This study evaluated the sensory characteristics of sauerkraut prepared by adding 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5% (w/w) sea salt to cabbage. The quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) and acceptance test of sauerkraut were determined for each salt concentration, and the principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least square regression (PLSR) analysis were performed to confirm the correlation between each factor. Results of the QDA determined 14 descriptive terms; furthermore, brightness and yellowness of appearance and the sour, salty, and bitter flavors differed significantly according to the salt concentration. Results from the PCA explained 22.56% PC1 and 65.34% PC2 of the total variation obtained. Sauerkraut prepared using 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% sea salt had high brightness, moistness, sour odor, green odor, sour flavor, carbonation, hardness, chewiness, and crispness, whereas sauerkraut prepared with 2.0 and 2.5% sea salt had high yellowness, glossiness, salty flavor, sweet flavor, and bitter flavor. Hierarchical cluster analysis classified the products into two clusters: sauerkraut of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5%, and sauerkraut of 2.0 and 2.5%. Results of PLSR determined that sauerkraut of 1.0 and 1.5% were the closest to texture, taste, and overall acceptance. We, therefore, conclude that sauerkrauts prepared using 1.0 and 1.5% sea salt have excellent characteristics in appearance, taste, and texture.
This study investigated the minimum salt concentration required for achieving the optimal quality characteristics of sauerkrauts made by adding 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, and 2.5% (w/w) of sea salt to cabbage according to the fermentation period. For evaluating the quality characteristics, we measured the microorganisms (lactic acid bacteria, yeast, and coliform group), pH, total acidity, salinity, chromaticity, and hardness every 24 hours. The lactic acid bacteria were identified and analyzed, and acceptance test was carried out on the 4th day of fermentation. The results showed that the salinity of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% sauerkrauts on the 4th day of fermentation was lower than the average salinity of Baechu-Kimchi. The 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% sauerkrauts had significantly higher lactic acid bacteria than the 2.5% sample, and the coliform group was not detected after the 5th day of fermentation. Among the microbes identified, Weissella cibaria JCM 12495 was found only in domestic sauerkraut, in addition to Lactococcus lactis NCDO 604, Leuconostoc citreum JCM 9698, and Lactobacillus sakei DSM 20017. The results of the acceptance test show that 1.0 and 1.5% sea salt sauerkraut had significantly higher overall acceptance compared to the other samples. In conclusion, sauerkraut with a salt concentration of 1.0 and 1.5% (w/w) had abundant lactic acid bacteria and excellent sensory properties, suggesting that the production of low-salted sauerkraut can be adopted to reduce consumer salt intake in the future.
