
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 171

        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study sought various ways to prevent the occurrence of waste fishing gear and promote the recovery. It is expected that the problem of waste fishing gear can be effectively solved through measures such as strengthening education and publicity, technical measures, establishment of recovery infrastructure, and provision of incentives. In particular, introduction of the waste fishing gear recovery promotion point system gives fishermen practical motivation. It can be an important means of inducing leisure and sustainable fishing activities. In addition, by inducing the participation of private companies, it is expected to promote the recovery and recycling of waste fishing ports and contribute to the protection of the marine environment and fisheries resources. The government or local government should actively review the measures suggested in this study and prepare related laws and policies. In addition, it is necessary to establish a system to induce the participation of various stakeholders and support sustainable fishing activities through public-private cooperation. Through this, we will be able to achieve carbon neutrality goals in the fishing sector in response to climate change. This study suggests an early stage plan, and in future research, it is necessary to evaluate and find and improve practical effects through pilot projects. Moreover, it is necessary to study the management of closed fishing gear and carbon neutrality practice measures at the global level by seeking international cooperation measures. Consequently, more effective and sustainable marine environment and fishery resource protection measures can be prepared.
        2024.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to estimate the trawl net width based on the design drawing and towing condition of sampling trawl used in past surveys to improve the accuracy of estimation for fishery resources. To this end, the trawl gear was modeled as a flexible structure and numerically analyzed, and the analysis results were subjected to multiple regression analysis. As a result, a model was derived to calculate the net width by the towing conditions. When the towing conditions from past surveys were input into this model, it was confirmed that the net width increased in a natural logarithmic manner with the increase in the warp length and that decreased linearly as the water depth increased at the same warp length. For verification of the model, the theoretical formula of other study and this model were compared. As a result, despite the values of the two were slightly different, the tendency of changing net width by increasing warp length was consistent each other. Therefore, it is thought that the derived model can obtain the net width according to various towing conditions and can contribute to improving the accuracy of fishery resources estimation.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In response to the global interest and efforts towards reducing plastic use and promoting resource recycling, there is a growing need to establish methods for recycling discarded fishing gear. In Korea, various technologies are being developed to recycle discarded fishing gear, but significant technical and policy challenges still remain. In particular, biodegradable gill nets require a pre-treatment process to separate biodegradable materials from other substances and to remove salt before recycling. Therefore, this study aims to develop a pre-treatment device for recycling biodegradable gill nets and to evaluate the feasibility of recycling them.
        2024.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study conducted a marine experiment to improve the fishing system using miniaturized nets for anchovy boat seine to reduce the fleet size. As a result, the miniaturized net for anchovy boat seine properly opened the entrance of the bag net using the buoyancy of the flotation for position indication and the setting force of the ground rope without operating a separate fish detecting boat by attaching a large flotation at the entrances of the inside wing net and the bag net. This also enabled an operation type where the entrance of the bag net is confirmed using a flotation for position indication from a netting boat. The time and the number of people used for net casting and net hauling in the marine experiment were average of five minutes and 25-30 minutes, respectively, and 23-30 people for the existent net, while for the miniaturized large-scale net were average of three minutes and 23-25 minutes, respectively, and 19-25 people. This indicates that the operation time was shortened, the number of fish detecting boats was reduced by one boat, and the number of people for fishing work was decreased by four or five people due to the improvement of fishing operation system according to the reduction of fishing net size. As a result of measuring the shaft horsepower during net towing, the maximum net towing horsepower was 250 HP in comparison to the maximum RPM of the engine (1,200 RPM), indicating that the legal horsepower of 250 HP is enough to conduct net towing and the competitiveness of fishing using the net for anchovy boat seine is ensured through operation cost reduction.
