본 연구는 러시아의 사교육시장 및 정책 동향을 분석함으로써 러시아의 사교육현황에 대한 정보를 제공하는 것을 목 적으로 하였다. 이를 통해 러시아의 교육 현황을 이해하는데 도움을 제공하고자 하였다. 선행연구를 고찰하고 다양한 자 료를 수집한 후 러시아의 사교육 수요시장, 사교육 공급시장, 사교육 정책을 정리하였으며, 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫 째, 사교육 수요시장은 사교육 참여율이 고학년으로 갈수록 높아지고, 사교육 참여 시간이 지속적으로 증가하고 있다는 점에서 그 규모가 성장하는 추세이다. 사교육비용은 가계지출에서 큰 부분을 차지하고, 부모의 사회경제적지위가 높을수 록 상승함에 따라 사회 불균형을 유발시키는 문제로 지적되고 있다. 사교육에 참여하는 배경 및 목적은 통합국가시험 및 대학입학준비, 공교육 보충, 공교육과 사교육 간의 공생모델 존재, 학생선발에 대한 대학의 자율성, 영어 사교육 수요 증 대 등 다양하다. 둘째, 사교육 공급시장은 학교교사 및 대학교수(강사), 소개업체(학생↔강사)를 통한 개인과외, 온라인 사교육, 에듀테크 기업 등 다양한 유형으로 형성되어 있고, 온라인 사교육 및 에듀테크 기업들은 세계 여러 나라로 해외 진출을 하였다. 셋째, 사교육 정책으로는 과외교사의 법적 지위에 대한 제도화, 자영업 방식으로의 등록, 개인과외 교사 들이 등록한 업체를 통해 사교육을 제공함으로써 사교육 규모 및 운영방식을 모니터링하고 소득에 대한 세금을 부과하 는 것 등이 추진되었다. 아울러 학교교사가 제공하는 사교육의 문제점을 해결하고자 정책적 노력을 하고 있다.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristic of quality attributes of smart hotels by using a SERVQUAL-IPA model, focusing on Chinese, which has the most proactive approach for the adoption of smart hotel system. Toward this goal, six quality factors—tangibles, reliability, assurance, responsiveness, empathy, and playfulness—were extracted through factor analysis, and IPA was used to appraise the degree of importance and satisfaction for each quality attribute. As a result of the SERVQUAL-IPA model, quality attributes were categorized into four groups of 'keep up the good work,' 'possible overkill,' 'low priority,' and 'concentrate here.'. Furthermore, it was concluded that there is a need to focus on the following elements: ‘smart devices can assist customers in emergency situations’, ‘when the room control system identifies customer needs, the staff can provide prompt service’, ‘development and improvement of mobile applications that enable customers to control room amenities’, ‘regular maintenance for smart devices’, and ‘providing data-driven personalized recommendations through customer activity data analysis’.
본고는 북한의 비공식경제 확산과 시장화 진전의 구조적 특성을 조사하여 북한경제의 실태와 작동 메커니즘, 경제개혁의 시사점을 살펴보고자 한다. 북한에서 비공식 경제활동의 증가와 함께 상품, 유통, 서비스, 노동 등에서 진전된 형태의 시장거래가 형성되었다. 북한의 비공식 경제활동과 시장화 현상은 공식경제영역 및 국영기업의 작동과 밀접한 상호관계에서 진행되었다. 경제관리 개선조치는 시장화 과 정에서 발생한 북한경제의 구조적 변화와 연관되어 있으며, 시장거래와 사적경제활동의 제도적 수용범 위를 확대하였다. 본고에서는 사회주의국가들에서 나타났던 비공식 경제활동을 비교분석하고 북한에서 진행되고 있는 비공식경제의 확산과 시장화의 실태 및 특징을 조사한다. 본고는 다양한 형태의 시장경 제활동과 북한당국의 경제관리제도 개편의 내용을 검토하면서 국가와 시장이 연계된 북한의 시장화 양상을 파악하고 함의를 모색한다.