여름철 장강 저염수의 확장은 북부 동중국해의 환경 및 식물플랑크톤 다양성과 군집구조에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인으로 알려져 있다. 2020년 하계는 장강 저염수의 방류량이 매우 높았던 시기로 환경 특성 변화에 따라 식물플랑크톤 다양성 및 군집구조에 미치는 동력을 이해하기 위해 현장관측을 수행하였다. 2020년 8월 16일~17일 이어도호 승선조사와 2020년 8월 15일~21일 이어도 해양과학기지(IORS)에서 체 류조사를 실시하였다. 조사 정점들에서 CTD로 측정한 결과 조사 수역 남서쪽은 장강 저염수의 영향을 받아 염분이 낮고 엽록소 형광값이 높 았으며, 대마난류의 영향을 받은 남동수역은 염분이 높고 엽록소 형광값이 낮았다. 12개 정점의 표층수 시료의 엽록소 a 농도는 미소형(20~3 μm) 및 소형(> 20 μm) 식물플랑크톤의 생체량이 우점함을 나타냈으며, 대마난류수의 영향을 받은 정점에서만 초미소 식물플랑크톤(< 3 μm) 생체량이 약 50%를 차지하였다. 이러한 표층수의 식물플랑크톤 크기 분포는 영양염류 공급과 관련되어 장강 저염수의 높은 질산염 공급을 받는 정점들은 소형 식물플랑크톤의 생체량 기여율이 높았다. 형태분류 결과 미소형 및 소형 식물플랑크톤은 총 45종이며, 이들 중 우점 분 류군은 규조류인 Guinardia flaccida, Nitzschia spp.와 와편모조류인 Gonyaulax monacantha, Noctiluca scintillans, Gymnodinium spirale, Heterocapsa spp., Prorocentrum micans, Tripos furca 등이었다. 대마난류의 영향을 받으며 질산염 농도가 낮은 정점들은 광합성 초미소 진핵생물(PPE)의 개 체수와 광합성 초미소 원핵생물(PPP)인 Synechococcus의 개체수가 높았다. 질산염/인산염 비는 대부분 정점에서 인산염 제한을 받고 있음을 나타냈다. 유세포 분석 결과 Synechococcus 개체수는 난류의 영향을 받는 빈영양 수역의 정점들에서 높은 개체수를 보였다. NGS 분석 결과 PPP 중 Synechococcus는 29개의 clades가 나타났고, 이 중 한 시료에서 한 번이라도 1% 이상의 우점율을 보인 clade는 11개로 나타났다. 표층수 에선 clade II가 우점분류군이었으며 SCM 층에서 다양한 clades(I과 IV 등)가 차우점군들로 분포하였다. Prochlorococcus 속은 난류 수역에서 high light adapted 생태형이 출현하는 양상을 보였으며 북쪽 수역에선 출현하지 않았다. PPE는 총 163개의 높은 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) 다양성을 보였으며, 이 중 한 시료에서 한 번이라도 5% 이상의 우점률을 나타낸 OTU는 총 11개였다. 장강 저염수의 영향을 받는 정 점의 표층수에선 Amphidinium testudo가 우점 분류군이었으며, SCM 층에서 녹조류가 최우점하였다. 대마난류의 영향을 받는 해역에서는 다양 한 분류군의 착편모조류가 우점하였다. IORS에서의 관측 결과도 주변 정점들과 식물플랑크톤 생체량, 크기분포, 다양성에서 유사한 수준을 나타냈다. 이번 연구 결과는 장강 저염수의 영향에 따른 식물플랑크톤의 반응을 다양한 분야에서 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, IORS와 승선조사 를 비교하여 IORS 관측이 장강 저염수의 식물플랑크톤 동적 역학 모니터링에 활용할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 향후 기후변화에 따라 나타날 동중국해 하계 환경 및 생태계의 변화에 대비하여 IORS의 효과적 이용 방안 수립이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구에서는 상품성이 떨어지는 원목표고를 활용하여 전통된장의 기호성과 저장성이 향상된 저염표고된장을 개발하고, 이를 활용한 된장스프레드잼을 제조하여 품질특성을 확인하였다. 대조구로 시판된장(전통된장, 농업회사 법인 장흥식품)을 분석하였다. 염도함량은 염수 중 식염 첨가량이 낮은 저염표고된장이 시판된장보다 더 낮게 나타났으며, L(명도)값은 더 높게 나타났다. 일반성분 분석결과 조단백질, 조지방, 회분은 저염표고된장보다 시판된장에서 더 높게 나타났다. 유리당은 시판된장에서 glucose, fructose, maltose가 검출되었으며 저염표고된장에서는 arabinose와 fucose가 추가로 검출되었다. 유기산 분석결과 시판된장과 저염표고된장은 2 종만 검출되었으며, 저염표 고된장을 활용한 된장스프레드잼은 4 종의 유기산이 검출되었다. 유리아미노산 분석결과 시판된장과 저염표고된장의 주요 아미노산은 histidine, glutamic acid, arginine이었고 총 유리아미노산 함량은 시판된장(49.26 mg%)보다 저염표고된장(54.81 mg%)에서 더 높은 함량을 나타내었다. 저염표고된장을 활용한 된장스프레드잼의 총 유리아 미노산 함량은 43.01 mg%로 나타났다. Ergosterol 함량 과 β-glucan은 표고정과를 첨가한 된장스프레드잼에서 가장 높게 나타났으며, 시중된장보다 저염표고된장에서 함량이 월등하게 높게 나타났다. 따라서 본 연구의 저염표 고된장 및 된장스프레드잼은 표고의 유용성분을 함유하며, 염도가 낮은 장점이 있어 표고를 활용한 건강식품개발에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 판단되었다.