        2024.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        신갈호의 어류군집 특징 및 어구별 채집 효과를 밝히기 위해 2020년 8월부터 2021년 10월까지 조사를 실시하였다. 채집 어구는 호소에서 일반적으로 사용되고 있는 족대와 투망, 자망, 정치망을 사용하였다. 조사결과, 조사기간 동안 채집된 어류는 7과 18종 3,501개체, 생체량 117,670g이었다. 개체수비 우점종은 참붕어(Pseudorasbora parva, 29.9%), 아우점종은 피라미(Zacco platypus, 25.1%), 다음으로 배스(Micropterus salmoides, 19.3%), 붕어(Carassius auratus, 9.1%), 밀어(Rhinogobius brunneus, 6.1%), 블루길(Lepomis macrochirus, 4.2%) 등의 순으로 우세하였으며, 생체량비 우점종은 붕어(45.1%), 아우점종은 잉어(Cyprinus carpio, 17.4%), 그 다음으로 배스(14.3%), 피라미(7.7%), 떡붕어(C. cuvieri, 7.4%), 참붕어(3.9%) 등의 순으로 우세하였다. 출현종 중 한국고유종은 몰개(Squalidus japonicus coreanus), 점줄종개(Cobitis nalbanti), 얼록동사리(Odontobutis interrupta) 3종이었으며, 외래어종은 배스, 블루길, 떡붕어, 향어 (Cyprinus carpio nudus type) 4종으로 이중 배스와 블루길은 생태계교란 생물로 지정된 종이다. 주요종의 평균 체장과 체중을 조사한 결과, 우점종인 참붕어는 체장 60±24.1㎜, 체중 4.4±3.42g이었고, 아우점종인 피라미는 체장 82±17.6㎜, 체중 10.4±7.27g, 우세종 배스는 체장 96±25.1㎜, 체중 24.9±96.02g, 붕어는 체장 125±77.3㎜, 체중 168±336.5g이었 다. 어구별 조사결과, 족대로 채집된 어류는 3과 8종 302개체 생체량 1,269g, 투망으로 채집된 어류는 4과 11종 948개체 생체량 31,343g, 자망으로 채집된 어류는 4과 13종 682개체 생체량 69,695g, 정치망으로 채집된 어류는 7과 15종 1,569개체, 생체량 15,362g으로 나타났다. 어구별 조사결과를 요약하면, 정치망은 종수와 개체수가, 삼중자망은 생체량 이 가장 많았으며, 투망은 연안지대의 종수와 개체수를 채집하는데 강점이 있었으며, 족대는 종수와 개체수, 생체량 모두 가장 적었으나 연안지대의 저서성 소형어류를 채집하는데 강점을 보였다.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        River estuaries are dynamic and productive ecosystems with high regional biodiversity. Environmental DNA (eDNA) has become a useful approach to assessing biodiversity in aquatic ecosystems. This study was conducted to investigate fish community characteristics and species diversity in two river estuary ecosystems, the Taehwa River and Changwon Stream. We further compared conventional and eDNA metabarcoding analyses of the fish communities. The conventional survey was performed in May, July, and October 2022, while the eDNA analysis was conducted only in May. We observed various fish species with different life histories, including carp, goby, and marine fish. We also found that migratory fish, such as dace Tribolodon hakonensis, sweetfish Plecoglossus altivelis, and eel Auguilla japonica, occurred in the Taehwa River, suggesting high river connectivity. Marine fish species were predominant in the Changwon Stream, as this river is located close to the sea. The diversity indices showed that the Taehwa River generally had higher species richness, evenness, and diversity values than the Changwon Stream. A total of 9-19 species were detected in the conventional survey for the three sites, whereas 11-18 species were found from eDNA analysis. The findings indicate that the sensitivity of eDNA was similar to or higher than that of the conventional method. Our study findings suggest the efficiency and efficacy of eDNA-based fish community monitoring, although with some shortcomings in applying the genetic marker to Korean fish, including no clear-cut distinction for Korean endemic species and/or genetically closely related species groups.
