
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 25

        2016.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        최근 도시를 떠나 농·산촌에서 제2의 인생을 시작하려는 베이비붐 세대들이 늘어가면서 귀산촌 인구가 급증 하고 있다. 2015년도 귀농가구는 1만1천959가구로 전년 대비 11.2%(1201가구) 증가했으며 매년 증가할 것으 로 예상되고 있다. 귀산촌의 활성화와 함께 소득작물로 각광받고 있는 표고에 대한 관심도가 급증하고 이에 따라 표고 재배기술에 대한 요구도 또한 증가하고 있다. 산림조합중앙회 산림버섯연구센터에서는 표고의 활 성화와 안정적 저변확대를 위해 재배기술 수준별로 초급교육, 전문가양성교육으로 구분하여 실질적인 교육 을 수행하고 있다. 초급교육은 매월 1회 1일 8시간 교육으로 진행하며, 전문가양성교육은 1년동안 1주씩 6차 에 걸쳐 총 6주간 실시하고 있다. 초급교육은 귀산촌인, 재배희망자를 대상으로 이론교육 및 현장견학으로 2011년부터 시행하여 2011년(302명), 2012년(807명), 2013년(1,077명), 2014년(1,110명), 2015년(1,116명) 진행하 였다. 전문가양성교육은 이론 및 실습, 선도임가 현장견학 과정으로 2011년부터 시행하여 매년 1기수씩 수료 하였으며, 2015년까지 5기 교육생을 배출하였다. 이외에 순회교육, 상설교육, 현지지도 등 매년 약 3,000명가 량 지도 및 교육을 수행하고 있다.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2012년 기준 산촌지역 임가소득은 도시근로자의 54.3%, 농가의 67.6%에 불과하며, 노동집약적인 1차 산업 위주의 임업은 부가가치 창출에 한계를 갖고 있다. 한편 우리사회는 여가시간 증가, 삶의 질을 강 조하는 생활 방식이 자리하게 되면서 도시에서 벗어나 산림에서 체험하고 힐링을 하기 위한 수요가 지 속적으로 증가하고 있다. 따라서 산림수요에 대응하여 기존에 1차 산업 위주의 임업 외에 부가가치를 증대시킬 수 있도록 종합적인 정책마련이 필요하다. 이를 위한 하나의 방안으로 산림치유를 활용한 사 업이 전개되고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 산림치유를 이용한 산촌지역 경제 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 산촌지역에서 행해지는 산림치유시설의 특징, 프로그램 내용 등을 인터넷 조사와 현지 방문, 전문가 인 터뷰를 수행하였다. 이후 인터뷰한 원자료를 Strauss & Corbin(1998)의 근거이론방법을 적용하였으며 NVivo11 프로그램을 활용하여 총 186개의 개념과 8개의 범주와 24개의 하위범주를 도출하였고, 산촌지 역 경제 활성화를 위한 산림치유 적용 과정을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 산촌지역에 산림치유 적용방안을 위한 정책 제언을 제시함으로써 향후 정량적 연구의 토대를 마련했다고 할 수 있으며, 산림치유마을 조 성·운영정책을 추진할 수 있는 기초자료를 제공했다는 점에서 연구의 의의가 있다.
        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 산림휴양자원과 산촌마을 연계를 통한 산촌마을의 활성화를 위해 자연휴양림 이용객을 마을로 유인하기 위한 핵심 요소 분석을 실시하고 산촌 활성화를 위한 연계프로그램 도출을 목적으로 수행되었다. 본 연구의 주요 내용은 다음의 세가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 국내·외 산림휴양자원과 산촌생태마을과의 연계 실태 파악을 위해 산촌정책의 전개과정 및 자연휴양림의 특성을 살펴보았다. 또한 현황에 대한 실증 분석을 위해 자연휴양림과 연계되어 있는 산촌생태마을이 하나의 단위로 구성되는 9개의 조사지를 선정하였고 문제점 및 잠재력 확인을 위해 조사대상지 9곳의 자연휴양림 운영 담당자와 산촌생태마을 운영관계자 24명을 대상으로 심층면접을 수행하여 문제점 분석을 실시하였다. 둘째, 일본의 산림휴양자원과 산촌마을 연계 사례 조사를 수행하고 한국과 일본의 산림휴양자원 연계형 프로그램의 비교 분석을 실시하였다. 셋째, 분석된 내용에 기반한 산림휴양자원과 산촌마을의 연계 프로그램 운영 방안을 제안하였다.