In order to study low salinity Oiji (cucumber pickled in salt) with a reduced content of sodium, which was accomplished by replacing the salt in this saliferous food, we produced Oiji using sea tangle and, then performed physicochemical and sensory evaluations. It was found that the moisture content of Oiji was decreased with increasing the amount of added sea tangle. The pH and acidity were significantly different between the samples made with sea tangle, and the pH and acidity showed no consistent tendency according to the amount of sea tangle powder added. The salinity of Oiji was the highest in the control Oiji (2.92%), and the higher the amount of sea tangle added, the lower was the salinity in the Oiji with the salt replaced by sea tangle (2.78 to 2.89%). The sodium content of Oiji was also the highest in the control Oiji (591.65 mg/ 100 g) and significantly decreased with the increasing addition of sea tangle (560.43~366.71 mg/100 g). The color value of Oiji showed a significant difference between the samples, with no consistent tendency according to the amount of added sea tangle powder. The hardness of Oiji was significantly greater in the Oiji with the salt replaced by 40% of sea tangle, with greater hardness noted as the amount of added sea tangle powder increased (217.70 g). As a result of the acceptance test of Oiji, there were significant differences between the samples in overall acceptance, appearance, and taste, showing that the Oiji with salt replaced by 30% of sea tangle was significantly highest in overall acceptance and taste. The attribute difference test showed a significant difference only for the brown color, while no significant differences were found between the samples for off-flavor, bitter taste, fermented taste, salty taste, sour taste, hardness and crispness. The above results demonstrated that when sea tangle was substituted for 30 to 40% of the salt content, the Oiji with a low content of sodium and low salinity can be produced with a high level of taste and overall preference. Therefore, this study firmly demonstrated that 30 to 40% of the salt can be replaced by sea tangle as a substitute in order to produce Oiji that has low salinity, a low sodium content.
To optimize the fermentation period of lightly salted Oiji, 3% salt was added to cucumbers that were fermented at 27±1°C for 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 days, after which their physical properties (moisture content, salinity, pH, acidity, hardness) and sensory characteristics (acceptance test, difference test) were evaluated. The moisture content was highest at day 6. Hardness slowly increased as fermentation time increased, but not significantly. The pH was highest after 3 days of fermentation, and tended to decrease as fermentation time increased, with the largest drop occurring between 4 and 5 days, and the lowest pH occurring between 6 and 7 days. Acidity was lowest after day 3 of fermentation and highest after day 7. Acidity tended to increase as fermentation period lengthened. The L-value tended to decrease as salt concentration increased. The a-value declined from day 3 to day 5, then increased significantly by day 7. The b-value was highest after 7 days, with a tendency to increase as the fermentation progressed. Acceptance test results were highest for taste and overall acceptance after 5 days of fermentation. The difference test showed that the optimal lightly salted Oiji fermentation period was approximately 5 days. These results indicate that lightly salted Oiji fermented for 5 days produced the highest acceptance.