        2023.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As discarded fishing gear settles or floats on the seabed, it destroys the spawning and habitat of fisheries resources that causes various safety accidents and adverse effects on the environment, such as generating microplastics and causing ship accidents. In order to solve this problem, this study is intended to present an implementation plan for establishing a fishing gear deposit system in order to use it as basic data for establishing policies for fishing gear management in Korea. In order to successfully implement the fishing gear deposit system, the deposit system must be established in the form of fishing gear completed at the production stage. It was found that the marking of the object should be easy, and that determining an appropriate deposit amount to motivate the return of waste fishing gear and establishing a convenient return procedure for returned waste fishing gear were important factors. In addition, transparent management of unreturned deposits and mandatory use of fishing gear subject to the deposit system for fishermen will be necessary. The role of a specialized organization to manage and operate all of these procedures is also very important. It is necessary to establish a new mandatory provision in the Fisheries Act to require fishermen who directly use fishing gear to use fishing gear with a deposit refund mark, and to ensure the implementation of the deposit system by linking it with the evaluation items of government policy projects. Since the main purpose of the deposit system is to collect discarded fishing gear, a support plan will be necessary in accordance with the purchase project for fishing waste salvaged by local governments in 2020.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fishing gear used in coastal fishing should be equipped with fishing buoys, indicating their locations, thus enabling their constant monitoring and detection by other ships to avoid collision. However, common fishing buoys fabricated using Styrofoam, bamboo, or PVC have short detection ranges owing to their weak radar radio wave reflection. Although research on improving the performance of radar equipment is in progress, studies on early detection of fishing gear to reduce collisions with ships sailing nearby are limited. In this study, we conducted experiments to determine methods to prevent collisions between ships and fishing gear by improving both the fishing buoy material and installation method for the reflector to increase the radar detection range of the fishing buoys.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Although the abundance of Metapenaeus joyneri resources with high commercial value was recently confirmed in the outer waters of Gomso Bay, located between Buan-gun and Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, Metapenaeus joyneri resources have not been efficiently utilized due to the absence of fishing gears and methods for a selective Metapenaeus joyneri capture. Therefore, in this study, we adopted shrimp dredge as a trial fishing gear for the Metapenaeus joyneri capture, and analyzed the species composition and cluster community structure of aquatic organisms caught by the shrimp dredge, from May to September 2021 at the coastal waters of Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do. During the experimental period, 28 types of marine species of 29,190 individuals and 250,136 g of total biomass were caught. Among them, the population of Metapenaeus joyneri, the target species, dominated by 80.7%, followed by Thrysa chefuensis with 7.1%, and Leiognathus nuchalis with 6.0%, confirming that the fishing ratio of Metapenaeus joyneri was the highest among all species.
        2022.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        매년 우리나라 연안해역에서 항해 중인 소형선박 및 소형어선과 연안에 어 로작업을 위해 설치된 시설물과의 접촉 사고가 빈번하게 발생한다. 이러한 사 고들은 주로 연안해역에 설치된 양식장, 정치망, 자망 등으로 인해 발생하며,선박 사고의 일반적인 원인으로는 항해 중인 선박에서 선원의 상무인 경계 소 홀, 침로 유지 및 선위 확인의 미충실, 항해 일반원칙과 국제해상충돌방지규칙 의 미준수 등 여러 가지가 될 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 어구손상사고와 관련된 사고의 원인을 검토하기 위해 해양안전심판원 재결서를 통해 분석하였으며, 그 결과 사고의 원인으로 경계 소홀, 설치된 어구와 적절한 거리 미확보, 항해 계 획 수립 미비 등이 사고의 원인으로 작용한 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 인적요 인으로 발생하는 사고를 줄이기 위해서는 선원의 꾸준한 안전교육이나 선박 안 전관리체제의 시스템 변경과 같은 오랜 시간과 많은 비용이 필요하다. 본 논문 에서는 어구를 조금 더 빨리 직관적으로 발견하여 인적요소를 제외한 다른 사 고요인을 제거하는 방법으로 사고 발생을 줄일 수 있는 방안을「수산업법」, 「어업면허의 관리 등에 관한 규칙」,「양식장ㆍ어장 표지시설의 설치 기준」, 「양식산업발전법」 등에서 문제점을 파악하고 개선하여 어구손상사고를 줄일 수 있는 방법을 모색해보고자 한다.
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