Although concerns about overheating of the franchise industry's market structure continue to be raised, there are few studies that analyze the market structure of the franchise industry and suggest practical use. Most existing studies mainly analyze the market structure of other industries using industrial concentration(HHI) as an indicator of market competition intensity from the perspective of industrial organization theory. This study seeks to present a market structure analysis method that is different from existing methods. Considering practical application, this study presented a method to analyze the market structure that combines industry concentration(HHI) analysis and matrix analysis of the franchise industry. First, the industry concentration(HHI) and operating profit ratio(SMR) of 15 major industries in the franchise industry were analyzed in a time series manner (2014-2019). Second, using industrial concentration and operating profit ratio(SMR) as two variables on the x-axis and y-axis, a two-stage matrix analysis was used to understand the market structure characteristics of 15 industries at a glance. Third, a method of utilizing the matrix analysis results for practical decision-making was presented.
This study was conducted to determine the efficiency of the distribution process of the abalone industry, that is, whether there is market dominance. In addition, it was intended to find out whether there is an asymmetric price transfer phenomenon between the distribution stage of the abalone industry. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, the asymmetric price transition effect on the abalone price between producer and wholesale market was found to be positive. It means that the distribution structure is incomplete between the producer and the wholesale market and the abalone market is operating inefficiently. Second, as a result of estimating the market power between the producer and the wholesale market, the market power coefficient between the producer and the Hanam wholesale market, and the producer and the Incheon wholesale market were 0.0618 and 0.0735. Summarizing the analysis results, the abalone market has an asymmetric price transition between producer and wholesale markets, but the market dominance coefficient is relatively low. These results suggest that the asymmetry of price transition is mainly caused by market dominance, but can also be caused by other factors such as information asymmetry. In the future, in addition to the market dominance of the abalone market, it is judged that research on factors related to the asymmetry of price transition is necessary.
The economy of Tanzania relies on agriculture as the main economic activity, because agriculture provides both food and income to the population of the country, especially the rural households. Improvement of market access to crops also increases the productivity. Therefore, in this study, descriptive statistics and statistical analysis of the probit model were used to analyze the factors that determine the market accessibility of small-scale farmers in Chemba, Tanzania. Cross-sectional data collected by the systematic sampling method for 200 corn peasants in Chemba, Tanzania were used. As a result of probit regression analysis, it was found that access to improved seeds and technology had a positive statistically significant effect on the accessibility to the market, while the age of the head of the household, production cost, distance to the market, and household size had a negative statistically significant effect. Therefore, in this study, policy establishment and implementation are recommended. A policy needs to be considered to reduce the transaction costs that eventually allows the farmers to increase the accessibility to markets, enables small-scale farmers to participate in cooperatives, lowers input costs and provides educational programs on quality products to increase their competitiveness in the marketplace.