        2014.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 전남지역의 산촌생태마을의 운영실태와 문제점을 분석하여 향후 여건변화에 따른 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 하였다. 전남지역의 산촌생태마을은 1996년 곡성 원달마을을 시작으로 2010년까지 24개 마을이 조성되 었다. 2011년부터는 산촌생태마을 조성사업은 어촌종합개발사업, 농촌마을 종합개발사업과 함께 권역단위 종합정비사 업으로 통합되어 추진되었다. 그러므로 본 연구에서는 2010년까지 조성된 전남지역의 24개 마을을 대상으로 문헌조사, 현지조사를 통해서 운영 실태를 파악하였다. 산촌마을의 문제점으로는 인구감소와 고령화로 인하여 산촌에서의 농업의 활력이나 마을기능이 저하되었고 이로 인해 노동력 부족으로 산촌경작지나 자연환경에 대한 경관창출 및 환경정비가 미약한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 시설중심의 생활환경개선과 생산기반조성사업에 집중적으 로 투자됨으로 지역 관광 활성화를 위한 소프트웨어 중심 계획이 미비한 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 시설에 대한 인력부족이나 전문성 미비로 유지관리나 운영관리 이용이 저조하거나 관리가 부실한 것으로 나타났고, 시설중심의 체험프로그램 운영과 주변 지역자원과의 연계성 미비로 숙박과 체험시설 위주의 단순한 프로그램 운영으로 생산이나 생활, 전통문화에 대한 프로그램이 미흡한 것으로 조사되었다. 이에 문제점을 토대로 산촌생태마을 활성화 방안을 다음과 같이 제안하였다. 첫째, 산촌다움의 유지 및 복원을 위한 산촌경관 재생이다. 둘째, 산촌의 지역성을 창조하는 생활과 생산문화 재생이다. 셋째, 지역기반형 운영 프로그램 개발이다. 넷째, 건강지향형 지역특화산업과 융·복합이다. 다섯째, 지역자원과 연계한 그린투어리즘 전개이다. 여섯째 수요 중심의 홍보마케팅 강화이다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 도농 복합 도시 산촌 지역의 사유림 파편화 현상을 분석하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 조사대상지는 울산광역시 울주군 상북면에 있는 소호리 지역으로서, 전체 산림면적의 약92.7%가 사유림이며, 우리나라 최초로 협업체가 조성된 곳으로서 도농복합도시 지역의 사유림 활성화 가능성을 분석하기 위한 최적의 장소라 할 수 있다. 토지 대장이 만들어진 시기인 1910년부터 2014년 2월 3일 현재까지 파편화 현상을 파악하기 위하여 10년 단위의 기간으로 나누어 소유규모별, 소유자 거주지별, 연령별, 용도별, 필지수별 현황을 토지·임야대장 등기부와 주민 청취조사를 통하여 분석하였다. 분석결과를 보면, 필지수가 198개에서 757개로 3.8배 증가하여 평균 필지면적이 5.9ha에서 1.7ha로 급감하였고, 파편화는 주로 소유규모 1ha이하에서 발생하였으며, 2000년대 들어와 그 경향이 심해졌다. 울주군 관내에 살지 않는 부재산주 비율이 64.4%에 이르고 있으며, 필지의 19.3%에 이르는 146개 필지가 주택이 들어섰거나 전원주택으로 개발할 예정인 것으로 분석되었다. 임업용 필지는 필지수의 48.6%에 불과하나 면적은 97.7%에 달하고 있는 것으로 나타나 면적기준으로 볼 때 임업 활성화의 가능성은 큰 것으로 분석되었다. 도농복합도시지역 산촌의 특수성을 감안해 볼 때 현재와 같이 비임업용을 목적으로 하는 사유림 파편화가 진전되면 임업 활성화에 미치는 부정적 영향이 클 것으로 예상되므로 지역차원에 서 산림자원을 관리하고 이용할 수 있는 대책수립이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 생태관광 개발과 지속적인 발전에 있어 가장 중요한 요소 중의 하나인 주민참여 부분에 대한 연구로서 지역 생태관광 개발에 있어 우선 고려되어야 할 주민참여 방법과 선행 해결과제들을 조사 분석하였다. 조사는 국내 산촌지역으로 자연환경이 우수하고 접근성이 좋아 개발가능성이 높은 지역을 선정하여 현지 방문조사를 실시하였다. 장기 부재중인 주민을 제외하고 각 지역에 거주하고 있는 190명의 주민을 대상으로 조사 분석한 결과 지역주민들은 생태관광 개발에 대해 긍정적이며, 관광개발계획 수립단계부터 적극적인 참여를 원했다. 또한 생태관광 개발에 있어 가장 중요한 것은 자연환경보전을 전제로 한 지역경제 및 개인소득의 증대로서 이를 위해서는 가장 먼저 관련 법 제도적 정비와 함께 지역주민에 대한 교육이 선행되어야 한다고 나타났다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study aimed to examine participants’ perception regarding improvements in education for their return to a mountain village, based on “satisfaction, motivation’s achievement, and effectiveness.” Survey was conducted with 80 participants in 2017, of which 64 valid responses were used for statistical analysis. SPSS 21.0 program was used to conduct descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were that a higher level of “satisfaction regarding the instructor and teaching materials” resulted in a higher level of motivation’s achievement of technology skills, social skills and effectiveness in interpersonal exchange. The findings also revealed that if “the content of education” were satisfactory, there was effective self development. In addition, the higher the motivation’s achievement of social skill, the higher the perception in effectiveness of self development and interpersonal exchange. The study can contribute to provide baseline data for improvement of education on return of people to their mountain villages, which are collaborating with civic groups, governments, research institutions and enterprises.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study was to develop the strategy on activation of village by forest healing. Researcher conducted the questionnaire survey for forest healing village development to classify the mountain’s characteristics by the three factors(linkage resource, program, facilities). In result, village characteristics were divided into two types: single element outstanding type(resource), complex element outstanding type(resource+program, resource+facilities). The development of forest healing village have to focused on the forest healing service recipient and mountain village characteristics. In conclusion, relationship between forest healing recipient and mountain characteristics was as follows: single type (resource) - public; complex type (resource+program) - chronic disease, social vulnerable people; complex type (resource+facilities) - severe disease. The detailed guideline for forest healing village needs to be established according to the mountain characteristics.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this study is to develop promotion strategies for revitalizing mountain eco-villages through social economic support. In order to fulfill this purpose, this study analyzed operation conditions, income creation structures of 240 mountain eco-villages formed by Korea Forest Service, and reviewed systems for social economic support. As summarized in research outputs, this study confirmed that the activities of organizations for joint projects had not been properly implemented due to the absence of supporting systems following the construction of mountain eco-villages. In addition, 159 villages formed as experience villages could not be qualified for enterprise systems due to aging population and absence of network systems. As for income creation, as indicated by comparing net incomes for joint projects calculated based on the classification of village management evaluation, the average net income of 51 highly-rated villages was 22 million Won and that of 128 moderately-rated villages was 3.5 million Won. Experience-based projects and the sales of processed forestry products made by young adult associations or women's societies were major sources of income, and the absence of inner economic bases or villages' jobs caused young adults and returned farmers to focus on working for outside economic activities. Finally, this study developed strategies for mountain eco-village's social economic promotion and suggested four stages of social economic revitalization provisions.