본 연구는 폐경 후 비만 여성의 동물모델을 이용하여 수영운동이 비알코올성 지방간에서 염증에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 실험동물은 수영운동을 하지 않은 모의수술군(S/N), 수영운동을 하지 않은 난소절제 수술군(O/N) 및 수영운동을 실시한 난소절제 수술군(O/S)으로 구분되어 8주 동안 고지방식이 사료를 섭취하면서 사육되었다. 간 조직의 지방축적, 간 무게 및 혈청 속 AST와 ALT는 S/N에 비해 O/N 에서 증가하였으나, O/N에 비해 O/S에서는 감소하였다. S/N에 비해 O/N는 간 조직에서의 IκBα의 유전자 발현이 감소하였고 MCP-1, IL-6 및 TNF-α의 유전자 발현은 증가하였다. 그러나 O/N에 비해 O/S는 간 조직에서의 IκBα이 증가하였고 MCP-1, IL-6 및 TNF-α의 유전자 발현은 감소하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 난소절제 후 고지방식이의 섭취로 비만이 유도된 비만 쥐에서 수영운동이 비만으로 유도 된 비알코올성 지방간에서 염증을 개선함으로써 건강증진에 효과적임을 제시하였다.
본 연구는 스트렙토조토신에 의해 유도한 당뇨병, 알코올성 간 손상 실험용 랫드에서 혈액 지질 감소, 당뇨병 및 알코올성 간 손상 예방에 미치는 지장김치 추출물의 경구투여 효과를 조사하였다. 당뇨병 모델동물에서, 혈액 지질 프로파일, ALT, AST 수준은 DC (당뇨병 대조군)와 비교할 때 김치추출물 투여군에서 낮아졌으며 혈당은 DCJK (DC+지장김치 추출물 경구투여군)가 DCCK (DC+일반김치 추출물 경구투여군)에 비해 낮았다. 인슐린 수준은 NC (정상대조군), DCJK > DCCK > DC 순서로 높게 나타났다. 알코올성 간 손상 모델동물에서, 혈액 ALT, AST, 빌리루빈 농도는 AC (알코올 대조군, 일일 소주 1병 섭취군) > ACCK (AC+일반김치 추출물 경구투여군) > ACJK (AC+지장김치 추출물 경 구투여군) > NC 순서로 낮았다. 간 조직의 임상병리학적 소견은 AC에서 가장 심각한 손상을 보였으나 소주1병과 김치 추출물 특히, 지장김치 추출물 경구투여군은 일반김치 추출물 경구투여군에 비해서 회복되는 속도가 개선되었다. 결과는 당뇨병 및 알코올성 간 손상 모델동물에서 지장김치의 섭취가 혈액 지질 프로파일, 혈당, ALT, AST 수준을 낮추고 인슐린 분비능력을 개선하여 줌으로써 항당뇨 및 알코올성 간 손상 보호효과를 갖는다는 사실을 보여준다.
Alcoholic steatosis is a fundamental metabolic disorder and may precede the onset of more severe forms of alcoholic liver disease. In this study, we isolated enzymatichydrolysate from Semisulcospira libertine by alcalase hydrolysis and investigated the protective effect of Semisulcospira libertine hydrolysate on liver injury induced by alcohol in the mouse model of chronic and binge ethanol feeding (NIAAA). In an in vitro study, the hydrolysate protects HepG2 cells from ethanol toxicity. Liver damage was assessed by histopathological examination, as well as by quantitating activities of serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). After the administration of S. libertina hydrolysate, fat accumulation and infiltration of inflammatory cells in liver tissues were significantly decreased in the NIAAA mouse model. The elevated levels of serum AST, ALT, and ALP activities, along with the lipid contents of a damaged liver, were recovered in experimental mice administrated with S. libertina hydrolysate, suggesting its role in blood enzyme activation and lipid content restoration within damaged liver tissues. Moreover, treatment with S. libertine hydrolysate reduced the expression rate of cyclooxygenase (COX-2), interleukin (IL)-1β, and IL-6, which accelerate inflammation and induces tissue damage. All data showed that S. libertine hydrolysate has a preventive role against alcohol-induced liver damages by improving the activities of blood enzymes and modulating the expression of inflammation factor, suggesting S. libertine hydrolysate could be a commercially potential material for the restoration of hepatotoxicity.