이 연구는 팬데믹(pandemic) 전후 국제항공여객 운송시장을 대상으로 항공편 운항에 의한 CO2 배출 특성과 변화를 체계적으 로 파악하는 것을 주요 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2019년과 2021년 2분기 전 세계 국제여객 항공편 스케줄 데이터를 기반으로 ICAO(International Civil Aviation Organization)의 CERT(CO2 Estimation and Reporting Tool) 인벤토리를 이용하여 노선 단위의 CO2 배출량을 추정한 후, 노선의 대권 거리와 항공기의 크기를 기준으로 구분된 하부시장에 따른 CO2 배출량과 배출 효율성의 분포와 변화를 비교분석하였다. 주요 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 2021년 2분기 전 세계 국제항공여객 운송시장의 CO2 배출량은 약 31.6백만 톤으로 추정되었으며. 2019년 동 분기(117.95백만 톤) 대비 약 73.21% 감소하였다. 두 시기 모두 5,000km 이상의 장거리 시장, 그리고 100~400석 항공기 운용 시장에서의 배출량 비중이 높게 나타났다. 다만 팬데믹 기간에는 5,000km 이상, 그리고 400석 이상 항공기 시장에서 CO2 배출량의 감소가 두드러지게 나타났다. 둘째, 2021년 2분기 시장의 CO2 배출 효율성은 2019년 동 분기 대비 약 4% 향상되었다. 두 시기 모두 노선의 대권 거리와 항공기의 크기가 증가할수록 배출 효율성이 감소하는 경향이 존재하였으며, 팬데믹 기간 중 일부 하부시장에서는 구형 및 초대형 기종들의 운항 감축(혹은 중단)이 두드러짐에 따라 배출 효율성이 향상되기도 하였다. 마지막으로 팬데믹 전후 주요 국제노선들의 CO2 배출 효율성 변화를 탐색한 결과, 글로벌 허브 공항들을 연결하는 대륙 간 장거리 노선들을 중심으로 효율성이 낮게 나타난 반면, 차상위 계층 공항들과 연결된 일부 노선들, 그리고 동남아・동북아의 주요 공항들을 연결하는 역내 노선들은 상대적으로 효율성이 높게 나타났다. 본 연구는 팬데믹 전후 전 세계 국제항공여객 운송시장의 운영 실적과 CO2 배출에 대한 세부 특성과 변화를 실증적으로 분석했다는 점에서 의의가 있다.
본 연구에서는 글로벌 회사채 포트폴리오의 신용위험(부도확률지표)에 대한 신용스프레드(OAS: 시장지표)의 선행성 여부 및 선행성 정도를 분석하였다. 두 지표를 회귀변수로 하는 시차상관성 분석 및 패널 회귀분석 결과 회사채 신용위험에 대해 시장지표가 유의한 선행성을 갖는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 시장을 통해 신용위험 변화를 실시간 반영하는 시장지표가 해당 회사채의 신용위험 변화를 빠르게 포착하기 때문으로 풀이된다. 일일 데이터로 측정한 시장지표의 신용위험 시그널링 효과는 신용스프레드가 대체로 0.5개월 이후의 부도확률 악화를 가장 잘 설명하는 것으로 나타났다. 시장상황에 따라서도 선행성의 크기가 달리 나타났는데, 시장스트레스 시기일수록 높 은 변동성으로 인해 신용위험 변화에 시장지표가 더 민감하게 반응함으로써 동 시그널링 효과가 더 큰 것으로 분 석되었다. 금융복합성 증가 등으로 시장위험과 신용위험간 경계가 모호해지는 최근 흐름을 감안할 때 시장지표의 활용을 통해 신용리스크관리의 선제적 대응력을 높일 필요성이 더욱 커졌으며, 특히 시그널링 효과가 큰 시장스 트레스기 일수록 시장지표의 활용에 무게를 둘 필요가 있다.
This study examined the feasibility of exporting dairy products from Korea to Vietnam by identifying characteristics of its dairy product market based on results from the analysis of its dairy product market, and surveys on consumers, wholesalers, and retailers. The results from surveys provide characteristics of Vietnam’s dairy product market, the propensity to consume Korean dairy products, and the feasibility of the Korean dairy product exports market. As rapid economic growth and changes in preference result in an expansion of import market in Vietnam, Vietnam’s dairy product market is highly attractive to Korean dairy products. Vietnamese consumers have high confidence in Korean dairy products and are willing to pay a high price for them. Besides, over 200 thousand Koreans are living in Vietnam. This is favorable to Korean dairy products exports. But the success of the Korean dairy products in Vietnam’s dairy product market also depends upon systematic disease controls, the establishment of its brand image, effective quality and sanitation/safety management, and government support. Notably, the economic effects of Korean dairy products exports to Vietnam are 68.7 billion won for a production inducement effect and 297 persons for an employment inducement effect.