This study investigated the sensory characteristics and antioxidative activity of the reduced salt dried bulgogi bibimbap containing AF-343, a dandelion-derived compound extract. A sample with a 30% reduced salt had a sodium amount of 659.01 mg, which was significantly lower than that of the sample before the reduction (p<0.05). The textural hardness of the SW (Standard sample with the AF-343), showed the lowest value of 1.03 N/cm2, indicating that the AF-343-containing sample could have a slightly softer texture than the non-containing sample. In the analytical sensory test, the AF-343- containing samples showed a synergistic effect on the aroma and flavor of bulgogi, with values of 5.7 and 8.4, respectively, which were significantly higher than that of the non-containing sample group (4.3 and 4.4, respectively). The hardness by the sensory test was slightly hard with values of 7.2-8.1 in all samples, indicating that textural improvement was needed. In the acceptance test, all the samples scored with slightly lower values of 4-5 points, highlighting the need for future studies to improve the sensory characteristics of dried bibimbap. The flavonoid contents of AF-343-containing SW and RW sample groups were 68.21 and 64.31 mg GAE/100 g, respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the samples without AF-343 (49.06 and 44.82 mg GAE/100 g, respectively) (p<0.05). The ABTS and DPPH radical scavenging activities were similar to those of the flavonoid contents. As a result, in the production of AF-343-containing reduced-salt dried bulgogi bibimbap, more study on the textural improvement will be needed to achieve better palatability.
The purpose of this study was to develop a technology commercialization strategy by analyzing the consumer preference for low-sodium instant noodle ramen, which has a sodium content of 1,730 mg or less. For the commercialization of such low-sodium ramen, this study examined how much consumers would pay through an analysis of consumer preference by conjoint analysis. This study surveyed 1,004 men and women in their 20 s and 50 s between the ages of 20 and 50 years in Korea using an online survey. If the price of conventional instant noodle ramen is KRW 4,000 (approximately USD 3.57) per 5 packs for one pack of 5 servings in a supermarket, this study surveyed how much more they respondents would pay if the sodium was reduced by 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0%. The study found that if sodium was reduced by 10.0, 20.0, and 30.0%, the respondents would pay as much as KRW 4,180, KRW 4,307, and KRW 4,515, respectively. The attributes of low-sodium instant noodle ramen were examined according to the degree of sodium reduction, vegetable protein ingredients, brand, where to buy and price with each level. The Marginal Willingness To Pay (MWTP) was analyzed as follows. If the sodium content of ramen soup is reduced by 1.0%, the amount that can be paid would be KRW 105.78. Respondents could pay KRW 1,673 more for famous brand ramen than an unknown brand ramen. The study results indicated that when a new product is developed and released, it can be expected to increase sales of the new product by understanding the foreseeable value that consumers could pay for and realize the technological commercialization of the technology.
This study examined the relationship between the eating out behavior of families and a low-salt management by housewives in Jeonju area. Self-administered questionnaires were collected from 420 housewives. Descriptive statistical analyses was completed using SPSS v. 19.0 and Stata 13.0. The frequency of eating out and delivered food of housewives in their 20s was significantly higher than that of the older housewives (p<0.001). The high order frequency delivered foods were chicken menu and Chinese food. The determinants of the eating out menu were children’s preference and meal time. The average scores of ‘interest on low-salt diet’, ‘attitude toward a low-salt purchasing’, and ‘praxis a low-salt diet’ were 2.70±0.95, 3.06±1.13, and 3.26±0.91, respectively. The level of a low-salt management housewives in their 20s was higher than that of the older housewives (p<0.001). Regression analysis showed that various factors (e.g. age, number of children, education level, and frequency of the eating out) correlated with the low-salt diet of subjects. For the adequate eating out behavior of families and low-salt management of housewives, information and consumer education to take family-related situations into consideration are necessary.