β-cyclodextrin has an ability to protect compounds from oxidative reaction by collecting them within its ring-like structure. So, In harsh condition (40oC), marker compound, quercetin, was dramatically reduced in Hovenia dulcis fruit extract containing dextrin at 4 and 8 week compared to 0 week, but not that containing β-cyclodextrin. To evaluate the effects of dextrin and β-cyclodextrin on protective effect of H.dulcis fruit extract against alcohol- induced liver damage, The mice were orally injected alcohol, H. dulcis fruit extract/dextrin (HD) and H. dulcis fruit extract/β-cyclodextrin (HCD), respectively, for 7 days. The mice orally administrated with alcohol significantly enhanced the serum concentration of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and the activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in serum compared to the control group. HD and HCD significantly decreased the levels of serum ALT and AST and serum LDH activities compared to alcohol group. And also alcohol group significantly increased the level of total cholesterol compared to the control group, but HD and HCD significantly reduced it compared to the alcohol group. However, the levels of TG in blood were not significantly changed in all groups. The activities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) were significantly increased in HD and HCD group although those of aldehyde dehydrogenase showed an increasing tendency. This data suggested that HD and HCD were able to induce alcohol degradation in the liver tissues. All together, the results showed that HCD demonstrated their ability to protect liver from alcohol-induced damage on equal terms with HD.
Antioxidant activity of dropwort fermented extract (DFE) was measured according to fermentation period, and liverprotective effects were examined using Sprague-Dawley rats. Total polyphenol and flavonoid contents as well as DPPH andABTS radical scavenging activities increased up to 60~80 days and then decreased slightly. Proper fermentation time forDFE was more than 60 days and less than 80 days. Administration of alcohol to rats for 10 days at 10mL/kg/day raisedserum AST, ALT, total cholesterol, and triglyceride (TG) levels, which were then lowered by DFE and sugar liquid with thesame soluble solids. While sugar liquid increased the blood lipid profile, especially TG levels, DFE had no effect due to itsantioxidant activity. When TBARS content of the DFE group in liver tissue significantly decreased in a concentration-dependent manner compared to that of the ALH group (p<0.05). Liver damage was recovered by DFE treatment and wasconfirmed by hamatoxylin-eosin staining. These results suggest that DFE has a protective effect against alcohol-inducedhepatotoxicity in SD rats.
Background : Excess alcohol consumption can lead to alcoholic liver damage and gastritis. Korean thistle (Cirsium japonicum var. maackii) has been reported that it’s administration protective from liver from lipid accumulation and toxicity. Also, Korean dandelion (Taraxacum coreanum Nakai) has been traditionally used for treating various inflammation-related diseases including ethanol-induced gastritis. In this study, we aimed to determine whether the combination treatment of Korean thistle and Korean dandelion could regulate alcoholic liver damage and gastritis in mice.
Methods and Results : Seven-week-old mice were treated with ethanol (5 g/㎏ of body weight) by gavage every 12 h for a total of three doses to induce acute liver damage and gastritis. Ethanol extract of Korean thistle, Korean dandelion or combination was gavaged simultaneously with ethanol for three doses. The results showed that the combination treatment of Korean thistle and Korean dandelion significantly inhibited alcohol-induced increase of serum alanine transaminase and aspartate transaminase levels, liver weight, and hepatic caspase-3 expressions. Hepatic histopathological changes induced by alcohol were also remarkably improved by the combination treatment. The combination treatment inhibited alcohol-induced Morphological changes of gastritis and attenuated the expressions of pro-inflammatory protein, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase.
Conclusion : The results of our study suggest that the combination treatment of Korean thistle and dandelion may simultaneously alleviate acute alcohol-induced gastritis and liver damage.
양파추출물이 알코올성 지방간에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 흰쥐를 meal-feeding 방법으로 모든 쥐가 매일 같은 양의 식이를 공급받는 실험조건 하에서 에탄올 없이 정상식이만 섭취한 대조군, 에탄올과 정상식이와 함께 투여한 에탄올군, 양파추출물과 에탄올을 정상식이와 함께 투여한 에탄올양파추출물군으로 5마리씩 3그룹으로 나누어 사육하였다. 양파 추출물을 28일간 흰쥐에게 먹여 체중의 변화, 장기 무게 변화, 혈청 중의 glutamate oxalo