A turbo engine is used to improve engine volumetric efficiency by using the energy of exhaust gas with a device such as a turbocharger. Recently, it has been attracting attention as a solution for responding to environmental issues such as exhaust gas regulation, and its use is being expanded to gasoline and CNG engines as well as diesel engines. However, as electric and hydrogen vehicles enter the automotive market more rapidly, traditional turbo engines also confront many challenges. In this paper, to examine the current status and prospects of the turbo engine, we analyze the related patents in the turbo engine field applied to patent offices in seven major countries, including Korea, USA, China, Japan, Germany, France, and the European Union Patent Office, and analyze the patent application trend. Using ‘the pie’ system of Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI), family patents were refined, patent application trends were diagnosed, and the technology and market competitiveness of major applicants were compared and analyzed. Even within the turbo engine market, where traditional automakers and turbocharger manufacturer participate, it was possible to examine the dynamic changes in the market through the analysis of technology and market competitiveness. The main companies leading the technology and market aspects and the companies specialized in the technology and market aspects were observed.
Gut contents analysis is essential to predict the impact of organisms on food source changes due to variations of the habitat environment. Previous studies of gut content analysis have been conducted using traditional methods, such as visual observation. However, these studies are limited in analyzing food sources because of the digestive process in gut organ. DNA metabarcoding analysis is a useful method to analyze food sources by supplementing these limitations. We sampled marine fish of Pennahia argentata, Larimichthys polyactis, Crangon affinis, Loligo beka and Sepia officinalis from Gwangyang Bay and Yeosu fisheries market for analyzing gut contents by applying DNA metabarcoding analysis. 18S rRNA v9 primer was used for analyzing food source by DNA metabarcoding. Network and two-way clustering analyses characterized the relationship between organisms and food sources. As a result of comparing metabarcoding of gut contents for P. argentata between sampled from Gwangyang Bay and the fisheries market, fish and Copepoda were analyzed as common food sources. In addition, Decapoda and Copepoda were analyzed as common food sources for L. polyactis and C. affinis, respectively. Copepoda was analyzed as the primary food source for L. beka and S. officinalis. These study results demonstrated that gut contents analysis using DNA metabarcoding reflects diverse and detailed information of biological food sources in the aquatic environment. In addition, it will be possible to provide biological information in the gut to identify key food sources by applying it to the research on the food web in the ecosystem.
This study investigated the impact of the latest developments in big data analytics capabilities (BDAC) on firm performance. The BDAC have the power to innovate existing management practices. Nevertheless, their impact on firm performance has not been fully is not yet fully elucidated. The BDAC relates to the flexibility of infrastructure as well as the skills of management and firm's personnel. Most studies have explored the phenomena from a theoretical perspective or based on factors such as organizational characteristics. However, this study extends the flow of previous research by proposing and testing a model which examines whether organizational exploration, exploitation and market agility mediate the relationship between the BDAC and firm performance. The proposed model was tested using survey data collected from the long-term employees over 10 years in 250 companies. The results analyzed through structural equation modeling show that a strong BDAC can help improve firm performance. An organization's ability to analyze big data affects its exploration and exploitation thereby affecting market agility, and, consequently, firm performance. These results also confirm the powerful mediating role of exploration, exploitation, and market agility in improving insights into big data utilization and improving firm performance.
A non-pneumatic tire (NPT), unlike a pneumatic tire, is a tire that acts as air pressure with spokes, and has the advantage of not requiring maintenance of air pressure and the risk of puncture of the pneumatic tire. Recently, many technological advances are taking place in non-pneumatic tire (NPT) using artificial intelligence technology, and non-pneumatic tire manufacturers are actively conducting research and development. Here, in order to compare and analyze the technological competitiveness of major patent applicants, non-pneumatic tire-related patents that have been applied for Japan, the United States, China, Korea, Germany, France, and the European Union Patent Office are reviewed through the patent applications of global tire manufacturers.