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study analyzed settlement motivation, life satisfaction factors, policy requirement targeting return farmers on mountain village. 8 target villages where return farmers live at least 10 people were selected according as cooperation of the local governments through literature by considering the area of the whole country. The return farmers in target villages were conducted a face to face survey with village headman's pre-coordination from February to September 2013. A total of 94 surveys were performed and 87 copies were used in the analysis. According to the results, the most important factor influenced the decision to be a return farmer was "my family health(3.97)". The correlation analysis was performed to examine factors related with satisfaction of "return farmer life in general". The result showed that "change of physical health" was the most important correlativity with 0.544 correlation coefficient and 0.05 significant level and "family relationship" was followed with 0.424 correlation coefficient and 0.05 significant level. According to the "important factor for the successful return-farmer life", 42.7% of respondents chose "harmonious relationships with local residents" and "stable source of income" was chosen by 29.3% of residents. A questionnaire for the analysis of policy requirements showed that "education system related Forestry(Agriculture)" was the highest demand with 4.oo points. The result can be used as a basis for establishing policies with activation of mountain villages to attract to constantly increasing population of return farmers.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The importance of human resources empowerment for operation and management is increasing for sustainable effects and improvement in mountain eco village development projects. This study aimed to understand the cognition characteristics of operator who works for mountain eco villages as part of the mountain village development and to suggest improvement methods in empowerment training aspects. The survey contained operator's empowerment and operator systems in mountain eco villages and the results were analyzed for the study. Operators who joined the mountain eco village operator training course by Korea Forest Service were conducted the survey on March 12th~13th in 2012 and March 13th~15th in 2013. 69 and 58 of questionnaires were collected respectively and analyzed for the study. T-test was applied to Intergroup cognition difference and regression analysis was used for influential factors in necessity of operator's role. Collected data was analyzed by statistical package programme SPSS 18.0 version. According to the comparison of empowerment cognition with contingent upon training experience, 'harmony with residents' showed significantly difference at p<0.05 level. In the recognition comparison for prospect of future mountain eco village development, 'various training experiences' was significantly difference at p<0.01 level between positive and negative prospect group. Regression analysis revealed that 'communication with village leader', 'harmony with residents', and 'idea related to the project' have an effect on necessity of operator's empowerment significantly. Based on the results, the study suggests improved directions for operator's empowerment training as a horizontal leader who conduces a mountain village.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aimed to categorize mountain villages according to business expense investments and investigate residents' supplementation demands and differences between expected effects by the categories. For the study, 35 villages where are completely developed on and after 2007 were selected to consider fairness among local governments. Each village leader(the head of the village or the chairperson of the management committee) was conducted a survey from 2012 May to August and one copy of survey was eliminated from the study. The study is summarized into four results. First, the types of mountain villages were categorized as a type of mountain village practice(18), a type of life environment improvement(8) and a type of forestry income(8) according by the itemized reports of the business expense investments. Second, the result of F-test(One Way ANOVA) for the average analysis by types showed that 3 out of 6 demands for the operation were significant differences and a supplementation necessity of the program was identified significant differences in p<0.01 level. The necessity of forestry resources use and sprawling development prevention are also showed significant differences among types in p<0.05 level. Third, F-test results from 7 questions of desired effects through mountain village creation project revealed that promotion and market security of forestry products and local patriotism instillation through a personal exchange are significant differences between types in p<0.05 level. Forth, the results of duplication benefits(the mountain village development projects and the village support programs with other departments) on the residents' development expectation found that when a village received a large number of projects, residents' expected effects were higher than other village residents where received relatively a small number of projects. However, the expected effects from the increasing quantities of projects were decreased.
