장류문화형․전통가치 교류형 장소마케팅 전략을 수립하였다.
Recently, social network service is developing rapidly as technology changes with new mobile dimensions and features creating positive opportunities and benefits to all users and companies. Social network services are allowing companies to expand their businesses and brands by utilizing it as a marketing tool to reach customers. This research is intended to identify major online social network services and their trends while enhancing the understanding of food service business expansion through social networking.
The proliferation of the internet and electronic commerce has given the manufacturers the opportunity of direct marketing. This study analyzes the decision of manufacturers regarding whether to sell the products through independent sales company or to sel