본 연구는 참굴(Crassostrea gigas)의 패각운동을 이용하여, 연안역에서 발생하는 저염수에 대한 조기경보가능성을 살펴보았다. 30 psu와 20 psu에서 패각운동은 각각 7.32±3.21회/hr와 7.11±3.90회/hr였으며, 파형과 횟수는 차이가 없었다(t-test, p>0.001). 하지만 10 psu와 5 psu 에서는 모든 개체가 폐각상태를 지속하였다. 수온과 염분의 복합실험결과, Group 1(수온 15 ×염분 15 psu)은 20 30 psu에서 보인 패각운 동 후(약 2 3시간), 장시간 폐각을 하였다. Group 2(수온 30 ×염분 15 psu)에서는 Group 1의 패각 개폐운동보다 더 빠르고 자주 나타나, 참 굴의 생리적인 위기상황에 대한 신호를 나타내었다. 따라서 이러한 파형은 하계 저염수 출현 시 나타낼 수 있는 조기경보 신호로 충분히 활용될 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
We investigated the antioxidant, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics of dried type sodium-reduced bibimbap using dandelion complex powder (DCP). DCP is known to add moisture to the skin and relieve symptoms of atopic dermatitis. The sodium content of the standard sample was 1,110.87 mg per serving. The sodium was significantly reduced by 30%, resulting in 762.62 mg of sodium for the reduced sodium group (p<0.05). The ash contents of the standard sample group with DCP showed the highest value (3.17%) in all samples and was affected by minerals of DCP (p<0.05). The total flavonoid contents and ABTS radical scavenging activity, indicators of antioxidant, anticancer and antibacterial activities, showed significantly high activities with addition of DCP (p<0.05). In the sensory results, bulgogi and savory flavor of the samples with DCP showed significantly higher values, and samples with DCP received the highest scores for after-taste. All samples were confirmed to be microbiologically safe according to the food code applied to food manufacturers. Pathogenic microorganisms tests were either negative or not detected in all samples.
In Western countries, kimchi, the Korean traditional fermented cabbage, is considered to be a healthy. However, it is one of the main sources of the high sodium content of the Korean diet. In order to decrease the sodium content, we manufactured a low-sodium kimchi (LK, salinity 1.0%) and 4 additional low-sodium kimchi starters in which each of 4 lactic acid bacteria (Lb. sakei 1, Lb. sakei 2, Lb. palntarum and W. koreensis) were added. The LKL1 to LKL4 samples were prepared by adding 4 single LAB starters, each with an inoculum size of 106 CFU/g, when the cabbage was mixed with kimchi sauce. The kimchi starters were fermented at 10℃ until reaching 0.5% acidity, and then stored at -1.5℃ until reaching 0.75% acidity. The pH and acidity of the starter kimchi changed more rapidly in the early phase of fermentation (up to 0.75% acidity) than control low-sodium kimchi. After the acidity of the kimchi starters reached 0.75% it remained constant. As the fermentation progressed, the total aerobic and lactic acid bacteria concentrations in the kimchi starter with added Lb. sakei 1 were the same as in the control low-sodium kimchi. The low-sodium kimchi fermentation of the kimchi starter with added Lb. palntarum progressed differently due to a difference in acid resistance. The kimchi starter with added Lb. sakei 2 had an overall liking score that was slightly higher than that of the control low-sodium kimchi due to a lower off-flavor
식염 5%를 첨가한 저염 오징어 젓갈을 10℃에서 8주간 숙성시키면서 핵산관련물질의 변화를 분석하였다. 숙성발효에 따른 정미성분의 변화를 보면, 핵산관련물질 중 ATP 및 ADP는 소실되어 검출 되지 않았으며 초기에만 AMP가 존재하고 숙성중반까지 현저히 감소한 반면에 inosine 및 hypoxanthine은 숙성중반까지 증가하였다가 다시 감소하였으며 핵산관련물질의 대부분을 차지하였다. pH는 식염농도가 낮고 숙성온도가 높을수록 숙성후반까지 계속 유의성 높게 증가하여 숙성이 촉진되었 으며 적정산도는 숙성후반까지 감소하였다. 이상의 결과처럼 저염 오징어 젓갈의 적정 발효조건을 추정 해 보면 발효온도 10℃, 식염 10%, 발효기간 5주로 추정되어 활용가치가 높다고 사료된다.