        2008.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to compare the revealed activities of visitors to rural tourism villages through photographic album in the internet homepage, and to give a suggestion for building new homepage showing the differences in mountain eco-tourism village. According to the different types of village development projects, photographs in internet homepage were analysed in order to compare the centered activities of visitors to agriculture and mountain tourism villages. Landscape types such as natural landscape, agricultural landscape, and village living landscape were classified to execute a content analysis on photographic album in the homepage. Reliability of the analysis between coder was achieved as 0.81. Results were summarized as follows. Firstly, village identity of homepage was mostly determined by the characteristics of internet portal involved. Secondly, adults were revealed as main subjects of tourism activities in mountain village, whereas lots of children were involved in agricultural village. Thirdly, natural landscape was used as a place of activities in mountain village, while village living landscape was photographed as a main background. It was suggested that the photographs revealing activities with children in the background of natural landscape should be uploaded to show the identity of mountain village regardless of the characteristics of internet portal.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to compare internet portal sites for rural tourism, and to suggest the improved contents for homepage information on mountain villages under the Korea Forest Service. Design, interface, information source, and communication as estimation indicators were used to understand the characteristics of portal sites, and sub-items under indicators to analyse the portal sites were established. Nationwide portal sites were compared for rural tourism information. Also, German and Italian portal sites were compared as overseas cases. As a result, an internet portal site for information on mountain villages under the Korea Forest Service has to be improved as compared with other portal sites related to rural tourism. Firstly, it is necessary to modify and improve the category explaining mountain villages. Secondly, homepage for developing mountain villages has to be established and linked to potential visitors. Thirdly, portal sites for developing mountain villages subsequently have to be constructed under the site of the Korea Forest Service.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, plans to revitalize rural areas in addition to farming are actively having been groped since given agricultural conditions destituted. One of the plan is the 'Rural Tourism' which to sell to urbanites by merchandising rural and pleasant characteristics possessed by rural areas. As a part of the rural-urban exchange, analyzed the features of the experience programs operated by each village by selecting 152 rural-mountain villages where is supporting and presented results by synthesizing above conclusion. The results acquired through such research are as following. Currently, villages operate mainly with the experience program related to general agricultural life styles by synthesizing special features of experience programs with high frequency in operations as the present status of the rural-mountain villages and showed negative trends dependant to the existing natural resources and easy in operations. Moreover, the operation of the experience which are expected to publicize the village and create large incomes were insufficient, analyzed not to be stimulate purchasing activities by lack of connections among experience programs and only simple staged experiences are mainly operated due to low operation frequency of experience programs which can be operated with special interests or professional characteristics.
        2006.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Using the principal component analysis and clustering Forest resources are consistently necessary in the future. It takes much time to produce and breed them. However it is difficult to do due to recent social situation. Considering global environment, forest policy should be considered as a global scale rather than a regional one. At least, the policy needs a national scale concern. In order to support forestry, elementary data are needed. In this study, forest characteristics in Ishigawa-gen province have been analyzed through main component analysis and clustering. The results are shown in fig.5 and fig.6.
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