This study investgates Korean water technology through the water market perspective and analyses its competitiveness. Based on the water technology classification, water technology competitiveness is analysed through the technological influence index and market dominance index which are based on the extracted water technology patents from the US, Europe, Korea, and Japan for the last decade. As a result, the Korean water technology patents were lack in influence and competitiveness in global market considering the large volume of patents. There are two most tech-influential industries in Korea; manufacturing industry consisting pipes, sterilization, disinfection, and advanced water purification equipment, and construction industry including seawater desalination and water resource development. Due to the domestic usage of the patents, the Korean water technology patents scored low in global market PFS(Patent Family Size) index compared to their CPP(Cites Per Patent) index. The study is meaningful in a way that the analysis on Korean water technology competitiveness using water technology classification system and patent analysis was conducted based on the perspective of the global water market.
Companies widely use survey to identify customer requirements, but the survey has some problems. First of all, the response is passive due to pre-designed questionnaire by companies which are the surveyor. Second, the surveyor needs to have good preliminary knowledge to improve the quality of the survey. On the other hand, text mining is an excellent way to compensate for the limitations of surveys. Recently, the importance of online review is steadily grown, and the enormous amount of text data has increased as Internet usage higher. Also, a technique to extract high-quality information from text data called Text Mining is improving. However, previous studies tend to focus on improving the accuracy of individual analytics techniques. This study proposes the methodology by combining several text mining techniques and has mainly three contributions. Firstly, able to extract information from text data without a preliminary design of the surveyor. Secondly, no need for prior knowledge to extract information. Lastly, this method provides quantitative sentiment score that can be used in decision-making.
The information products dramatically reduce the production costs of vertically differentiated products. Information products are also more likely to be affected by network externalities. Thus the proliferation of digital products is increasing the interests in network externality and vertical product differentiation. In step with this trend, the impact of network externalities on price competition in vertically differentiated markets has been continuously studied. Existing studies related to this topic have assumed that network externalities increase consumers' willingness to pay per unit quality. The results show that higher quality products are affected more by network externality. However, network externality is essentially a concept affected by the size of the consumer, not a concept associated with quality. In this work, unlike previous studies, we present a new market model that reflects the essential definition of network externality. Based on the proposed market model, we derive both simultaneous and sequential Nash equilibria and analyze them numerically. The main results obtained from the analysis can be summarized as follows. First, network externalities primarily increase the demand for low-quality products and have a secondary impact on the demand for high-quality products. Second, the larger the quality difference between products, the more profitable they are. It also has been shown that sequential pricing methods are more advantageous in terms of revenue than simultaneous pricing method.
본 연구는 국가별 화훼 및 절화 국화 소비실태를 파악하여 국내 유통 및 수출 활성화를 위한 마케팅 전략을 수립하고자 실시하였다. 설문조사업체에 의뢰하여 최근 3년간 꽃을 구입 한 경험이 있는 20대에서 60대를 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 조사 국가는 한국, 호주, 일본, 베트남이었고 각 국가별 조사 인원은 100명을 대상으로 하였다. 대부분의 조사 국가에서 꽃 소비가 활발한 연령대는 30대인 반면에 일본은 50대와 60대였다. 연간 평균 꽃 구매 횟수는, 베트남은 연 6회 이상 구입이 76%로 나타났고, 나머지 조사 국가는 연 5회 이하로 나타났다. 꽃 구입시 가장 고려하는 것은 신선도, 색, 가격이었다. 국화 꽃의 크기는 4.5~8cm가 모든 국가에서 가장 선호되었다. 국화 형태에 대해서, 베트남은 스탠다드형, 스프레이형, 혼합형의 선택 비율이 거의 유사한 반면에 나머지 국가들은 혼합형을 가장 선호했다. 스프레이형의 경우 Double의 모양이 모든 국가에서 가장 선호도가 높았다. 스탠다드형의 경우, Semi-Double, Pompon, Double의 모양이 공통적으로 높게 나타났다. 색상은 흰색, 노란색, 분홍색의 선호도가 공통적으로 높았으며, 초록색 계통의 경우 대체적으로 낮은 선호도를 보였다. 이 연구 결과가 국가별 맞춤형 품종개발과 마케팅 전략 수립의 기초자료가 될 것으로 사료된다.